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The Effects of Different Doses of Gamma Ray and EMS on Formation of Chlorophyll Mutations in Durum Wheat Triticum durum Desf.

Year 2002, Volume: 08 Issue: 01, 15 - 21, 01.01.2002


he main target of breeding programmes has been to develop high yielding durum wheat Triticum durum Desf. cultivars. Breeding programmes aim to exploit the existing variability and to enhance genetic variation. Genetic variation may be broadened through experimental mutagenesis. An important plant breeding problem is the selection of suitable mutagenic treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of durum wheat cultivars to mutagens by detecting fertility of M ı plants and chlorophyll mutations in M2 plants. This study was carried out in Tokat-Kazova conditions in 1996 and 1997. Gediz-75 and Sofu durum wheat cultivars were used as plant material in the trial. The gamma rays obtained from Cobalt 60 60Co as physical mutagen and the EMS as chemical mutagen were used. The seeds were irradiated with 50 Gy, 100 Gy, 150 Gy and 200 Gy gamma rays or treated with 0.1 %, 0.2 %, 0.3 % and 0.4 % EMS Ethyl Methane Sulphonate . The seeds were treated with EMS at 24 °C for 8 hours without presoaked and were washed for 6 hours after treatment. Either of treated cultivars were grown separately in the trial. Besides, the treatments of gamma rays and EMS separately were "Randomized Complete Block Design" with three replications. According to the results of this research, fertility in M ı plants was lower with gamma ray application compared to EMS application. The spectrum and frequency of mutations were varied with treatments of mutagen and cultivars. The effect of mutagens markedly increased with high doses. The highest mutagenic efficiency was obtained from 0.4 % EMS dose in Gediz-75 cultivar and from 100 Gy gamma ray dose in Sofu cultivar.


  • Anonymous, 1977. Manual on Mutation Breeding, Technical Report Series No. 119, IAEA, Vienna, p. 44-45.
  • Caldecott, R.S., D.T. North, Kao Fa-ten, V.S. Hiatt and N.A. Tuleen, 1965. Forward mutations in avena and triticum polyploid series. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 753-760.
  • Çiftçi, C.Y., G. Akbay ve S. Ünver, 1988. Kunduru-1149 (Triticum durum L..) makarnal ı k bu ğday çeşidine uygulanan farkl ı EMS (ethyl methane sulphonate) dozlar ı n ı n Mİ bitkilerinin baz ı özellikleri üzerine etkileri-II, Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Y ı ll ığı , 39 (1- 2) 349- 360.
  • D'amato, F. 1965. Chimera formation in mutagen-treated seeds and diplontic selection. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 303- 316.
  • Datta, A.K. and A.K. Biswas, 1985. Induced mutagenesis in Nigella sativa L.. Cytologia, 50, 545-562.
  • Donini, B., M. Devreux and G.T. Scarascia-Mugnozza, 1974. Genetic effects of gametophyte irradiation in durum wheat. Proc. FAO/IAEA/Eucarpia Meeting, Bari, 1972, IAEA, Vienna, 127-138.
  • Düzgüneş , O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Ara şt ı rma ve Deneme Metodlar ı (İ statistiki Metodlar Il), Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nları : 1021, Ders Kitab ı : 295, Ankara.
  • Gaul, H. 1962. Ungewohnlich hohe mutations raten bei gefste nach anwendiung von aethylemethanesulphonat unda rontgenstrahlen. Naturwissensch, 49, 431.
  • Gottschalk, W. and G. Wolff, 1983. Induced Mutations In Plant Breeding. Monographs On Theoretical and Applied Genetics 7, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 10-14.
  • Gustafsson, A. 1940. The mutation system of the chlorophyll aparatus. Lunds Univeritets Araskift, n.f. Avd.2, 36 (11) 1-40.
  • Gustafsson, A. 1965. Characteristics and rates of high-productive mutants in diploid barley. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 323-337.
  • Holm, G. 1954. Chlorophyll mutations in barley. Acta Agric. Scand, 4, 457-471.
  • Hussein, H.A.S. and I.A.M. Disouki, 1976. Mutation breeding experiments in Phaseolus vulgaris (L.): I. EMS and gammaray induced seed coat colour mutant. Z. Pflanzenzüchtg. Journal of Plant Breeding, 190-199.
  • Kadagidze, M.G. 1979. Experimental mutagenesis in breeding the georgian durum wheat shaupka. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 45 (10) 731.
  • Konzak, C.F., R.A. Nilan, J. Wagner and J. Foster, 1965. Effı cient chemical mutagenesis. Radiat. Bot. 5 (suppl.), 49-70. Magri-Allegra, G. and L. Zannone, 1965. Effects of chemical and physical mutagens on forage vetch. Il. Comparison of chromosome aberration produced by ethyl methane sulphonate, ethyleneimine and X-rays. In The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, Radiat. Bot. 5 (suppl.), 215-226.
  • Minocha, J.L., R.G. Saini and J.S. Sidhu, 1979. Mutations induced by ethylmethanesulfonate in three wheat cultivars. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (1) 14.
  • Natarajan, A.T. and M.D. Upadhya, 1964. Localized chromosome breakage by EMS and HA in Vicia faba. Chromosoma 15, 156-169.
  • Nilan, R.A., C.F. Konzak, J. Wagner and R.R. Legault, 1965. Effectiveness and efficiency of radiations for inducing genetic and cytogenetic changes. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 71-89.
  • Paladi, N.I. and V.D. Siminel, 1979. A study of the second generation of irradiated wheat plants. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (10) 730.
  • Peşkircioğ lu, H. 1995. Arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.)'ya Birlikte Uygulanan EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate) ve Gama I şı nları n ı n Mİ ve M2 Bitkilerinin Baz ı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 93.s.
  • Raimkulov, K.R. and A. Maatkarimov, 1979. Variability of spring wheat after treatment with chemical mutagens. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (9) 648.
  • Sato, M. and H. Gaul, 1967. Effect of ethyl methane sulphonate on the fertility of barley. Radiat. Bot., 7, 7-15.
  • Scarascia-Mugnozza, G.T., F. D'amato, S. Avanzi, D. Bagnara, M.L. Belli, A. Bozzini, A. Brunori, T. Cervigni, M. Devreux, B. Donini, B. Giorgi, G. Martini, L.M. Monti, E. Moschini, C. Mosconi, G. Porreca and L. Rossi, 1991. Mutation breeding programme for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum Desf.) improvement In Italy. IAEA, 1, 95-109.
  • Siddiqui, K.A., G. Mustafa, M.A. Arain and K.A. Jafri, 1991. Realities and possibilities of improving cereal crops through mutation breeding. IAEA, 1, 173-185.
  • Siminel, V.D. and N.I. Paladi, 1979. Variability of M2 winter wheat varieties following the irradiation of grains with different dose of Rays. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (10) 729. Swaminathan, M.S. 1965. A Comparison of mutation induction in diploids and polyploids. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 619-641.
  • Şenay, A. 1997. Makarnal ı k Buğday'da (Triticum durum Desf.) Gama Işini ve EMS'nin Farkl ı Dozlar ı n ı n Ayrı Ayr ı ve Birlikte Uygulamas ı n ı n Mİ ve M2 Bitkilerindeki Etkileri. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi,103 s.
  • Tavil, M.V. 1986. Mutability of varieties of bread and durum wheat. Tsitologiya-i. Genetika, 20 (2) 130-134.
  • Tavcar, A. 1965. Gamma-ray irradiation of seeds of wheat barley and inbreds of maize and the formation of some useful point mutations. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 159-174.
  • Ünver, S. 1989. Arpada Uygulanan EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate) Dozlar ı , Yı kama Suyu ve Sı cakl ı k Süresinin M İ M2 Bitki Özelliklerine Etkileri. Ankara Üniv. Fen Bilimleri ve Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 132 s., Ankara.
  • Walter, R.F., L.F. Elinor and J.J. Holly, 1987. Mutation Breeding Principles of Cultivar Development, Theory and Technique. Macmillan Publishing Company A Dision of Macmillan, Inc, 287-303, New York.
  • Wellensiek, S.J. 1965. Comparison of the effects of EMS, neutrons gamma and X- rays on peas. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 227-235.
  • Yanev, S.H. 1985. Biological and genetic effect of some phsical and chemical mutagens on new durum wheat cultivars. Genetics and Breeding, 18 (5) 426-434, Sofı a.
  • Zannone, L. 1965. Effect of mutagenic agents in Vicia sativa L. comparison between effects of ethyl methane sulphonate, ethylene imine and X-rays on induction of chlorophyll mutations. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 205-213.

Makarnal ı k Buğdayda Triticum durum Desf. Gama I şini ve EMS'nin Farkl ı Dozları n ı n Klorofil Mutasyonları n ı n Oluşumu Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2002, Volume: 08 Issue: 01, 15 - 21, 01.01.2002


lslah programlar ı n ı n temel hedefi verimi yüksek makarnal ı k buğday Triticum durum Desf. çeşitlerini geliştirmektir. Islah programlar ı mevcut olan çeşitliliğ i art ı rmay ı ve genetik varyasyonu zenginle ştirmeyi amaçlar. Genetik varyasyon mutasyon yoluyla art ı r ı labilir. Bitki ı slah ı n ı n önemli bir sorunu uygun mutagenik muamelenin seçimidir. Bu çal ışman ı n amac ı , makarnal ı k buğday çeş itlerinin mutagenlere duyarl ı l ığı n ı Mı bitkilerinin fertilitesi ve M2 bitkilerinde klorofil mutasyonlar ı n ı belirleyerek saptamakt ı r. Bu çal ışma 1996 ve 1997 y ı llar ı nda Tokat-Kazova şartları nda yürütülmüştür. Araşt ı rmada bitki materyali olarak Gediz-75 ve Sofu makarnal ı k buğday çeş itleri kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Kobalt 60 6°Co kaynağı ndan elde edilen gama i şini tohumlar ı fiziksel mutagen ve EMS kimyasal mutagen olarak uygulanm ışt ı r. EMS uygulamas ı ön ı slatma yap ı lmadan 8 saat oda s ı cakl ığı nda yap ı lm ış ve uygulama süresi sonunda tohumlar 6 saat süreyle y ı kanm ışt ı r. Tohumlar 50 Gy, 100 Gy, 150 Gy ve 200 Gy gama ışı n ı ile ışı nlanm ış ve % 0.1, % 0.2, % 0.3, % 0.4 EMS ile muamele edilmi ştir. Mutagenlerin uyguland ığı çeşitler ayr ı ayrı denemeye al ı nm ışt ı r. Ayr ı ca, gama i şini ve EMS uygulamaları birbirinden ayr ı olarak "Tesadüf Bloklar ı Deneme Deseni"nde 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmu ştur. Araşt ı rma sonuçlar ı na göre, MIbitkilerinin fertilitesi EMS uygulamas ı yla karşı laşt ı r ı ld ığı zaman gamma i şini uygulamas ı nda daha düşük ç ı km ışt ı r. Mutasyon spektrumu ve frekans ı muamelerle ve çeşitlere bağl ı olarak değ işmiştir. Mutagenlerin etkileri yüksek dozlarda belirgin bir şekilde artm ışt ı r. En yüksek mutagenik verim Gediz-75 çe şidinde % 0.4 EMS dozundan, Sofu çe şidinde ise 100 Gy gama ışı n' dozundan elde edilmi ştir.


  • Anonymous, 1977. Manual on Mutation Breeding, Technical Report Series No. 119, IAEA, Vienna, p. 44-45.
  • Caldecott, R.S., D.T. North, Kao Fa-ten, V.S. Hiatt and N.A. Tuleen, 1965. Forward mutations in avena and triticum polyploid series. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 753-760.
  • Çiftçi, C.Y., G. Akbay ve S. Ünver, 1988. Kunduru-1149 (Triticum durum L..) makarnal ı k bu ğday çeşidine uygulanan farkl ı EMS (ethyl methane sulphonate) dozlar ı n ı n Mİ bitkilerinin baz ı özellikleri üzerine etkileri-II, Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Y ı ll ığı , 39 (1- 2) 349- 360.
  • D'amato, F. 1965. Chimera formation in mutagen-treated seeds and diplontic selection. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 303- 316.
  • Datta, A.K. and A.K. Biswas, 1985. Induced mutagenesis in Nigella sativa L.. Cytologia, 50, 545-562.
  • Donini, B., M. Devreux and G.T. Scarascia-Mugnozza, 1974. Genetic effects of gametophyte irradiation in durum wheat. Proc. FAO/IAEA/Eucarpia Meeting, Bari, 1972, IAEA, Vienna, 127-138.
  • Düzgüneş , O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Ara şt ı rma ve Deneme Metodlar ı (İ statistiki Metodlar Il), Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nları : 1021, Ders Kitab ı : 295, Ankara.
  • Gaul, H. 1962. Ungewohnlich hohe mutations raten bei gefste nach anwendiung von aethylemethanesulphonat unda rontgenstrahlen. Naturwissensch, 49, 431.
  • Gottschalk, W. and G. Wolff, 1983. Induced Mutations In Plant Breeding. Monographs On Theoretical and Applied Genetics 7, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 10-14.
  • Gustafsson, A. 1940. The mutation system of the chlorophyll aparatus. Lunds Univeritets Araskift, n.f. Avd.2, 36 (11) 1-40.
  • Gustafsson, A. 1965. Characteristics and rates of high-productive mutants in diploid barley. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 323-337.
  • Holm, G. 1954. Chlorophyll mutations in barley. Acta Agric. Scand, 4, 457-471.
  • Hussein, H.A.S. and I.A.M. Disouki, 1976. Mutation breeding experiments in Phaseolus vulgaris (L.): I. EMS and gammaray induced seed coat colour mutant. Z. Pflanzenzüchtg. Journal of Plant Breeding, 190-199.
  • Kadagidze, M.G. 1979. Experimental mutagenesis in breeding the georgian durum wheat shaupka. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 45 (10) 731.
  • Konzak, C.F., R.A. Nilan, J. Wagner and J. Foster, 1965. Effı cient chemical mutagenesis. Radiat. Bot. 5 (suppl.), 49-70. Magri-Allegra, G. and L. Zannone, 1965. Effects of chemical and physical mutagens on forage vetch. Il. Comparison of chromosome aberration produced by ethyl methane sulphonate, ethyleneimine and X-rays. In The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, Radiat. Bot. 5 (suppl.), 215-226.
  • Minocha, J.L., R.G. Saini and J.S. Sidhu, 1979. Mutations induced by ethylmethanesulfonate in three wheat cultivars. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (1) 14.
  • Natarajan, A.T. and M.D. Upadhya, 1964. Localized chromosome breakage by EMS and HA in Vicia faba. Chromosoma 15, 156-169.
  • Nilan, R.A., C.F. Konzak, J. Wagner and R.R. Legault, 1965. Effectiveness and efficiency of radiations for inducing genetic and cytogenetic changes. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 71-89.
  • Paladi, N.I. and V.D. Siminel, 1979. A study of the second generation of irradiated wheat plants. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (10) 730.
  • Peşkircioğ lu, H. 1995. Arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.)'ya Birlikte Uygulanan EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate) ve Gama I şı nları n ı n Mİ ve M2 Bitkilerinin Baz ı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 93.s.
  • Raimkulov, K.R. and A. Maatkarimov, 1979. Variability of spring wheat after treatment with chemical mutagens. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (9) 648.
  • Sato, M. and H. Gaul, 1967. Effect of ethyl methane sulphonate on the fertility of barley. Radiat. Bot., 7, 7-15.
  • Scarascia-Mugnozza, G.T., F. D'amato, S. Avanzi, D. Bagnara, M.L. Belli, A. Bozzini, A. Brunori, T. Cervigni, M. Devreux, B. Donini, B. Giorgi, G. Martini, L.M. Monti, E. Moschini, C. Mosconi, G. Porreca and L. Rossi, 1991. Mutation breeding programme for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum Desf.) improvement In Italy. IAEA, 1, 95-109.
  • Siddiqui, K.A., G. Mustafa, M.A. Arain and K.A. Jafri, 1991. Realities and possibilities of improving cereal crops through mutation breeding. IAEA, 1, 173-185.
  • Siminel, V.D. and N.I. Paladi, 1979. Variability of M2 winter wheat varieties following the irradiation of grains with different dose of Rays. Plant Breeding Abstracts, 49 (10) 729. Swaminathan, M.S. 1965. A Comparison of mutation induction in diploids and polyploids. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 619-641.
  • Şenay, A. 1997. Makarnal ı k Buğday'da (Triticum durum Desf.) Gama Işini ve EMS'nin Farkl ı Dozlar ı n ı n Ayrı Ayr ı ve Birlikte Uygulamas ı n ı n Mİ ve M2 Bitkilerindeki Etkileri. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi,103 s.
  • Tavil, M.V. 1986. Mutability of varieties of bread and durum wheat. Tsitologiya-i. Genetika, 20 (2) 130-134.
  • Tavcar, A. 1965. Gamma-ray irradiation of seeds of wheat barley and inbreds of maize and the formation of some useful point mutations. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 159-174.
  • Ünver, S. 1989. Arpada Uygulanan EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate) Dozlar ı , Yı kama Suyu ve Sı cakl ı k Süresinin M İ M2 Bitki Özelliklerine Etkileri. Ankara Üniv. Fen Bilimleri ve Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 132 s., Ankara.
  • Walter, R.F., L.F. Elinor and J.J. Holly, 1987. Mutation Breeding Principles of Cultivar Development, Theory and Technique. Macmillan Publishing Company A Dision of Macmillan, Inc, 287-303, New York.
  • Wellensiek, S.J. 1965. Comparison of the effects of EMS, neutrons gamma and X- rays on peas. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 227-235.
  • Yanev, S.H. 1985. Biological and genetic effect of some phsical and chemical mutagens on new durum wheat cultivars. Genetics and Breeding, 18 (5) 426-434, Sofı a.
  • Zannone, L. 1965. Effect of mutagenic agents in Vicia sativa L. comparison between effects of ethyl methane sulphonate, ethylene imine and X-rays on induction of chlorophyll mutations. Supplement to Radiation Botany, 5, 205-213.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Ali Sakın This is me

Özer Sencar This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 08 Issue: 01


APA Sakın, M. A., & Sencar, Ö. (2002). Makarnal ı k Buğdayda Triticum durum Desf. Gama I şini ve EMS’nin Farkl ı Dozları n ı n Klorofil Mutasyonları n ı n Oluşumu Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 08(01), 15-21.

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