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Fosfor Eksikliğine Dayanıklı Mısır Zea mays L. Genotiplerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 03, 144 - 148, 01.08.2000


Yaray ışh fosforun düşük olduğu topraklarda yeti şen çeşitlerin geliştirilmesi için önerrı li strateji düşük fosfor stres' koşulları nda fosfor eksikliğine toleransl ı çeşitlerin seçilmesidir. Bu çal ışmada Furio, Riogrande, Sele, DK 743, Helix, Missouri, Betor ve Poker m ı sı r çeşitlerinin fosfora etkinlikleri ara şt ı r ı lmıştı r. Deneme sera koşullar ı nda yürütülmüştür. Fosfor topra ğa O, 50 ve 100 mg kg-1 seviyelerinde KH2PO4' den uygulanm ışt ı r. Deneme sonunda bitkilerin yaş ve kuru ağı rl ı kları ile bitkilerin P konsantrasyonlar ı ve içerikleri belirlenmi ştir. Bitkilerin yaş ve kuru a ğırl ı klar ı ile bitkilerin fosfor konsantrasyonlar ı ve P içerikleri aras ı ndaki ilişkilerden yararlan ı larak mı sı r çeşitlerinin fosfor etkinlikleri ortaya konulmu ştur. Deneme sonuçlar ı na göre Furio, Sele, DK 743, Helix ve Missouri çe şitleri düşük fosfora toleransl ı olarak seçilmişlerdir.


  • Allsopp, N., W. D. Stock, 1992. Mycorrhizas, seed size and seedlings establishment in a low nutrient environment.ln: Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems (D.J. Read, D.H. Lewis, A.H. Fitter and I.J. Alexander, eds.), CAB Int, Wallingford, UK. pp. 59-61.
  • Alpaslan, M., A. Güne ş , A. İ nal, 1998. Deneme Tekni ği. A. O. Ziraat Fakültesi yay ı nları . Yay ı n no: 1501. Ders Kitab ı : 455. Ankara.
  • Cooper, P. J. M., P. J. Gregory, D. Tully, H. C. Harris, 1987. Improving water use efficiency of annual crops in the rainfed farming systems of west Asia and nort Africa. Experimental Agriculture 23: 113-158.1987.
  • Dinkelaker, B., V. Römheld, H. Marschner, 1989. Citric acid excretion and precipitation of calcium citrate in the rhizosphere of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Plant Cell Environ. 12: 285-292.
  • Eyüpoğlu, F. 1999. Türkiye Topraklar ı n ı n Verimlilik Durumu. T.C. Başbakanl ı k Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü ğ ü Toprak ve Gübre Ara şt ı rma Enstitüsü Müdürlü ğ ü Yay ı nlar ı (Bask ı da). Fageria, N. K., R. J. Wright, V. C. Baligar, 1988. Rice cultivar evaluation for phosphorus efficiency. Plant Soil 111: 105- 109.
  • Gabeiman, W. H., G. C. Gerloff, 1983. The search for and interpretation of genetic controls that enhance plant growth under defı ciency levels of a macro-nutrient. Plant Soil 72: 335-350.
  • Gardner, W. K., D. A. Barber, D. G. Parbery, 1983. The acquisition of phosphorus by Lupinus albus L. III. The probable mechanism by which phosphorus movement in the soil-root interface is enhanced. Plant Soil 70: 107-124.
  • George, E. 1993. Growth and phosphate efficiency of grain legumes and barley under dryland conditions in nortwest Syria. Verlag Ulrich E. Grauer Wendlingen.
  • Graham, R. D. 1984. Breeding for nutritional characteristics in cereals. Adv. Plant Nutr. 1: 57-102.
  • Hibberd, D. E., J. Standley, P. S. Want, D. G. Mayer, 1991. Responses to nitrogen, phosphorus and irrigation by grain sorghum on cracking clay soil in central Queensland. Journal of Experimental Agriculture 31: 525-534.
  • Hoffland, E., R. van de Boogaard, J, A. Nelemans, G. R. Findenegg, 1992. Biosynthesis and root exudation of citric and malic acid in phosphate-starved rape plants. New Phytol. 122: 675-680.
  • Kacar, B., H. Samet, 1996. Türkiye'de planl ı dönemde kimyasal gübre üretimi ve tüketimi. Tr. J. Agr. Forestry 20: 41-47.
  • Kitson, R. E., M. G. Mellon, 1944. Colorimetric determination of phosphorus as molybdo-vanadophosphoric acid. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. 16: 379-383.
  • Matar, A., J. Torrent, J. Ryan, 1992. Soil and fertilizer phosphorus and crop responses in the dryland Mediterranean zone. Advences in Soil Science 18: 81-146.
  • Moorby, H., P. H. Nye, R. E. White, 1985. The influence of phosphate nutrition on H ion effiux by young rape root. Plant Soil 84: 403-413.
  • Narayanan, A., N. P. Saxena, A. R. Sheldrake, 1981. Cultivar differences in seed size and seedling growth of pigeonpea and chickpea. indian J. Agric. Sci. 51: 389-393.
  • Pugnaire, F. I., F. S. Chapin, 1992. Environmental and physiological factors governing nutrient resorption efficiency in barley. Oecologia 90: 120-126.

Determination of Phosphorus Deficiency Resistant Maize Zea mays L. Genotypes

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 03, 144 - 148, 01.08.2000


Genotype screening and selection for tolerance to low-phosphorus stress conditions is an important strategy for the development of cultivars growing on soils low in available P. In this study, phosphorus efficiency of maize cultivars, Furio, Riogrande, Sele, DK 743, Helix, Missouri, Betor, and Poker was investigated. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions. Phosphorus was applied to the soil O, 50, and 100 mg kg-1 levels as KH2PO4. Fresh and dry weights and P concentration and P uptake of plants were determined at the end of experiment. P-efficiency was determined from the relationship between fresh and dry weights and P concetration and P uptake rate parameters of the cultivars. According to experiment results the genotypes Furio, Sele, DK 743, Helix and Missouri were selected as tolerant to tow-P.


  • Allsopp, N., W. D. Stock, 1992. Mycorrhizas, seed size and seedlings establishment in a low nutrient environment.ln: Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems (D.J. Read, D.H. Lewis, A.H. Fitter and I.J. Alexander, eds.), CAB Int, Wallingford, UK. pp. 59-61.
  • Alpaslan, M., A. Güne ş , A. İ nal, 1998. Deneme Tekni ği. A. O. Ziraat Fakültesi yay ı nları . Yay ı n no: 1501. Ders Kitab ı : 455. Ankara.
  • Cooper, P. J. M., P. J. Gregory, D. Tully, H. C. Harris, 1987. Improving water use efficiency of annual crops in the rainfed farming systems of west Asia and nort Africa. Experimental Agriculture 23: 113-158.1987.
  • Dinkelaker, B., V. Römheld, H. Marschner, 1989. Citric acid excretion and precipitation of calcium citrate in the rhizosphere of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Plant Cell Environ. 12: 285-292.
  • Eyüpoğlu, F. 1999. Türkiye Topraklar ı n ı n Verimlilik Durumu. T.C. Başbakanl ı k Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü ğ ü Toprak ve Gübre Ara şt ı rma Enstitüsü Müdürlü ğ ü Yay ı nlar ı (Bask ı da). Fageria, N. K., R. J. Wright, V. C. Baligar, 1988. Rice cultivar evaluation for phosphorus efficiency. Plant Soil 111: 105- 109.
  • Gabeiman, W. H., G. C. Gerloff, 1983. The search for and interpretation of genetic controls that enhance plant growth under defı ciency levels of a macro-nutrient. Plant Soil 72: 335-350.
  • Gardner, W. K., D. A. Barber, D. G. Parbery, 1983. The acquisition of phosphorus by Lupinus albus L. III. The probable mechanism by which phosphorus movement in the soil-root interface is enhanced. Plant Soil 70: 107-124.
  • George, E. 1993. Growth and phosphate efficiency of grain legumes and barley under dryland conditions in nortwest Syria. Verlag Ulrich E. Grauer Wendlingen.
  • Graham, R. D. 1984. Breeding for nutritional characteristics in cereals. Adv. Plant Nutr. 1: 57-102.
  • Hibberd, D. E., J. Standley, P. S. Want, D. G. Mayer, 1991. Responses to nitrogen, phosphorus and irrigation by grain sorghum on cracking clay soil in central Queensland. Journal of Experimental Agriculture 31: 525-534.
  • Hoffland, E., R. van de Boogaard, J, A. Nelemans, G. R. Findenegg, 1992. Biosynthesis and root exudation of citric and malic acid in phosphate-starved rape plants. New Phytol. 122: 675-680.
  • Kacar, B., H. Samet, 1996. Türkiye'de planl ı dönemde kimyasal gübre üretimi ve tüketimi. Tr. J. Agr. Forestry 20: 41-47.
  • Kitson, R. E., M. G. Mellon, 1944. Colorimetric determination of phosphorus as molybdo-vanadophosphoric acid. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. 16: 379-383.
  • Matar, A., J. Torrent, J. Ryan, 1992. Soil and fertilizer phosphorus and crop responses in the dryland Mediterranean zone. Advences in Soil Science 18: 81-146.
  • Moorby, H., P. H. Nye, R. E. White, 1985. The influence of phosphate nutrition on H ion effiux by young rape root. Plant Soil 84: 403-413.
  • Narayanan, A., N. P. Saxena, A. R. Sheldrake, 1981. Cultivar differences in seed size and seedling growth of pigeonpea and chickpea. indian J. Agric. Sci. 51: 389-393.
  • Pugnaire, F. I., F. S. Chapin, 1992. Environmental and physiological factors governing nutrient resorption efficiency in barley. Oecologia 90: 120-126.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Aydın Güneş This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2000
Submission Date August 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 06 Issue: 03


APA Güneş, A. (2000). Fosfor Eksikliğine Dayanıklı Mısır Zea mays L. Genotiplerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(03), 144-148.

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