Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 326 - 341, 25.04.2022



  • Afzal F, Chaudhari S K, Gul A, Farooq A, Ali H, Nisar S, Sarfraz B, Shehzadi, K J & Mujeeb-Kazi A (2015). Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under biotic and abiotic stresses: An overview. In Hakeem K R (Eds), Crop Production and Global Environmental Issues, Springer, pp. 293-317.
  • Akar T, Caliskan M, Nicol, J M, Uranbey S, Sahin E, Yazar S, William M, & Braun H J (2009). Molecular characterization of Cereal Cyst Nematode diagnostic markers Cre1 and Cre3 in some winter wheat germplasm and their potential use against Heterodera filipjevi. Field Crops Research 114(2), pp. 320-323.
  • Asseng S, Ewert F, Martre P, Rötter R P, Lobell D B, Cammarano D, Kimball B A, Ottman M J, Wall G W, White J W & Reynolds M P (2015). Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature climate change 5(2), pp.143.
  • Bakker E, Dees R, Bakker J, & Goverse A (2006). Mechanisms involved in plant resistance to nematodes. In Tuzun, S. & Bent, E. (Eds), Multigenic and induced systemic resistance in plants, Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 314-334.
  • Blok V C, Tylka G L, Smiley R W, de Jong W S, & Daub M (2018) Resistance Breeding. In Perry R N, Moens M & Jones J T (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 179.
  • Bridge J & Starr J (2007). Plant nematodes of agricultural importance: a color handbook. Elsevier.
  • Brown J A M & Ellis S E (1976). Breeding for resistance to cereal cyst nematode in wheat. Euphytica 25(1), pp.73-82.
  • Cui L, Qiu D, Sun L, Sun Y, Ren Y, Zhang H, Li J, Zou J, Wu P, Hu J & Xie J (2020). Resistance to Heterodera filipjevi and H. avenae in Winter Wheat is Conferred by Different QTL. Phytopathology 110(2), pp.472-482.
  • Dababat A A (2019). Resistance and tolerance reactions of winter wheat lines to Heterodera filipjevi in Turkey. Journal of nematology 51.
  • Dababat A A, Erginbas-Orakci G, Toumi F, Braun H J, Morgounov A I & Sikora R A (2018). IPM to control soil-borne pests on wheat and sustainable food production. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 36(1), pp.37-44.
  • Dababat A A & Fourie H (2018). Nematode parasites of cereals In Sikora R A, Coyne D, Hallmann, J & Timper P (Eds), Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, CABI, pp.163-221.
  • Dababat, A A, Ferney G B H, Erginbas-Orakci G, Dreisigacker S, Imren M, Toktay H, Elekcioglu H I, Mekete T, Nicol J M, Ansari O & Ogbonnaya F (2016). Association analysis of resistance to cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera avenae) and root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) in CIMMYT advanced spring wheat lines for semi-arid conditions. Breeding Science pp.15158.
  • Dababat A A, Imren M, Erginbas-Orakci G, Ashrafi S, Yavuzaslanoglu E, Toktay H, Pariyar S R, Elekcioglu H I, Morgounov A & Mekete T (2015). The importance and management strategies of cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., in Turkey. Euphytica 202(2), pp.173-188.
  • Dababat A A, Pariyar S R, Nicol J M, Erginbas-Orakci G, Goll M, Watrin C, Duveiller E, Braun H J, Cabrera J A & Sikora R A (2014). Influence of thiabendazole seed treatment on the integrated control of Heterodera filipjevi on six wheat genotypes with different levels of genetic resistance under controlled conditions. Nematropica, 44(1), pp.25-30.
  • De Fraiture C, Giordano M & Yongsong L (2007). Biofuels: implications for agricultural water use. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute.
  • Droogers P & Aerts J (2005). Adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability: a comparative study between seven contrasting river basins. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 30(6-7), pp.339-346.
  • FAOSTAT (2020), Crops. Retrieved in March, 10, 2020 from,.
  • Goverse A & Smant G (2018). Mechanisms of Resistance to Cyst Nematodes. In Perry, R.N., Moens, M. and Jones, J.T. (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp.154
  • Hajihasani A, Maafi Z T, Nicol J, & Rezaee S (2010). Effect of the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera filipjevi, on wheat in microplot trials. Nematology 12(3), pp.357-363.
  • Handoo Z A (1998). Plant-parasitic nematodes. USDA, ARS, Nematology Laboratory.
  • Handoo Z A (2002). A key and compendium to species of the Heterodera avenae group (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Journal of Nematology 34(3), p.250.
  • Imren M, Waeyenberge L, Viaene N, Toktay H, Dababat A & Elekçİoğlu İ H (2012). Molecular characterization of cereal cyst nematodes from the South Anatolian Region in Turkey using ITS-rDNA sequences. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 36(4), pp.491-499.
  • Imren M, Yildiz Ş, Çiftçi V & Dababat A (2019). Effect of cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi on wheat yields in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry pp.43.
  • Karimipour F H, Pourjam E, Tanha M Z & Safaie N (2018). Assessment of yield loss of wheat cultivars caused by Heterodera filipjevi under field conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 166(5), pp.299-304.
  • Kimber G & Feldman M (1987). Wild wheat. An introduction. CABI (353).
  • Lawlor D W & Cornic G (2002). Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant, cell & environment 25(2), pp.275-294.
  • Lichtenthaler H K (1996). Vegetation stress: an introduction to the stress concept in plants. Journal of plant physiology 148(1-2), pp.4-14.
  • McCarter J P (2009). Molecular approaches toward resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes. In Berg R H & Taylor C G (Eds), Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism, Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin, Heidelberg, 239–267.
  • Moens M, Perry R N & Jones J T (2018). Cyst Nematodes Life Cycle and Economic Importance. In Perry R N, Moens M & Jones J T (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp.1-26.
  • Nicol J M & Rivoal R (2008). Global knowledge and its applications for the integrated control and management of nematodes on wheat. In Ciancio A & Mukerji K G (Eds), Integrated management and biocontrol of vegetable and grain crops nematodes (Vol. 2), Springer, Netherlands.
  • Nicol J M, Bolat N, Sahin E, Tulek A, Yildirim A F, Yorgancilar A, Kaplan A & Braun HJ (2006). The cereal cyst nematode is causing economic damage on rainfed wheat production systems of Turkey. Phytopathology Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. S169-S169, 3340
  • Nicol J M, Turner S J, Coyne D L, Den N L, Hockland S & Maafi Z T (2011). Current nematode threats to world agriculture. In Jones J, Gheysen G & Fenoll C (Eds) Genomics and molecular genetics of plant-nematode interactions, (pp. 21-43). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Pariyar S R, Dababat A A, Sannemann W, Erginbas-Orakci G, Elashry A, Siddique S, Morgounov A, Leon J & Grundler F M (2016a). Genome-wide association study in wheat identifies resistance to the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi. Phytopathology, 106(10), pp.1128-1138.
  • Pariyar S R, Dababat A A, Siddique S, Erginbas-Orakci G, Elashry A, Morgounov A & Grundler F M (2016b). Identification and characterisation of resistance to the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi in winter wheat. Nematology 18(4), pp.377-402.
  • Parry M L, Rosenzweig C, Iglesias A, Livermore M & Fischer G (2004). Effects of climate change on global food production under SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios. Global environmental change 14(1), pp.53-67.
  • Rivoal R & Cook R (1993). Plant parasitic nematodes in temperate agriculture. In Evans K & Trudgill D L (Eds), No. 632.6513 E9.
  • Siddiqi M R (2000). Tylenchida: parasites of plants and insects. CABI.
  • Smiley R W & Nicol J M (2009). Nematodes which challenge global wheat production. Wheat science and trade pp.171-187.
  • Subbotin S A & Baldwin J (2010). Systematics of Cyst Nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderinae), Part B. In Systematics of Cyst Nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderinae), Part B. Brill.
  • Toktay H, Yavuzaslanoğlu E, İmren M, Nicol J, Elekcioğlu İ H & Dababat A (2012). Screening for resistance to Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov) Stelter (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) and Pratylenchus thornei (Sher & Allen) (Tylenchida: Pratylenchidae) sister lines of spring wheat. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi.
  • Trethowan R M & Mujeeb-Kazi A (2008). Novel germplasm resources for improving environmental stress tolerance of hexaploid wheat. Crop Science 48(4), pp.1255-1265.
  • Webster J M (1987). Introduction. In Brown R H, Kerry B R (Eds) Principles and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops. Academic Press: Melbourne, pp 1–12.
  • Vaish S (2017). Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases, In Singh D P (Eds). Apple Academic Press, Canada.
  • Williamson V M & Kumar A (2006). Nematode resistance in plants: the battle underground. Trends in Genetics 22(7), pp.396-403.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu E, Elekcioglu I H, Nicol J M & Sheedy J G (2016). Resistance of Iranian landrace wheat to the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. Australasian Plant Pathology 45(4), pp.411-414.
  • Zhao C, Liu B, Piao S, Wang X, Lobell D B, Huang Y, Huang M, Yao Y, Bassu S, Ciais P & Durand J L (2017). Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(35), pp.9326-9331.
  • Zhai X G, Zhao T, Liu Y H, Long H, Deng G B, Pan Z F & Yu M Q (2008). Characterization and expression profiling of a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene analog in wheat. Molecular biology 42(6), pp.960-965.
  • Zhang J, Yuan H, Zhang R, Xing X, Niu J, Li H & Chen P (2012). Analysis of resistance to Heterodera filipjevi in Triticum aestivum-Dasypyrum villosum germplasm. Acta Agronomica Sinica 38(11), pp.1969-1976.

Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi

Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 326 - 341, 25.04.2022


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is extremely affected by several abiotic and biotic stress factors. Drought and/or heat alongside the parasitism of cereal cyst nematodes of the Heterodera genera can have a combined destructive impact on wheat. Solely, the cereal cyst nematode species Heterodera filipjevi can cause wheat yield losses of up to 50%. Several control measures have been implemented, yet the most economical and convenient control strategy is the use of resistant hosts. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the resistant response of 257 spring wheat lines obtained from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre to Heterodera filipjevi that might contain novel sources of resistance and be added as genetic resources for future breeding programs. Also, provide a base for future research to understand the relationship between nematode resistances and drought and heat tolerance. The results indicated that 11 wheat lines (4%) and 36 wheat lines (14%) were resistant and moderately resistant, respectively. High frequency of susceptible and highly susceptible lines and low frequency of resistant lines within this set was also recorded. The linear regression analysis between the number of cysts formed and the resistance response grouping showed a strong, positive, linear correlation. Log-linear regression analysis showed that there is a weak positive correlation between the yield of heat tolerant wheat lines and their resistance to the cyst nematodes as these lines showed tolerance, while there was a weak negative correlation of formed cyst nematodes on the yield of drought tolerant lines. This study was able to add new genetic sources of resistance to Heterodera filipjevi for upcoming breeding programs.


  • Afzal F, Chaudhari S K, Gul A, Farooq A, Ali H, Nisar S, Sarfraz B, Shehzadi, K J & Mujeeb-Kazi A (2015). Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under biotic and abiotic stresses: An overview. In Hakeem K R (Eds), Crop Production and Global Environmental Issues, Springer, pp. 293-317.
  • Akar T, Caliskan M, Nicol, J M, Uranbey S, Sahin E, Yazar S, William M, & Braun H J (2009). Molecular characterization of Cereal Cyst Nematode diagnostic markers Cre1 and Cre3 in some winter wheat germplasm and their potential use against Heterodera filipjevi. Field Crops Research 114(2), pp. 320-323.
  • Asseng S, Ewert F, Martre P, Rötter R P, Lobell D B, Cammarano D, Kimball B A, Ottman M J, Wall G W, White J W & Reynolds M P (2015). Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature climate change 5(2), pp.143.
  • Bakker E, Dees R, Bakker J, & Goverse A (2006). Mechanisms involved in plant resistance to nematodes. In Tuzun, S. & Bent, E. (Eds), Multigenic and induced systemic resistance in plants, Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 314-334.
  • Blok V C, Tylka G L, Smiley R W, de Jong W S, & Daub M (2018) Resistance Breeding. In Perry R N, Moens M & Jones J T (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 179.
  • Bridge J & Starr J (2007). Plant nematodes of agricultural importance: a color handbook. Elsevier.
  • Brown J A M & Ellis S E (1976). Breeding for resistance to cereal cyst nematode in wheat. Euphytica 25(1), pp.73-82.
  • Cui L, Qiu D, Sun L, Sun Y, Ren Y, Zhang H, Li J, Zou J, Wu P, Hu J & Xie J (2020). Resistance to Heterodera filipjevi and H. avenae in Winter Wheat is Conferred by Different QTL. Phytopathology 110(2), pp.472-482.
  • Dababat A A (2019). Resistance and tolerance reactions of winter wheat lines to Heterodera filipjevi in Turkey. Journal of nematology 51.
  • Dababat A A, Erginbas-Orakci G, Toumi F, Braun H J, Morgounov A I & Sikora R A (2018). IPM to control soil-borne pests on wheat and sustainable food production. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 36(1), pp.37-44.
  • Dababat A A & Fourie H (2018). Nematode parasites of cereals In Sikora R A, Coyne D, Hallmann, J & Timper P (Eds), Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, CABI, pp.163-221.
  • Dababat, A A, Ferney G B H, Erginbas-Orakci G, Dreisigacker S, Imren M, Toktay H, Elekcioglu H I, Mekete T, Nicol J M, Ansari O & Ogbonnaya F (2016). Association analysis of resistance to cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera avenae) and root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) in CIMMYT advanced spring wheat lines for semi-arid conditions. Breeding Science pp.15158.
  • Dababat A A, Imren M, Erginbas-Orakci G, Ashrafi S, Yavuzaslanoglu E, Toktay H, Pariyar S R, Elekcioglu H I, Morgounov A & Mekete T (2015). The importance and management strategies of cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., in Turkey. Euphytica 202(2), pp.173-188.
  • Dababat A A, Pariyar S R, Nicol J M, Erginbas-Orakci G, Goll M, Watrin C, Duveiller E, Braun H J, Cabrera J A & Sikora R A (2014). Influence of thiabendazole seed treatment on the integrated control of Heterodera filipjevi on six wheat genotypes with different levels of genetic resistance under controlled conditions. Nematropica, 44(1), pp.25-30.
  • De Fraiture C, Giordano M & Yongsong L (2007). Biofuels: implications for agricultural water use. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute.
  • Droogers P & Aerts J (2005). Adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability: a comparative study between seven contrasting river basins. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 30(6-7), pp.339-346.
  • FAOSTAT (2020), Crops. Retrieved in March, 10, 2020 from,.
  • Goverse A & Smant G (2018). Mechanisms of Resistance to Cyst Nematodes. In Perry, R.N., Moens, M. and Jones, J.T. (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp.154
  • Hajihasani A, Maafi Z T, Nicol J, & Rezaee S (2010). Effect of the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera filipjevi, on wheat in microplot trials. Nematology 12(3), pp.357-363.
  • Handoo Z A (1998). Plant-parasitic nematodes. USDA, ARS, Nematology Laboratory.
  • Handoo Z A (2002). A key and compendium to species of the Heterodera avenae group (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Journal of Nematology 34(3), p.250.
  • Imren M, Waeyenberge L, Viaene N, Toktay H, Dababat A & Elekçİoğlu İ H (2012). Molecular characterization of cereal cyst nematodes from the South Anatolian Region in Turkey using ITS-rDNA sequences. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 36(4), pp.491-499.
  • Imren M, Yildiz Ş, Çiftçi V & Dababat A (2019). Effect of cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi on wheat yields in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry pp.43.
  • Karimipour F H, Pourjam E, Tanha M Z & Safaie N (2018). Assessment of yield loss of wheat cultivars caused by Heterodera filipjevi under field conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 166(5), pp.299-304.
  • Kimber G & Feldman M (1987). Wild wheat. An introduction. CABI (353).
  • Lawlor D W & Cornic G (2002). Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant, cell & environment 25(2), pp.275-294.
  • Lichtenthaler H K (1996). Vegetation stress: an introduction to the stress concept in plants. Journal of plant physiology 148(1-2), pp.4-14.
  • McCarter J P (2009). Molecular approaches toward resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes. In Berg R H & Taylor C G (Eds), Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism, Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin, Heidelberg, 239–267.
  • Moens M, Perry R N & Jones J T (2018). Cyst Nematodes Life Cycle and Economic Importance. In Perry R N, Moens M & Jones J T (Eds), Cyst Nematodes, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp.1-26.
  • Nicol J M & Rivoal R (2008). Global knowledge and its applications for the integrated control and management of nematodes on wheat. In Ciancio A & Mukerji K G (Eds), Integrated management and biocontrol of vegetable and grain crops nematodes (Vol. 2), Springer, Netherlands.
  • Nicol J M, Bolat N, Sahin E, Tulek A, Yildirim A F, Yorgancilar A, Kaplan A & Braun HJ (2006). The cereal cyst nematode is causing economic damage on rainfed wheat production systems of Turkey. Phytopathology Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. S169-S169, 3340
  • Nicol J M, Turner S J, Coyne D L, Den N L, Hockland S & Maafi Z T (2011). Current nematode threats to world agriculture. In Jones J, Gheysen G & Fenoll C (Eds) Genomics and molecular genetics of plant-nematode interactions, (pp. 21-43). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Pariyar S R, Dababat A A, Sannemann W, Erginbas-Orakci G, Elashry A, Siddique S, Morgounov A, Leon J & Grundler F M (2016a). Genome-wide association study in wheat identifies resistance to the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi. Phytopathology, 106(10), pp.1128-1138.
  • Pariyar S R, Dababat A A, Siddique S, Erginbas-Orakci G, Elashry A, Morgounov A & Grundler F M (2016b). Identification and characterisation of resistance to the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi in winter wheat. Nematology 18(4), pp.377-402.
  • Parry M L, Rosenzweig C, Iglesias A, Livermore M & Fischer G (2004). Effects of climate change on global food production under SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios. Global environmental change 14(1), pp.53-67.
  • Rivoal R & Cook R (1993). Plant parasitic nematodes in temperate agriculture. In Evans K & Trudgill D L (Eds), No. 632.6513 E9.
  • Siddiqi M R (2000). Tylenchida: parasites of plants and insects. CABI.
  • Smiley R W & Nicol J M (2009). Nematodes which challenge global wheat production. Wheat science and trade pp.171-187.
  • Subbotin S A & Baldwin J (2010). Systematics of Cyst Nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderinae), Part B. In Systematics of Cyst Nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderinae), Part B. Brill.
  • Toktay H, Yavuzaslanoğlu E, İmren M, Nicol J, Elekcioğlu İ H & Dababat A (2012). Screening for resistance to Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov) Stelter (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) and Pratylenchus thornei (Sher & Allen) (Tylenchida: Pratylenchidae) sister lines of spring wheat. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi.
  • Trethowan R M & Mujeeb-Kazi A (2008). Novel germplasm resources for improving environmental stress tolerance of hexaploid wheat. Crop Science 48(4), pp.1255-1265.
  • Webster J M (1987). Introduction. In Brown R H, Kerry B R (Eds) Principles and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops. Academic Press: Melbourne, pp 1–12.
  • Vaish S (2017). Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases, In Singh D P (Eds). Apple Academic Press, Canada.
  • Williamson V M & Kumar A (2006). Nematode resistance in plants: the battle underground. Trends in Genetics 22(7), pp.396-403.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu E, Elekcioglu I H, Nicol J M & Sheedy J G (2016). Resistance of Iranian landrace wheat to the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. Australasian Plant Pathology 45(4), pp.411-414.
  • Zhao C, Liu B, Piao S, Wang X, Lobell D B, Huang Y, Huang M, Yao Y, Bassu S, Ciais P & Durand J L (2017). Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(35), pp.9326-9331.
  • Zhai X G, Zhao T, Liu Y H, Long H, Deng G B, Pan Z F & Yu M Q (2008). Characterization and expression profiling of a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene analog in wheat. Molecular biology 42(6), pp.960-965.
  • Zhang J, Yuan H, Zhang R, Xing X, Niu J, Li H & Chen P (2012). Analysis of resistance to Heterodera filipjevi in Triticum aestivum-Dasypyrum villosum germplasm. Acta Agronomica Sinica 38(11), pp.1969-1976.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Osameh Atiya 0000-0002-0149-2874

Abdelfattah Dababat 0000-0002-3172-0452

Gul Erginbas-orakci This is me 0000-0003-2734-4316

Sukhwinder Singh This is me 0000-0001-7103-5065

Halil Toktay 0000-0003-0814-7237

Publication Date April 25, 2022
Submission Date November 5, 2020
Acceptance Date May 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


APA Atiya, O., Dababat, A., Erginbas-orakci, G., Singh, S., et al. (2022). Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(2), 326-341.
AMA Atiya O, Dababat A, Erginbas-orakci G, Singh S, Toktay H. Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. April 2022;28(2):326-341. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.818047
Chicago Atiya, Osameh, Abdelfattah Dababat, Gul Erginbas-orakci, Sukhwinder Singh, and Halil Toktay. “Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines Against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera Filipjevi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 2 (April 2022): 326-41.
EndNote Atiya O, Dababat A, Erginbas-orakci G, Singh S, Toktay H (April 1, 2022) Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 2 326–341.
IEEE O. Atiya, A. Dababat, G. Erginbas-orakci, S. Singh, and H. Toktay, “Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 326–341, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.818047.
ISNAD Atiya, Osameh et al. “Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines Against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera Filipjevi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/2 (April 2022), 326-341.
JAMA Atiya O, Dababat A, Erginbas-orakci G, Singh S, Toktay H. Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:326–341.
MLA Atiya, Osameh et al. “Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines Against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera Filipjevi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 2, 2022, pp. 326-41, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.818047.
Vancouver Atiya O, Dababat A, Erginbas-orakci G, Singh S, Toktay H. Resistance Response of Drought and Heat Tolerant Spring Wheat Lines against the Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera filipjevi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(2):326-41.

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