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A Comparative Elemental Analysis on Human Skeletal Remains from Iasos (Early Byzantine) and Camihöyük (Hellenistic-Roman)

Year 2019, , 7 - 14, 15.06.2019


Elemental analyses on skeletal remains provide nutrition models for ancient people and the ecological environment they live in, as well as the information on a variety of social issues. In this study conducted on Early Byzantine Iasos samples, it is aimed to discover differences such as diet, health, environmental features, economic structure and cultural patterns between diverse populations with element analysis method. For this purpose, the iron (Fe), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) levels were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in the ribs of 36 individuals from Iasos. The data provided are compared with the Camihöyük findings from the Hellenistic-Roman period, which was published in a separate study. The evaluations on the measured element levels of the skeletal remains from the two two communities, where one is from a marine and the other is from a continental climate, have shown that Iasos people had a seafood-based, while Camihoyuk people had a cereal-based nutrition model. The accumulation of heavy metals such as lead in the bones is linked to the ecological environment and the cultural characteristics of the societies, such as the way they prepare food.


  • ADRIANO, D. C. (2001), Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment: Biogeochemistry, bioavailability, and risks of metals, New York: Springer-Verlag.AKARCA, A. ve AKARCA, T. (1954), Milas: its geography, history and archaeology, İstanbul: İstanbul Matbaası.AKSOY, M. (2011), Beslenme Biyokimyası, Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınevi.ALPAGUT, B. (1988), “The pre-study on the cranial remains of Iasos people (VIth century AD)”, Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, IV: 89-96.ARAS, N. K. ve ATAMAN, O. Y. (2006), Trace Element Analysis of Food and Diet, Cambridge: Cambridge Press.AUFDERHEIDE, A.C. (1989), Chemical analysis of skeletal remains, M.Y. İşcan ve K.A.R. Kennedy içinde, Reconstruction of Life from Skeleton (s. 237-260), New York: Alan R. Liss.AUFDERHEIDE, A.C., NEIMAN, F.D., WITTMERS, L.E. ve RAPP, G. (1981), “Lead in bone II: skeletal-lead content as a indicator of life-time lead ingestion and the social correlates in an archaeological population”, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 55, 285-291.AUFDERHEIDE, A.C., ANGEL, L.J., KELLY, J.O., OUTLAW, A.C., OUTLAW, M.A., RAPP, G. ve WITTMERS, L.E. (1985), “Lead in bone III: prediction of social correlates from skeletal lead content in four colonial american populations (Catocin, Furnace, College Landing, Governor Land, and Irene Mound)”, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 66, 353-361.BAŞOĞLU, O., ŞENYURT, Y., ŞENER, T. ve SÖNMEZ, Ç. (2011), “Nevşehir/Camihöyük iskeletlerinin paleoantropolojik açıdan değerlendirilmesi”, Adli Bilimler Dergisi, 10 (2): 7-15.BARAYBAR, J.P. (1999), “Diet and death in a fog oasis site in Central Coastal Peru: A trace element study of Tomb 1 Malanche 22”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 26: 471-482.BEAN, G.E. (1987), Karya, İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.BERTİ, F. (1988), “Les Travaux de la Mission Archeologique Italienne à Iassos en 1987”. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, X (II): 1-10.BERTİ, F. (2012), Grave Goods from the Necropolis in the Agora of Iasos, B. Böhlendorf-Arslan ve A. Ricci içinde, Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts (s. 187-212), İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.BLAKELY, R.L. (1989), “Bone strontium in pregnant and lactating females from archaeological samples”,. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 80 (2): 173-185.BUIKSTRA, J.E. ve UBELAKER, D.H. (1994), Standards for data collection from human skeletal remains. ABD: Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series 44.BURTON, J.H. (1996), Trace-elements in bone as paleodietary indicators, V. Orna içinde, Archaeological Chemistry (s. 327-333), Washington: American Chemical Society.BURTON, J.H. ve WRIGHT, L.E. (1995), “Nonlinearity in the relationship between bone Sr/Ca and diet: paleodietary implications”, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 96: 273-282.BUSETTO, M., GIORDANI, L., BRANDONE, A., CATTANEO, C. ve MAZZUCCHI, A. (2008), “Dietary investigation by trace element content in bones of ancient inhabitants of Northern Italy”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 275(2): 355–363.CARLSON, A. K. (1996). “Lead isotope analysis of human bone for addressing cultural affinity: A case study from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 23(4): 557–568.CERLING, T.E. ve HARRIS, J.M. (1999), “Carbon isotope fractionation between diet and bioapatite in ungulate mammals and implications for ecological and paleoecological studies”, Oecologia, 120: 347–363.ÇIRAK, M.T. (2010), Minnetpınarı Ortaçağ Toplumunda Eser Element Analiziyle Paleodiyetin Belirlenmesi, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.ÇIRAK, M.T. ve AKYOL, A.A. (2014), “Kilikya Toplumu İskeletlerinde Kurşun (Pb) Düzeyleri”, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1): 36-47.ÇIRAK, M.T. (2017), “Anemi Görülen Bireylerdeki Element Seviyelerinin Antropolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”, Turkish Studies, 12 (29): 169-178.COOK, D.C. ve HUNT. K.D. (1998), Sex differences in trace elements: status or self-selection?, A. Grauer ve P.L. Stuart içinde, Gender in Palaeopathological Perspective (s. 64-78), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.DEGRYSE, P., MUCHEZ, P., De MUCHEZ, B., NEER, W.V. & WAELKENS, M. (2004), “Statistical Treatment of Trace Element Data from Modern and Ancient Animal Bone: Evaluation of Roman and Byzantine Environmental Pollution”. Analytical letters, 37 (13): 2819–2834.ERICSON, J.E. (1985), “Strontium isotope characterization in the study of prehistoric human ecology”, Journal of Human Evolution, 14: 503–514.ERICSON, J.E., SHIRAHATA, M.S. ve PATTERSON, C.C. (1979), “Skeletal Concentrations of Lead in Ancient Peruvians”, N Engl J Med., 300: 946–951.EZZO, J.A. (1992), “A test of diet versus diagenesis at Ventana Cave, Arizona”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 19: 23-37.EZZO, J.A. (1994), “Putting The 'Chemistry' back into archeological chemistry analysis: Modeling potential paleodietary indicators”, Journal of Archeological Science, 13: 1-34.EZZO, J.A., JOHNSON, C.M. ve PRICE, T.D. (1997), “Analytical perspectives on prehistoric migration: A case study from East-Central Arizona”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 24: 447-466.FARNUM, J.F., GLASCOCK, M.D., SANDFORD, M.K. ve GERITSEN, S. (1995), “Trace elements in ancient human bone and associated soil using NAA”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 196: 267-74.FORNACIARI, G., MALLEGNI, F., BERTINI, D. ve NUTI, V. (1981), “Cribra orbitalia and elemental bone iron in the Punics of Carthage”, Ossa., 8: 63-77. FORNACIARI, G., TREVISANI, E. M. ve CECCANTI, B. (1984), “Indagini Paleonutrizionali e Determinazione del Piombo Osseo Mediante Spettroscopia ad Assorbimento Atomica su Resti Scheletricidi Epoca Tardo Romana (IV sec d.C.) della Villa dei Gordiani (Roma)”, Archivio per L’Antropologia eL’Etnologia, 114: 149.FORNACIARI, G. ve MALLEGNI, F. (1987), “Palaenutritional studies on skeletal remains of ancient populations from the Mediterranean area: An attempt to interpretation”, Anthrop. Anz., 45(4): 361-370.GÜNER, C., ALİEV, V., ATAMTÜRK, D., DUYAR, İ., SÖYLEMEZOĞLU, F. (2011), “Retention of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and As on human bones unearthed at a Central Anatolian Early Bronze Age excavation site (Resuloğlu, Turkey)”, Eurasian Journal of Anthropology, 2(1): 27−39.HORWOOD, M. (1989), “Trace element analysis of human bone from the prehistoric Moriori of the Chatham Islands, with special reference to diet”, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 19(1): 59-71. DOI: 10.1080/03036758.1989.10426456İZCİ, Y., KAYA, S., ERDEM, O., AKAY, C., KURAL, C., SOYKUT, B., BAŞOĞLU, O., ŞENYURT, Y., KILIÇ, S. ve TEMİZ, Ç. (2013), “ Paleodietary Analysis of Human Remains from a Hellenistic-Roman Cemetery at Camihöyük, Turkey”, Journal of Anthropology, 1-7., S. (1964), “Lead in the bones of prehistoric lead-glaze potters”, American Antiquity, 30: 94-96.KARAGÖZ-ARIHAN, S.K., AKYOL, A.A., ÖZER, İ. & ARIHAN, O. 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Iasos (Erken Bizans) ve Camihöyük (Helenistik-Roma) İskelet Toplulukları Üzerinde Karşılaştırmalı Element Analizi

Year 2019, , 7 - 14, 15.06.2019


İskelet kalıntıları üzerinde yapılan element analizleri, eski insanların diyetlerine giren besinler ve yaşadıkları ekolojik ortamın yanı sıra söz konusu toplum hakkında da çeşitli veriler sağlar. Erken Bizans Dönemi Iasos Kazısı (Muğla, Milas, Kıyıkışlacık Köyü) örnekleri üzerinde yürütülen bu çalışmada element analizi yöntemiyle diyet, sağlık, çevresel özellikler, ekonomik yapı ve kültürel örüntüler gibi çeşitli açılardan iki toplum arasındaki farklılıkların ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla Iasos örneklerinden 36 bireyin kaburga kemiğinde Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektroskopi (AAS) yöntemi ile demir (Fe), bakır (Cu), magnezyum (Mg), manganez (Mn), molibden (Mo), kurşun (Pb), çinko (Zn) ve nikel (Ni) eser elementlerinin düzeyleri araştırılmıştır. Sağlanan veriler, ayrı bir çalışmada yayımlanan Helenistik-Roma Dönemi Camihöyük Kazısı (Kayseri, Bayramhacı Köyü) bulgularıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Biri denizel diğeri ise karasal iklimde bulunan iki toplumun iskelet kalıntılarındaki element düzeyleri üzerinde yapılan değerlendirmeler; Iasosluların deniz ürünlerine, Camihöyük insanlarının ise tahıllara dayalı diyete sahip olduklarını ortaya koymuştur. Kemiklerde kurşun ağır metalinin birikmesi,her iki toplumun da muhtemelen ekolojik ortamıyla ve besinleri hazırlayış biçimleri gibi kültürel özellikleriyle ilişkili görülmüştür.


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(1996). “Lead isotope analysis of human bone for addressing cultural affinity: A case study from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 23(4): 557–568.CERLING, T.E. ve HARRIS, J.M. (1999), “Carbon isotope fractionation between diet and bioapatite in ungulate mammals and implications for ecological and paleoecological studies”, Oecologia, 120: 347–363.ÇIRAK, M.T. (2010), Minnetpınarı Ortaçağ Toplumunda Eser Element Analiziyle Paleodiyetin Belirlenmesi, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.ÇIRAK, M.T. ve AKYOL, A.A. (2014), “Kilikya Toplumu İskeletlerinde Kurşun (Pb) Düzeyleri”, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1): 36-47.ÇIRAK, M.T. (2017), “Anemi Görülen Bireylerdeki Element Seviyelerinin Antropolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”, Turkish Studies, 12 (29): 169-178.COOK, D.C. ve HUNT. K.D. (1998), Sex differences in trace elements: status or self-selection?, A. Grauer ve P.L. Stuart içinde, Gender in Palaeopathological Perspective (s. 64-78), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.DEGRYSE, P., MUCHEZ, P., De MUCHEZ, B., NEER, W.V. & WAELKENS, M. (2004), “Statistical Treatment of Trace Element Data from Modern and Ancient Animal Bone: Evaluation of Roman and Byzantine Environmental Pollution”. Analytical letters, 37 (13): 2819–2834.ERICSON, J.E. (1985), “Strontium isotope characterization in the study of prehistoric human ecology”, Journal of Human Evolution, 14: 503–514.ERICSON, J.E., SHIRAHATA, M.S. ve PATTERSON, C.C. (1979), “Skeletal Concentrations of Lead in Ancient Peruvians”, N Engl J Med., 300: 946–951.EZZO, J.A. (1992), “A test of diet versus diagenesis at Ventana Cave, Arizona”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 19: 23-37.EZZO, J.A. (1994), “Putting The 'Chemistry' back into archeological chemistry analysis: Modeling potential paleodietary indicators”, Journal of Archeological Science, 13: 1-34.EZZO, J.A., JOHNSON, C.M. ve PRICE, T.D. (1997), “Analytical perspectives on prehistoric migration: A case study from East-Central Arizona”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 24: 447-466.FARNUM, J.F., GLASCOCK, M.D., SANDFORD, M.K. ve GERITSEN, S. (1995), “Trace elements in ancient human bone and associated soil using NAA”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 196: 267-74.FORNACIARI, G., MALLEGNI, F., BERTINI, D. ve NUTI, V. (1981), “Cribra orbitalia and elemental bone iron in the Punics of Carthage”, Ossa., 8: 63-77. FORNACIARI, G., TREVISANI, E. M. ve CECCANTI, B. (1984), “Indagini Paleonutrizionali e Determinazione del Piombo Osseo Mediante Spettroscopia ad Assorbimento Atomica su Resti Scheletricidi Epoca Tardo Romana (IV sec d.C.) della Villa dei Gordiani (Roma)”, Archivio per L’Antropologia eL’Etnologia, 114: 149.FORNACIARI, G. ve MALLEGNI, F. (1987), “Palaenutritional studies on skeletal remains of ancient populations from the Mediterranean area: An attempt to interpretation”, Anthrop. 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(2012), Iasos (Bizans Dönemi) Toplumunun Diş Sağlığı Açısından Anadolu Toplumları Arasındaki Yeri, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Anthropology, Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

N. Damla Yılmaz Usta 0000-0001-5672-3054

Okşan Başoğlu 0000-0003-0123-4346

Onur Erdem This is me 0000-0002-5849-3552

Cahit Kural 0000-0002-5267-5937

Yusuf İzci 0000-0003-2317-3724

Publication Date June 15, 2019
Submission Date December 18, 2018
Acceptance Date February 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Yılmaz Usta, N. D., Başoğlu, O., Erdem, O., Kural, C., et al. (2019). Iasos (Erken Bizans) ve Camihöyük (Helenistik-Roma) İskelet Toplulukları Üzerinde Karşılaştırmalı Element Analizi. Anthropology(37), 7-14.


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