Research Article
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Holistic Approach in Forensic Anthropological Examinations: A Multidisciplinary Study

Year 2014, Issue: 28, 43 - 66, 30.12.2014


Analysis and application of the forensic osteological techniques on the skeletal remains for identification purposes constitute the basic field of forensic anthropology. A Forensic anthropologist collaborates with other experts from different disciplines. In this study, skeletal remains, which were sent to our laboratory as forensic case, were anthropologically analyzed. In this context, biological profile (age, sex and stature) numbers of individuals of the skeletal remains were determined and trauma analysis was performed. Furthermore, multidisciplinary study was done and holistic examination was done through aggregation of different disciplines. In terms of eventuation and clarification of the forensic investigation, it was tried to emphasize that it has importance to establish a multidisciplinary team in addition to perform forensic anthropological examinations


  • Adams, J. B. (2009), Forensic Anthropology, New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • Adams, J. B. and Crabtree, J. P. (2009), Comparative Skeletal Anatomy, USA: Humana Press.
  • Acsadi, G., and Nemeskeri, J. (1970), History of Human Life Span and Mortality, (K. Balas, Trans) Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.
  • Atasoy, S.(2010) Karanlığa Yolculuk, İstanbul: Doğan Yayıncılık.
  • Browning, M., Maples, R.W.(2004) Ölülerde Konuşur :(Z. Gülenbilge, Çev.), İstanbul: Saga Yayınları.
  • Bass, M. W. (1995), Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Method, Columbia: Special Publication of the Missouri Archaeological Society.
  • Brooks, S. T. (1955), ‘’Skeletal Age at Death: Reliability of Cranial and Pubic Age Indicators’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.13, ss.567-597.
  • Brooks, S. T., and Suchey, J. (1990), ‘’Skeletal Age Determination Base on the Os Pubis: A Comparison of the Acsa’di- Nemeske’ri and Suchey- Brooks Methods’’, Human Evolution, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.5, ss.227-238.
  • Brothwell, R. D. (1981), Digging up Bones: The Excavation, Treament and Study of Human skeletal Remains, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Çöloğlu, A. S., ve İşcan, M. Y. (1998), Adli Osteoloji, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlük Yayınları. ss.9-10.
  • France L. D. (2009), Human and Non - Human Bone Identification, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Holman, J. D., and Bennett, A. K. (1991), ‘’Determination of Sex From Arm Bone Measurements’’,American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.84, ss.421-426.
  • Hrklicka, A. (1939), Practical Anthropometry, Wistar, Philadelphia: Institue Press, ss.3-12.
  • Kimmerle, H. E., and Baraybar, P. J. (2008), Skeletal Trauma: Identificatin of Injuries Resulting From Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Klepinger, L. (2006), Fundamentals of forensic anthropology, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Krogman, M. W. (1941), ‘’Growth of Man’’, Tabluae Biologicae Bd. Cilt 20.
  • Lovejoy, C. O., Meindl, S. R., Pryzbeck, R., and Mensforth, P. R. (1985), ‘’Chronological Metamorphosisof the Aurical Surface of the Ilium: A New Method for the Determination of Adult Skeletal Age at Death’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.68, ss.15-28.
  • Mann, W. R., Jantz, L. R., Bass, M. W., and Willey, P. S. ( 1991), ‘’ Maxillary Sututre Obliteration: A Visual Method for Estimating Skelatel Age’’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol.36, ss.781-791.
  • Matrin, R. (1928), Lehrbuch der Anthrologie, in Systematischer Darstellung, California: G. Fischer Press.
  • Meindl, S. R., and Lovejoy, C. O. (1985), ‘’Ectocran,al Suture Closure: A Revised Method fort he Determitanation of Skeletal Age at Death Based on The Latero-Anterior Suture’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.68, ss.57-66.
  • Oliver, G. (1969), Practical Anthropology, Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
  • Pearson, K. (1899), Mathematical Contribution on the Theory of Evolution. On the Reconstruction of the Stature of Prehistoric Races, London: University College, Vol.192, ss.169-244.
  • Pickering, R., and Bachman, D. (2009), The use of forensic anthropology, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Sağır, M. (2000), Uzun Kemik Radyografilerinden Boy Formülü Hesaplaması, Doktora Tezi, A.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Scheuer, L., and Black S. (2000), Developmental Juvenile Osteology, San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Schultz, J. J., Wheeler, M. S., Williams, J. L., and Dupras, L. T. (2011). Forensic recovery of human remains: Archaeological approaches. USA: CRC Press.
  • Smith S. L., and Busvhang, P. H. (2004),’’Variation in Longitudinal Diaphyseal Long Bone Growth im Children Three to Ten years of Age’’, American Journal of Human Evolution, Vol.16, ss.648- 657.
  • Thomas, P. (2003), Forensic Anthropology: The Growing Science of Talking Bones, New York: Facts on File.
  • Todd, W. T. (1920), ‘’Age Changes in the Pubic Bone I: The Male White Pubis’’, American Jurnal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.3, ss.285-334.
  • Trotter, M., and Gleser, C. G., (1952), ‘’Estimation of Stature From Long Bones of American Whites and Negros’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.10, ss.463-514.
  • Ubelaker, D. (2008), Forensic Anthropology: Methodology and Diversity of Applications, Anne Katzenberg and Shelly Saunders (Eds.), Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, ss.41– 69.
  • White, D. T., Black, T. M., and Folkens, A. P. (2011), Human Osteology, Oxford, Elsevier Academic press.
  • WEA (Workshop of European Anthropologist),(1980), ‘’Recommendation For Age and Sex Diagnoses of Skeletons’’, American Journal of Human Evolution, Vol.9, ss.517-549

Adli Antropolojik İncelemelerde "Bütünsel Yaklaşım": Multidisipliner Bir Çalışma

Year 2014, Issue: 28, 43 - 66, 30.12.2014


İskelet buluntularının kimliklendirme amaçlı analiz edilmesi ve üzerinde adli osteoloji tekniklerinin tatbik edilmesi Adli Antropolojinin temel çalışma alanını oluşturmaktadır. Adli antropolog bu çalışmayı farklı disiplinlere ait uzmanlar ile işbirliği içerisinde yapar. Bu araştırmada, Muş ilinden adli vaka kapsamında laboratuarımıza gönderilen iskelet buluntuları analiz edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, iskelet buluntularının biyolojik profili (yaş, cinsiyet ve boy tahmini), birey sayısı belirlenmiş ve travma analizi yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, farklı disiplinlerin bir araya gelmesi suretiyle multidisipliner bir çalışma yürütülmüş ve bütünsel bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Adli bir vakaya ait yürütülen soruşturmada, adli antropolojik bir inceleme yapılmasının yanında bütünsel bir inceleme yapılmasının ve multidisipliner bir çalışma ekibinin kurulmasının yürütülen soruşturmanın sonuçlandırılması ve aydınlatılması açısından çok önem arz ettiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


  • Adams, J. B. (2009), Forensic Anthropology, New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • Adams, J. B. and Crabtree, J. P. (2009), Comparative Skeletal Anatomy, USA: Humana Press.
  • Acsadi, G., and Nemeskeri, J. (1970), History of Human Life Span and Mortality, (K. Balas, Trans) Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.
  • Atasoy, S.(2010) Karanlığa Yolculuk, İstanbul: Doğan Yayıncılık.
  • Browning, M., Maples, R.W.(2004) Ölülerde Konuşur :(Z. Gülenbilge, Çev.), İstanbul: Saga Yayınları.
  • Bass, M. W. (1995), Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Method, Columbia: Special Publication of the Missouri Archaeological Society.
  • Brooks, S. T. (1955), ‘’Skeletal Age at Death: Reliability of Cranial and Pubic Age Indicators’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.13, ss.567-597.
  • Brooks, S. T., and Suchey, J. (1990), ‘’Skeletal Age Determination Base on the Os Pubis: A Comparison of the Acsa’di- Nemeske’ri and Suchey- Brooks Methods’’, Human Evolution, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.5, ss.227-238.
  • Brothwell, R. D. (1981), Digging up Bones: The Excavation, Treament and Study of Human skeletal Remains, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Çöloğlu, A. S., ve İşcan, M. Y. (1998), Adli Osteoloji, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlük Yayınları. ss.9-10.
  • France L. D. (2009), Human and Non - Human Bone Identification, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Holman, J. D., and Bennett, A. K. (1991), ‘’Determination of Sex From Arm Bone Measurements’’,American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.84, ss.421-426.
  • Hrklicka, A. (1939), Practical Anthropometry, Wistar, Philadelphia: Institue Press, ss.3-12.
  • Kimmerle, H. E., and Baraybar, P. J. (2008), Skeletal Trauma: Identificatin of Injuries Resulting From Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Klepinger, L. (2006), Fundamentals of forensic anthropology, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Krogman, M. W. (1941), ‘’Growth of Man’’, Tabluae Biologicae Bd. Cilt 20.
  • Lovejoy, C. O., Meindl, S. R., Pryzbeck, R., and Mensforth, P. R. (1985), ‘’Chronological Metamorphosisof the Aurical Surface of the Ilium: A New Method for the Determination of Adult Skeletal Age at Death’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.68, ss.15-28.
  • Mann, W. R., Jantz, L. R., Bass, M. W., and Willey, P. S. ( 1991), ‘’ Maxillary Sututre Obliteration: A Visual Method for Estimating Skelatel Age’’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol.36, ss.781-791.
  • Matrin, R. (1928), Lehrbuch der Anthrologie, in Systematischer Darstellung, California: G. Fischer Press.
  • Meindl, S. R., and Lovejoy, C. O. (1985), ‘’Ectocran,al Suture Closure: A Revised Method fort he Determitanation of Skeletal Age at Death Based on The Latero-Anterior Suture’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.68, ss.57-66.
  • Oliver, G. (1969), Practical Anthropology, Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
  • Pearson, K. (1899), Mathematical Contribution on the Theory of Evolution. On the Reconstruction of the Stature of Prehistoric Races, London: University College, Vol.192, ss.169-244.
  • Pickering, R., and Bachman, D. (2009), The use of forensic anthropology, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Sağır, M. (2000), Uzun Kemik Radyografilerinden Boy Formülü Hesaplaması, Doktora Tezi, A.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Scheuer, L., and Black S. (2000), Developmental Juvenile Osteology, San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Schultz, J. J., Wheeler, M. S., Williams, J. L., and Dupras, L. T. (2011). Forensic recovery of human remains: Archaeological approaches. USA: CRC Press.
  • Smith S. L., and Busvhang, P. H. (2004),’’Variation in Longitudinal Diaphyseal Long Bone Growth im Children Three to Ten years of Age’’, American Journal of Human Evolution, Vol.16, ss.648- 657.
  • Thomas, P. (2003), Forensic Anthropology: The Growing Science of Talking Bones, New York: Facts on File.
  • Todd, W. T. (1920), ‘’Age Changes in the Pubic Bone I: The Male White Pubis’’, American Jurnal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.3, ss.285-334.
  • Trotter, M., and Gleser, C. G., (1952), ‘’Estimation of Stature From Long Bones of American Whites and Negros’’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.10, ss.463-514.
  • Ubelaker, D. (2008), Forensic Anthropology: Methodology and Diversity of Applications, Anne Katzenberg and Shelly Saunders (Eds.), Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, ss.41– 69.
  • White, D. T., Black, T. M., and Folkens, A. P. (2011), Human Osteology, Oxford, Elsevier Academic press.
  • WEA (Workshop of European Anthropologist),(1980), ‘’Recommendation For Age and Sex Diagnoses of Skeletons’’, American Journal of Human Evolution, Vol.9, ss.517-549
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Anthropology
Other ID JA39EU88YY
Journal Section Research Articles

Özgür Bulut This is me

İsmail Hızlıol This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2014
Submission Date August 1, 2014
Acceptance Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 28


APA Bulut, Ö., & Hızlıol, İ. (2014). Adli Antropolojik İncelemelerde "Bütünsel Yaklaşım": Multidisipliner Bir Çalışma. Antropoloji(28), 43-66.

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