Research Article
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Reconstruction of International Space Regime on the Basis of Common Heritage of (Hu)Mankind in the 21st Century

Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 593 - 628, 15.10.2021


The successful launch of the satellite Sputnik I by the USSR into the Earth orbit in 1957 started the “Space Age”, and also triggered the discussions about states’ sovereignty in space and how they use space area. In this process, the space law was tried to be codified with the initiatives of the United Nations, but the official documents such as the Outer Space Treaty or the Moon Agreement could not clarify the status of space and whether the outer space is common heritage of hu mankind. Moreover, the legal ambiguity in space has become more controversial due to the space activities like the colonization of Mars which has been recently accelerated. The transformation of space activities towards a multi-actor structure has brought out the need for a new international space regime. Hence, this study aims to discuss why the international space regime should be reconstructed in the framework of common heritage of hu mankind. This normative discussion will be deepened through the transnational approach and the role of epistemic communities in the context of the Constructivist Theory of International Relations.


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  • Adler, Emanuel 1997 , “Seizing the Middle Groung: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, 3 3 : 139-163.
  • Adler, Emanuel ve Peter M. Haas 1992 , “Conclusion: Epistemic Communities, World Order, and the Creation of a Reflective Research Program”, International Organization, 46 1 : 367-390.
  • Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies 1979, December , UN Office for Outer Space Affairs.
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  • Aliş, Sinan 2021 , “Bir Uzay Hukuku Sorunu: Takım Uydular”, 1. Uzay Ekonomisi, Uzay Hukuku ve Uzay Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi, 30 Mayıs 2021.
  • Başlar, Kemal 1998 , The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law Netherlands: Kluwer Law International .
  • Barkdull, John ve Paul G. Harris 2002 , “Environmental Change and Foreign Policy: A Survey of Theory”, Global Environmental Politics, 2 2 : 63-91.
  • Checkel, Jeffrey T. 1998 , “The Constructivist Turn in International Relations Theory”, World Politics, 50 2 : 324-348.
  • Chicago Convention 1944, December , ICAO-Uniting Aviation A United Nations Specialized Agency.
  • Christol, Carl Q. 1964 , “What’s Going on in Outer Space: A Developing New Field of Law”, American Bar Association Journal, 50 6 : 527-532.
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  • Cuthbertson, Anthony 2020 , “Elon Musk’s SpaceX will Make Its Own Laws On Mars”, 25.04.2021 .
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  • Demirtaş, Birgül 2014 , “İnşacılık”, Kardaş, Şaban ve Balcı, Ali Der. , Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş İstanbul: Küre Yayınları : 110-122.
  • Dick, Steven J. 2008 , “The Birth of NASA”, 02.05.2021 .
  • Erdem, Merve 2014 , Uzayın ve Uzay Faaliyetlerinin Hukuki Rejimi Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi .
  • Erdem, Merve 2021 , “Uzay Hukukunda Tartışılan Güncel Konular”, 1. Uzay Ekonomisi, Uzay Hukuku ve Uzay Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi, 30 Mayıs 2021.
  • Erdem, Tolga 2018 , “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yeni Perspektif: Astropolitiğe Giriş”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20 1 : 431- 446.
  • Ferreira, Becky 2020 , “Amazon Satellites Add to Astronomers’ Worries About the Night Sky”, 05.06.2021 .
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  • Garcia, Mark 2017 , “Space Debris and Human Spacecraft”, 15.04.2021 .
  • Guntrip, Edward 2003 , “The Common Heritage of Mankind: An Adequate Regime for Managing the Deep Seabed?”, Melbourne Journal of International Law, 4 2 : 376-405.
  • Haas, Peter M. 1992a , “Banning Chlorofluorocarbons: Epistemic Community Efforts to Protect Stratospheric Ozone”, International Organization, 46 1 : 187- 224. Haas, Peter M. 1992b , “Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, 46 1 : 1-35.
  • Haas, Peter M. 2001 , “Policy Knowledge: Epistemic Communities”, Smelser, Neil J. ve Paul B. Baltes Der. , International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier Science: Oxford : 11578-11585.
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  • Hong, Yang 2018 , “The Tiangong Chinese Space Station Project”, Higher Education Press, 5 2 : 278-283.
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  • Jakhu, Ram S. ve Joseph N. Pelton 2017 , Global Space Governance: An Intertantional Study Switzerland: Springer International Publishing .
  • Jepperson, Ronald L., Alexander Wendt ve Peter J. Katzenstein 1996 , “Norms, Identity, and Culture in National Security”, Katzenstein, Peter J. Der. , The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics New York: Columbia University Press : 8-43.
  • Johnson, Jordan 2018 , Sputnik and the Space Race New York: Cavendish Square Publishing .
  • Joyner, Christopher C. 1986 , “Legal Implications of the Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind”, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 35 1 : 190-199.
  • Keck, Margaret E. ve Kathryn Sikkink 1998 , Activists Beyond Borders: Advocay Networks in International Politics New York: Cornell University Press .
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  • Kiss, Alexandre 1985 , “The Common Heritage of Mankind: Utopia or Reality?”, International Journal, 40 3 : 423-441.
  • Kluger, Jeffrey 2015 , “The Silly Reason the Chinese Aren't Allowed on the Space Station”, 10.06.2021 .
  • Koroma, Abdul G. 2011 , “The Development of International Law and the Peaceful Uses for Outer Space”, 3rd Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law.
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  • Krasner, Stephen D. 1999 , Sovereignty: Organized Hypocricy New Jersey: Princeton University Press .
  • Küçük, Mustafa 2015 , “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Sosyal İnşacılık”, Gözen, Ramazan Der. , Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları : 325- 377.
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21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası

Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 593 - 628, 15.10.2021


1957 yılında SSCB’nin Sputnik I adlı uyduyu Dünya yörüngesine başarılı bir şekilde fırlatmasıyla başladığı kabul edilen “Uzay Çağı” ile birlikte devletlerin uzaydaki egemenlikleri ve uzayın nasıl kullanılacağına ilişkin tartışmalar başlamıştır. Bu süreçte Birleşmiş Milletler girişimiyle uzay hukuku oluşturulmaya çalışılmış fakat imzalanan Uzay Antlaşması ve Ay Anlaşması da uzayın statüsüne ve uzayın insanlığın ortak mirası olup olmadığına netlik kazandıramamıştır. Bunun yanında son yıllarda hız kazanan Mars’ın kolonileştirilmesi gibi faaliyetlerle birlikte uzaydaki hukuki belirsizlik daha da tartışmalı hale gelmiştir. Uzay faaliyetlerinin çok aktörlü bir yapıya bürünmesi ile birlikte günümüzde yeni bir uluslararası uzay rejimine ihtiyaç artmıştır. Bu çalışma ise uluslararası uzay rejiminin insanlığın ortak mirası çerçevesinde neden yeniden inşa edilmesinin gerekliliğini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu normatif tartışma, Uluslararası İlişkilerin İnşacı Teorisi bağlamında ulusötesi yaklaşım ve epistemik toplulukların rolü ile derinleştirilecektir.


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  • Adler, Emanuel 1997 , “Seizing the Middle Groung: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, 3 3 : 139-163.
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  • Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies 1979, December , UN Office for Outer Space Affairs.
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  • Aliş, Sinan 2021 , “Bir Uzay Hukuku Sorunu: Takım Uydular”, 1. Uzay Ekonomisi, Uzay Hukuku ve Uzay Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi, 30 Mayıs 2021.
  • Başlar, Kemal 1998 , The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law Netherlands: Kluwer Law International .
  • Barkdull, John ve Paul G. Harris 2002 , “Environmental Change and Foreign Policy: A Survey of Theory”, Global Environmental Politics, 2 2 : 63-91.
  • Checkel, Jeffrey T. 1998 , “The Constructivist Turn in International Relations Theory”, World Politics, 50 2 : 324-348.
  • Chicago Convention 1944, December , ICAO-Uniting Aviation A United Nations Specialized Agency.
  • Christol, Carl Q. 1964 , “What’s Going on in Outer Space: A Developing New Field of Law”, American Bar Association Journal, 50 6 : 527-532.
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  • Cuthbertson, Anthony 2020 , “Elon Musk’s SpaceX will Make Its Own Laws On Mars”, 25.04.2021 .
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  • Demirtaş, Birgül 2014 , “İnşacılık”, Kardaş, Şaban ve Balcı, Ali Der. , Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş İstanbul: Küre Yayınları : 110-122.
  • Dick, Steven J. 2008 , “The Birth of NASA”, 02.05.2021 .
  • Erdem, Merve 2014 , Uzayın ve Uzay Faaliyetlerinin Hukuki Rejimi Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi .
  • Erdem, Merve 2021 , “Uzay Hukukunda Tartışılan Güncel Konular”, 1. Uzay Ekonomisi, Uzay Hukuku ve Uzay Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi, 30 Mayıs 2021.
  • Erdem, Tolga 2018 , “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yeni Perspektif: Astropolitiğe Giriş”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20 1 : 431- 446.
  • Ferreira, Becky 2020 , “Amazon Satellites Add to Astronomers’ Worries About the Night Sky”, 05.06.2021 .
  • Fierke, Karin M. ve Knud Erik Jorgensen 2001 , “Introduction”, Fierke, Karin M. ve Knud Erik Jorgensen Der. , Constructing International Relations-The Next Generation Routledge: London : 16-23.
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  • Guntrip, Edward 2003 , “The Common Heritage of Mankind: An Adequate Regime for Managing the Deep Seabed?”, Melbourne Journal of International Law, 4 2 : 376-405.
  • Haas, Peter M. 1992a , “Banning Chlorofluorocarbons: Epistemic Community Efforts to Protect Stratospheric Ozone”, International Organization, 46 1 : 187- 224. Haas, Peter M. 1992b , “Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, 46 1 : 1-35.
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  • Hopf, Ted 1998 , “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”, International Security, 23 1 : 171-200.
  • Hurd, Ian 2008 , “Constructivism”, Reus-Smit, Christian ve Duncan Snidal Der. , The Oxford Handbook of International Relations: 298-316.
  • International Institute of Space Law, “IISL News”, 10 Haziran 2021 .
  • ITU Website, “About International Telecomunication Union ITU , 07.05.2021 .
  • Jakhu, Ram S. ve Joseph N. Pelton 2017 , Global Space Governance: An Intertantional Study Switzerland: Springer International Publishing .
  • Jepperson, Ronald L., Alexander Wendt ve Peter J. Katzenstein 1996 , “Norms, Identity, and Culture in National Security”, Katzenstein, Peter J. Der. , The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics New York: Columbia University Press : 8-43.
  • Johnson, Jordan 2018 , Sputnik and the Space Race New York: Cavendish Square Publishing .
  • Joyner, Christopher C. 1986 , “Legal Implications of the Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind”, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 35 1 : 190-199.
  • Keck, Margaret E. ve Kathryn Sikkink 1998 , Activists Beyond Borders: Advocay Networks in International Politics New York: Cornell University Press .
  • Kennedy, John F. 1961 , “John F. Kennedy Speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations”, 25 Eylül 1961, 12.03.2021 .
  • Kıvılcım, Zeynep 2010 , Uluslararası Kamu Hukukunda İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası İstanbul: On İki Levha Yayıncılık .
  • Kiss, Alexandre 1985 , “The Common Heritage of Mankind: Utopia or Reality?”, International Journal, 40 3 : 423-441.
  • Kluger, Jeffrey 2015 , “The Silly Reason the Chinese Aren't Allowed on the Space Station”, 10.06.2021 .
  • Koroma, Abdul G. 2011 , “The Development of International Law and the Peaceful Uses for Outer Space”, 3rd Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law.
  • Korsmo, Fae L. 2007 , “The Birth of the International Geophysical Year”, The Leading Edge-Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1312-1316.
  • Krasner, Stephen D. 1999 , Sovereignty: Organized Hypocricy New Jersey: Princeton University Press .
  • Küçük, Mustafa 2015 , “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Sosyal İnşacılık”, Gözen, Ramazan Der. , Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları : 325- 377.
  • Listner, Michael 2011 , “The Moon Treaty: Failed International Law or Waiting in the Shadows?”, The Space Review, 15.09.2021 .
  • Mansbach, Richard W. ve Taylor L. Kirsten 2018 , Introduction to Global Politics 3rd Edition New York: Routledge .
  • Marin, Cipriano 2011 , “Starlight: A Common Heritage”, The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture Proceedings IAU Symposium, 260: 449-456.
  • Mayer, Hannes 2011 , “A Short Chronology of Spaceflight”, Christian Brünner ve Alexander Soucek Der. , Outer Space in Society, Politics and Law Springer: Mörlenbach : 20-29.
  • McDougal, Myres S. 1963 , “The Emerging Customary Law of Space”, Northwestern University Law Review: 618-642.
  • Moltz, James C. 2019 , “The Changing Dynamics of Twenty-First-Century Space Power”, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Spring: 66-94.
  • Monahan, Rhys 2008 , The Sky’s Limit? Establishing a Legal Delimitation of Airspace and Outer Space Durham, UK: Durham University Press .
  • Mrusek, Bettina M. 2019 , “Satellite Maintenance: An Opportunity to Minimize the Kessler Effect”, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 6 2 : 1-13.
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There are 111 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations Theories
Journal Section Research Article

Aybüke İnan Şimşek 0000-0002-4684-380X

Senem Atvur This is me 0000-0003-3616-1749

Publication Date October 15, 2021
Submission Date August 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 13 Issue: 3


APA İnan Şimşek, A., & Atvur, S. (2021). 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası. Alternatif Politika, 13(3), 593-628.
AMA İnan Şimşek A, Atvur S. 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası. Altern. Polit. October 2021;13(3):593-628. doi:10.53376/ap.2021.20
Chicago İnan Şimşek, Aybüke, and Senem Atvur. “21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası”. Alternatif Politika 13, no. 3 (October 2021): 593-628.
EndNote İnan Şimşek A, Atvur S (October 1, 2021) 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası. Alternatif Politika 13 3 593–628.
IEEE A. İnan Şimşek and S. Atvur, “21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası”, Altern. Polit., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 593–628, 2021, doi: 10.53376/ap.2021.20.
ISNAD İnan Şimşek, Aybüke - Atvur, Senem. “21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası”. Alternatif Politika 13/3 (October 2021), 593-628.
JAMA İnan Şimşek A, Atvur S. 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası. Altern. Polit. 2021;13:593–628.
MLA İnan Şimşek, Aybüke and Senem Atvur. “21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası”. Alternatif Politika, vol. 13, no. 3, 2021, pp. 593-28, doi:10.53376/ap.2021.20.
Vancouver İnan Şimşek A, Atvur S. 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Uzay Rejiminin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası Temelinde Yeniden İnşası. Altern. Polit. 2021;13(3):593-628.