Bu makalede, dikdörtgen ayar çıkıntılı mikroşerit yama antenler analiz edilmiş ve çıkıntının boyutlarına bağlı olarak rezonans frekansındaki değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Bu varyasyonlara göre antenler için bir tasarım denklemi de önerilmiştir. Çalışma frekansları erken faz 5G bantlarından (700, 2300, 3500 ve 4700 MHz) seçilmiştir, ancak denklemin geçerliliği rastgele seçilen 6500 MHz ve 8500 MHz gibi ek frekanslar için de test edilmiştir. Malzeme etkilerini tanımlamak için, FR4 ve Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 olmak üzere iki farklı dielektrik malzeme tercih edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, analizler on iki farklı referans anten ve on iki ayar çıkıntısı yerleştirilmiş modifiye anten için yapılmıştır. Dikdörtgen ayar çıkıntılı yama antenlerin, anten rezonans frekansını, referans tasarım frekansının %7,5-%27,6’sına kadar ayarlayabileceği gösterilmiştir. Örneğin, 700 MHz için tasarlanan ayar çıkıntılı anten rezonans frekansı FR4 için 511.5 MHz’e ve Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 için 507 MHz’e kaydırabildiği gösterilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, 8500 MHz’de frekanstaki kayma FR4 için 7950 MHz’e, Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 için 7865 MHz’e ulaşabilir.
[1]. Du Plessis, M., and John Cloete. "Tuning stubs for microstrip-patch antennas." IEEE Antennas and Propagation magazine 36.6 (1994): 52-56.
[2]. Erdil, Emre, et al. "Frequency tunable microstrip patch antenna using RF MEMS technology." IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 55.4 (2007): 1193-1196.
[3]. Sheta, Abdel-Fattah, and Samir F. Mahmoud. "A widely tunable compact patch antenna." IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7 (2008): 40-42.
[4]. Liu, L., and R. J. Langley. "Liquid crystal tunable microstrip patch antenna." Electronics Letters 44.20 (2008): 1179-1180.
[5]. Liang, Jing, and HY David Yang. "Microstrip patch antennas on tunable electromagnetic band-gap substrates." IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 57.6 (2009): 1612-1617.
[6]. Sung, Y. "Axial Ratio-Tuned Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antenna with Long Stubs." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2018 (2018).
[7]. Hasan, Wanis Alfitouri, et al. "Design and fabrication of triple frequency microstrip patch antenna by attaching tuning stub element." 2016 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA). IEEE, 2016.
[8]. Arya, Ashwini K., Rao Shahid Aziz, and Seong-Ook Park. "Planar ultra-wideband printed wide-slot antenna using fork-like tuning stub." Electronics Letters 51.7 (2015): 550-551.
[9]. Bokhari, S. A., et al. "A small microstrip patch antenna with a convenient tuning option." IEEE Transactions on antennas and Propagation 44.11 (1996): 1521-1528.
[11]. Lee, Juho, et al. "Spectrum for 5G: Global status, challenges, and enabling technologies." IEEE Communications Magazine 56.3 (2018): 12-18.
[12]. Global Mobile Suppliers Association, (2018). Spectrum for Terrestrial 5G Networks: Licensing Developments Worldwide. https://gsacom.com/paper/5g-spectrum-terrestrial-networks/ (Accessed:02.01.2020).
[13]. RSPG19-036 FINAL, Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G For Europe, Radio Spectrum Policy Group of European Commission, Brussels, 2019.
[14]. Balanis, Constantine A. "Antenna Theory Analysis And Design’, New Jersey John Willey & Sons." Inc, Publication (2005).
[15]. Joler, Miroslav, and Josko Kucan. "Impact of Slot Parameters on the Three Resonant Frequencies of a Rectangular Microstrip Antenna: Study of the impact of the slot length, width, and position." IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 57.4 (2015): 48-63.
In this paper microstrip patch antennas with rectangular tuning stub are analyzed and variations of the resonant frequency depending on the dimensions of the stub have been studied. According to these variations a design equation has also been proposed for the antennas. The operating frequencies are selected from the early phase 5G bands (700, 2300, 3500 and 4700 MHz) but the equation validity is tested for additional frequencies as 6500 MHz and 8500 MHz which are randomly selected. In order to identify the material effects, analyzes are conducted for two different dielectrics, FR4 and Rogers RT/Duroid 5880. As a result, the analyzes have been performed for twelve different reference antennas and twelve stub placed modified antennas. It has been shown that the patch antennas with rectangular tuning stub pave the way to tune the antenna resonance up to 7.5%-27.6% of its reference design frequency. For example, the proposed structure designed for 700 MHz can shift the resonant frequency up to 511.5 MHz for FR4 and 507 MHz for Rogers RT/Duroid 5880. Moreover, the shifting in frequency at 8500 MHz can reach at 7950 MHz for FR4 and 7865 MHz for Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 with reasonable S11 levels.
[1]. Du Plessis, M., and John Cloete. "Tuning stubs for microstrip-patch antennas." IEEE Antennas and Propagation magazine 36.6 (1994): 52-56.
[2]. Erdil, Emre, et al. "Frequency tunable microstrip patch antenna using RF MEMS technology." IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 55.4 (2007): 1193-1196.
[3]. Sheta, Abdel-Fattah, and Samir F. Mahmoud. "A widely tunable compact patch antenna." IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7 (2008): 40-42.
[4]. Liu, L., and R. J. Langley. "Liquid crystal tunable microstrip patch antenna." Electronics Letters 44.20 (2008): 1179-1180.
[5]. Liang, Jing, and HY David Yang. "Microstrip patch antennas on tunable electromagnetic band-gap substrates." IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 57.6 (2009): 1612-1617.
[6]. Sung, Y. "Axial Ratio-Tuned Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antenna with Long Stubs." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2018 (2018).
[7]. Hasan, Wanis Alfitouri, et al. "Design and fabrication of triple frequency microstrip patch antenna by attaching tuning stub element." 2016 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA). IEEE, 2016.
[8]. Arya, Ashwini K., Rao Shahid Aziz, and Seong-Ook Park. "Planar ultra-wideband printed wide-slot antenna using fork-like tuning stub." Electronics Letters 51.7 (2015): 550-551.
[9]. Bokhari, S. A., et al. "A small microstrip patch antenna with a convenient tuning option." IEEE Transactions on antennas and Propagation 44.11 (1996): 1521-1528.
[11]. Lee, Juho, et al. "Spectrum for 5G: Global status, challenges, and enabling technologies." IEEE Communications Magazine 56.3 (2018): 12-18.
[12]. Global Mobile Suppliers Association, (2018). Spectrum for Terrestrial 5G Networks: Licensing Developments Worldwide. https://gsacom.com/paper/5g-spectrum-terrestrial-networks/ (Accessed:02.01.2020).
[13]. RSPG19-036 FINAL, Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G For Europe, Radio Spectrum Policy Group of European Commission, Brussels, 2019.
[14]. Balanis, Constantine A. "Antenna Theory Analysis And Design’, New Jersey John Willey & Sons." Inc, Publication (2005).
[15]. Joler, Miroslav, and Josko Kucan. "Impact of Slot Parameters on the Three Resonant Frequencies of a Rectangular Microstrip Antenna: Study of the impact of the slot length, width, and position." IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 57.4 (2015): 48-63.
B. G. Hakanoğlu, Ş. E. Hayber, and M. Türkmen, “Design Equation for Operating Frequency of Patch Antenna with a Rectangular Tuning Stub at Early Phase 5G Bands”, APJES, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 403–410, 2021, doi: 10.21541/apjes.764369.