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Importance of Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) for Nutrition and Health: Biological Activities

Year 2022, , 10 - 17, 30.06.2022


Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) is rich in protein, free and conjugated forms of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber fractions, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Due to its rich content, it is used in multi-purpose foods and as a nutritional supplement today. Both the flowers and fruits of black elderberry are used in traditional medicine for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. The most important group of polyphenols obtained from black elderberry flowers are chlorogenic acids and coumaroylquinic acids. It is rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids. It contains high anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are natural antioxidants. In addition, anthocyanins show anticarcinogenic, immunostimulating, antiallergic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The healing properties of black elderberry are characterized by a strong antioxidant effect. This situation is associated with the presence of phenolic compounds, which can eliminate free radicals and prevent oxidative stress, which has negative effects on the human body. It is known to have significant anti-microbial effects. It shows the effect of regulating defense mechanisms in both health and disease states. It is known that it can be beneficial in the activation of the immune system and the inflammation process. Polyphenolic extract from black elderberry has protective effects for cardiovascular health. In this review, the biological properties of elderberry components such as antioxidant active, anticarcinogenic, antidiuretic, antimicrobial and cardiovascular effects are presented.


  • Ağalar, H. G. (2019). Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.). In Nonvitamin and Nonmineral Nutritional Supplements (pp. 211-215). Academic Press.
  • Akbulut, M., Ercisli, S., & Tosun, M. (2009). Physico-chemical characteristics of some wild grown European elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) genotypes. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 5(20), 320.
  • Atkinson, M. D., & Atkinson, E. (2002). Sambucus nigra L. Journal of Ecology, 90(5), 895-923.
  • Bartak, M., Lange, A., Słońska-Zielonka, A., & Cymerys-Bulenda, J. (2020). Homemade onion syrup. Why is it a great common cold remedy?. Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce, 7.
  • Bhattacharya, S., Christensen, K. B., Olsen, L. C., Christensen, L. P., Grevsen, K., Færgeman, N. J., ... & Oksbjerg, N. (2013). Bioactive components from flowers of Sambucus nigra L. increase glucose uptake in primary porcine myotube cultures and reduce fat accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(46), 11033-11040.
  • Bogue, J., Collins, O., & Troy, A. J. (2017). Market analysis and concept development of functional foods. In Developing new functional food and nutraceutical products (pp. 29-45). Academic Press.
  • Cao, G., & Prior, R. L. (1999). Anthocyanins are detected in human plasma after oral administration of an elderberry extract. Clinical Chemistry, 45(4), 574-576.
  • Castillo-Maldonado, I., Moreno-Altamirano, M. M. B., & Serrano-Gallardo, L. B. (2017). Anti-dengue serotype-2 activity effect of Sambucus nigra leaves-and flowers-derived compounds. Virology, 1(3), 1-5.
  • Chowdhury, S. R., Ray, U., Chatterjee, B. P., & Roy, S. S. (2017). Targeted apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells through mitochondrial dysfunction in response to Sambucus nigra agglutinin. Cell Death & Disease, 8(5), e2762-e2762.
  • Chrubasik, C., Maier, T., Dawid, C., Torda, T., Schieber, A., Hofmann, T., & Chrubasik, S. (2008). An observational study and quantification of the actives in a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus officinalis used for weight reduction. Phytotherapy Research, 22(7), 913-918.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Badescu, L., Badulescu, O., & Badescu, M. (2012). Intervention of Sambucus nigra polyphenolic extract in experimental arterial hypertension. International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 6(4), 80-83.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Mirón, A., Mares, L., Tutunaru, D., Pohaci, C., Groza, M., & Badescu, M. (2009). The effects of Sambucus nigra polyphenols on oxidative stress and metabolic disorders in experimental diabetes mellitus. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 65(3), 297-304.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Serban, D., Bădescu, L., Tutunaru, D., Badulescu, O., & Bădescu, M. (2010). The effects of Sambucus nigra extract in experimental arterial hypertension. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 15(2), 87-92.
  • Dall'Olio, F., Chiricolo, M., Ceccarelli, C., Minni, F., Marrano, D., & Santini, D. (2000). β‐galactoside α2, 6 sialyltransferase in human colon cancer: contribution of multiple transcripts to regulation of enzyme activity and reactivity with sambucus nigra agglutinin. International Journal of Cancer, 88(1), 58-65.
  • Dawidowicz, A. L., Wianowska, D., & Baraniak, B. (2006). The antioxidant properties of alcoholic extracts from Sambucus nigra L.(antioxidant properties of extracts). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 39(3), 308-315.
  • Díaz, L. D., Fernández-Ruiz, V., & Cámara, M. (2020). An international regulatory review of food health-related claims in functional food products labeling. Journal of Functional Foods, 68, 103896.
  • Doğan, M. (2020). Su teresinin (Nasturtium officinale R. BR.) beslenme-diyet potansiyeli ve antioksidan özellikleri: bir derleme. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences, 6(3), 222-233.
  • Dogan, M., & Emsen, B. (2018). Anti-cytotoxic-genotoxic influences of in vitro propagated Bacopa monnieri L. Pennell in cultured human lymphocytes. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 1(2), 48-53.
  • Domínguez Díaz, L., Fernández-Ruiz, V., & Cámara, M. (2020). The frontier between nutrition and pharma: The international regulatory framework of functional foods, food supplements and nutraceuticals. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60(10), 1738-1746.
  • Domínguez, R., Zhang, L., Rocchetti, G., Lucini, L., Pateiro, M., Munekata, P. E., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2020). Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) as potential source of antioxidants. Characterization, optimization of extraction parameters and bioactive properties. Food Chemistry, 330, 127266.
  • Emsen, B., & Dogan, M. (2018). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of in vitro propagated medicinal Ceratophyllum demersum L. extracts. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 23-33.
  • Esin Çelik, S., Özyürek, M., Güçlü, K., Çapanoğlu, E., & Apak, R. (2014). Identification and Anti‐oxidant Capacity Determination of Phenolics and their Glycosides in Elderflower by On‐line HPLC–CUPRAC Method. Phytochemical Analysis, 25(2), 147-154.
  • Fazio, A., Plastina, P., Meijerink, J., Witkamp, R. F., & Gabriele, B. (2013). Comparative analyses of seeds of wild fruits of Rubus and Sambucus species from Southern Italy: Fatty acid composition of the oil, total phenolic content, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the methanolic extracts. Food chemistry, 140(4), 817-824.
  • Ghedira, K., Goetz, P., & Lejeune, R. (2011). Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae ou Adoxaceae ou Sambucaceae): sureau. Phytothérapie, 9(4), 244-248.
  • Gleńsk, M., Czapińska, E., Woźniak, M., Ceremuga, I., Włodarczyk, M., Terlecki, G., ... & Seweryn, E. (2017). Triterpenoid acids as important antiproliferative constituents of European elderberry fruits. Nutrition and cancer, 69(4), 643-651.
  • Gray, A. M., Abdel-Wahab, Y. H., & Flatt, P. R. (2000). The traditional plant treatment, Sambucus nigra (elder), exhibits insulin-like and insulin-releasing actions in vitro. The Journal of Nutrition, 130(1), 15-20.
  • Harnett, J., Oakes, K., Carè, J., Leach, M., Brown, D., Cramer, H., ... & Anheyer, D. (2020). The effects of Sambucus nigra berry on acute respiratory viral infections: A rapid review of clinical studies. Advances in Integrative Medicine, 7(4), 240-246.
  • Hawkins, J., Baker, C., Cherry, L., & Dunne, E. (2019). Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 42, 361-365.
  • Ho, G. T. T., Kase, E. T., Wangensteen, H., & Barsett, H. (2017). Phenolic elderberry extracts, anthocyanins, procyanidins, and metabolites influence glucose and fatty acid uptake in human skeletal muscle cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(13), 2677-2685.
  • Kaack, K. (2008). Processing of aroma extracts from elder flower (Sambucus nigra L.). European Food Research and Technology, 227(2), 375-390.
  • Kaack, K., & Christensen, L. P. (2010). Phenolic acids and flavonoids in tea processed from flowers of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) stored in different packing materials. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 75(5), 214-220.
  • Lim, T. K. (2012). Sambucus nigra. In Edible Medicinal and Non-medicinal Plants (pp. 30-44). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Madhujith, T., & Shahidi, F. (2004). Antioxidant activity of blueberry and other vaccinium species. Nutraceutical Beverages: Chemistry, Nutrition and Health effects, 871, 149-160.
  • Mahboubi, M., Kazempour, N., & Mahboubi, A. (2012). Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Sambacus nigra L. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 2(5), 275-283.
  • Mahmoudi, M., Ebrahimzadeh, M. A., Dooshan, A., Arimi, A., Ghasemi, N., & Fathiazad, F. (2014). Antidepressant activities of Sambucus ebulus and Sambucus nigra. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 18(22), 3350-3353.
  • Mérillon, J. M. & Ramawat, K. G. (2019). Bioactive molecules in food. Springer.
  • Mikulic-Petkovsek, M., Samoticha, J., Eler, K., Stampar, F., & Veberic, R. (2015). Traditional elderflower beverages: a rich source of phenolic compounds with high antioxidant activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(5), 1477-1487.
  • Milena, V., Tatjana, M., Gökhan, Z., Ivana, B., Aleksandra, C., Mohammad, M. F., & Marija, R. (2019). Advantages of contemporary extraction techniques for the extraction of bioactive constituents from black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) flowers. Industrial Crops and Products, 136, 93-101.
  • Młynarczyk, K., Walkowiak-Tomczak, D., & Łysiak, G. P. (2018). Bioactive properties of Sambucus nigra L. as a functional ingredient for food and pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Functional Foods, 40, 377-390.
  • Olejnik, A., Kowalska, K., Olkowicz, M., Rychlik, J., Juzwa, W., Myszka, K., ... & Białas, W. (2015). Anti-inflammatory effects of gastrointestinal digested Sambucus nigra L. fruit extract analysed in co-cultured intestinal epithelial cells and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. Journal of Functional Foods, 19, 649-660.
  • Pappalardo, G., & Lusk, J. L. (2016). The role of beliefs in purchasing process of functional foods. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 151-158.
  • Petruţ, G. S., Muste, S., Mureșan, C., Păucean, A., Mureşan, A. E., & Nagy, M. (2017). Chemical profiles and antioxidant activity of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.)-A Review. Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, 74(1), 9-16.
  • Porter, R. S., & Bode, R. F. (2017). A review of the antiviral properties of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) products. Phytotherapy Research, 31(4), 533-554.
  • Rieger, G., Müller, M., Guttenberger, H., & Bucar, F. (2008). Influence of altitudinal variation on the content of phenolic compounds in wild populations of Calluna vulgaris, Sambucus nigra, and Vaccinium myrtillus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(19), 9080-9086.
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  • Senica, M., Stampar, F., Veberic, R., & Mikulic‐Petkovsek, M. (2017). The higher the better? Differences in phenolics and cyanogenic glycosides in Sambucus nigra leaves, flowers and berries from different altitudes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97(8), 2623-2632.
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Beslenme ve Sağlık İçin Kara Mürver’in (Sambucus nigra L.) Önemi: Biyolojik Aktiviteleri

Year 2022, , 10 - 17, 30.06.2022


Kara mürver (Sambucus nigra L.) protein, serbest ve konjuge amino asit formları, doymamış yağ asitleri, lif fraksiyonları, vitaminler, antioksidanlar ve mineraller bakımından zengindir. Zengin içeriği sebebiyle günümüzde çok amaçlı gıdalarda ve besin takviyesi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kara mürverin, hem çiçekleri hem de meyveleri geleneksel tıpta profilaktik ve tedavi amaçlı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kara mürver çiçeklerinden elde edilen en önemli polifenol grubu klorojenik asitler ve kumaroilkinik asitlerdir. Fenolik asitler ve flavonoidler açısından oldukça zengindir. Kara mürver yüksek antosiyanin barındırmaktadır. Antosiyoninler doğal antioksidanlardır. Ayrıca antosiyoninler antikanserojen, immün sistem uyarıcı, antialerjik, antibakteriyel ve antiviral özellik gösterirler. Kara mürverin iyileştirici özellikleri güçlü bir antioksidan etki göstermesi ile karakterizedir. Bu durum serbest radikalleri ortadan kaldırabilen ve insan vücudunda olumsuz etkiler gösteren oksidatif stresi önleyebilen fenolik bileşiklerin varlığı ile ilişkilidir. Kara mürverlerin önemli anti-mikrobiyal etkiye sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Kara mürver, hem sağlık hem de hastalık durumunda savunma mekanizmalarını düzenleme etkisi göstermektedir. Bağışıklık sistemi aktivasyonunda ve iltihaplanma sürecinde faydalı olabileceğini bilinmektedir. Kara mürverden elde edilen polifenolik özüt, kalp-damar sağlığı için koruyucu etkilere sahiptir. Bu derleme çalışmasında kara mürverin antioksidan aktivitesi, antikanserojen, antidiüretik, antimikrobiyal ve kardiyovasküler etkileri gibi biyolojik özellikleri sunulmuştur.


  • Ağalar, H. G. (2019). Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.). In Nonvitamin and Nonmineral Nutritional Supplements (pp. 211-215). Academic Press.
  • Akbulut, M., Ercisli, S., & Tosun, M. (2009). Physico-chemical characteristics of some wild grown European elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) genotypes. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 5(20), 320.
  • Atkinson, M. D., & Atkinson, E. (2002). Sambucus nigra L. Journal of Ecology, 90(5), 895-923.
  • Bartak, M., Lange, A., Słońska-Zielonka, A., & Cymerys-Bulenda, J. (2020). Homemade onion syrup. Why is it a great common cold remedy?. Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce, 7.
  • Bhattacharya, S., Christensen, K. B., Olsen, L. C., Christensen, L. P., Grevsen, K., Færgeman, N. J., ... & Oksbjerg, N. (2013). Bioactive components from flowers of Sambucus nigra L. increase glucose uptake in primary porcine myotube cultures and reduce fat accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(46), 11033-11040.
  • Bogue, J., Collins, O., & Troy, A. J. (2017). Market analysis and concept development of functional foods. In Developing new functional food and nutraceutical products (pp. 29-45). Academic Press.
  • Cao, G., & Prior, R. L. (1999). Anthocyanins are detected in human plasma after oral administration of an elderberry extract. Clinical Chemistry, 45(4), 574-576.
  • Castillo-Maldonado, I., Moreno-Altamirano, M. M. B., & Serrano-Gallardo, L. B. (2017). Anti-dengue serotype-2 activity effect of Sambucus nigra leaves-and flowers-derived compounds. Virology, 1(3), 1-5.
  • Chowdhury, S. R., Ray, U., Chatterjee, B. P., & Roy, S. S. (2017). Targeted apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells through mitochondrial dysfunction in response to Sambucus nigra agglutinin. Cell Death & Disease, 8(5), e2762-e2762.
  • Chrubasik, C., Maier, T., Dawid, C., Torda, T., Schieber, A., Hofmann, T., & Chrubasik, S. (2008). An observational study and quantification of the actives in a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus officinalis used for weight reduction. Phytotherapy Research, 22(7), 913-918.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Badescu, L., Badulescu, O., & Badescu, M. (2012). Intervention of Sambucus nigra polyphenolic extract in experimental arterial hypertension. International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 6(4), 80-83.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Mirón, A., Mares, L., Tutunaru, D., Pohaci, C., Groza, M., & Badescu, M. (2009). The effects of Sambucus nigra polyphenols on oxidative stress and metabolic disorders in experimental diabetes mellitus. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 65(3), 297-304.
  • Ciocoiu, M., Serban, D., Bădescu, L., Tutunaru, D., Badulescu, O., & Bădescu, M. (2010). The effects of Sambucus nigra extract in experimental arterial hypertension. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 15(2), 87-92.
  • Dall'Olio, F., Chiricolo, M., Ceccarelli, C., Minni, F., Marrano, D., & Santini, D. (2000). β‐galactoside α2, 6 sialyltransferase in human colon cancer: contribution of multiple transcripts to regulation of enzyme activity and reactivity with sambucus nigra agglutinin. International Journal of Cancer, 88(1), 58-65.
  • Dawidowicz, A. L., Wianowska, D., & Baraniak, B. (2006). The antioxidant properties of alcoholic extracts from Sambucus nigra L.(antioxidant properties of extracts). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 39(3), 308-315.
  • Díaz, L. D., Fernández-Ruiz, V., & Cámara, M. (2020). An international regulatory review of food health-related claims in functional food products labeling. Journal of Functional Foods, 68, 103896.
  • Doğan, M. (2020). Su teresinin (Nasturtium officinale R. BR.) beslenme-diyet potansiyeli ve antioksidan özellikleri: bir derleme. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences, 6(3), 222-233.
  • Dogan, M., & Emsen, B. (2018). Anti-cytotoxic-genotoxic influences of in vitro propagated Bacopa monnieri L. Pennell in cultured human lymphocytes. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 1(2), 48-53.
  • Domínguez Díaz, L., Fernández-Ruiz, V., & Cámara, M. (2020). The frontier between nutrition and pharma: The international regulatory framework of functional foods, food supplements and nutraceuticals. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60(10), 1738-1746.
  • Domínguez, R., Zhang, L., Rocchetti, G., Lucini, L., Pateiro, M., Munekata, P. E., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2020). Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) as potential source of antioxidants. Characterization, optimization of extraction parameters and bioactive properties. Food Chemistry, 330, 127266.
  • Emsen, B., & Dogan, M. (2018). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of in vitro propagated medicinal Ceratophyllum demersum L. extracts. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 23-33.
  • Esin Çelik, S., Özyürek, M., Güçlü, K., Çapanoğlu, E., & Apak, R. (2014). Identification and Anti‐oxidant Capacity Determination of Phenolics and their Glycosides in Elderflower by On‐line HPLC–CUPRAC Method. Phytochemical Analysis, 25(2), 147-154.
  • Fazio, A., Plastina, P., Meijerink, J., Witkamp, R. F., & Gabriele, B. (2013). Comparative analyses of seeds of wild fruits of Rubus and Sambucus species from Southern Italy: Fatty acid composition of the oil, total phenolic content, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the methanolic extracts. Food chemistry, 140(4), 817-824.
  • Ghedira, K., Goetz, P., & Lejeune, R. (2011). Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae ou Adoxaceae ou Sambucaceae): sureau. Phytothérapie, 9(4), 244-248.
  • Gleńsk, M., Czapińska, E., Woźniak, M., Ceremuga, I., Włodarczyk, M., Terlecki, G., ... & Seweryn, E. (2017). Triterpenoid acids as important antiproliferative constituents of European elderberry fruits. Nutrition and cancer, 69(4), 643-651.
  • Gray, A. M., Abdel-Wahab, Y. H., & Flatt, P. R. (2000). The traditional plant treatment, Sambucus nigra (elder), exhibits insulin-like and insulin-releasing actions in vitro. The Journal of Nutrition, 130(1), 15-20.
  • Harnett, J., Oakes, K., Carè, J., Leach, M., Brown, D., Cramer, H., ... & Anheyer, D. (2020). The effects of Sambucus nigra berry on acute respiratory viral infections: A rapid review of clinical studies. Advances in Integrative Medicine, 7(4), 240-246.
  • Hawkins, J., Baker, C., Cherry, L., & Dunne, E. (2019). Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 42, 361-365.
  • Ho, G. T. T., Kase, E. T., Wangensteen, H., & Barsett, H. (2017). Phenolic elderberry extracts, anthocyanins, procyanidins, and metabolites influence glucose and fatty acid uptake in human skeletal muscle cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(13), 2677-2685.
  • Kaack, K. (2008). Processing of aroma extracts from elder flower (Sambucus nigra L.). European Food Research and Technology, 227(2), 375-390.
  • Kaack, K., & Christensen, L. P. (2010). Phenolic acids and flavonoids in tea processed from flowers of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) stored in different packing materials. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 75(5), 214-220.
  • Lim, T. K. (2012). Sambucus nigra. In Edible Medicinal and Non-medicinal Plants (pp. 30-44). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Madhujith, T., & Shahidi, F. (2004). Antioxidant activity of blueberry and other vaccinium species. Nutraceutical Beverages: Chemistry, Nutrition and Health effects, 871, 149-160.
  • Mahboubi, M., Kazempour, N., & Mahboubi, A. (2012). Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Sambacus nigra L. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 2(5), 275-283.
  • Mahmoudi, M., Ebrahimzadeh, M. A., Dooshan, A., Arimi, A., Ghasemi, N., & Fathiazad, F. (2014). Antidepressant activities of Sambucus ebulus and Sambucus nigra. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 18(22), 3350-3353.
  • Mérillon, J. M. & Ramawat, K. G. (2019). Bioactive molecules in food. Springer.
  • Mikulic-Petkovsek, M., Samoticha, J., Eler, K., Stampar, F., & Veberic, R. (2015). Traditional elderflower beverages: a rich source of phenolic compounds with high antioxidant activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(5), 1477-1487.
  • Milena, V., Tatjana, M., Gökhan, Z., Ivana, B., Aleksandra, C., Mohammad, M. F., & Marija, R. (2019). Advantages of contemporary extraction techniques for the extraction of bioactive constituents from black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) flowers. Industrial Crops and Products, 136, 93-101.
  • Młynarczyk, K., Walkowiak-Tomczak, D., & Łysiak, G. P. (2018). Bioactive properties of Sambucus nigra L. as a functional ingredient for food and pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Functional Foods, 40, 377-390.
  • Olejnik, A., Kowalska, K., Olkowicz, M., Rychlik, J., Juzwa, W., Myszka, K., ... & Białas, W. (2015). Anti-inflammatory effects of gastrointestinal digested Sambucus nigra L. fruit extract analysed in co-cultured intestinal epithelial cells and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. Journal of Functional Foods, 19, 649-660.
  • Pappalardo, G., & Lusk, J. L. (2016). The role of beliefs in purchasing process of functional foods. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 151-158.
  • Petruţ, G. S., Muste, S., Mureșan, C., Păucean, A., Mureşan, A. E., & Nagy, M. (2017). Chemical profiles and antioxidant activity of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.)-A Review. Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, 74(1), 9-16.
  • Porter, R. S., & Bode, R. F. (2017). A review of the antiviral properties of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) products. Phytotherapy Research, 31(4), 533-554.
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nutrition and Dietetics, Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Rumeysa Göldağ This is me 0000-0002-8621-109X

Ömer Görkem Göldağ This is me 0000-0001-9760-3497

Muhammet Doğan 0000-0003-3138-5903

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Acceptance Date April 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Göldağ, R., Göldağ, Ö. G., & Doğan, M. (2022). Beslenme ve Sağlık İçin Kara Mürver’in (Sambucus nigra L.) Önemi: Biyolojik Aktiviteleri. Academic Platform Journal of Halal Lifestyle, 4(1), 10-17.

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