Writing Rules

This text has been prepared for authors who are aiming to submit articles to the Academic Review of Humanities and Social Sciences (ARHUSS) journal. After reviewing the relevant writing rules, the studies to be evaluated should be sent to the journal online via the Dergipark system.

Article submission means that this article has been sent only to ARHUSS magazine; it should be a work that has not been published before or has not been evaluated for publication elsewhere. ARHUSS magazine will not be legally liable if the authors do not fulfill this condition.

All articles to be submitted to the journal should be original and scientific in nature within the scope of the journal.
Articles must be written in Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher.
Turkish and English are the language in writing the articles.
The latest edition of the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as a criterion for spelling and punctuation.
The bibliography part should start from a new page. All resources contained in the text should be included in the “Bibliography” section. All resource representations are mentioned in APA 6. It should be carried out according to the version.
The inscriptions are in A4 sizes, and the upper, lower, right, and left spaces are 2.5 cm. It should be written in double-spaced and plain text, leaving it (in an area of 16 x 24.7).
In the main sections of the article, the “Cambria” 12-point font should be used. The title of the article should be written in bold, centered in capital letters, 14 points. The author's name should be given in 10-point bold at the bottom and left side of the title. The author's organization and title should be given in 8-point italics at the bottom of the first page. Turkish English abstracts of 100-150 words should be given as 10 points. Abstracts should not overflow to the page. The title of the abstract should be given immediately above the abstract, in the abstract language, and in a 10-point format. Keywords should be indicated in 10 dots and italics on the left of the abstract
All sections and titles of the article, including the Introduction and Conclusion sections, should be numbered and written in bold.
Tables and figures should be given a title (sequence number and name). In tables, the titles should be written at the top, and in figures, the titles should be written at the bottom. The table and figureheadings should be centered and written in bold. The initials of the words in the title should be written in capital letters. After the table title, 6 pt spaces should be left.

The bibliography part should start from a new page. All resources contained in the text should be included in the “Bibliography” section. All resource representations are mentioned in APA 6. It should be carried out according to the version.

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