Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 20-21, 30 - 43, 30.12.2022


Turkish carpets have had an important place in the West for centuries. Even though the first information regarding the export of Turkish carpets to Northern and Western Europe dates back to XIth century, it can be said that the exact and clear evidence of this export and its effects on these societies dates after 1453. Vetenian merchants played a major role in the familiarization of Turkish carpets to Europe.
In the Middle Ages in Great Britain the carpets were laid in front of the altar in churches during the ceremonies or on festive days. Until the mid XVIIth century, the floors were made of stone, tile, wood planks or beaten earth in royal, aristocratic or burgher houses. They were covered with layers of straw, rush, or various grasses, to lay carpets on the floor was not a tradition. In the XVth century, only royal families and aristocratic families could afford to buy Turkish carpets. In this century, carpets were sold for much higher prices than any other Oriental goods and some works of art. Turkish carpets were displayed as status symbols in European palaces, churches and aristocratic houses.
Turkish and other oriental carpets were depicted in European paintings. These carpets can be seen in religious paintings and then in the portraits of wealthy people. In this study, a group of paintings in The National Gallery-London, dated between XVth-XVIIth century were examined. The common feature of these paintings is that they are examples emphasizing how valuable and important Turkish carpets were for Europe at that time. Selected works are by Carlo Crivelli, Master of Saint Giles, David Ghirlandaio, Quinten Massys, Young Hans Holbein and Lorenzo Lotto.


  • Bronowski, Jacob ve Mazlish, Bruce. Leonardo’dan Hegel’e Batı Düşünce Tarihi. çev., Elvan Özkavruk Adanır, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2012.
  • Carrier, David. “Islamic Carpets in Christian Paintings: An Alternative Theory of the Origin of the Public Art Museum”. Notes in the History of Art. 25/1, (2005): 1-5.
  • Colenbrander, Herman Th. ve Girault, Pierre-Gilles. “The Master of Saint Giles:A New Proposal for the Reconstruction of the London and Washington Panels”, The Burlington Magazine, 139/ 1135 (1997): 684-689.
  • (erişim 25.04.2022).
  • Dunkerton, Jill. “The Technique and Restoration of The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels by Quinten Massys”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin. 29 (2008): 60–75. (erişim 27.04.2022).
  • Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi. Uşun Tükel. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: Yem Yayın Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, 1997.
  • Galea-Blanc Clothilde, “The Carpet in Great Britain”, Great Carpets of the World, New York: The Vendome Press 1996.
  • Colenbrander, Herman Th ve Girault, Pierre-Gilles. “The Master of Saint Giles:A New Proposal for the Reconstruction of the London and Washington Panels”. The Burlington Magazine, 139/1135 (1997): 684-689.
  • (erişim 25.04.2022).
  • Hentzner, Paul. Travels in England: During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. London: Cassel&Company Ltd., 1892.
  • (erişim 10.04.2022).
  • Hervey, Mary F.S. Holbein’s “Ambassadors” the Picture and the Men. London: George Bell and Sons, 1900.
  • (erişim 28.04.2022)
  • Hickson, Sally. "Carlo Crivelli, The Annunciation with Saint Emidius,"Smarthistory, Haziran 15, 2020. Erişim 17 Nisan, 2022.
  • Holbein, Hans. The Dance of Death. New York: Scott-Thaw Company, 1903.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Howard, Deborah. “Venice as an Eastern City”. Venice and the Islamic World 828-1797. ed. Stefano Carboni, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2007.
  • Hughes, Diane Owen. “Representing the Family: Portraits and Purposes in Early Modern Italy”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 7/1, (1986): 7-38.
  • (erişim 30.04.2022).
  • Kim, David Young. “Lotto’s Carpets: Materiality, Textiles, and Composition in Renaissance Painting”. The Art Bulletin. 98/2, (2016): 181-212.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Mack Rosamond E., Bazaar to Piazza, Islamic Trade and Italian Art 1300-1600. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
  • Nejad, Behrang Nabavi. “The Meaning of Oriental Carpets in the Early Modern Domestic Interior: The Case of Lorenzo Lotto’s Portrait of a Married Couple”, ARTiculate, 1, (2012): 4-21. (erişim 30.04.2022)
  • Ruvoldt, Maria. “Sacred to Secular, East to West: The Renaissance Study and Strategies of Display” Renaissance Studies, 20/5, (2006): 640-657.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Schoeser Mary. World Textiles A Concise History. New York: Thames&Hudson Ltd., 2003.
  • The National Gallery London. “The Ambassadors”. Erişim 28 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius”. Erişim 15 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Mass of Saint Giles”. Erişim 15 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “Portrait of Giovanni della Volta with his wife and Children”. Erişim 29 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Virgin and the Child Enthroned with Four Angels”. Erişim 27 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Virgin and Child with Saint John”. Erişim 26 Nisan, 2022.
  • Wyld, M. “The Restoration History of Holbein's "The Ambassadors", National Gallery Technical Bulletin. 19, (1998): 4–25.
  • (erişim 27.04.2022)


Year 2022, Issue: 20-21, 30 - 43, 30.12.2022


Türk halıları Batı dünyasında yüzyıllar boyunca önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Türk halılarının Kuzey ve Batı Avrupa’ya ihracatıyla ilgili ilk bilgiler XI. yüzyıla ait olsa da bu halıların Avrupa ülkelerine yayılması ve bu toplumlar üstündeki etkisi konusunda kesin ve net bilgilerin 1453 yılından sonraki tarihlere rastladığı söylenebilir. Türk halılarının Avrupa’ya girişinde Venedikli tüccarlar büyük rol oynamıştır.
Orta Çağ’da İngiltere’de halıların özel günlerde kiliselerde altarın önüne serildiği bilinmektedir. XVII. yüzyılın ortalarına kadar İngiliz saraylarında, aristokrat evlerinde ve diğer konutlarda zeminler taş, ahşap, karo ya da topraktır. Zeminler saman, çeşitli bitkiler veya çimen yayılarak örtülmüş, üzerlerine yer yaygısı serme gibi bir gelenekleri olmamıştır. XV. yüzyılda Türk halılarını satın almaya sadece kraliyet ailelerinin ve aristokrat ailelerin gücü yetmiştir. Bu yüzyılda halılar, diğer Doğu mallarından ve bazı sanat eserlerinden çok daha yüksek fiyata satılmıştır. Türk halıları Avrupa saraylarında, kiliselerde ve aristokrat evlerinde bir statü simgesi olarak teşhir edilmiştir.
Türk ve Doğu halılarının Avrupa resim sanatına ait örneklerde de resmedildiği görülmektedir. Halılar ilk önceleri dini konulu resimlerde daha sonra varlıklı kişilerin portrelerinde resmedilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Londra Ulusal Galeri’de XV-XVII. yüzyıllar arasında tarihlendirilmiş bir grup tablo incelenmiştir. Tabloların ortak özelliği o dönemlerde Avrupa için Türk halılarının ne kadar değerli ve önemli olduğunu vurgulayan örnekler olmasıdır. Seçilen eserler Carlo Crivelli, Master of Saint Giles, David Ghirlandaio, Quinten Massys, Genç Hans Holbein ve Lorenzo Lotto tarafından yapılmıştır.


  • Bronowski, Jacob ve Mazlish, Bruce. Leonardo’dan Hegel’e Batı Düşünce Tarihi. çev., Elvan Özkavruk Adanır, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2012.
  • Carrier, David. “Islamic Carpets in Christian Paintings: An Alternative Theory of the Origin of the Public Art Museum”. Notes in the History of Art. 25/1, (2005): 1-5.
  • Colenbrander, Herman Th. ve Girault, Pierre-Gilles. “The Master of Saint Giles:A New Proposal for the Reconstruction of the London and Washington Panels”, The Burlington Magazine, 139/ 1135 (1997): 684-689.
  • (erişim 25.04.2022).
  • Dunkerton, Jill. “The Technique and Restoration of The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels by Quinten Massys”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin. 29 (2008): 60–75. (erişim 27.04.2022).
  • Eczacıbaşı Sanat Ansiklopedisi. Uşun Tükel. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: Yem Yayın Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, 1997.
  • Galea-Blanc Clothilde, “The Carpet in Great Britain”, Great Carpets of the World, New York: The Vendome Press 1996.
  • Colenbrander, Herman Th ve Girault, Pierre-Gilles. “The Master of Saint Giles:A New Proposal for the Reconstruction of the London and Washington Panels”. The Burlington Magazine, 139/1135 (1997): 684-689.
  • (erişim 25.04.2022).
  • Hentzner, Paul. Travels in England: During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. London: Cassel&Company Ltd., 1892.
  • (erişim 10.04.2022).
  • Hervey, Mary F.S. Holbein’s “Ambassadors” the Picture and the Men. London: George Bell and Sons, 1900.
  • (erişim 28.04.2022)
  • Hickson, Sally. "Carlo Crivelli, The Annunciation with Saint Emidius,"Smarthistory, Haziran 15, 2020. Erişim 17 Nisan, 2022.
  • Holbein, Hans. The Dance of Death. New York: Scott-Thaw Company, 1903.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Howard, Deborah. “Venice as an Eastern City”. Venice and the Islamic World 828-1797. ed. Stefano Carboni, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2007.
  • Hughes, Diane Owen. “Representing the Family: Portraits and Purposes in Early Modern Italy”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 7/1, (1986): 7-38.
  • (erişim 30.04.2022).
  • Kim, David Young. “Lotto’s Carpets: Materiality, Textiles, and Composition in Renaissance Painting”. The Art Bulletin. 98/2, (2016): 181-212.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Mack Rosamond E., Bazaar to Piazza, Islamic Trade and Italian Art 1300-1600. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
  • Nejad, Behrang Nabavi. “The Meaning of Oriental Carpets in the Early Modern Domestic Interior: The Case of Lorenzo Lotto’s Portrait of a Married Couple”, ARTiculate, 1, (2012): 4-21. (erişim 30.04.2022)
  • Ruvoldt, Maria. “Sacred to Secular, East to West: The Renaissance Study and Strategies of Display” Renaissance Studies, 20/5, (2006): 640-657.
  • (erişim 29.04.2022)
  • Schoeser Mary. World Textiles A Concise History. New York: Thames&Hudson Ltd., 2003.
  • The National Gallery London. “The Ambassadors”. Erişim 28 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius”. Erişim 15 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Mass of Saint Giles”. Erişim 15 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “Portrait of Giovanni della Volta with his wife and Children”. Erişim 29 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Virgin and the Child Enthroned with Four Angels”. Erişim 27 Nisan, 2022.
  • The National Gallery, London. “The Virgin and Child with Saint John”. Erişim 26 Nisan, 2022.
  • Wyld, M. “The Restoration History of Holbein's "The Ambassadors", National Gallery Technical Bulletin. 19, (1998): 4–25.
  • (erişim 27.04.2022)
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Elvan Özkavruk Adanır This is me 0000-0003-2821-6412

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 20-21
