Bouiville C., TS. Constandse-Westermann ve RR.
Newell (1963) Les restes humains
Mésolithiques de l'Abri Corbille,
Istres (Bouches-du-Rhone). Bulletins
e t Mémoires de la Société
d1 Anthropologie de Paris, 13:69-110.
Brothwell DR. (1961) Digging up Bones. London:
Oxford University Press British
M useum ( N a tu ra l H is to r y ) .
Corruccini RS., JS. Handler ve KP. Jacobs (1965)
Chronological distribution of enamel
hypoplasia and weaning in a Caribbean slave population. Human
Biology, 57:699-711.
Cutress TW. ve GW. Sucling (1962) The assessment
of noncariousdefects on enamel.
International Dental Journal, 32:117
El-Najjar YM„ V. Desanti ve L. Ozebek (1976)
Prevalence and possible ethiology of
dental enamel hypoplasia. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Erdal Y5. (1996) İznik geç Bizans dönemilinsanlarının
çene ve dişlerinin antropolojik açıdan
İncelenmesi. Ankara: HÜ. Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış
Doktora Tezi),
Erdal YS. ve i. Duyar (1999) A new correction
procedure fo r calibrating dental
caries frequency. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 106:237
Eroğlu S. (1996)Sardis Roma-Bizans toplumlarinda
diş hastalıkları ve ağız sağlığı. Ankara:
AU. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
Goodman AH., GJ. Armelagos ve JC. Rose (1960)
Enamel hypoplasias as indicators of
stress in three prehistoric
populations from Illinois. Human
Biology, 52:515-528.
Goodman AH. ve ark. (1967) Prevalence and age a t
development o f enamel hypoplasias
in Mexican children. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 72:7-19.
Goodman AH., DL. M artin GJ., Armelagos ve G.
Clark (1964) Indications o f stress
from bone and teeth. M.N. Cohen ve
G J. Armelagos (Eds.),
Paleopathology a t the Origins of
Ariculture. Orlando: Academic Press,
Inc., 13-49.
Goodman AH. ve JC. Rose (1990) Assessment of
systemic physiological perturbations
from dental enamel hypoplasias and
associated histological structures.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology,
Güleç E. (1967) Van Dilkaya İskeletlerinin
paleoantropolojik incelenmesi.
Araştırm a Sonuçları Toplantısı,
4 :3 6 9 -3 8 0 .
Güleç E. (1969) Panaztepe iskeletlerinin
paleoantropolojik ve paleopatolojik
incelenmesi. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi,
26: 73-95.
Güleç E., A. Sevim, I. Özer ve M. Sağır (1996)
Klazomenai'de yaşamış insanların
sağlık sorunları. Arkeometri Sonuçları
Toplantısı, 8:133-152.
Güney, H. (1994) Aşvan Kale ve Panaztepe
İskeletlerinde diş yapısı.
(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü.
Hall RL., R. Morrow ve JH. Clarke (1986) Dental
pathology of prehistoric residents
of Oregon. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 69:325-334.
Hardwick JL. (1960) The incidence and distribution
of caries throughout the ages in
relation to the Englishman's diet.
B ritish Dental Journal 108:9-17.
Hillson S. (1990) Teeth. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hillson S. (1996) Dental Anthropology, Cambridge:
D iv e rs ity of Cambridge.
İsler R., J. Schoen ve MY. işcan (1985) Dental
pathology of a prehistoric human
population in Florida. Florida
Scientist, 4 6 (3):129-139.
İşcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1964) Age
estim ation from the rib by phase
analysis : White males. Journal of
Forensic Sciences, 29:1094-1104.
işcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1985) Age
estim ation from the rib by phase
analysis : White females. Journal of
F o re n s ic S c ie n c e s , 3 0 :8 6 3 .
işcan MY. (1989) Odontometric profile of a prehistoric
Southeastern Florida population.
American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 76:3-6.
Kelley M.A. ve C.S. Larsen (1991) Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York: Wiley-LIss
Kelley MA, DR Levesque, and E Weidl (1991)
Contrasting patterns of dental
disease in five early Northern Chilean
groups. In Kelley MA. and CS. Larsen
(eds): Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York, Wiley-Liss,
Inc., pp. 203-213.
Korkmaz D. (1993) Elazığ/Norşuntepe Demirçağı
İskeletlerinde diş yapısı ve
hastalıkları. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek
Lisans Tezi) Ankara: Ankara
Krogman WM. ve MY. işcan (1986) The Human
Skeleton in Forensic Medicine. Illinois:
Charles C Thomas.
Lanphear KM. (1990) Frequency and distribution of
enamel hypoplasias in a historic
skeletal sample. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 61:35-43.
Larsen CS. (1963) Behavioral implications of temporal
chance In cariogenesis. Journal of
Archaeological Sciences, 10:1-6.
Larsen, CS., R. Shavit ve MC. Griffin (1991) Dental
caries evidence for dietary change:
an archeological context. M.A. Kelley
ve C.S. Larsen (Eds.), Advances In
Dental Anthropology, New
York: Wiley-Liss, 179-202.
Littleton J. ve B. Frohlieh (1993) Fish-eaters and
farmers: dental pathology in the Arabian Gulf. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 92:427-447.
Lukács JR. (1989) Dental paleopathology: methods
fo r reconstructing dietary patterns.
M.Y. işcan (Ed.), Reconstruction of
Life from Skeleton, New York: Alan
R. Liss Inc., 261-286.
Lukács JR. (1992) Dental paleopathology and
agricultural intensification in South
Asia: New evidence from Bronze age
Harappa. American Journal Physical
A n th ro p o lo lo g y , 8 7 :1 3 3 -1 5 0 .
Lukács JR. (1995) The caries correction factor: A
new method of calibrating dental
caries rates to compensate for
antemortem loss of teeth.
International Joural of
O s te o a rc h a e o lo g y , 5:151-156.
Lukács JR. (1996) Sex differences in dental caries
rates with the origins of agriculture
in South Asia. Current Anthropology,
Lukács JR. ve LL. Minderman (1989) Dental pathology
and agricultural intensification from
Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods a t
Mehrgarh (Balucistan, Pakistan).
South Asian Archaeology, Madison:
Prehistory Press (Monographs in
World Archaeology, No:14), 167-179.
Lukács JR. ve JN. Pal (1992) Dental anthropology of
Mesolithic hunter-gatherers: a
preliminary report on the Mahadaha
and Sarai Nanar Rai dentition. Man
and Environment, 17 (2): 4 5 -5 5 .
M artin DL., AH. Goodman GL., Armelagos ve AL.
Magennis (1991) Slack Mesa Anasazi
Health: Reconstructing Life from
Patterns of Death and Disease.
Illinois: Southern Illinois University
a t Carbondale Center for
Archaeological Investigations.
Occasional Paper No.14.
Meiklejohn C., C. Schentag, A. Venema ve P. Key
(1984) Socioeconomic change and
patterns of pathology and variation
in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of
Western Europe: some suggestions.
MN. Cohen ve GJ. Armelagos (Eds.),
Paleopathology a t the Origins of
Agriculture. New York: Academic
Press, 75-100.
Moggi-Cechi J., E. Pacciani ve J. Pinto Cisternas
(1994) Enamel hypoplasia and age
a t weaning in 19th century Florence,
Italy. American Journal of Physical
A n th ro p o lo g y , 9 3 : 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 .
Molnar S. (1972) Tooth wear and cultur: a survey of
to oth functions among some
prehistoric populations. Current
Anthropology, 13:511-526.
Moore WJ. and ME. Corbett (1971): The distribution
of dental caries in ancient British
populations 1. Anglo-saxon period.C aries R esearches, 5:151-168.
Olivier G. (1969) Practical Anthropology. Illinois:
Charles C Thomas Pub.
Ozbek M. (1995) Dental pathology of the prepottery
Neolithic residents of Çayönü, Turkey.
Rivista di Anthropologia, 73:99-122.
Ozbek M. (1997) Çayönü Tarım Toplumunda Diş Sağlığı.
Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 31:181-216.
özer en 0., F. Ünal ve A. Üner (1997) Antandros
nekropolü 1995 yılı kurtarma kazısı.
Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri. VII:
S c o tt GR. ve CG.Turner II (1988) Dental
anthropology. Ann. Rev. Anthropol.
Skinner MF. ve JTW. Hung (1989) Social and biological
correlates of lokalized enamel
hpoplasia of the human deciduous
canine tooth. American Journal of
Physical Antropology, 79:159-175.
Sledzik PS. ve PH. Moore-Jansen (1991) Dental
disease in Nineteenth century
military skeletal samples. M.A. Kelley
ve CS. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in
Dental Anthropology. New York: WileyLiss Publication, 215-224.
Smith P. (1972) Diet and a ttritio n in the Natufians.
American Journal of Physical
A n th ro p o lo g y , 3 7 :2 3 3 - 2 3 8 .
Turner II CG. (1979) Dental anthropological indications
of agriculture among the Jomon
people of central Japan. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Ubelaker D.H. (1989) Human Skeletal Remains:
Excavations, Analysis, Interpretation.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution,
Manuals on Archeology, 2.
Uzel I, B. Alpagut ve S. Kofoğlu (1988) Arslantepe
(M alatya) geç Roma dönemi
İskeletlerinde diş Çürüğü, aşınmalar
ve periyodontal hastalıklar.
Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 3:31
Wahl J. (1981) Beobachtungen zur verbrennung
menschlicher leichname.
K o rre spo nd en zb la tt, 2:271-279.
Walker PL. ve BS. Hewlett (1990) Dental health, diet
and social s ta tu s among central
African foragers and farmers.
American Anthropologist, 9 2 :3 8 3
Walker P.L., G. Dean ve P. Shapiro (1991) Estimating
age from tooth wear in archaeological
population. M A. Kelley ve CP. Larsen
(Eds.), Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss
Publication, 169-178.
White TD. ve PA. Folkens (1991) Human Osteology.
San Diego: A ca d e m ic P ress.
Yalman B. (1993) Antandros nekropol kazısı, Müze
Kurtama Kazıları Semineri III, 4 49 -
Bouiville C., TS. Constandse-Westermann ve RR.
Newell (1963) Les restes humains
Mésolithiques de l'Abri Corbille,
Istres (Bouches-du-Rhone). Bulletins
e t Mémoires de la Société
d1 Anthropologie de Paris, 13:69-110.
Brothwell DR. (1961) Digging up Bones. London:
Oxford University Press British
M useum ( N a tu ra l H is to r y ) .
Corruccini RS., JS. Handler ve KP. Jacobs (1965)
Chronological distribution of enamel
hypoplasia and weaning in a Caribbean slave population. Human
Biology, 57:699-711.
Cutress TW. ve GW. Sucling (1962) The assessment
of noncariousdefects on enamel.
International Dental Journal, 32:117
El-Najjar YM„ V. Desanti ve L. Ozebek (1976)
Prevalence and possible ethiology of
dental enamel hypoplasia. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Erdal Y5. (1996) İznik geç Bizans dönemilinsanlarının
çene ve dişlerinin antropolojik açıdan
İncelenmesi. Ankara: HÜ. Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış
Doktora Tezi),
Erdal YS. ve i. Duyar (1999) A new correction
procedure fo r calibrating dental
caries frequency. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 106:237
Eroğlu S. (1996)Sardis Roma-Bizans toplumlarinda
diş hastalıkları ve ağız sağlığı. Ankara:
AU. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
Goodman AH., GJ. Armelagos ve JC. Rose (1960)
Enamel hypoplasias as indicators of
stress in three prehistoric
populations from Illinois. Human
Biology, 52:515-528.
Goodman AH. ve ark. (1967) Prevalence and age a t
development o f enamel hypoplasias
in Mexican children. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 72:7-19.
Goodman AH., DL. M artin GJ., Armelagos ve G.
Clark (1964) Indications o f stress
from bone and teeth. M.N. Cohen ve
G J. Armelagos (Eds.),
Paleopathology a t the Origins of
Ariculture. Orlando: Academic Press,
Inc., 13-49.
Goodman AH. ve JC. Rose (1990) Assessment of
systemic physiological perturbations
from dental enamel hypoplasias and
associated histological structures.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology,
Güleç E. (1967) Van Dilkaya İskeletlerinin
paleoantropolojik incelenmesi.
Araştırm a Sonuçları Toplantısı,
4 :3 6 9 -3 8 0 .
Güleç E. (1969) Panaztepe iskeletlerinin
paleoantropolojik ve paleopatolojik
incelenmesi. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi,
26: 73-95.
Güleç E., A. Sevim, I. Özer ve M. Sağır (1996)
Klazomenai'de yaşamış insanların
sağlık sorunları. Arkeometri Sonuçları
Toplantısı, 8:133-152.
Güney, H. (1994) Aşvan Kale ve Panaztepe
İskeletlerinde diş yapısı.
(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü.
Hall RL., R. Morrow ve JH. Clarke (1986) Dental
pathology of prehistoric residents
of Oregon. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 69:325-334.
Hardwick JL. (1960) The incidence and distribution
of caries throughout the ages in
relation to the Englishman's diet.
B ritish Dental Journal 108:9-17.
Hillson S. (1990) Teeth. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hillson S. (1996) Dental Anthropology, Cambridge:
D iv e rs ity of Cambridge.
İsler R., J. Schoen ve MY. işcan (1985) Dental
pathology of a prehistoric human
population in Florida. Florida
Scientist, 4 6 (3):129-139.
İşcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1964) Age
estim ation from the rib by phase
analysis : White males. Journal of
Forensic Sciences, 29:1094-1104.
işcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1985) Age
estim ation from the rib by phase
analysis : White females. Journal of
F o re n s ic S c ie n c e s , 3 0 :8 6 3 .
işcan MY. (1989) Odontometric profile of a prehistoric
Southeastern Florida population.
American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 76:3-6.
Kelley M.A. ve C.S. Larsen (1991) Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York: Wiley-LIss
Kelley MA, DR Levesque, and E Weidl (1991)
Contrasting patterns of dental
disease in five early Northern Chilean
groups. In Kelley MA. and CS. Larsen
(eds): Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York, Wiley-Liss,
Inc., pp. 203-213.
Korkmaz D. (1993) Elazığ/Norşuntepe Demirçağı
İskeletlerinde diş yapısı ve
hastalıkları. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek
Lisans Tezi) Ankara: Ankara
Krogman WM. ve MY. işcan (1986) The Human
Skeleton in Forensic Medicine. Illinois:
Charles C Thomas.
Lanphear KM. (1990) Frequency and distribution of
enamel hypoplasias in a historic
skeletal sample. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 61:35-43.
Larsen CS. (1963) Behavioral implications of temporal
chance In cariogenesis. Journal of
Archaeological Sciences, 10:1-6.
Larsen, CS., R. Shavit ve MC. Griffin (1991) Dental
caries evidence for dietary change:
an archeological context. M.A. Kelley
ve C.S. Larsen (Eds.), Advances In
Dental Anthropology, New
York: Wiley-Liss, 179-202.
Littleton J. ve B. Frohlieh (1993) Fish-eaters and
farmers: dental pathology in the Arabian Gulf. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 92:427-447.
Lukács JR. (1989) Dental paleopathology: methods
fo r reconstructing dietary patterns.
M.Y. işcan (Ed.), Reconstruction of
Life from Skeleton, New York: Alan
R. Liss Inc., 261-286.
Lukács JR. (1992) Dental paleopathology and
agricultural intensification in South
Asia: New evidence from Bronze age
Harappa. American Journal Physical
A n th ro p o lo lo g y , 8 7 :1 3 3 -1 5 0 .
Lukács JR. (1995) The caries correction factor: A
new method of calibrating dental
caries rates to compensate for
antemortem loss of teeth.
International Joural of
O s te o a rc h a e o lo g y , 5:151-156.
Lukács JR. (1996) Sex differences in dental caries
rates with the origins of agriculture
in South Asia. Current Anthropology,
Lukács JR. ve LL. Minderman (1989) Dental pathology
and agricultural intensification from
Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods a t
Mehrgarh (Balucistan, Pakistan).
South Asian Archaeology, Madison:
Prehistory Press (Monographs in
World Archaeology, No:14), 167-179.
Lukács JR. ve JN. Pal (1992) Dental anthropology of
Mesolithic hunter-gatherers: a
preliminary report on the Mahadaha
and Sarai Nanar Rai dentition. Man
and Environment, 17 (2): 4 5 -5 5 .
M artin DL., AH. Goodman GL., Armelagos ve AL.
Magennis (1991) Slack Mesa Anasazi
Health: Reconstructing Life from
Patterns of Death and Disease.
Illinois: Southern Illinois University
a t Carbondale Center for
Archaeological Investigations.
Occasional Paper No.14.
Meiklejohn C., C. Schentag, A. Venema ve P. Key
(1984) Socioeconomic change and
patterns of pathology and variation
in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of
Western Europe: some suggestions.
MN. Cohen ve GJ. Armelagos (Eds.),
Paleopathology a t the Origins of
Agriculture. New York: Academic
Press, 75-100.
Moggi-Cechi J., E. Pacciani ve J. Pinto Cisternas
(1994) Enamel hypoplasia and age
a t weaning in 19th century Florence,
Italy. American Journal of Physical
A n th ro p o lo g y , 9 3 : 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 .
Molnar S. (1972) Tooth wear and cultur: a survey of
to oth functions among some
prehistoric populations. Current
Anthropology, 13:511-526.
Moore WJ. and ME. Corbett (1971): The distribution
of dental caries in ancient British
populations 1. Anglo-saxon period.C aries R esearches, 5:151-168.
Olivier G. (1969) Practical Anthropology. Illinois:
Charles C Thomas Pub.
Ozbek M. (1995) Dental pathology of the prepottery
Neolithic residents of Çayönü, Turkey.
Rivista di Anthropologia, 73:99-122.
Ozbek M. (1997) Çayönü Tarım Toplumunda Diş Sağlığı.
Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 31:181-216.
özer en 0., F. Ünal ve A. Üner (1997) Antandros
nekropolü 1995 yılı kurtarma kazısı.
Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri. VII:
S c o tt GR. ve CG.Turner II (1988) Dental
anthropology. Ann. Rev. Anthropol.
Skinner MF. ve JTW. Hung (1989) Social and biological
correlates of lokalized enamel
hpoplasia of the human deciduous
canine tooth. American Journal of
Physical Antropology, 79:159-175.
Sledzik PS. ve PH. Moore-Jansen (1991) Dental
disease in Nineteenth century
military skeletal samples. M.A. Kelley
ve CS. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in
Dental Anthropology. New York: WileyLiss Publication, 215-224.
Smith P. (1972) Diet and a ttritio n in the Natufians.
American Journal of Physical
A n th ro p o lo g y , 3 7 :2 3 3 - 2 3 8 .
Turner II CG. (1979) Dental anthropological indications
of agriculture among the Jomon
people of central Japan. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Ubelaker D.H. (1989) Human Skeletal Remains:
Excavations, Analysis, Interpretation.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution,
Manuals on Archeology, 2.
Uzel I, B. Alpagut ve S. Kofoğlu (1988) Arslantepe
(M alatya) geç Roma dönemi
İskeletlerinde diş Çürüğü, aşınmalar
ve periyodontal hastalıklar.
Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 3:31
Wahl J. (1981) Beobachtungen zur verbrennung
menschlicher leichname.
K o rre spo nd en zb la tt, 2:271-279.
Walker PL. ve BS. Hewlett (1990) Dental health, diet
and social s ta tu s among central
African foragers and farmers.
American Anthropologist, 9 2 :3 8 3
Walker P.L., G. Dean ve P. Shapiro (1991) Estimating
age from tooth wear in archaeological
population. M A. Kelley ve CP. Larsen
(Eds.), Advances in Dental
Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss
Publication, 169-178.
White TD. ve PA. Folkens (1991) Human Osteology.
San Diego: A ca d e m ic P ress.
Yalman B. (1993) Antandros nekropol kazısı, Müze
Kurtama Kazıları Semineri III, 4 49 -