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Year 2000, Issue: 71, 45 - 56, 01.01.2000


  • Bouiville C., TS. Constandse-Westermann ve RR. Newell (1963) Les restes humains Mésolithiques de l'Abri Corbille, Istres (Bouches-du-Rhone). Bulletins e t Mémoires de la Société d1 Anthropologie de Paris, 13:69-110.
  • Brothwell DR. (1961) Digging up Bones. London: Oxford University Press British M useum ( N a tu ra l H is to r y ) .
  • Corruccini RS., JS. Handler ve KP. Jacobs (1965) Chronological distribution of enamel hypoplasia and weaning in a Caribbean slave population. Human Biology, 57:699-711.
  • Cutress TW. ve GW. Sucling (1962) The assessment of noncariousdefects on enamel. International Dental Journal, 32:117­ 122.
  • El-Najjar YM„ V. Desanti ve L. Ozebek (1976) Prevalence and possible ethiology of dental enamel hypoplasia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 46:165-192.
  • Erdal Y5. (1996) İznik geç Bizans dönemilinsanlarının çene ve dişlerinin antropolojik açıdan İncelenmesi. Ankara: HÜ. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi),
  • Erdal YS. ve i. Duyar (1999) A new correction procedure fo r calibrating dental caries frequency. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 106:237­ 240
  • Eroğlu S. (1996)Sardis Roma-Bizans toplumlarinda diş hastalıkları ve ağız sağlığı. Ankara: AU. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Goodman AH., GJ. Armelagos ve JC. Rose (1960) Enamel hypoplasias as indicators of stress in three prehistoric populations from Illinois. Human Biology, 52:515-528.
  • Goodman AH. ve ark. (1967) Prevalence and age a t development o f enamel hypoplasias in Mexican children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 72:7-19.
  • Goodman AH., DL. M artin GJ., Armelagos ve G. Clark (1964) Indications o f stress from bone and teeth. M.N. Cohen ve G J. Armelagos (Eds.), Paleopathology a t the Origins of Ariculture. Orlando: Academic Press, Inc., 13-49.
  • Goodman AH. ve JC. Rose (1990) Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 33:59-110.
  • Güleç E. (1967) Van Dilkaya İskeletlerinin paleoantropolojik incelenmesi. Araştırm a Sonuçları Toplantısı, 4 :3 6 9 -3 8 0 .
  • Güleç E. (1969) Panaztepe iskeletlerinin paleoantropolojik ve paleopatolojik incelenmesi. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 26: 73-95.
  • Güleç E., A. Sevim, I. Özer ve M. Sağır (1996) Klazomenai'de yaşamış insanların sağlık sorunları. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 8:133-152.
  • Güney, H. (1994) Aşvan Kale ve Panaztepe İskeletlerinde diş yapısı. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hall RL., R. Morrow ve JH. Clarke (1986) Dental pathology of prehistoric residents of Oregon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69:325-334.
  • Hardwick JL. (1960) The incidence and distribution of caries throughout the ages in relation to the Englishman's diet. B ritish Dental Journal 108:9-17.
  • Hillson S. (1990) Teeth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillson S. (1996) Dental Anthropology, Cambridge: D iv e rs ity of Cambridge.
  • İsler R., J. Schoen ve MY. işcan (1985) Dental pathology of a prehistoric human population in Florida. Florida Scientist, 4 6 (3):129-139.
  • İşcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1964) Age estim ation from the rib by phase analysis : White males. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 29:1094-1104.
  • işcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1985) Age estim ation from the rib by phase analysis : White females. Journal of F o re n s ic S c ie n c e s , 3 0 :8 6 3 .
  • işcan MY. (1989) Odontometric profile of a prehistoric Southeastern Florida population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 76:3-6.
  • Kelley M.A. ve C.S. Larsen (1991) Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-LIss Publication.
  • Kelley MA, DR Levesque, and E Weidl (1991) Contrasting patterns of dental disease in five early Northern Chilean groups. In Kelley MA. and CS. Larsen (eds): Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 203-213.
  • Korkmaz D. (1993) Elazığ/Norşuntepe Demirçağı İskeletlerinde diş yapısı ve hastalıkları. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Krogman WM. ve MY. işcan (1986) The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine. Illinois: Charles C Thomas.
  • Lanphear KM. (1990) Frequency and distribution of enamel hypoplasias in a historic skeletal sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 61:35-43.
  • Larsen CS. (1963) Behavioral implications of temporal chance In cariogenesis. Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 10:1-6.
  • Larsen, CS., R. Shavit ve MC. Griffin (1991) Dental caries evidence for dietary change: an archeological context. M.A. Kelley ve C.S. Larsen (Eds.), Advances In Dental Anthropology, New York: Wiley-Liss, 179-202.
  • Littleton J. ve B. Frohlieh (1993) Fish-eaters and farmers: dental pathology in the Arabian Gulf. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 92:427-447.
  • Lukács JR. (1989) Dental paleopathology: methods fo r reconstructing dietary patterns. M.Y. işcan (Ed.), Reconstruction of Life from Skeleton, New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 261-286.
  • Lukács JR. (1992) Dental paleopathology and agricultural intensification in South Asia: New evidence from Bronze age Harappa. American Journal Physical A n th ro p o lo lo g y , 8 7 :1 3 3 -1 5 0 .
  • Lukács JR. (1995) The caries correction factor: A new method of calibrating dental caries rates to compensate for antemortem loss of teeth. International Joural of O s te o a rc h a e o lo g y , 5:151-156.
  • Lukács JR. (1996) Sex differences in dental caries rates with the origins of agriculture in South Asia. Current Anthropology, 37:147-153.
  • Lukács JR. ve LL. Minderman (1989) Dental pathology and agricultural intensification from Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods a t Mehrgarh (Balucistan, Pakistan).
  • South Asian Archaeology, Madison: Prehistory Press (Monographs in World Archaeology, No:14), 167-179.
  • Lukács JR. ve JN. Pal (1992) Dental anthropology of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers: a preliminary report on the Mahadaha and Sarai Nanar Rai dentition. Man and Environment, 17 (2): 4 5 -5 5 .
  • M artin DL., AH. Goodman GL., Armelagos ve AL. Magennis (1991) Slack Mesa Anasazi Health: Reconstructing Life from Patterns of Death and Disease.
  • Illinois: Southern Illinois University a t Carbondale Center for Archaeological Investigations. Occasional Paper No.14.
  • Meiklejohn C., C. Schentag, A. Venema ve P. Key (1984) Socioeconomic change and patterns of pathology and variation in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Western Europe: some suggestions.
  • MN. Cohen ve GJ. Armelagos (Eds.), Paleopathology a t the Origins of Agriculture. New York: Academic Press, 75-100.
  • Moggi-Cechi J., E. Pacciani ve J. Pinto Cisternas (1994) Enamel hypoplasia and age a t weaning in 19th century Florence, Italy. American Journal of Physical A n th ro p o lo g y , 9 3 : 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 .
  • Molnar S. (1972) Tooth wear and cultur: a survey of to oth functions among some prehistoric populations. Current Anthropology, 13:511-526.
  • Moore WJ. and ME. Corbett (1971): The distribution of dental caries in ancient British populations 1. Anglo-saxon period.C aries R esearches, 5:151-168.
  • Olivier G. (1969) Practical Anthropology. Illinois: Charles C Thomas Pub.
  • Ozbek M. (1995) Dental pathology of the prepottery Neolithic residents of Çayönü, Turkey. Rivista di Anthropologia, 73:99-122.
  • Ozbek M. (1997) Çayönü Tarım Toplumunda Diş Sağlığı. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 31:181-216.
  • özer en 0., F. Ünal ve A. Üner (1997) Antandros nekropolü 1995 yılı kurtarma kazısı. Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri. VII: 161-178
  • S c o tt GR. ve CG.Turner II (1988) Dental anthropology. Ann. Rev. Anthropol. 17:99-126.
  • Skinner MF. ve JTW. Hung (1989) Social and biological correlates of lokalized enamel hpoplasia of the human deciduous canine tooth. American Journal of Physical Antropology, 79:159-175.
  • Sledzik PS. ve PH. Moore-Jansen (1991) Dental disease in Nineteenth century military skeletal samples. M.A. Kelley ve CS. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: WileyLiss Publication, 215-224.
  • Smith P. (1972) Diet and a ttritio n in the Natufians. American Journal of Physical A n th ro p o lo g y , 3 7 :2 3 3 - 2 3 8 .
  • Turner II CG. (1979) Dental anthropological indications of agriculture among the Jomon people of central Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51:619-635.
  • Ubelaker D.H. (1989) Human Skeletal Remains: Excavations, Analysis, Interpretation. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, Manuals on Archeology, 2.
  • Uzel I, B. Alpagut ve S. Kofoğlu (1988) Arslantepe (M alatya) geç Roma dönemi İskeletlerinde diş Çürüğü, aşınmalar ve periyodontal hastalıklar. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 3:31­ 54.
  • Wahl J. (1981) Beobachtungen zur verbrennung menschlicher leichname. Archaeologisches K o rre spo nd en zb la tt, 2:271-279.
  • Walker PL. ve BS. Hewlett (1990) Dental health, diet and social s ta tu s among central African foragers and farmers. American Anthropologist, 9 2 :3 8 3 ­ 397.
  • Walker P.L., G. Dean ve P. Shapiro (1991) Estimating age from tooth wear in archaeological population. M A. Kelley ve CP. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss Publication, 169-178.
  • White TD. ve PA. Folkens (1991) Human Osteology. San Diego: A ca d e m ic P ress.
  • Yalman B. (1993) Antandros nekropol kazısı, Müze Kurtama Kazıları Semineri III, 4 49 -
Year 2000, Issue: 71, 45 - 56, 01.01.2000


  • Bouiville C., TS. Constandse-Westermann ve RR. Newell (1963) Les restes humains Mésolithiques de l'Abri Corbille, Istres (Bouches-du-Rhone). Bulletins e t Mémoires de la Société d1 Anthropologie de Paris, 13:69-110.
  • Brothwell DR. (1961) Digging up Bones. London: Oxford University Press British M useum ( N a tu ra l H is to r y ) .
  • Corruccini RS., JS. Handler ve KP. Jacobs (1965) Chronological distribution of enamel hypoplasia and weaning in a Caribbean slave population. Human Biology, 57:699-711.
  • Cutress TW. ve GW. Sucling (1962) The assessment of noncariousdefects on enamel. International Dental Journal, 32:117­ 122.
  • El-Najjar YM„ V. Desanti ve L. Ozebek (1976) Prevalence and possible ethiology of dental enamel hypoplasia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 46:165-192.
  • Erdal Y5. (1996) İznik geç Bizans dönemilinsanlarının çene ve dişlerinin antropolojik açıdan İncelenmesi. Ankara: HÜ. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi),
  • Erdal YS. ve i. Duyar (1999) A new correction procedure fo r calibrating dental caries frequency. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 106:237­ 240
  • Eroğlu S. (1996)Sardis Roma-Bizans toplumlarinda diş hastalıkları ve ağız sağlığı. Ankara: AU. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Goodman AH., GJ. Armelagos ve JC. Rose (1960) Enamel hypoplasias as indicators of stress in three prehistoric populations from Illinois. Human Biology, 52:515-528.
  • Goodman AH. ve ark. (1967) Prevalence and age a t development o f enamel hypoplasias in Mexican children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 72:7-19.
  • Goodman AH., DL. M artin GJ., Armelagos ve G. Clark (1964) Indications o f stress from bone and teeth. M.N. Cohen ve G J. Armelagos (Eds.), Paleopathology a t the Origins of Ariculture. Orlando: Academic Press, Inc., 13-49.
  • Goodman AH. ve JC. Rose (1990) Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 33:59-110.
  • Güleç E. (1967) Van Dilkaya İskeletlerinin paleoantropolojik incelenmesi. Araştırm a Sonuçları Toplantısı, 4 :3 6 9 -3 8 0 .
  • Güleç E. (1969) Panaztepe iskeletlerinin paleoantropolojik ve paleopatolojik incelenmesi. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 26: 73-95.
  • Güleç E., A. Sevim, I. Özer ve M. Sağır (1996) Klazomenai'de yaşamış insanların sağlık sorunları. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 8:133-152.
  • Güney, H. (1994) Aşvan Kale ve Panaztepe İskeletlerinde diş yapısı. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hall RL., R. Morrow ve JH. Clarke (1986) Dental pathology of prehistoric residents of Oregon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69:325-334.
  • Hardwick JL. (1960) The incidence and distribution of caries throughout the ages in relation to the Englishman's diet. B ritish Dental Journal 108:9-17.
  • Hillson S. (1990) Teeth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillson S. (1996) Dental Anthropology, Cambridge: D iv e rs ity of Cambridge.
  • İsler R., J. Schoen ve MY. işcan (1985) Dental pathology of a prehistoric human population in Florida. Florida Scientist, 4 6 (3):129-139.
  • İşcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1964) Age estim ation from the rib by phase analysis : White males. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 29:1094-1104.
  • işcan MY., SR. Loth ve RK. Wright (1985) Age estim ation from the rib by phase analysis : White females. Journal of F o re n s ic S c ie n c e s , 3 0 :8 6 3 .
  • işcan MY. (1989) Odontometric profile of a prehistoric Southeastern Florida population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 76:3-6.
  • Kelley M.A. ve C.S. Larsen (1991) Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-LIss Publication.
  • Kelley MA, DR Levesque, and E Weidl (1991) Contrasting patterns of dental disease in five early Northern Chilean groups. In Kelley MA. and CS. Larsen (eds): Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 203-213.
  • Korkmaz D. (1993) Elazığ/Norşuntepe Demirçağı İskeletlerinde diş yapısı ve hastalıkları. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Krogman WM. ve MY. işcan (1986) The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine. Illinois: Charles C Thomas.
  • Lanphear KM. (1990) Frequency and distribution of enamel hypoplasias in a historic skeletal sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 61:35-43.
  • Larsen CS. (1963) Behavioral implications of temporal chance In cariogenesis. Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 10:1-6.
  • Larsen, CS., R. Shavit ve MC. Griffin (1991) Dental caries evidence for dietary change: an archeological context. M.A. Kelley ve C.S. Larsen (Eds.), Advances In Dental Anthropology, New York: Wiley-Liss, 179-202.
  • Littleton J. ve B. Frohlieh (1993) Fish-eaters and farmers: dental pathology in the Arabian Gulf. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 92:427-447.
  • Lukács JR. (1989) Dental paleopathology: methods fo r reconstructing dietary patterns. M.Y. işcan (Ed.), Reconstruction of Life from Skeleton, New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 261-286.
  • Lukács JR. (1992) Dental paleopathology and agricultural intensification in South Asia: New evidence from Bronze age Harappa. American Journal Physical A n th ro p o lo lo g y , 8 7 :1 3 3 -1 5 0 .
  • Lukács JR. (1995) The caries correction factor: A new method of calibrating dental caries rates to compensate for antemortem loss of teeth. International Joural of O s te o a rc h a e o lo g y , 5:151-156.
  • Lukács JR. (1996) Sex differences in dental caries rates with the origins of agriculture in South Asia. Current Anthropology, 37:147-153.
  • Lukács JR. ve LL. Minderman (1989) Dental pathology and agricultural intensification from Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods a t Mehrgarh (Balucistan, Pakistan).
  • South Asian Archaeology, Madison: Prehistory Press (Monographs in World Archaeology, No:14), 167-179.
  • Lukács JR. ve JN. Pal (1992) Dental anthropology of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers: a preliminary report on the Mahadaha and Sarai Nanar Rai dentition. Man and Environment, 17 (2): 4 5 -5 5 .
  • M artin DL., AH. Goodman GL., Armelagos ve AL. Magennis (1991) Slack Mesa Anasazi Health: Reconstructing Life from Patterns of Death and Disease.
  • Illinois: Southern Illinois University a t Carbondale Center for Archaeological Investigations. Occasional Paper No.14.
  • Meiklejohn C., C. Schentag, A. Venema ve P. Key (1984) Socioeconomic change and patterns of pathology and variation in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Western Europe: some suggestions.
  • MN. Cohen ve GJ. Armelagos (Eds.), Paleopathology a t the Origins of Agriculture. New York: Academic Press, 75-100.
  • Moggi-Cechi J., E. Pacciani ve J. Pinto Cisternas (1994) Enamel hypoplasia and age a t weaning in 19th century Florence, Italy. American Journal of Physical A n th ro p o lo g y , 9 3 : 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 .
  • Molnar S. (1972) Tooth wear and cultur: a survey of to oth functions among some prehistoric populations. Current Anthropology, 13:511-526.
  • Moore WJ. and ME. Corbett (1971): The distribution of dental caries in ancient British populations 1. Anglo-saxon period.C aries R esearches, 5:151-168.
  • Olivier G. (1969) Practical Anthropology. Illinois: Charles C Thomas Pub.
  • Ozbek M. (1995) Dental pathology of the prepottery Neolithic residents of Çayönü, Turkey. Rivista di Anthropologia, 73:99-122.
  • Ozbek M. (1997) Çayönü Tarım Toplumunda Diş Sağlığı. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 31:181-216.
  • özer en 0., F. Ünal ve A. Üner (1997) Antandros nekropolü 1995 yılı kurtarma kazısı. Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri. VII: 161-178
  • S c o tt GR. ve CG.Turner II (1988) Dental anthropology. Ann. Rev. Anthropol. 17:99-126.
  • Skinner MF. ve JTW. Hung (1989) Social and biological correlates of lokalized enamel hpoplasia of the human deciduous canine tooth. American Journal of Physical Antropology, 79:159-175.
  • Sledzik PS. ve PH. Moore-Jansen (1991) Dental disease in Nineteenth century military skeletal samples. M.A. Kelley ve CS. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: WileyLiss Publication, 215-224.
  • Smith P. (1972) Diet and a ttritio n in the Natufians. American Journal of Physical A n th ro p o lo g y , 3 7 :2 3 3 - 2 3 8 .
  • Turner II CG. (1979) Dental anthropological indications of agriculture among the Jomon people of central Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51:619-635.
  • Ubelaker D.H. (1989) Human Skeletal Remains: Excavations, Analysis, Interpretation. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, Manuals on Archeology, 2.
  • Uzel I, B. Alpagut ve S. Kofoğlu (1988) Arslantepe (M alatya) geç Roma dönemi İskeletlerinde diş Çürüğü, aşınmalar ve periyodontal hastalıklar. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 3:31­ 54.
  • Wahl J. (1981) Beobachtungen zur verbrennung menschlicher leichname. Archaeologisches K o rre spo nd en zb la tt, 2:271-279.
  • Walker PL. ve BS. Hewlett (1990) Dental health, diet and social s ta tu s among central African foragers and farmers. American Anthropologist, 9 2 :3 8 3 ­ 397.
  • Walker P.L., G. Dean ve P. Shapiro (1991) Estimating age from tooth wear in archaeological population. M A. Kelley ve CP. Larsen (Eds.), Advances in Dental Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Liss Publication, 169-178.
  • White TD. ve PA. Folkens (1991) Human Osteology. San Diego: A ca d e m ic P ress.
  • Yalman B. (1993) Antandros nekropol kazısı, Müze Kurtama Kazıları Semineri III, 4 49 -
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yılmaz Selim Erdal This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Issue: 71


APA Erdal, Y. S. (2000). ANTANDROS İNSANLARINDA AĞIZ SAĞLIĞI. Türk Arkeoloji Ve Etnografya Dergisi(71), 45-56.

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