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Breastfeeding in Public Spaces: Difficult and Facilitating Factors from the Perspective of the Socio-Ecological Model

Year 2024, , 45 - 50, 29.04.2024


Introduction: The World Health Organization recommends that a baby be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of his or her life and continue breastfeeding with complementary foods until the age of two and beyond. Breastfeeding is very important for a baby's healthy growth and development. Despite the many benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby, mothers face many breastfeeding barriers. One of these barriers is the restriction of breastfeeding in public spaces.
Methods: In this study, barriers and facilitators for women breastfeeding in public spaces were examined via a literature review through the Socio-Ecological Model, which is widely used in the field of public health.
Results: Public space is defined as areas outside the home where different people live together and interact with each other and are accessible to the entire society. In studies investigating women's breastfeeding experiences in public spaces, it is seen that two main themes are generally discussed that make the breastfeeding experience in public spaces easier and more difficult. Many factors affect breastfeeding mothers' breastfeeding experiences in public spaces within the scope of these two main themes. As a result of the interaction of these factors, women's behavioral patterns towards breastfeeding in public spaces develop. The Socio-Ecological Model is widely used in the field of public health in order to understand the multifaceted effects of personal and environmental factors that determine the health-related behaviors of the individual and to improve health. Socio-Ecological Model consists of five levels: individual, interpersonal, social, organizational and public policy level.
Conclusion: It has been concluded that the Socio-Ecological Model associated with breastfeeding in public has many hindering factors as well as facilitating factors related to the social, interpersonal and public policy levels.


  • Acker, M. (2009). Breast is best…But not everywhere: Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward private and public breastfeeding. Sex Rules, 61(7), 476-490.
  • Amir, L. H. (2014). Breastfeeding in public: “You can do it?”. International Breastfeeding Journal, 9(1), 187.
  • Boyer, K. (2011). ‘‘The way to break the taboo is to do the taboo thing’’ breastfeeding in public and citizen-activism in the UK. Health & Place, 17(2), 430-437.
  • Boyer, K. (2012). Affect, corporeality and the limits of belonging: Breastfeeding in public in the contemporary UK. Health & Place, 18(3), 552-560.
  • Boyer, K. (2018). The emotional resonances of breastfeeding in public: The role of strangers in breastfeeding practice. Emotion, Space and Society, 26, 33-40.
  • Brown, A. (2017). Breastfeeding as a public health responsibility: a review of the evidence. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30(6), 759-770.
  • Bueno-Gutierrez, D. ve Castillo, E. U. R. (2021). Breastfeeding counseling based on formative research at primary healthcare Services in Mexico. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 173- 184.
  • Bueno-Gutierrez, D. ve Chantry, C. (2015). Life does not make it easy to breast-feed': using the socio-ecological framework to determine social breast-feeding obstacles in a low-income population in Tijuana, Mexico. Public Health Nutrition, 18(18), 3371-3385.
  • Chan, K. ve Whitfield, K. C. (2022). “Too old” and “too cold”: Discomfort towards photographs of breastfeeding beyond infancy and public breastfeeding in Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Human Lactation, 38(2), 353-363.
  • Çalışkan, O. (2014). Kamusal alan bağlamında ağ toplumu ve yeni kamusal alan arayışı. Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 41-62.
  • Grant, A. (2016). ‘‘I...don’t want to see you flashing your bits around”: Exhibitionism,othering and good motherhood in perceptions of public breastfeeding. Geoforum, 71, 52-61.
  • Hauck, Y. L., Bradfield, Z. ve Kuliukas, L. (2021). Women’s experiences with breastfeeding in public: An integrative review. Woman and Birth, 34(3), 217-227.
  • Kilanowski, J. F. (2017). Breadth of the Socio-Ecological Model. Journal of Agromedicine, 22(4), 295-297.
  • Li, R., Hsia, J., Fridinger, F., Hussain, A., Benton- Davis, S. ve Grummer-Strawn, L. (2004). Public beliefs about breastfeeding policies in various settings. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(7), 1162-1168.
  • Li, R., Rock, V. J. ve Grummer-Strawn, L. (2007). Changes in public attitudes toward breastfeeding in the United States, 1999-2003. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(1), 122-127.
  • Ma, A., Merçon-Vargas, E. A., Chambers, B. D., Nyambe, M. ve Williams, T. A. (2018). Context of breastfeeding among Latina mothers using a Social-ecological Approach: An exploratory study. Journal of Public Health Issues and Practices, 2, 124- 134.
  • Magnusson, B. M., Thackeray, C. R., Van Vagenen, S. A., Davis, S. F., Richards, R. ve Merrill, R. M. (2017). Perceptions of public breastfeeding images and their association with breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes among an internet panel of men ages 21–44 in the United States. Journal of Human Lactation, 33(1), 157-164.
  • Morris, C., Schofiled, P. ve Hirst, C. (2020). Exploration of the factors influencing attitudes to breastfeeding in public. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(4), 776-788.
  • Mulready- Ward, C. ve Hackett, M. (2014). Perception and attitudes: Breastfeeding in public in New York City. Journal of Human Lactation, 30(2), 195-200.
  • Rayment, J., McCourt, C., Vaughan, L., Christie, J. ve Trenchard-Mabere, E. (2016). Bangladeshi women's experiences of infant feeding in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12(3), 484-499.
  • Reeves, E. A. ve Woods-Giscombe, C. L. (2015). Infant-feeding practices among African American women: Social-ecological analysis and implications for practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(3), 219-226.
  • Scott, J. A., Kwok, Y. Y., Synnott, K., Bogue, J., Amarri, S., Norin E., Gil, A., Edwards, C. A. ve Other Members of the Infant Biome (INFABIO) Project Team. (2015). A comparison of maternal attitudes to breastfeeding in public and the association with breastfeeding duration in four European countries: results of a cohort study. Birth, 42(1), 78-85.
  • Spurles, P. K. ve Babineau, J. (2011). A qualitative study of attitudes toward public breastfeeding among young Canadian men and women. Journal of Human Lactation, 27(2), 131-137.
  • Synder, K., Hulse, E., Dingman, H., Cantrell, A., Hanson, C. ve Dinkel, D. (2021). Examining supports and barriers to breastfeeding through a socio-ecological lens: a qualitative study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16(1), 52-59.

Kamusal Alanlarda Emzirme: Sosyo-Ekolojik Model Perspektifiyle Zorlaştıran ve Kolaylaştıran Faktörler

Year 2024, , 45 - 50, 29.04.2024


Giriş: Dünya Sağlık Örgütü; bir bebeğin yaşamının ilk altı ayında yalnızca emzirilmesini, iki yaş ve sonrasına kadar tamamlayıcı besinlerle birlikte emzirilmeye devam edilmesini önermektedir. Bir bebeğin sağlıklı büyüyebilmesi ve gelişebilmesi için emzirme çok önemlidir. Emzirmenin anne ve bebek açısından var olan pek çok yararına rağmen anneler birçok emzirme engeli ile karşılaşmaktadır. Bu engellerden biri de, kamusal alanlarda emzirme kısıtlılığıdır.
Yöntem: Bu derlemede halk sağlığı alanında yaygın olarak kullanılan Sosyo-Ekolojik Model aracılığıyla kadınların kamusal alanlarda emzirmelerinin önündeki engeller ve kolaylaştırıcılar literatür taraması ile incelenmiştir.
Bulgular: Kamusal alanlar; farklı insanların bir arada oldukları, birbirleriyle etkileşim içinde yaşadıkları, toplumun tümünün erişebildiği, ev dışındaki alanlar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kadınların kamusal alanlarda emzirme deneyimlerinin araştırıldığı çalışmalarda, genellikle emzirme deneyimini kolaylaştıran ve zorlaştıran iki ana temanın ele alındığı görülmektedir. Emziren annelerin kamusal alanlarda emzirme deneyimlerini bu iki ana tema kapsamında pek çok faktör etkileyebilmektedir. Bu faktörlerin birbirleriyle etkileşimi sonucunda da kadınlarda kamusal alanlarda emzirmeye yönelik birtakım davranış biçimleri gelişmektedir. Bireyin sağlıkla ilgili davranışlarını belirleyen kişisel ve çevresel faktörlerin çok yönlü etkilerini anlamak ve sağlığın geliştirilmesi amacıyla halk sağlığı alanında yaygın olarak Sosyo-Ekolojik Model kullanılmaktadır. Sosyo-Ekolojik Model; bireysel, kişilerarası, toplumsal, organizasyonel ve kamu politikaları düzeyi olmak üzere beş düzeyden oluşmaktadır.
Sonuç: Kamusal alanda emzirme ile ilişkili Sosyo-Ekolojik Model’in toplumsal, kişilerarası ve kamu politikaları düzeyi ile ilgili kolaylaştırıcı unsurların yanı sıra pek çok engelleyici faktörlerin de olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Acker, M. (2009). Breast is best…But not everywhere: Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward private and public breastfeeding. Sex Rules, 61(7), 476-490.
  • Amir, L. H. (2014). Breastfeeding in public: “You can do it?”. International Breastfeeding Journal, 9(1), 187.
  • Boyer, K. (2011). ‘‘The way to break the taboo is to do the taboo thing’’ breastfeeding in public and citizen-activism in the UK. Health & Place, 17(2), 430-437.
  • Boyer, K. (2012). Affect, corporeality and the limits of belonging: Breastfeeding in public in the contemporary UK. Health & Place, 18(3), 552-560.
  • Boyer, K. (2018). The emotional resonances of breastfeeding in public: The role of strangers in breastfeeding practice. Emotion, Space and Society, 26, 33-40.
  • Brown, A. (2017). Breastfeeding as a public health responsibility: a review of the evidence. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30(6), 759-770.
  • Bueno-Gutierrez, D. ve Castillo, E. U. R. (2021). Breastfeeding counseling based on formative research at primary healthcare Services in Mexico. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 173- 184.
  • Bueno-Gutierrez, D. ve Chantry, C. (2015). Life does not make it easy to breast-feed': using the socio-ecological framework to determine social breast-feeding obstacles in a low-income population in Tijuana, Mexico. Public Health Nutrition, 18(18), 3371-3385.
  • Chan, K. ve Whitfield, K. C. (2022). “Too old” and “too cold”: Discomfort towards photographs of breastfeeding beyond infancy and public breastfeeding in Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Human Lactation, 38(2), 353-363.
  • Çalışkan, O. (2014). Kamusal alan bağlamında ağ toplumu ve yeni kamusal alan arayışı. Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 41-62.
  • Grant, A. (2016). ‘‘I...don’t want to see you flashing your bits around”: Exhibitionism,othering and good motherhood in perceptions of public breastfeeding. Geoforum, 71, 52-61.
  • Hauck, Y. L., Bradfield, Z. ve Kuliukas, L. (2021). Women’s experiences with breastfeeding in public: An integrative review. Woman and Birth, 34(3), 217-227.
  • Kilanowski, J. F. (2017). Breadth of the Socio-Ecological Model. Journal of Agromedicine, 22(4), 295-297.
  • Li, R., Hsia, J., Fridinger, F., Hussain, A., Benton- Davis, S. ve Grummer-Strawn, L. (2004). Public beliefs about breastfeeding policies in various settings. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(7), 1162-1168.
  • Li, R., Rock, V. J. ve Grummer-Strawn, L. (2007). Changes in public attitudes toward breastfeeding in the United States, 1999-2003. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(1), 122-127.
  • Ma, A., Merçon-Vargas, E. A., Chambers, B. D., Nyambe, M. ve Williams, T. A. (2018). Context of breastfeeding among Latina mothers using a Social-ecological Approach: An exploratory study. Journal of Public Health Issues and Practices, 2, 124- 134.
  • Magnusson, B. M., Thackeray, C. R., Van Vagenen, S. A., Davis, S. F., Richards, R. ve Merrill, R. M. (2017). Perceptions of public breastfeeding images and their association with breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes among an internet panel of men ages 21–44 in the United States. Journal of Human Lactation, 33(1), 157-164.
  • Morris, C., Schofiled, P. ve Hirst, C. (2020). Exploration of the factors influencing attitudes to breastfeeding in public. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(4), 776-788.
  • Mulready- Ward, C. ve Hackett, M. (2014). Perception and attitudes: Breastfeeding in public in New York City. Journal of Human Lactation, 30(2), 195-200.
  • Rayment, J., McCourt, C., Vaughan, L., Christie, J. ve Trenchard-Mabere, E. (2016). Bangladeshi women's experiences of infant feeding in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12(3), 484-499.
  • Reeves, E. A. ve Woods-Giscombe, C. L. (2015). Infant-feeding practices among African American women: Social-ecological analysis and implications for practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(3), 219-226.
  • Scott, J. A., Kwok, Y. Y., Synnott, K., Bogue, J., Amarri, S., Norin E., Gil, A., Edwards, C. A. ve Other Members of the Infant Biome (INFABIO) Project Team. (2015). A comparison of maternal attitudes to breastfeeding in public and the association with breastfeeding duration in four European countries: results of a cohort study. Birth, 42(1), 78-85.
  • Spurles, P. K. ve Babineau, J. (2011). A qualitative study of attitudes toward public breastfeeding among young Canadian men and women. Journal of Human Lactation, 27(2), 131-137.
  • Synder, K., Hulse, E., Dingman, H., Cantrell, A., Hanson, C. ve Dinkel, D. (2021). Examining supports and barriers to breastfeeding through a socio-ecological lens: a qualitative study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16(1), 52-59.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Midwifery (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Ummahan Yücel

Buse Kaya

Publication Date April 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yücel, U., & Kaya, B. (2024). Kamusal Alanlarda Emzirme: Sosyo-Ekolojik Model Perspektifiyle Zorlaştıran ve Kolaylaştıran Faktörler. Artuklu Health(8), 45-50.

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