Research Article
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İlluyanka Mitinde Arketip Unsurlar: Gölge ve Kahraman

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 228 - 247, 30.12.2023


Mitlerin kökenleriyle ilgili sorular, neden ve nasıl oluştuklarına dair araştırmaları içerirken, işlevlerinin incelenmesi, mitlerin toplumsal ve bireysel düzeydeki rolünü anlamamıza yardımcı olur. Bu bağlamda, mitlerin belirli insan ihtiyaçlarına nasıl cevap verdiği de araştırılmıştır. Mitlerin içeriği ve sembollerle ilişkilendirilmesi ise farklı yorumlara açıktır. Bazı teoriler, mitlerin tanrılarla doğal olaylar arasındaki bağlantıları vurgularken, diğerleri sembolik yorumlara odaklanır. Özellikle Sigmund Freud ve Carl Jung gibi psikoloji alanındaki büyük düşünürler, mitlerin insan psikolojisiyle derin bir ilişkisi olduğunu öne sürmüşlerdir. Jung'un modeli, mitlerin kökeni, işlevi ve içeriği arasındaki ilişkiyi ele alabilen nadir modellerden biri olarak dikkat çeker.
Bu çalışma, Hitit-Hatti geleneğinde yer alan İlluyanka mitini mitolojik arketipler perspektifiyle incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Jung'un perspektifini benimseyen bu araştırma, İlluyanka mitinin sembollerini ve karakterlerini anlamamıza yardımcı olmayı amaçlar. Metin çevirisi ve yerel kült bağlantılarının sunulmasının ardından, arketip kavramı ele alınır ve İlluyanka mitinin içeriği ve karakterleri Jung'un arketip teorileriyle bağlantılı olarak incelenir. Bu çalışma, mitoloji ve psikoloji arasındaki geçişken ilişkiyi anlamaya ve İlluyanka anlatısında kendini gösteren psikolojik katmanlarını keşfetmeye yönelik bir katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


Değerli hocam Prof. Dr. Selim Ferruh Adalı'ya makalenin hazırlık sürecindeki yoğun ilgisi, rehberliği ve yardımları için teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


  • Ayali-Darshan, N. (2020). The Storm-god and the sea: The origin, versions, and diffusion of a myth throughout the ancient Near East (L. Keren, Trans.). Mohr Siebeck.
  • Bachvarova, M. R. (2016). From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian background of ancient Greek epic. Cambridge University Press.
  • Beckman, G. (1982). The Anatolian Myth of Illuyanka. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society, 14(1), 11-25.
  • Bowlby, R. (2007). Freudian Mythologies: Greek tragedy and modern identities. OUP Oxford. Camamarosano, M. (2018). Hittite local cults. SBL Press. Atlanta.
  • Cohen, P. S. (1969). Theories of myth. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 4(3), 337-353.
  • Corti, C. (2017). “The North: Hanhana, Hattena, Ištahara, Hakpiš, Nerik, Zalpuwa, Tummana, Pala and the Hulana River Land”, Mark Weeden and Lee Z. Ullmann, eds. Hittite Landscape and Geography. Brill: ss. 219-238.
  • Csapo, E. (2005). Theories of mythology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Forlanini, M. (2010). La région autour de Nerik selon les sources Hittites. SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, 1(52), 119-135.
  • Gilan, A. (2011). Das Huhn, das Ei und die Schlange Mythos und Ritual im Illuyanka-Text. In M. Hutter & S. Hutter-Braunsar (Eds.), Hethitische Literatur: Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken : Akten des Symposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn (pp. 99-114). Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Gilan, A. (2013). Once upon a time in Kiškiluša: The dragon-slayer Myth in Central Anatolia. J. Scurlock & R. H. Beal (Eds.), Creation and chaos: A reconsideration of Hermann Gunkel's Chaoskampf Hypothesis (ss. 98-111). Penn State University Press.
  • Harrison, J. E. (1912). Themis: A study of the social origins of Greek religion. Cambridge University Press. Hoffner Jr, H. A. (1997). The laws of the Hittites: A critical edition. Brill.
  • Hoffner, H. A. (1998). Hittite Myths. Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Hutter M. & Hutter-Braunsar S. (Eds.), Hethitische literatur: Überlieferungsprozesse, textstrukturen, ausdrucksformen und nachwirken: Akten des sfymposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn (ss. 99-114). Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Jung, C. G. (2003). Four archetypes: Mother, rebirth, spirit, trickster. Routledge.
  • Jung, C. G. (2007). İnsan ve sembolleri (A. N. Babaoğlu, Trans.). Okuyan Us.
  • Jung, C. G. (2016). Analitik psikoloji sözlüğü. Pinhan.
  • Karauğuz, G. (2015). Hitit Mitolojisi (2nd ed.). Çizgi Kitabevi.
  • Katz, J. T. (1998). How to be a dragon in Indo-European. Hittite illuyankaš and its linguistic and cultural congeners in Latin. Greek, and Germanic. Jay Jassanoff, H. Craig Melchert, ve Lisi Oliver, (ed.) Mír Curad. Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, University of Innsbruck: ss. 317-334.
  • Laroche, E., S. Košak, G.G.W. Müller, S. Görke, ve Ch.W. Steitler. Catalogue des textes hittites. CTH (2022-10-26). [erişim: 17.10.23].
  • Matthews, R., & Glatz, C. (2009). The historical geography of north-central Anatolia in the Hittite period: Texts and archaeology in concert. Anatolian Studies, 1(59), 51-72.
  • Melchert, H. C. (2013). Motivations for Hittite Mythological texts. J. F. Nagy (Ed.), Writing down the myths (ss. 257-264). Brepols Publishers.
  • Mouton A. (2018). Water and the gods: Ponds and fountains in the Hittite state cult according to Hittite textual evidence. Ash-Sharq- Bulletin of the Ancient Near East, 2, 112-120.
  • Pecchioli Daddi, F. (2014). Messengers of the Gods: NIN.DINGIR and Tetešḫapi. Die Welt des Orients, 44(2), 289-300.
  • Popko, M. (1995). Religions of Asia Minor. Academic Publications Dialog.
  • Rizza, A. (2002). Linguistic and cultural layers in the Anatolian Myth of Illuijanka. Syggraphé, 1(4), 9-23.
  • Segal, R. A. (1999). Theorizing about Myth. University of Massachusetts.
  • Segal, R. A. (2011). Jung on Myth. In K. Bulkeley & C. Weldon (Eds.), Teaching Jung (ss. 75-92). Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Sivri, M. (2022). Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat açısından Mit, Mitokritik ve Sembolik imgelem. BELGÜ, (7), 48-58.
  • Smith, G. E. (1919). The Evolution of the dragon. Manchester, The University press; Longmans, Green & company.
  • Tercan, Betül. 2019. Anadolu kökenli bir Hitit Miti: “İlluyanka”. Akkın İ., O., Vargün B., Seferoğlu T., Kaçar E., Şenel N. (Eds). International Symposium on Mythology 2-5 May 2019, Ardahan Uluslararası Mitoloji Sempoyumu. Proceedings Book. Pharmakon. Ardahan: ss. 199-209.
  • Ünal, A. (2016). Hititçe-Türkçe: Türkçe-Hititçe büyük sözlük: Hattice, Hurrice, Hiyeroglif Luvicesi, Çivi Yazısı Luvicesi ve Palaca sözcük listeleriyle birlikte. Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.

Archetypal Elements in the Illuyanka Myth: Shadow and Hero

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 228 - 247, 30.12.2023


Myth studies have tended to examine basic aspects of myths, such as their origin, function and content. While questions about the origins of myths involve research on why and how they are formed, examining their functions helps us understand the role of myths at the social and individual levels. In this context, it has also been investigated how myths respond to certain human needs. The content of myths and their association with symbols are open to different interpretations. Some theories emphasize myths' connections between gods and natural events, while others focus on symbolic interpretations. Great thinkers in the field of psychology, especially Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, have suggested that myths have a deep relationship with human psychology. Jung's model stands out as one of the rare models that can address the relationship between the origin, function and content of myths.
This study aims to examine the Illuyanka Legend in the Hittite-Hatti tradition from the perspective of mythological archetypes. Adopting Jung's perspective, this research aims to help us understand the symbols and characters of the Illuyanka myth. After presenting the text translation and local cult connections, the concept of archetype is discussed and the content and characters of the Illuyanka Myth are examined in connection with Jung's archetypal theories. This study aims to make a contribution to understanding the transitional relationship between mythology and psychology and to discover the psychological layers that manifest themselves in the Illuyanka Myth.


  • Ayali-Darshan, N. (2020). The Storm-god and the sea: The origin, versions, and diffusion of a myth throughout the ancient Near East (L. Keren, Trans.). Mohr Siebeck.
  • Bachvarova, M. R. (2016). From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian background of ancient Greek epic. Cambridge University Press.
  • Beckman, G. (1982). The Anatolian Myth of Illuyanka. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society, 14(1), 11-25.
  • Bowlby, R. (2007). Freudian Mythologies: Greek tragedy and modern identities. OUP Oxford. Camamarosano, M. (2018). Hittite local cults. SBL Press. Atlanta.
  • Cohen, P. S. (1969). Theories of myth. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 4(3), 337-353.
  • Corti, C. (2017). “The North: Hanhana, Hattena, Ištahara, Hakpiš, Nerik, Zalpuwa, Tummana, Pala and the Hulana River Land”, Mark Weeden and Lee Z. Ullmann, eds. Hittite Landscape and Geography. Brill: ss. 219-238.
  • Csapo, E. (2005). Theories of mythology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Forlanini, M. (2010). La région autour de Nerik selon les sources Hittites. SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, 1(52), 119-135.
  • Gilan, A. (2011). Das Huhn, das Ei und die Schlange Mythos und Ritual im Illuyanka-Text. In M. Hutter & S. Hutter-Braunsar (Eds.), Hethitische Literatur: Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken : Akten des Symposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn (pp. 99-114). Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Gilan, A. (2013). Once upon a time in Kiškiluša: The dragon-slayer Myth in Central Anatolia. J. Scurlock & R. H. Beal (Eds.), Creation and chaos: A reconsideration of Hermann Gunkel's Chaoskampf Hypothesis (ss. 98-111). Penn State University Press.
  • Harrison, J. E. (1912). Themis: A study of the social origins of Greek religion. Cambridge University Press. Hoffner Jr, H. A. (1997). The laws of the Hittites: A critical edition. Brill.
  • Hoffner, H. A. (1998). Hittite Myths. Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Hutter M. & Hutter-Braunsar S. (Eds.), Hethitische literatur: Überlieferungsprozesse, textstrukturen, ausdrucksformen und nachwirken: Akten des sfymposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn (ss. 99-114). Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Jung, C. G. (2003). Four archetypes: Mother, rebirth, spirit, trickster. Routledge.
  • Jung, C. G. (2007). İnsan ve sembolleri (A. N. Babaoğlu, Trans.). Okuyan Us.
  • Jung, C. G. (2016). Analitik psikoloji sözlüğü. Pinhan.
  • Karauğuz, G. (2015). Hitit Mitolojisi (2nd ed.). Çizgi Kitabevi.
  • Katz, J. T. (1998). How to be a dragon in Indo-European. Hittite illuyankaš and its linguistic and cultural congeners in Latin. Greek, and Germanic. Jay Jassanoff, H. Craig Melchert, ve Lisi Oliver, (ed.) Mír Curad. Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, University of Innsbruck: ss. 317-334.
  • Laroche, E., S. Košak, G.G.W. Müller, S. Görke, ve Ch.W. Steitler. Catalogue des textes hittites. CTH (2022-10-26). [erişim: 17.10.23].
  • Matthews, R., & Glatz, C. (2009). The historical geography of north-central Anatolia in the Hittite period: Texts and archaeology in concert. Anatolian Studies, 1(59), 51-72.
  • Melchert, H. C. (2013). Motivations for Hittite Mythological texts. J. F. Nagy (Ed.), Writing down the myths (ss. 257-264). Brepols Publishers.
  • Mouton A. (2018). Water and the gods: Ponds and fountains in the Hittite state cult according to Hittite textual evidence. Ash-Sharq- Bulletin of the Ancient Near East, 2, 112-120.
  • Pecchioli Daddi, F. (2014). Messengers of the Gods: NIN.DINGIR and Tetešḫapi. Die Welt des Orients, 44(2), 289-300.
  • Popko, M. (1995). Religions of Asia Minor. Academic Publications Dialog.
  • Rizza, A. (2002). Linguistic and cultural layers in the Anatolian Myth of Illuijanka. Syggraphé, 1(4), 9-23.
  • Segal, R. A. (1999). Theorizing about Myth. University of Massachusetts.
  • Segal, R. A. (2011). Jung on Myth. In K. Bulkeley & C. Weldon (Eds.), Teaching Jung (ss. 75-92). Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Sivri, M. (2022). Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat açısından Mit, Mitokritik ve Sembolik imgelem. BELGÜ, (7), 48-58.
  • Smith, G. E. (1919). The Evolution of the dragon. Manchester, The University press; Longmans, Green & company.
  • Tercan, Betül. 2019. Anadolu kökenli bir Hitit Miti: “İlluyanka”. Akkın İ., O., Vargün B., Seferoğlu T., Kaçar E., Şenel N. (Eds). International Symposium on Mythology 2-5 May 2019, Ardahan Uluslararası Mitoloji Sempoyumu. Proceedings Book. Pharmakon. Ardahan: ss. 199-209.
  • Ünal, A. (2016). Hititçe-Türkçe: Türkçe-Hititçe büyük sözlük: Hattice, Hurrice, Hiyeroglif Luvicesi, Çivi Yazısı Luvicesi ve Palaca sözcük listeleriyle birlikte. Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Old Asia Minor
Journal Section Research Articles

Erkut Kaya 0009-0007-5323-7465

Publication Date December 30, 2023
Submission Date October 24, 2023
Acceptance Date December 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Kaya, E. (2023). İlluyanka Mitinde Arketip Unsurlar: Gölge ve Kahraman. ASA Dergisi, 1(2), 228-247.

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