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Tiroit Hormonları ve Hastalıkları

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 28 - 40, 28.06.2019


Genel metabolik etkiye sahip olan tiroit hormonlarının
(tiroksin, triiyodotironin), perifer hedef dokuda etkisinin azalması
hipotiroidizm olarak adlandırılırken
, tiroit bezi ya da
ektratiroidal kaynaklı olarak fazla miktarda salgılanması ile karakterize
tabloya ise hipertiroidizm denilmektedir. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de yaygın olarak
hipotiroidizm oluşumundaki en büyük etken iyot yetersizliğidir. Nitekim, Dünya
Sağlık Örgütü
(WHO, 2007) verilerine göre, dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık üçte biri
50µg’ın altında iyot almakta ve bu durum nörojenik kretinizm, mental gerilik,
guatr ve hipotiroidizme yol açmaktadır. Hipertiroidizmin ise genellikle, iyot
bakımından yeterli bölgelerde bilinçsizce iyotlama çalışmaları sonucu ortaya
çıktığı vurgulanmaktadır
(Vanderpump, 2011). Türkiye’de de Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği (TEMD, 2015), okul çağındaki çocukların %28.7’sinin iyot
yetersizliği ile karşı karşıya olduğunu, kırsal kesimdeki çocukları iyot
yetersizliği tehdit ederken, kentlerdekilerde tirotoksikozise yol açabilecek
kadar yüksek miktarda iyot alımına dikkat çekmiştir.

tiroit hormon metabolizmasına ait bozukluklar halen önemli bir sorun olarak
karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu derlemede, halen önemli fizyolojik problemlere yol
açan tiroit hormonlarının metabolizmasına ait bozukluklar son bilgiler ışığında
özetlenerek, toplu bir bilgi sunulması amaçlanmıştır.


  • Adaş, G., Adaş, M., Özülker, F. ve Akçakaya, A., 2012, Tiroid Kanserleri, Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi, 28, 26-34.
  • Arslan, E., 2008, Hipoaktif Ve Hiperaktif Tiroid Nodüllerinde Postoperatif Patoloji Ve İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Değerlendirilmesi.
  • Bindra, A. ve Braunstein, G. D., 2006, Thyroiditis, American family physician, 73 (10).
  • Boelaert, K., Horacek, J., Holder, R., Watkinson, J., Sheppard, M. ve Franklyn, J., 2006, Serum thyrotropin concentration as a novel predictor of malignancy in thyroid nodules investigated by fine-needle aspiration, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91 (11), 4295-4301.
  • Bostancı, N., 1979, Paratiroid Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Bozak Matbaası, 199-248.
  • Brent, G. A., Larsen, P. R. ve Davies, T., 2008, Hypothyroidism and thyroiditis, Williams textbook of endocrinology, 11, 377-409.
  • Cooper, D. S., 2007, Approach to the patient with subclinical hyperthyroidism, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 92 (1), 3-9.
  • Cooper, D. S., Doherty, G. M., Haugen, B. R., Kloos, R. T., Lee, S. L., Mandel, S. J., Mazzaferri, E. L., McIver, B., Pacini, F. ve Schlumberger, M., 2009, Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: the American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines taskforce on thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer, Thyroid, 19 (11), 1167-1214.
  • Çeçen, P. ve İmamoğlu, N., 2013, Tiroid Bezi Hastaliklari Ve Farmakolojik Tedavisindeki Güncel Gelişmeler.
  • Davison, K., Potter, G., Evans, J., Greene, L., Hargis, P., Corn, C. ve Webb, S., 1991, Growth, nutrient utilization, radiographic bone characteristics and postprandial thyroid hormone concentrations in weanling horses fed added dietary fat, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 11 (2), 119-125.
  • Dighe, M., Barr, R., Bojunga, J., Cantisani, V., Chammas, M. C., Cosgrove, D., Cui, X. W., Dong, Y., Fenner, F. ve Radzina, M., 2017, Thyroid ultrasound: state of the art part 1–thyroid ultrasound reporting and diffuse thyroid diseases, Medical ultrasonography, 19 (1), 79-93.
  • Ecemiş, G. ve Çolak, R., 2013, Tiroiditler, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 29 (4S), 321-327.
  • Emirzeoğlu, M. ve Sancak, R., 2012, Tiroit bezi anatomisi, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 29 (4S), 273-275.
  • Feldt-Rasmussen, U., 2001, Iodine and cancer, Thyroid, 11 (5), 483-486.
  • Frates, M. C., Benson, C. B., Charboneau, J. W., Cibas, E. S., Clark, O. H., Coleman, B. G., Cronan, J. J., Doubilet, P. M., Evans, D. B. ve Goellner, J. R., 2006, Management of thyroid nodules detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference statement, Ultrasound quarterly, 22 (4), 231-238.
  • Gardner, D. G., Shoback, D. ve Greenspan, F. S., 2007, Greenspan's basic & clinical endocrinology, McGraw-Hill Medical, p.
  • Gharib, H., Papini, E., Paschke, R., Duick, D., Valcavi, R., Hegedüs, L. ve Vitti, P., 2010, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, and European Thyroid Association medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules, Endocrine Practice, 16 (Supplement 1), 1-43.
  • Goudreau, E., Comtois, R., Bayardelle, P., Beauregard, H. ve Larochelle, D., 1986, Capnocytophaga ochracea and group F beta-hemolytic streptococcus suppurative thyroiditis, The Journal of otolaryngology, 15 (1), 59-61.
  • Guimaraes, V., 2010, Subacute and Riedel's Thyroiditis, Endocrinology: adult and pediatric. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 1600-1603.
  • Hall, J. E., 2010, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Elsevier Health Sciences, p.
  • Hay, I. D., 1985, Thyroiditis: a clinical update, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 836-843.
  • Kabalak, T. ve Gökhan, A., 2002, Familial occurrence of subacute thyroiditis, Endocrine journal, 49 (2), 207-209.
  • Karataş, F., Aşkın, U., Halifeoğlu, İ. ve Dönder, E., 2006, Guatr’lı Hastalarda Antioksidan Vitaminler (A, E ve C), Selenyum ve Glutatyon Peroksidaz (GSH-Px) Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (Tıp), 20 (4), 277-280.
  • Keçeci, T. ve Kocabatmaz, M., 1994, Hipotiroidizmin kan üre azotu, total protein, glikoz ve total kolesterol düzeyleri üzerindeki etkisi.
  • Lamberg, B.-A., 1991, Endemic goitre—iodine deficiency disorders, Annals of medicine, 23 (4), 367-372.
  • Lazarus, J. H., Ammari, F., Oretti, R., Parkes, A. B., Richards, C. J. ve Harris, B., 1997, Clinical aspects of recurrent postpartum thyroiditis, Br J Gen Pract, 47 (418), 305-308.
  • Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, 2009, Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık, 1-25.
  • Mumcuoğlu, O. D. S. ve Abanuz, Ü., 2005, Hipertiroidide Tiroid Kanser İnsidansi.
  • Özata, M., 2005, Tiroit Hastalıklarına Güncel Yaklaşım, Epsilon Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Özata, M., 2008, 99 sayfada tiroid hastalıkları, iş bankası kültür yayını, p.
  • Pearce, E. N., Farwell, A. P. ve Braverman, L. E., 2003, Thyroiditis, New England Journal of Medicine, 348 (26), 2646-2655.
  • Pedersen, O. M., Aardal, N. P., Larssen, T. B., Varhaug, J. E., Myking, O. ve Vik-Mo, H., 2000, The value of ultrasonography in predicting autoimmune thyroid disease, Thyroid, 10 (3), 251-259.
  • Rahman, G. A., 2011, Extent of surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer: recommended guideline, Oman medical journal, 26 (1), 56.
  • Sağlam, F. ve Çakır, B., 2012, Birinci Basamakta Tiroid Hastalıklarına Klinik Yaklaşım, Ankara Medical Journal, 12 (3).
  • Santos, J. E. C., Kalk, W. J., Freitas, M., Carreira, I. M. ve Branco, M. C., 1998, Iodine deficiency and thyroid nodular pathology-epidemiological and cancer characteristics in different populations: Portugal and South Africa, BMC research notes, 8 (1), 284.
  • Schmid, C., Zwimpfer, C., Brändle, M., Krayenbühl, P. A., Zapf, J. ve Wiesli, P., 2006, Effect of thyroxine replacement on serum IGF‐I, IGFBP‐3 and the acid‐labile subunit in patients with hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism, Clinical endocrinology, 65 (6), 706-711.
  • Singer, P. A., Cooper, D. S., Levy, E. G., Ladenson, P. W., Braverman, L. E., Daniels, G., Greenspan, F. S., McDougall, I. R. ve Nikolai, T. F., 1995, Treatment guidelines for patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Jama, 273 (10), 808-812.
  • Slatosky, J., Shipton, B. ve Wahba, H., 2000, Thyroiditis: differential diagnosis and management, American family physician, 61 (4), 1047-1052, 1054.
  • Stagnaro-Green, A., 2000, Recognizing, understanding, and treating postpartum thyroiditis, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, 29 (2), 417-430.
  • Taşkara, B., 2006, Hipoaktif Tiroid Nodüllerinde İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biopsisinin Tanısal Değeri.
  • TEMD, 2015, Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği, Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık.
  • TEMD, T. E. v. M. D., 2009, Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık, 1-25.
  • Trimetoprim, P., 2010, Endokrinoloji Ve Metabolizma Hastaliklari, Meditest®, 160.
  • Tütüncü, N. ve Erbaş, T., 2004, Factors associated with bone metabolism in acromegalic patients: hypogonadism and female gender, Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes, 112 (06), 328-332.
  • Vanderpump, M. P., 2011, The epidemiology of thyroid disease, Br Med Bull, 99 (1).
  • Volpe, R., ROW, V. V. ve EZRIN, C., 1967, Circulating viral and thyroid antibodies in subacute thyroiditis, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 27 (9), 1275-1284.
  • WHO, U., 2007, Iccidd, Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination, 2.
  • Yuan, P.-Q. ve Yang, H., 2005, Hypothyroidism increases Fos immunoreactivity in cholinergic neurons of brain medullary dorsal vagal complex in rats, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 289 (5), E892-E899.

Thyroid Hormones and Diseases

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 28 - 40, 28.06.2019


which is caused by the small secretion of thyroid hormones (thyroxine,
triiodothyronine), which have general metabolic effects, is also called
hyperthyroidism with excessive secretion from thyroid gland or extrathyroidal
origin. Iodine deficiency in the world and is the biggest factor in the
widespread occurrence of hypothyroidism in Turkey. In fact, according to World
Health Organization (WHO 2007) data, approximately one third of the world
population receives iodine below 50µg, leading to neurogenic crestinism, mental
retardation, goiter and hypothyroidism. It is emphasized that hyperthyroidism
generally arises as a result of unconsciously iodizing studies in regions
sufficient for iodine (Vanderpump, 2011). Turkey also Endocrinology and Metabolism
Society (TEMD, 2015), children of school age is faced with the iodine
deficiency 28.7%, while threatening children with iodine deficiency in rural
areas, drew attention to the reception of iodine intake enough to cause urban
area thyrotoxicosis.

disorders of thyroid hormone metabolism are still an important problem. In this
review, it is aimed to summarize the disorders of the metabolism of thyroid
hormones, which still cause important physiological problems, in the light of
the latest information and to present a collective information.


  • Adaş, G., Adaş, M., Özülker, F. ve Akçakaya, A., 2012, Tiroid Kanserleri, Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi, 28, 26-34.
  • Arslan, E., 2008, Hipoaktif Ve Hiperaktif Tiroid Nodüllerinde Postoperatif Patoloji Ve İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Değerlendirilmesi.
  • Bindra, A. ve Braunstein, G. D., 2006, Thyroiditis, American family physician, 73 (10).
  • Boelaert, K., Horacek, J., Holder, R., Watkinson, J., Sheppard, M. ve Franklyn, J., 2006, Serum thyrotropin concentration as a novel predictor of malignancy in thyroid nodules investigated by fine-needle aspiration, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91 (11), 4295-4301.
  • Bostancı, N., 1979, Paratiroid Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Bozak Matbaası, 199-248.
  • Brent, G. A., Larsen, P. R. ve Davies, T., 2008, Hypothyroidism and thyroiditis, Williams textbook of endocrinology, 11, 377-409.
  • Cooper, D. S., 2007, Approach to the patient with subclinical hyperthyroidism, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 92 (1), 3-9.
  • Cooper, D. S., Doherty, G. M., Haugen, B. R., Kloos, R. T., Lee, S. L., Mandel, S. J., Mazzaferri, E. L., McIver, B., Pacini, F. ve Schlumberger, M., 2009, Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: the American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines taskforce on thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer, Thyroid, 19 (11), 1167-1214.
  • Çeçen, P. ve İmamoğlu, N., 2013, Tiroid Bezi Hastaliklari Ve Farmakolojik Tedavisindeki Güncel Gelişmeler.
  • Davison, K., Potter, G., Evans, J., Greene, L., Hargis, P., Corn, C. ve Webb, S., 1991, Growth, nutrient utilization, radiographic bone characteristics and postprandial thyroid hormone concentrations in weanling horses fed added dietary fat, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 11 (2), 119-125.
  • Dighe, M., Barr, R., Bojunga, J., Cantisani, V., Chammas, M. C., Cosgrove, D., Cui, X. W., Dong, Y., Fenner, F. ve Radzina, M., 2017, Thyroid ultrasound: state of the art part 1–thyroid ultrasound reporting and diffuse thyroid diseases, Medical ultrasonography, 19 (1), 79-93.
  • Ecemiş, G. ve Çolak, R., 2013, Tiroiditler, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 29 (4S), 321-327.
  • Emirzeoğlu, M. ve Sancak, R., 2012, Tiroit bezi anatomisi, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 29 (4S), 273-275.
  • Feldt-Rasmussen, U., 2001, Iodine and cancer, Thyroid, 11 (5), 483-486.
  • Frates, M. C., Benson, C. B., Charboneau, J. W., Cibas, E. S., Clark, O. H., Coleman, B. G., Cronan, J. J., Doubilet, P. M., Evans, D. B. ve Goellner, J. R., 2006, Management of thyroid nodules detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference statement, Ultrasound quarterly, 22 (4), 231-238.
  • Gardner, D. G., Shoback, D. ve Greenspan, F. S., 2007, Greenspan's basic & clinical endocrinology, McGraw-Hill Medical, p.
  • Gharib, H., Papini, E., Paschke, R., Duick, D., Valcavi, R., Hegedüs, L. ve Vitti, P., 2010, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, and European Thyroid Association medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules, Endocrine Practice, 16 (Supplement 1), 1-43.
  • Goudreau, E., Comtois, R., Bayardelle, P., Beauregard, H. ve Larochelle, D., 1986, Capnocytophaga ochracea and group F beta-hemolytic streptococcus suppurative thyroiditis, The Journal of otolaryngology, 15 (1), 59-61.
  • Guimaraes, V., 2010, Subacute and Riedel's Thyroiditis, Endocrinology: adult and pediatric. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 1600-1603.
  • Hall, J. E., 2010, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Elsevier Health Sciences, p.
  • Hay, I. D., 1985, Thyroiditis: a clinical update, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 836-843.
  • Kabalak, T. ve Gökhan, A., 2002, Familial occurrence of subacute thyroiditis, Endocrine journal, 49 (2), 207-209.
  • Karataş, F., Aşkın, U., Halifeoğlu, İ. ve Dönder, E., 2006, Guatr’lı Hastalarda Antioksidan Vitaminler (A, E ve C), Selenyum ve Glutatyon Peroksidaz (GSH-Px) Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (Tıp), 20 (4), 277-280.
  • Keçeci, T. ve Kocabatmaz, M., 1994, Hipotiroidizmin kan üre azotu, total protein, glikoz ve total kolesterol düzeyleri üzerindeki etkisi.
  • Lamberg, B.-A., 1991, Endemic goitre—iodine deficiency disorders, Annals of medicine, 23 (4), 367-372.
  • Lazarus, J. H., Ammari, F., Oretti, R., Parkes, A. B., Richards, C. J. ve Harris, B., 1997, Clinical aspects of recurrent postpartum thyroiditis, Br J Gen Pract, 47 (418), 305-308.
  • Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, 2009, Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık, 1-25.
  • Mumcuoğlu, O. D. S. ve Abanuz, Ü., 2005, Hipertiroidide Tiroid Kanser İnsidansi.
  • Özata, M., 2005, Tiroit Hastalıklarına Güncel Yaklaşım, Epsilon Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Özata, M., 2008, 99 sayfada tiroid hastalıkları, iş bankası kültür yayını, p.
  • Pearce, E. N., Farwell, A. P. ve Braverman, L. E., 2003, Thyroiditis, New England Journal of Medicine, 348 (26), 2646-2655.
  • Pedersen, O. M., Aardal, N. P., Larssen, T. B., Varhaug, J. E., Myking, O. ve Vik-Mo, H., 2000, The value of ultrasonography in predicting autoimmune thyroid disease, Thyroid, 10 (3), 251-259.
  • Rahman, G. A., 2011, Extent of surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer: recommended guideline, Oman medical journal, 26 (1), 56.
  • Sağlam, F. ve Çakır, B., 2012, Birinci Basamakta Tiroid Hastalıklarına Klinik Yaklaşım, Ankara Medical Journal, 12 (3).
  • Santos, J. E. C., Kalk, W. J., Freitas, M., Carreira, I. M. ve Branco, M. C., 1998, Iodine deficiency and thyroid nodular pathology-epidemiological and cancer characteristics in different populations: Portugal and South Africa, BMC research notes, 8 (1), 284.
  • Schmid, C., Zwimpfer, C., Brändle, M., Krayenbühl, P. A., Zapf, J. ve Wiesli, P., 2006, Effect of thyroxine replacement on serum IGF‐I, IGFBP‐3 and the acid‐labile subunit in patients with hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism, Clinical endocrinology, 65 (6), 706-711.
  • Singer, P. A., Cooper, D. S., Levy, E. G., Ladenson, P. W., Braverman, L. E., Daniels, G., Greenspan, F. S., McDougall, I. R. ve Nikolai, T. F., 1995, Treatment guidelines for patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Jama, 273 (10), 808-812.
  • Slatosky, J., Shipton, B. ve Wahba, H., 2000, Thyroiditis: differential diagnosis and management, American family physician, 61 (4), 1047-1052, 1054.
  • Stagnaro-Green, A., 2000, Recognizing, understanding, and treating postpartum thyroiditis, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, 29 (2), 417-430.
  • Taşkara, B., 2006, Hipoaktif Tiroid Nodüllerinde İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biopsisinin Tanısal Değeri.
  • TEMD, 2015, Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği, Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık.
  • TEMD, T. E. v. M. D., 2009, Metabolik Sendrom Kılavuzu, Ankara, Tuna Matbaacılık, 1-25.
  • Trimetoprim, P., 2010, Endokrinoloji Ve Metabolizma Hastaliklari, Meditest®, 160.
  • Tütüncü, N. ve Erbaş, T., 2004, Factors associated with bone metabolism in acromegalic patients: hypogonadism and female gender, Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes, 112 (06), 328-332.
  • Vanderpump, M. P., 2011, The epidemiology of thyroid disease, Br Med Bull, 99 (1).
  • Volpe, R., ROW, V. V. ve EZRIN, C., 1967, Circulating viral and thyroid antibodies in subacute thyroiditis, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 27 (9), 1275-1284.
  • WHO, U., 2007, Iccidd, Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination, 2.
  • Yuan, P.-Q. ve Yang, H., 2005, Hypothyroidism increases Fos immunoreactivity in cholinergic neurons of brain medullary dorsal vagal complex in rats, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 289 (5), E892-E899.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Arşiv

Zafer Durgun

Cemşah Yazıcı This is me

Ali Osman İnan This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Submission Date June 17, 2019
Acceptance Date July 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Durgun, Z., Yazıcı, C., & İnan, A. O. (2019). Tiroit Hormonları ve Hastalıkları. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science, 2(1), 28-40.


Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science (MJSS) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY-NC 4.0 .