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Antrenör Eğitim Sistemlerinin Ülkeler Arası Karşılaştırılması: Almanya, Belçika, Birleşik Krallık, Estonya, Fransa, Finlandiya, İspanya, İsviçre, İtalya, Portekiz ve Türkiye

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 374 - 405, 28.06.2023


Bir ülkede antrenör eğitim sisteminin temeli, eğitim programının niteliğine bağlıdır. Eğitim programlarıyla kazandırılan yetkinlikler ve antrenör istihdam olanakları, ülkelerin sosyal ve beşeri sermayelerine de katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırmada amaç, Türkiye ile bazı Avrupa ülkelerindeki mevcut antrenörlük eğitim sistemlerini, yönetim ve eğitim boyutlarında belirlenen ölçütler bakımından karşılaştırılarak irdelenmesidir. Bu amaçla araştırmada niteliksel açıdan benzerlikler ve farklılıkları ortaya koyabilmek için karşılaştırma yaklaşımından yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada veriler, araştırmacılar Gök ve Aslan (2019) tarafından tasarlanan veri toplama aracı ile sağlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, uluslararası spor alanında farklı gelişim özelliklerine sahip ülkelerden Türkiye, Almanya, Belçika, Birleşik Krallık, Estonya, Fransa, Finlandiya, İspanya, İsviçre, İtalya ve Portekiz oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre; belirlenen ölçütler bakımından araştırmaya katılan ülkelerde antrenörlük eğitim sistemi ve yapılarının benzer olmadığı ve bunun sonucunda da antrenörlük eğitim programı, antrenörlük eğitimlerini organize etmeye yetkili kurum veya kuruluşlar, antrenörlük eğitim kurslarına katılım şartları, kursların modeli, müfredat programı, içeriği ve süresi, antrenörlük kademe sistemleri, kurslara eğiticilerin görevlendirilmesi, antrenörlük belgesine hak kazanılması, yurtiçi ve yurtdışı denklik işlemleri, kursların denetimi ve antrenörlerin istihdamına ilişkin uygulamalar bakımından bir takım farklılıkların mevcut olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bunun nedeni, her ülkedeki sporun ve spor dalının kendine has yapısına özgü mevcut düzenlemeleri ile uluslararası spor federasyonlarına bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan farklı uygulamalar ve tavsiye niteliği taşıyan uluslararası ve Avrupa antrenörlük yeterlilik çerçevesi olduğu görülmektedir.


  • Balcı, A. (2015). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim sistemleri. A. Balcı (Ed.). Pegem Akademi.
  • Baron, A., & Armstrong, M. (2007). Human capital management achieving added value through people.
  • Başkan, G. A., Aydın, A., & Madden, T. (2006). Türkiye’deki öğretmen yetiştirme sistemine karşılaştırmalı bir bakış. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1), 35-42.
  • Breuer, C., & Feiler, S. (2020). Coaches and trainers in sports clubs in Germany Sport Development Report for Germany 2017/2018 - Part 2. The URL: Coaches and trainers in sports clubs in Germany (dosb.de)
  • Çolak, M. (2010). Eğitim ve beşeri sermayeni kalkınma üzerine etkisi. Kamu-İş, 11(3),109-125. www.tuhis.org.tr/index.php?go=icerik&neresi=anaSayfa&ld=33 adresinden erişildi.
  • DOSB (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund). (2009). DOSB l education and qualification the system of qualification of the German sports organizations. The URL: https://www.dosb.de/fileadmin/fm-dosb/arbeitsfelder/Ausbildung/downloads/Broschueren/Flyer_Qualifizierungssystem_der_Sportorganisationen_englisch.pdf
  • DOSB (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund). (2015). Voluntary positions and voluntry ınvolvement ın sport. The URL: DOSB_Broschure_Voluntary_Positions_and_Voluntary_Involvement_2015.pdf
  • European Comission, (2016). Study on sport qualifications acquired through sport organisations and (sport) educational ınstıtutes. Final Report. Study on sport qualifications acquired through sport organisations and (sport) educational institutes - Publications Office of the EU (europa.eu) adresinden erişildi. DOI: 10.2766/389911.
  • ENSSEE (European Network of Sport Science, Education & Employment). (2007). Review of the EU 5-level structure for the recognition of coaching qualifications final version. For consideration at the Forum of the European Network of Sports Science, Education and Employment Rio Maior, Portugal, September 20, 21, 2007. REVIEW OF THE EU 5-LEVEL STRUCTURE FOR THE RECOGNITION OF COACHING QUALIFICATIONS. Final Version - PDF Free Download (docplayer.net) adresinden erişildi.
  • ENSSEE (European Network of Sport Science, Education & Employment). (2009). Coaching in Europe: The Way Forward. Draft 3: 22 October 2009 For consideration at The International Council for Coach Education Global Conference Vancouver, Canada, November 12 – 15, 2009. Microsoft Word - Coach_Education_in_Europe- The_Way_Forward-221009[1] final version Oct 2009.docx (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • ENSE (European Network of Sport Education). (2022). About. http://sporteducation.eu/#projects adresinden erişildi.
  • Ergün, M. (1985). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, https://scholar.google.com.tr/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=17571550032775500608&btnI=1&hl=tr adresinden erişildi.
  • European Union (EU). (2020). Expert Group on Skills and human resources development in sport Guidelines regarding the minimum requirements in skills and competences for coaches. eu-xg-minimum-requirements-coaches-2020.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • EOSE (European Observatoire of Sport and Employment), (2022). Glossary. Erişim adresi: – GlossaryEOSE – European Observatoire of Sport and Employment
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) (1978). International Charter Of Physical Education And Sport. Erişim adresi : International Charter of physical education and sport (unesco.org)
  • Gök, Y. ve Aslan, M. (2019). Antrenör eğitim sistemlerinin karşılaştırılmasına yönelik veri toplama aracı geliştirme. 3rd Union of Thrace Universities International Health Sciences Congress Proceeding Book. 24-26 October 2019 içinde (s. 719-725). Çanakkale: 18 Mart Üniversitesi. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20586.06081
  • Gökçe, F. (1994). Eğitimde denetimin amaç ve ilkeleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1994), 73-78.
  • Göksoy, S. (2018). Eğitimde etkililiğinin artırılabilesi için sistem modelinin okul ve öğrenme ortamına uygulanabilirliği. Uluslararası Liderlik Eğitimi Dergisi (ULED), 3(3), 1-15.
  • Günkör, C. (2017). Eğitim ve Kalkınma İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1), 14-32.
  • Hämäläinen, K., & Blomqvist, M. (2016). A New era in sport organizations and coach development in Finland. International Sport Coaching Journal, Human Kinetics, 3(3), 332-343. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2016-0075.
  • ICCE (International Council for Coaching Excellence). (2016). ICCE Standards for higher education sport coaching bachelor degrees. October, 2016. icds-draft-2-final-08-07-16.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • ICCE (International Council for Coaching Excellence). (2013). International sport coaching framework. ınternational council for coaching excellence association of summer olympic ınternational federations leeds Beckett University. iscf-1.2-10-7-15.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • Lahtinen, J. (2003). Coach Education Programs for Professional Coaches in Finland, The experiences in Professional Coach Diploma in Sport Institute of Finland, Vierumäki. International Forum on Elite Sport III Burleigh Court, Loughborough, The United Kingdom, 9th – 11th September 2003. Erişim adresi : Microsoft PowerPoint - 3a_Developing Personnel_Jukka Lahtinen [Read-Only] (sportperformancecentres.org)
  • Lara-Bercial, S., North, J., Petrovic, L., Oltmanns, K. Minkhorst, J., Hämäläinen, K., & Linvgtone, K. (2016). Coach Learn Enhancing Coaches’ Learning, Mobility and Employability in the European Union, Report #1 Qualification Frameworks and Employment and Mobility Tools in the European Union Implications for Sport Coaching and the European Sport Coaching Framework. March 2016. coachlearn-qualification-frameworks-in-europe-web.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Lara-Bercial, S., North, J., Petrovic, L., Oltmanns, K. Minkhorst, J., Hämäläinen, K., & Linvgtone, K. (2017). European sport coaching framework, co-fundad by the Erasmus + Programme of European Union European Commission. CoachLearn | European Sport Coaching Framework adresinden erişildi.
  • Mallett, C. J., Trudel, P. Lyle, J., & Rynne, S. B. (2009). Formal vs. informal coach education. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(3), 325-364.
  • OECD (2001, 10 Mayıs). Human and social capital are keys to well-being andg economic growth. Erişim Adresi: Human and Social Capital are Keys to Well-Being and Economic Growth - OECD
  • OECD, (2007). A Bigger Picture," Human Capital: How what you know shapes your life OECD. Erişim Adresi: Phase2.book (thesocialcapitalinstitute.org).
  • Paquette, K. J., Hussain, A. Trudel, P., & Camire, M. (2014). A Sport Federation’s Attempt to Restructure a Coach Education Program Using Constructivist Principles. International Sport Coaching Journal, Human Kinetics, 1(2), 75-85. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2013-0006.
  • Reade, I. (2009). Formal vs. Informal Coach Education: A Commentary, [I. Reade tarafından “Formal vs. Informal Coach Education” başlıklı makaleye yapılan eleştiri]. nternational Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(3), 343-346.
  • Resende, R., Sequeria, P., & Sarmento, H. (2016). Coaching and Coach Education in Portugal. International Sport Coaching Journal. Human Kinetics, 3(2), 178-183. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2016-0038
  • Robinson, P. E. (2010). Foundations of Sports Coaching. Erişim adresi: Library Genesis: Paul E. Robinson - Foundations of Sports Coaching (libgen.is)
  • Thompson, P. J. L. (2009). Introduction to coaching the official IAAF guide to coaching athletics IAAF coaches education and certification system. The International Association of Athletics Federations. The URL: iaaf-introduction-to-coaching.pdf (athleticsfiji.com).
  • Türkoğlu, A. (2015). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim dünya ülkelerinden örneklerle. A. Türkoğlu (Ed.). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Turpancı, A. E. & Duman, M. C. (2014). Küresel rekabet edebilirlik raporu 2013-2014. T.C. Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı RYKGM- Ekonomik Analiz ve Değerlendirme Dairesi, Yayın No: 389, 11.02.2014. Ankara. Küresel Rekabet Edebilirlik Raporu 2013-2014.pdf (gtb.gov.tr) adresinden erişildi.
  • UK Coaching (2021). UK Coaching: We're here for the COACH, Erişim adresi: https://www.ukcoaching.org/
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • World Bank Group (2018). The Human Capital Project. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. Erişim : https://olc.worldbank.org/system/files/Introduction%20-%201-12%20pages%20-%20Human%20Capital.pdf
  • Wikipedia, (2021). All-time olympic games medal table. Erişim adresi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-time_Olympic_Games_medal_table#endnote_ZZg.
  • Yüksel, S. (2003). Türkiye'de program geliştirme çalışmaları ve sorunları. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 159. http://dhgm.meb.gov.tr/yayimlar/dergiler/Milli_Egitim_Dergisi/159/syuksel.htm adresinden erişildi.

The Comparison of the Coaching Education Systems Between Countries: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye and United Kingdom

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 374 - 405, 28.06.2023


The basis of the coach education system in a country depends on the quality of the education. The competencies and employment opportunities for coaches achieved through education programmes also contribute to the social and human capital of countries. The aim of this research is to examine the existing coaching education systems in Türkiye and some European countries by comparing them in terms of the criteria determined in management and dimensions of education. In the research, the comparative approach was used to reveal the qualitative similarities and differences. The data in this study were acquired through the data collection tool, which was designated by the researchers Gök and Aslan (2019). The research sample consists of Türkiye, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Estonia, France, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and Portugal which have different developmental characteristics in the field of international sports. The results obtained in this study reveal that that coaching education system and structures in these countries were not similar in terms of the criteria indicated on the data tool and accordingly there are some differences with regards to practices regarding the authorized institutions for organizing the coaching education courses; conditions of participation, model, curriculum and duration of courses; coaching levels; assignments of instructors to courses; entitlement to obtain certificate/diploma; supervision of courses; employment of coaches and recognition/diploma equivalency of certificate run in coaching education system. The reason is that there are various existing regulations for the specific structure of the sport and the branch of sport in each country as well as different practices depending on the international sports and also the advisory international and European coaching qualification framework.


  • Balcı, A. (2015). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim sistemleri. A. Balcı (Ed.). Pegem Akademi.
  • Baron, A., & Armstrong, M. (2007). Human capital management achieving added value through people.
  • Başkan, G. A., Aydın, A., & Madden, T. (2006). Türkiye’deki öğretmen yetiştirme sistemine karşılaştırmalı bir bakış. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1), 35-42.
  • Breuer, C., & Feiler, S. (2020). Coaches and trainers in sports clubs in Germany Sport Development Report for Germany 2017/2018 - Part 2. The URL: Coaches and trainers in sports clubs in Germany (dosb.de)
  • Çolak, M. (2010). Eğitim ve beşeri sermayeni kalkınma üzerine etkisi. Kamu-İş, 11(3),109-125. www.tuhis.org.tr/index.php?go=icerik&neresi=anaSayfa&ld=33 adresinden erişildi.
  • DOSB (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund). (2009). DOSB l education and qualification the system of qualification of the German sports organizations. The URL: https://www.dosb.de/fileadmin/fm-dosb/arbeitsfelder/Ausbildung/downloads/Broschueren/Flyer_Qualifizierungssystem_der_Sportorganisationen_englisch.pdf
  • DOSB (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund). (2015). Voluntary positions and voluntry ınvolvement ın sport. The URL: DOSB_Broschure_Voluntary_Positions_and_Voluntary_Involvement_2015.pdf
  • European Comission, (2016). Study on sport qualifications acquired through sport organisations and (sport) educational ınstıtutes. Final Report. Study on sport qualifications acquired through sport organisations and (sport) educational institutes - Publications Office of the EU (europa.eu) adresinden erişildi. DOI: 10.2766/389911.
  • ENSSEE (European Network of Sport Science, Education & Employment). (2007). Review of the EU 5-level structure for the recognition of coaching qualifications final version. For consideration at the Forum of the European Network of Sports Science, Education and Employment Rio Maior, Portugal, September 20, 21, 2007. REVIEW OF THE EU 5-LEVEL STRUCTURE FOR THE RECOGNITION OF COACHING QUALIFICATIONS. Final Version - PDF Free Download (docplayer.net) adresinden erişildi.
  • ENSSEE (European Network of Sport Science, Education & Employment). (2009). Coaching in Europe: The Way Forward. Draft 3: 22 October 2009 For consideration at The International Council for Coach Education Global Conference Vancouver, Canada, November 12 – 15, 2009. Microsoft Word - Coach_Education_in_Europe- The_Way_Forward-221009[1] final version Oct 2009.docx (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • ENSE (European Network of Sport Education). (2022). About. http://sporteducation.eu/#projects adresinden erişildi.
  • Ergün, M. (1985). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, https://scholar.google.com.tr/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=17571550032775500608&btnI=1&hl=tr adresinden erişildi.
  • European Union (EU). (2020). Expert Group on Skills and human resources development in sport Guidelines regarding the minimum requirements in skills and competences for coaches. eu-xg-minimum-requirements-coaches-2020.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • EOSE (European Observatoire of Sport and Employment), (2022). Glossary. Erişim adresi: – GlossaryEOSE – European Observatoire of Sport and Employment
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) (1978). International Charter Of Physical Education And Sport. Erişim adresi : International Charter of physical education and sport (unesco.org)
  • Gök, Y. ve Aslan, M. (2019). Antrenör eğitim sistemlerinin karşılaştırılmasına yönelik veri toplama aracı geliştirme. 3rd Union of Thrace Universities International Health Sciences Congress Proceeding Book. 24-26 October 2019 içinde (s. 719-725). Çanakkale: 18 Mart Üniversitesi. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20586.06081
  • Gökçe, F. (1994). Eğitimde denetimin amaç ve ilkeleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1994), 73-78.
  • Göksoy, S. (2018). Eğitimde etkililiğinin artırılabilesi için sistem modelinin okul ve öğrenme ortamına uygulanabilirliği. Uluslararası Liderlik Eğitimi Dergisi (ULED), 3(3), 1-15.
  • Günkör, C. (2017). Eğitim ve Kalkınma İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1), 14-32.
  • Hämäläinen, K., & Blomqvist, M. (2016). A New era in sport organizations and coach development in Finland. International Sport Coaching Journal, Human Kinetics, 3(3), 332-343. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2016-0075.
  • ICCE (International Council for Coaching Excellence). (2016). ICCE Standards for higher education sport coaching bachelor degrees. October, 2016. icds-draft-2-final-08-07-16.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • ICCE (International Council for Coaching Excellence). (2013). International sport coaching framework. ınternational council for coaching excellence association of summer olympic ınternational federations leeds Beckett University. iscf-1.2-10-7-15.pdf (icce.ws) adresinden erişildi.
  • Lahtinen, J. (2003). Coach Education Programs for Professional Coaches in Finland, The experiences in Professional Coach Diploma in Sport Institute of Finland, Vierumäki. International Forum on Elite Sport III Burleigh Court, Loughborough, The United Kingdom, 9th – 11th September 2003. Erişim adresi : Microsoft PowerPoint - 3a_Developing Personnel_Jukka Lahtinen [Read-Only] (sportperformancecentres.org)
  • Lara-Bercial, S., North, J., Petrovic, L., Oltmanns, K. Minkhorst, J., Hämäläinen, K., & Linvgtone, K. (2016). Coach Learn Enhancing Coaches’ Learning, Mobility and Employability in the European Union, Report #1 Qualification Frameworks and Employment and Mobility Tools in the European Union Implications for Sport Coaching and the European Sport Coaching Framework. March 2016. coachlearn-qualification-frameworks-in-europe-web.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Lara-Bercial, S., North, J., Petrovic, L., Oltmanns, K. Minkhorst, J., Hämäläinen, K., & Linvgtone, K. (2017). European sport coaching framework, co-fundad by the Erasmus + Programme of European Union European Commission. CoachLearn | European Sport Coaching Framework adresinden erişildi.
  • Mallett, C. J., Trudel, P. Lyle, J., & Rynne, S. B. (2009). Formal vs. informal coach education. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(3), 325-364.
  • OECD (2001, 10 Mayıs). Human and social capital are keys to well-being andg economic growth. Erişim Adresi: Human and Social Capital are Keys to Well-Being and Economic Growth - OECD
  • OECD, (2007). A Bigger Picture," Human Capital: How what you know shapes your life OECD. Erişim Adresi: Phase2.book (thesocialcapitalinstitute.org).
  • Paquette, K. J., Hussain, A. Trudel, P., & Camire, M. (2014). A Sport Federation’s Attempt to Restructure a Coach Education Program Using Constructivist Principles. International Sport Coaching Journal, Human Kinetics, 1(2), 75-85. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2013-0006.
  • Reade, I. (2009). Formal vs. Informal Coach Education: A Commentary, [I. Reade tarafından “Formal vs. Informal Coach Education” başlıklı makaleye yapılan eleştiri]. nternational Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(3), 343-346.
  • Resende, R., Sequeria, P., & Sarmento, H. (2016). Coaching and Coach Education in Portugal. International Sport Coaching Journal. Human Kinetics, 3(2), 178-183. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2016-0038
  • Robinson, P. E. (2010). Foundations of Sports Coaching. Erişim adresi: Library Genesis: Paul E. Robinson - Foundations of Sports Coaching (libgen.is)
  • Thompson, P. J. L. (2009). Introduction to coaching the official IAAF guide to coaching athletics IAAF coaches education and certification system. The International Association of Athletics Federations. The URL: iaaf-introduction-to-coaching.pdf (athleticsfiji.com).
  • Türkoğlu, A. (2015). Karşılaştırmalı eğitim dünya ülkelerinden örneklerle. A. Türkoğlu (Ed.). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Turpancı, A. E. & Duman, M. C. (2014). Küresel rekabet edebilirlik raporu 2013-2014. T.C. Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı RYKGM- Ekonomik Analiz ve Değerlendirme Dairesi, Yayın No: 389, 11.02.2014. Ankara. Küresel Rekabet Edebilirlik Raporu 2013-2014.pdf (gtb.gov.tr) adresinden erişildi.
  • UK Coaching (2021). UK Coaching: We're here for the COACH, Erişim adresi: https://www.ukcoaching.org/
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • World Bank Group (2018). The Human Capital Project. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. Erişim : https://olc.worldbank.org/system/files/Introduction%20-%201-12%20pages%20-%20Human%20Capital.pdf
  • Wikipedia, (2021). All-time olympic games medal table. Erişim adresi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-time_Olympic_Games_medal_table#endnote_ZZg.
  • Yüksel, S. (2003). Türkiye'de program geliştirme çalışmaları ve sorunları. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 159. http://dhgm.meb.gov.tr/yayimlar/dergiler/Milli_Egitim_Dergisi/159/syuksel.htm adresinden erişildi.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Activity Management
Journal Section Arşiv

Yasemin Gök 0000-0002-6488-0559

Murat Aslan 0000-0001-8938-3930

Early Pub Date June 27, 2023
Publication Date June 28, 2023
Submission Date December 23, 2022
Acceptance Date March 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Gök, Y., & Aslan, M. (2023). The Comparison of the Coaching Education Systems Between Countries: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye and United Kingdom. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science, 6(2), 374-405. https://doi.org/10.38021/asbid.1223071


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