Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 865 - 883, 18.10.2023


Gazeteciliğin normatif ilkelerine ters düştüğü gerekçesiyle gazetecilik tartışmalarına dahil edilmeyen duygular, son yıllarda dijital medyanın gelişimiyle birlikte yeniden gündeme gelmiş ve tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, uluslararası literatürde gazetecilikte duygular konusunu ele alan çalışmaları değerlendirmek, konuyla ilgili çalışmaların özelliklerini ortaya koyarak, değinilmeyen noktaları tespit etmek ve gelecekte yapılacak akademik çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır. Bu çerçevede araştırma kapsamında Web of Science (WoS) veri tabanında 2019-2023 yılları arasında gazetecilikte duygular konusunu ele alan uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanmış 102 makaleye ulaşılmıştır. Makaleler, yayımlandığı yıl, yayımlandığı dergi ve yayıncısı, yazarlar, yazar sayısı, yayınların ve atıfların ülkelere göre dağılımı, anahtar kelimeler, kullanılan yöntem ve atıf sayısı temel alınarak, bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Matematik ve istatistik biliminin ortaya koyduğu yöntemlerden yararlanarak bilimsel faaliyetlerin incelenmesine olanak tanıyan bibliyometrik analiz, sosyal bilimlerde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi, bilimsel araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan eğilimleri, bu araştırmaların performanslarını, ortak yazarlık modelini ve alanın entelektüel yapısını tespit etmeye yönelik bir yöntemdir. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında, konuyla ilgili çalışmaların sayısında zaman içerisinde bir artış olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Gazetecilikte duygu konusu farklı açılardan ele alınmakta ve büyük çoğunluğu tek yazar tarafından kaleme alınmaktadır. Bu durum konuyla ilgili henüz bir uzmanlaşmanın söz konusu olmadığını göstermektedir. En çok yayın yapan ülke ABD’dir. Bu çalışmanın, konuyla ilgili araştırma yapacak bilim insanlarına mevcut çalışmalardaki temel eğilimler, temel okuma kaynakları, konu üzerinde çalışan bilim insanları ve konuya yer ayıran yayın kuruluşları hakkında bilgi vereceği düşünülmektedir. Çalışmanın elde ettiği bulgular ışığında, konunun çok daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyduğu görülmekte ve konuyla ilgili çalışmaların daha çok gelişmiş ülkelerde yapılmış olması da göz önünde bulundurularak, diğer ülkelerde de benzer çalışmaların yapılması gerekliliği açığa çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle gelecekteki araştırmalar için hem Türkiye özelinde gazetecilikte duygu çalışmalarına yer verilmesi, hem de kültürlerarası bağlamda gazetecilikte duygunun ele alınması önerilmektedir.

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Project Number

Araştırma proje kapsamında değildir.


Tüm süreci yöneten editörlere teşekkürlerimle..


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-Tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11 (4), 959–975.
  • Baden, D., McIntyre, K., & Homberg, F. (2019). The impact of constructive news on affective and behavioural responses. Journalism Studies, 20 (13), 1940-1959.
  • Beckett, C., & Deuze, M. (2016). On the role of emotion in the future of journalism. Social Media+ Society, 2 (3),
  • de la Peña, N., Weil, P., Llobera, J., Spanlang, B., Friedman, D., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., & Slater, M. (2010). Immersive journalism: Immersive virtual reality for the first-person experience of news. Presence, 19(4), 291-301.
  • Ford, J. B.; Mueller, B., & Mueller, S. (2023). Forty years of cross-cultural advertising research in the International Journal of Advertising: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Advertising, 42 (1), 119-127.
  • Goutier, N., Haan, Y. D., Bruin, K. D., Lecheler, S., & Kruikemeier, S. (2021). From “cool observer” to “emotional participant”.
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Aaldering, L., De Haan, Y., Kruikemeier, S., Goutier, N., & De Bruin, K. (2023). Feeling the news? The differential effects of immersive journalism on emotional response. Digital Journalism, 11 (1), 39-60. 670811.2022.2155205
  • Hermans, L., & Prins, T. (2022). Interest matters: The effects of constructive news reporting on Millennials’ emotions and engagement. Journalism, 23 (5), 1064-1081.
  • Holton, A. E., Bélair-Gagnon, V., Bossio, D., & Molyneux, L. (2023). “Not their fault, but their problem”: Organizational responses to the online harassment of journalists. Journalism Practice, 17 (4), 859-874.
  • Kantola, A., & Harju, A. A. (2023). Tackling the emotional toll together: How journalists address harassment with connective practices. Journalism, 24 (3), 494-512.
  • Karlin, B., Kim, H. T. C., Kelly, R., Blakley, J., Brenner, C., & Riley, P. (2018). Does medıum matter?. Technical Report. The Norman Lear Center, University of Southern California.
  • Kleemans, M., Dohmen, R., Schlindwein, L. F., Tamboer, S. L., de Leeuw, R. N., & Buijzen, M. (2019). Children’s cognitive responses to constructive television news. Journalism, 20 (4), 568-582.
  • Kotisova, J. (2019). The elephant in the newsroom: Current research on journalism and emotion. Sociology Compass, 13 (5), e12677.
  • Lecheler, S. (2020). The emotional turn in journalism needs to be about audience perceptions: Commentary-virtual special issue on the emotional turn. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 287-291.
  • Lindgren, M. (2023). Intimacy and emotions in podcast journalism: A study of award-winning Australian and British podcasts. Journalism Practice, 17 (4), 704-719.
  • Luenenborg, M., & Medeiros, D. (2021). Journalism as an affective institution. emotional labor and the discourse on fraud at der spiegel. Journalism Studies, 22 (12), 1720-1738.
  • McIntyre, K. (2020). “Tell me something good”: Testing the longitudinal effects of constructive news using the Google Assistant. Electronic News, 14 (1), 37-54.
  • Morehouse, J., & Saffer, A. J. (2018). A bibliometric analysis of dialogue and digital dialogic research: Mapping the knowledge construction and invisible colleges in public relations research. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30 (3), 65-82.
  • Newman N., Fletcher R., Schulz A., Andi S., & Nielsen R. K. (2020). Reuters Institute digital news report 2020.
  • Orgeret, K. S. (2020). Discussing emotions in digital journalism. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 292-297.
  • Overgaard, C. S. B. (2021). Constructive journalism in the face of a crisis: The effects of social media news updates about COVID-19. Journalism Studies, 22 (14), 1875-1893.
  • Parks, P. (2021). Joy is a news value. Journalism Studies, 22 (6), 820-838.
  • Pfefferbaum B., Newman E., Nelson S. D., Nitiéma P., Pfefferbaum R. L., & Rahman A. (2014). Disaster media coverage and psychological outcomes: Descriptive findings in the extant research. Current Psychiatry Reports, 16 (9), 464.
  • Rotmeijer, S. (2019). ‘Words that work?’Practices of constructive journalism in a local Caribbean context. Journalism, 20 (4), 600-616.
  • Rusch, R., Simon, E., Otto, K., & Flintz, D. (2022). The impact of constructive television journalism on the audience: Results from an online study. Journalism Practice, 16 (10), 2221-2241.
  • Schäfer, S., Greber, H., Sülflow, M., & Lecheler, S. (2022). A matter of perspective: An experimental study on potentials of constructive journalism for communicating a crisis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1-23.
  • Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., Zain, R. M., Ramli, A., & Mohd Zain, M. Z. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 15 (3), 330-356.
  • Steinke, A. J., & Belair-Gagnon, V. (2021). “I know it when I see it”: Constructing emotion and emotional labor in social justice news. What is News? içinde (pp. 6-25). Routledge.
  • Stupart, R. (2021). Tired, hungry, and on deadline: Affect and emotion in the practice of conflict journalism. Journalism Studies, 22 (12), 1574-1589.
  • Stupart, R. (2022). Anger and the investigative journalist. Journalism, 1-18.
  • Swijtink, N., & Hermans, L. (2023). ‘Under Construction’: Informing Young People in an Appropriate Way. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 51 (2), 108-127.
  • Thomson, T. J. (2021). Mapping the emotional labor and work of visual journalism. Journalism, 22 (4), 956-973.
  • Toff B., & Kalogeropoulos A. (2020). All the news that’s fit to ignore. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84 (S1), 366–390.
  • Van Antwerpen, N., Searston, R. A., Turnbull, D., Hermans, L., & Kovacevic, P. (2022). The effects of constructive journalism techniques on mood, comprehension, and trust. Journalism.
  • van Venrooij, I., Sachs, T., & Kleemans, M. (2022). The effects of constructive television news reporting on prosocial intentions and behavior in children: The role of negative emotions and self-efficacy. Communications, 47 (1), 5-31.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, K. (2020). An Emotional Turn in Journalism Studies?. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 175-194.

Emotions in Journalism: A Bibliometric Study

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 865 - 883, 18.10.2023


Emotions, which were not included in journalistic discussions on the grounds that they contradict the normative principles of journalism, have come to the fore again and started to be discussed with the development of digital media in recent years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the studies on the subject of emotions in journalism in the international literature, to reveal the characteristics of the studies on the subject, to identify the points that have not been mentioned, and to contribute to future academic studies. In this context, within the scope of the research, 102 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals addressing the issue of emotions in journalism between 2019 and 2023 were accessed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The articles were examined with the bibliometric analysis method, based on the year of publication, the journal and the publisher, the authors, the number of authors, the distribution of the publications and citations according to the country, the keywords, the method used and the number of citations. The bibliometric analysis, which allows examining scientific activities by using the methods of Mathematics and Statistics, is widely used in social sciences. The bibliometric analysis method is a method to determine the trends in scientific research, the performance of these studies, the co-authorship model and the intellectual structure of the field. Taking these findings into consideration, it is possible to state that there has been an increase in the number of studies on the subject over time. In journalism, the issue of emotion is handled from different angles and a great number of articles is written by a single author. This fact indicates that scholars have not specialized in the subject yet. The country with the highest number of broadcasts is the USA. It is thought that this study will provide information for the scientists who will conduct research on the subject about the basic trends in current studies, the basic reading sources, the scientists studying on the subject and the publishing organizations that devote space to the subject. In the light of the findings of the study, it seems that the subject requires further research, and considering that the studies on the subject have been carried out mostly in developed countries, it becomes clear that similar studies should be conducted in other countries. For this reason, not only is it recommended for future research to include emotion studies in journalism particularly in Turkey but also to address emotion in journalism in an intercultural context.

Project Number

Araştırma proje kapsamında değildir.


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-Tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11 (4), 959–975.
  • Baden, D., McIntyre, K., & Homberg, F. (2019). The impact of constructive news on affective and behavioural responses. Journalism Studies, 20 (13), 1940-1959.
  • Beckett, C., & Deuze, M. (2016). On the role of emotion in the future of journalism. Social Media+ Society, 2 (3),
  • de la Peña, N., Weil, P., Llobera, J., Spanlang, B., Friedman, D., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., & Slater, M. (2010). Immersive journalism: Immersive virtual reality for the first-person experience of news. Presence, 19(4), 291-301.
  • Ford, J. B.; Mueller, B., & Mueller, S. (2023). Forty years of cross-cultural advertising research in the International Journal of Advertising: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Advertising, 42 (1), 119-127.
  • Goutier, N., Haan, Y. D., Bruin, K. D., Lecheler, S., & Kruikemeier, S. (2021). From “cool observer” to “emotional participant”.
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Aaldering, L., De Haan, Y., Kruikemeier, S., Goutier, N., & De Bruin, K. (2023). Feeling the news? The differential effects of immersive journalism on emotional response. Digital Journalism, 11 (1), 39-60. 670811.2022.2155205
  • Hermans, L., & Prins, T. (2022). Interest matters: The effects of constructive news reporting on Millennials’ emotions and engagement. Journalism, 23 (5), 1064-1081.
  • Holton, A. E., Bélair-Gagnon, V., Bossio, D., & Molyneux, L. (2023). “Not their fault, but their problem”: Organizational responses to the online harassment of journalists. Journalism Practice, 17 (4), 859-874.
  • Kantola, A., & Harju, A. A. (2023). Tackling the emotional toll together: How journalists address harassment with connective practices. Journalism, 24 (3), 494-512.
  • Karlin, B., Kim, H. T. C., Kelly, R., Blakley, J., Brenner, C., & Riley, P. (2018). Does medıum matter?. Technical Report. The Norman Lear Center, University of Southern California.
  • Kleemans, M., Dohmen, R., Schlindwein, L. F., Tamboer, S. L., de Leeuw, R. N., & Buijzen, M. (2019). Children’s cognitive responses to constructive television news. Journalism, 20 (4), 568-582.
  • Kotisova, J. (2019). The elephant in the newsroom: Current research on journalism and emotion. Sociology Compass, 13 (5), e12677.
  • Lecheler, S. (2020). The emotional turn in journalism needs to be about audience perceptions: Commentary-virtual special issue on the emotional turn. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 287-291.
  • Lindgren, M. (2023). Intimacy and emotions in podcast journalism: A study of award-winning Australian and British podcasts. Journalism Practice, 17 (4), 704-719.
  • Luenenborg, M., & Medeiros, D. (2021). Journalism as an affective institution. emotional labor and the discourse on fraud at der spiegel. Journalism Studies, 22 (12), 1720-1738.
  • McIntyre, K. (2020). “Tell me something good”: Testing the longitudinal effects of constructive news using the Google Assistant. Electronic News, 14 (1), 37-54.
  • Morehouse, J., & Saffer, A. J. (2018). A bibliometric analysis of dialogue and digital dialogic research: Mapping the knowledge construction and invisible colleges in public relations research. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30 (3), 65-82.
  • Newman N., Fletcher R., Schulz A., Andi S., & Nielsen R. K. (2020). Reuters Institute digital news report 2020.
  • Orgeret, K. S. (2020). Discussing emotions in digital journalism. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 292-297.
  • Overgaard, C. S. B. (2021). Constructive journalism in the face of a crisis: The effects of social media news updates about COVID-19. Journalism Studies, 22 (14), 1875-1893.
  • Parks, P. (2021). Joy is a news value. Journalism Studies, 22 (6), 820-838.
  • Pfefferbaum B., Newman E., Nelson S. D., Nitiéma P., Pfefferbaum R. L., & Rahman A. (2014). Disaster media coverage and psychological outcomes: Descriptive findings in the extant research. Current Psychiatry Reports, 16 (9), 464.
  • Rotmeijer, S. (2019). ‘Words that work?’Practices of constructive journalism in a local Caribbean context. Journalism, 20 (4), 600-616.
  • Rusch, R., Simon, E., Otto, K., & Flintz, D. (2022). The impact of constructive television journalism on the audience: Results from an online study. Journalism Practice, 16 (10), 2221-2241.
  • Schäfer, S., Greber, H., Sülflow, M., & Lecheler, S. (2022). A matter of perspective: An experimental study on potentials of constructive journalism for communicating a crisis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1-23.
  • Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., Zain, R. M., Ramli, A., & Mohd Zain, M. Z. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 15 (3), 330-356.
  • Steinke, A. J., & Belair-Gagnon, V. (2021). “I know it when I see it”: Constructing emotion and emotional labor in social justice news. What is News? içinde (pp. 6-25). Routledge.
  • Stupart, R. (2021). Tired, hungry, and on deadline: Affect and emotion in the practice of conflict journalism. Journalism Studies, 22 (12), 1574-1589.
  • Stupart, R. (2022). Anger and the investigative journalist. Journalism, 1-18.
  • Swijtink, N., & Hermans, L. (2023). ‘Under Construction’: Informing Young People in an Appropriate Way. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 51 (2), 108-127.
  • Thomson, T. J. (2021). Mapping the emotional labor and work of visual journalism. Journalism, 22 (4), 956-973.
  • Toff B., & Kalogeropoulos A. (2020). All the news that’s fit to ignore. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84 (S1), 366–390.
  • Van Antwerpen, N., Searston, R. A., Turnbull, D., Hermans, L., & Kovacevic, P. (2022). The effects of constructive journalism techniques on mood, comprehension, and trust. Journalism.
  • van Venrooij, I., Sachs, T., & Kleemans, M. (2022). The effects of constructive television news reporting on prosocial intentions and behavior in children: The role of negative emotions and self-efficacy. Communications, 47 (1), 5-31.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, K. (2020). An Emotional Turn in Journalism Studies?. Digital Journalism, 8 (2), 175-194.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Journalism Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Zuhal Demir 0000-0002-6275-3820

Project Number Araştırma proje kapsamında değildir.
Publication Date October 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Demir, Z. (2023). GAZETECİLİKTE DUYGULAR: BİBLİYOMETRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Avrasya Sosyal Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 865-883.