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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 183 - 191, 31.01.2025


In the article an author offers opinions and judgement about the important value of activity of teacher and his pedagogical mastery, about the role of the use of new interactive and unconventional pedagogical technologies, about a debt and responsibility of modern teacher. Teaching and educating the young generation in the process of continuous education system, it should be noted that such an extremely complex and multifaceted task can be carried out only with highly qualified and pedagogically skilled teaching staff. Consequently, teaching is a great art. One or another pedagogue cannot easily achieve this art by himself. Therefore, there is a great desire and enthusiasm for the teaching profession, that is, to become a real trainer for a healthy generation, who quickly and deeply understands the demands of the times, who consistently implements scientific, socio-political level, and pedagogical skills, who is thoroughly armed with the idea and ideology of independence, a real only patriotic and hardworking people can achieve it. The socio-economic changes and reforms in Uzbekistan serve as a solid foundation for the fate of students and their bright prospects. Two important indicators of the reforms in the continuing education system - quality and efficiency - are directly related to the potential and professional skills of the teacher. The requirement (prosciogram) is increasing day by day. A nation that is not indifferent to its future, a nation that sees bright and prosperous days in the perspective of its owners, the young generation, pays special attention to education. Pedagogical technology is taking its rightful place in life as a subject and science. "Pedagogical technology", "New pedagogical technologies", "Modern pedagogical and interactive technology", "Information and innovative technologies", "Educational technology", "Technology", "Skills", "Information technology", "Information - communication technologies", "Teaching methods", "Educational methods", "Pedagogical skills" and other terms, concepts, special and elective courses, educational subjects are being formed and their content is changing and entering life and practical activities rapidly. A scientific approach to the problem of technology is gaining strength in the system of general pedagogical concepts. Pedagogical technology and pedagogical activity and the teacher's professionogram are imagined as a whole process or event. From this point of view, pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills are mutually related – twins. Pedagogical technology in the teaching process is one of the leading factors of quality and efficiency.


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Toplam 4 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Psikolojisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Gulchehra Abdullayevna Kurbonova 0009-0009-0307-0630

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdullayevna Kurbonova, G. (2025). PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS AND PEDAGOGICAL ROLE OF THE MODERN EDUCATOR. Avrasya Sosyal Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 183-191.