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Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 33 - 42, 01.10.2017


Thelightdarkbox test is an unconditionalanxiety test used in behavioralphysiology. In this review, some points in the light dark box test have been examined in terms of biological and non-biological factors in order to standardize


  • ADAMCZYK A, MEJIAS R, TAKAMIYA K, YOCUM J, KRASNOVA IN, CALDERON J, CADET JL, HUGANIR RL, PLETNIKOV MV, WANG T. 2012. GluA3-deficiency in mice is associated with increased social andaggressive behavior and elevated dopamine in striatum .Behav Brain Res. 1;229(1):265-72.
  • ASHKENAZY-FROLINGER T, EINAT H, KRONFELD-SCHOR N. 2015. Diurnalrodents as an advantageous model fo raffective disorders: novel data from diurnaldegu (Octodondegus).J
  • NeuralTransm (Vienna).122 Suppl 1:S35-45. BELZUNG C, MISSLIN R, VOGEL E, DODD RH, CHAPOUTHIER G. 1987. Anxiogenic effects of methyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate in a light / dark choice situation. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 28 (1): 29-33.
  • BIAŁA G, KRUK M. 2007. Amphetamine-induced anxiety-related behavior in animal models Pharmacol Rep.59(6):636-44.
  • COLLA AR, ROSA JM, CUNHA MP, RODRIGUES AL. 2015. Anxiolytic-likeeffects of ursolicacid in mice. Eur J Pharmacol.758:171-6.
  • CRAWLEY J, GOODWIN FK. 1980. Preliminary report of a simple animal behavior model for the anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines.PharmacolBiochemBehav.13(2):167-70.
  • ÇALIŞKAN H, ERGÜN A, ÖZTÜRK MC, GENÇER ŞH, KILINÇ S, KAYA MO, KILIÇDAĞI M, OSMANOV Z. 2017. In Light Dark Box In Terms Of Biological Factors Analysis. 3rd
  • International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacie Congress Poster Presentation. Poster-0260: 435p.
  • ÇALIŞKAN H, OSMANOV Z, KILINÇ S, ÖZTÜRK MC, KILIÇDAĞI M, KAYA MO, GENÇER ŞH, ERGÜN A. 2017. In Light Dark Box Test Non Biological Factors Analysis. 3rd International
  • Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacie Congress Poster Presentation. Poster-0259: 434p.
  • DEACON RM, DULU TD, PATEL NB. 2012. Nakedmole-rats: behavioural phenotyping and comparison with C57BL/6 mice.Behav Brain Res.16;231(1):193-200.FEMENÍA T, MAGARA S,
  • DUPONT CM, LINDSKOG M. 2015. Hippocampal-Dependent Antidepressant Action of the H3
  • Receptor Antagonist Clobenpropit in a Rat Model of Depression.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.11;18(9). FUSTER-MATANZO A, LLORENS-MARTÍN M, DE BARREDA EG, ÁVILA J, HERNÁNDEZ F. 2011. Different susceptibility to neurodegeneration of dorsal and ventral hippocampaldentategyrus: a study with transgenic mice over expressing GSK3β.PLoSOne. (11):e27262.GAMMIE SC,
  • SEASHOLTZ AF, STEVENSON SA. 2008. Deletion of corticotropin-releasing factor binding protein selectively impairs maternal, but not intermaleaggression .Neuroscience.2;157(3):502-12.
  • GRISEL JE, BARTELS JL, ALLEN SA, TURGEON VL. 2008. Influence of beta-Endorphin on anxious behavior in mice: interaction with EtOH. Psychopharmacology (Berl).200(1):105-15.
  • GUPTA D, RADHAKRISHNAN M, KURHE Y. 2014. Anxiolytic-likeeffects of alverinecitrate in experimental Mouse models of anxiety. Eur J Pharmacol. 742: 94-101.
  • HEBB AL, ZACHARKO RM, DOMINGUEZ H, LAFOREST S, GAUTHIER M, LEVAC C, DROLET G. 2003. Changes in brain cholecystokinin and anxiety-like behavior following exposure of mice to predator odor. Neuroscience. 116(2):539-51.
  • IMAIZUMI M, MIYAZAKI S, ONODERA K. 1994a. Effects of xanthine derivatives in a light/dark test in mice and contribution of adenosine receptors. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 16: 639–644.
  • IMAIZUMI M, SUZUKI T, MACHIDA H, ONODERA K. 1994b. A fully automated apparatus for a light/dark test measuring anxiolyticoranxiogenic effects of drugs in mice. Jpn. J. Psychopharmacol. 14: 83-89.
  • IZIDIO GS, OLIVEIRA LC, OLIVEIRA LF, PEREIRA E, WEHRMEISTER TD, RAMOS A. The influence of sex and estrouscycle on QTL for emotionality and ethanol consumption. Mamm Genome. 22(5-6):329-40. KESBY JP, KIM JJ, SCADENG M, WOODS G, KADO DM, OLEFSKY JM, JESTE DV, ACHIM CL, SEMENOVA S. 2015. Spatial Cognition in Adult and Aged Mice Exposed to High- Fat Diet. PLoSOne.8;10(10).
  • KIRSHENBAUM GS, BURGESS CR, DÉRY N, FAHNESTOCK M, PEEVER JH, RODER JC. Attenuation of mania-like behavior in Na(+) ,K(+)- ATPase α3 mutant mice byprospective therapies fo rbipolar disorder: melatonin andexercise. Neuroscience.28;260:195-204. KITA A, KOHAYAKAWA H, KINOSHITA T, OCHI Y, NAKAMICHI K, KURUMIYA S, FURUKAWA K, OKA M. 2004. Antianxiety and antidepressant-like effects of AC-5216, a novel mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor ligand. Br J Pharmacol. 142(7):1059-72.
  • LEHMANN ML, BRACHMAN RA, LISTWAK SJ, HERKENHAM M. 2010. NF-kappa B activity affects learning in aversive tasks: possible actions via modulation of the stress axis. Brain BehavImmun. 24(6):1008-17.
  • Potential Therapeutic Value of a Novel FAAH Inhibitor for the Treatment of Anxiety. PLoSOne. ;10(9). MARKOVICS A, KORMOS V, GASZNER B, LASHGARARA A, SZOKE E, SANDOR K, SZABADFI K, TUKA B, TAJTI J, SZOLCSANYI J, PINTER E, HASHIMOTO H, KUN J, REGLODI D, HELYES Z. 2012. Pituitary adenylatecyclase-activating polypeptide plays a key role in nitroglycerol-induced trigeminovascular activation in mice. NeurobiolDis. 45(1):633-44.
  • MIKULECKÁ A, MARES P. 2009. Effects of mGluR5 and mGluR1 antagonists on anxiety-like behavior and learning in developing rats. Behav Brain Res. 1;204(1):133-9.
  • MIRANDA-MORALES RS, NIZHNIKOV ME, WATERS DH, SPEAR NE. 2014. New evidence of ethanol's anxiolytic properties in the infant rat. Alcohol. 48(4):367-74.
  • PELLOUX Y, COSTENTIN J, DUTERTE-BOUCHER D. 2015. Differential involvement of anxiety and novel type reference levels on oral ethanol consumption in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl).232(15):2711-21.
  • POPOVA NK, NAUMENKO VS, CYBKO AS, BAZOVKINA DV. 2010. Receptor-genescross- talk: effect of chronic 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin treatment on the expression of key genes in brain serotoninsystemand on behavior. Neuroscience. 11;169(1):229
  • RAMOS A, PEREIRA E, MARTINS GC, WEHRMEISTER TD, IZÍDIO GS. 2008. Integrating the open field, elevated plus maze andl ight/dark box to assessd ifferent types of emotional behaviors in one single trial. Behav Brain Res. 21;193(2):277-88.
  • SAVIGNAC HM, COUCH Y, STRATFORD M, BANNERMAN DM, TZORTZIS G, ANTHONY DC, BURNET PW. 2016. Prebiotic administration normalizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced anxiety and cortical 5-HT2A receptor and IL1-β levels in malemice. Brain Behav Immun. 52: 120
  • SHARKO AC, KAIGLER KF, FADEL JR, WILSON MA. 2016. Ethanol-induced anxiolysis and neuronal activation in the amygdala and bed nucleus of the striaterminalis. Alcohol. 50: 19-25.
  • SINGH A, SUBHASHINI N, SHARMA S, MALLICK BN. 2013. Involvement of the α1- adrenoceptor in sleep-waking and sleep loss-induced anxiety behavior in zebra fish. Neuroscience. 15;245:136-47.
  • Behavioural effects of Passiflora in carnata L. And itsindole alkaloid and flavonoid derivatives and maltol in the mouse.J Ethnopharmacol.57(1):11-20. SUN P, SMITH AS, LEI K, LIU Y, WANG Z. 2014. Breaking bonds in maleprairie vole: long- termeffects on emotional and social behavior, physiology, and neurochemistry. Behav Brain Res.15;265:22-31.
  • TAKASHIMA N, ODAKA YS, SAKOORI K, AKAGI T, HASHIKAWA T, MORIMURA N, YAMADA K, ARUGA J. 2011. Impaired cognitive function and altered hippocampal synapsemorphology in mice lacking Lrrtm1, a gene associated with schizophrenia. PLoSOne. (7):e22716.
  • TURRI MG, DATTA SR, DEFRIES J, HENDERSON ND, FLINT J. 2001. QTL analysis identifies multiple behavioral dimensions in ethological tests of anxiety in laboratory mice. CurrBiol. 15;11(10):725-34.
  • VAN DER POL CW, MOLENAAR R, BUITINK CJ, VANROOVERT-REIJRINK IA, MAATJENS CM, VAN DEN BRAND H, KEMP B. 2015. Lighting Schedule and dimming period in early life: consequences for broiler chicken leg bone development . PoultSci.94(12):2980-8.
  • VAN'TVEER A, BECHTHOLT AJ, ONVANI S, POTTER D, WANG Y, LIU-CHEN LY, SCHÜTZ G, CHARTOFF EH, RUDOLPH U, COHEN BM, CARLEZON WA JR. 2013. Ablation of likeeffectsandenhancescocaine-inducedplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacology.38(8):1585-97. receptors from brain dopamine neurons has anxiolytic
  • WANG Y, FANG Q, GONG N. 2014. A modified light-dark box test for the common marmoset. NeurosciBull.30(3):394-400.
  • Neuropeptide Y signaling in the central nucleus of amygdala regulates alcohol-drinking and anxiety-like behaviors of alcohol-preferring rats. AlcoholClinExpRes. 1;34(3):451-61. ZHANG X, WANG B, JIN J, AN S, ZENG Q, DUAN Y, YANG L, MA J, CAO X. 2014. Early deprivation reduced anxiety and enhanced memory in adult male rats. Brain ResBull. 108:44-50.
  • ZLOMUZICA A, VIGGIANO D, DEGEN J, BINDER S, RUOCCO LA, SADILE AG, WILLECKE K, HUSTON JP, DERE E. 2012. Behavioral alterations and changes in
  • Ca/calmodulinkinase II levels in the striatum of connexin36 deficientmice .Behav Brain Res.1;226(1):293-300.

Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 33 - 42, 01.10.2017


Aydınlık karanlık kutusu testi davranış fizyolojisinde kullanılan şartsız bir anksiyete testidir. Bu derlemede aydınlık karanlık kutusu testinde bazı noktaları standardize etmek amacıyla biyolojik ve biyolojik olmayan faktörler açısından incelenmiştir


  • ADAMCZYK A, MEJIAS R, TAKAMIYA K, YOCUM J, KRASNOVA IN, CALDERON J, CADET JL, HUGANIR RL, PLETNIKOV MV, WANG T. 2012. GluA3-deficiency in mice is associated with increased social andaggressive behavior and elevated dopamine in striatum .Behav Brain Res. 1;229(1):265-72.
  • ASHKENAZY-FROLINGER T, EINAT H, KRONFELD-SCHOR N. 2015. Diurnalrodents as an advantageous model fo raffective disorders: novel data from diurnaldegu (Octodondegus).J
  • NeuralTransm (Vienna).122 Suppl 1:S35-45. BELZUNG C, MISSLIN R, VOGEL E, DODD RH, CHAPOUTHIER G. 1987. Anxiogenic effects of methyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate in a light / dark choice situation. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 28 (1): 29-33.
  • BIAŁA G, KRUK M. 2007. Amphetamine-induced anxiety-related behavior in animal models Pharmacol Rep.59(6):636-44.
  • COLLA AR, ROSA JM, CUNHA MP, RODRIGUES AL. 2015. Anxiolytic-likeeffects of ursolicacid in mice. Eur J Pharmacol.758:171-6.
  • CRAWLEY J, GOODWIN FK. 1980. Preliminary report of a simple animal behavior model for the anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines.PharmacolBiochemBehav.13(2):167-70.
  • ÇALIŞKAN H, ERGÜN A, ÖZTÜRK MC, GENÇER ŞH, KILINÇ S, KAYA MO, KILIÇDAĞI M, OSMANOV Z. 2017. In Light Dark Box In Terms Of Biological Factors Analysis. 3rd
  • International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacie Congress Poster Presentation. Poster-0260: 435p.
  • ÇALIŞKAN H, OSMANOV Z, KILINÇ S, ÖZTÜRK MC, KILIÇDAĞI M, KAYA MO, GENÇER ŞH, ERGÜN A. 2017. In Light Dark Box Test Non Biological Factors Analysis. 3rd International
  • Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacie Congress Poster Presentation. Poster-0259: 434p.
  • DEACON RM, DULU TD, PATEL NB. 2012. Nakedmole-rats: behavioural phenotyping and comparison with C57BL/6 mice.Behav Brain Res.16;231(1):193-200.FEMENÍA T, MAGARA S,
  • DUPONT CM, LINDSKOG M. 2015. Hippocampal-Dependent Antidepressant Action of the H3
  • Receptor Antagonist Clobenpropit in a Rat Model of Depression.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.11;18(9). FUSTER-MATANZO A, LLORENS-MARTÍN M, DE BARREDA EG, ÁVILA J, HERNÁNDEZ F. 2011. Different susceptibility to neurodegeneration of dorsal and ventral hippocampaldentategyrus: a study with transgenic mice over expressing GSK3β.PLoSOne. (11):e27262.GAMMIE SC,
  • SEASHOLTZ AF, STEVENSON SA. 2008. Deletion of corticotropin-releasing factor binding protein selectively impairs maternal, but not intermaleaggression .Neuroscience.2;157(3):502-12.
  • GRISEL JE, BARTELS JL, ALLEN SA, TURGEON VL. 2008. Influence of beta-Endorphin on anxious behavior in mice: interaction with EtOH. Psychopharmacology (Berl).200(1):105-15.
  • GUPTA D, RADHAKRISHNAN M, KURHE Y. 2014. Anxiolytic-likeeffects of alverinecitrate in experimental Mouse models of anxiety. Eur J Pharmacol. 742: 94-101.
  • HEBB AL, ZACHARKO RM, DOMINGUEZ H, LAFOREST S, GAUTHIER M, LEVAC C, DROLET G. 2003. Changes in brain cholecystokinin and anxiety-like behavior following exposure of mice to predator odor. Neuroscience. 116(2):539-51.
  • IMAIZUMI M, MIYAZAKI S, ONODERA K. 1994a. Effects of xanthine derivatives in a light/dark test in mice and contribution of adenosine receptors. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 16: 639–644.
  • IMAIZUMI M, SUZUKI T, MACHIDA H, ONODERA K. 1994b. A fully automated apparatus for a light/dark test measuring anxiolyticoranxiogenic effects of drugs in mice. Jpn. J. Psychopharmacol. 14: 83-89.
  • IZIDIO GS, OLIVEIRA LC, OLIVEIRA LF, PEREIRA E, WEHRMEISTER TD, RAMOS A. The influence of sex and estrouscycle on QTL for emotionality and ethanol consumption. Mamm Genome. 22(5-6):329-40. KESBY JP, KIM JJ, SCADENG M, WOODS G, KADO DM, OLEFSKY JM, JESTE DV, ACHIM CL, SEMENOVA S. 2015. Spatial Cognition in Adult and Aged Mice Exposed to High- Fat Diet. PLoSOne.8;10(10).
  • KIRSHENBAUM GS, BURGESS CR, DÉRY N, FAHNESTOCK M, PEEVER JH, RODER JC. Attenuation of mania-like behavior in Na(+) ,K(+)- ATPase α3 mutant mice byprospective therapies fo rbipolar disorder: melatonin andexercise. Neuroscience.28;260:195-204. KITA A, KOHAYAKAWA H, KINOSHITA T, OCHI Y, NAKAMICHI K, KURUMIYA S, FURUKAWA K, OKA M. 2004. Antianxiety and antidepressant-like effects of AC-5216, a novel mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor ligand. Br J Pharmacol. 142(7):1059-72.
  • LEHMANN ML, BRACHMAN RA, LISTWAK SJ, HERKENHAM M. 2010. NF-kappa B activity affects learning in aversive tasks: possible actions via modulation of the stress axis. Brain BehavImmun. 24(6):1008-17.
  • Potential Therapeutic Value of a Novel FAAH Inhibitor for the Treatment of Anxiety. PLoSOne. ;10(9). MARKOVICS A, KORMOS V, GASZNER B, LASHGARARA A, SZOKE E, SANDOR K, SZABADFI K, TUKA B, TAJTI J, SZOLCSANYI J, PINTER E, HASHIMOTO H, KUN J, REGLODI D, HELYES Z. 2012. Pituitary adenylatecyclase-activating polypeptide plays a key role in nitroglycerol-induced trigeminovascular activation in mice. NeurobiolDis. 45(1):633-44.
  • MIKULECKÁ A, MARES P. 2009. Effects of mGluR5 and mGluR1 antagonists on anxiety-like behavior and learning in developing rats. Behav Brain Res. 1;204(1):133-9.
  • MIRANDA-MORALES RS, NIZHNIKOV ME, WATERS DH, SPEAR NE. 2014. New evidence of ethanol's anxiolytic properties in the infant rat. Alcohol. 48(4):367-74.
  • PELLOUX Y, COSTENTIN J, DUTERTE-BOUCHER D. 2015. Differential involvement of anxiety and novel type reference levels on oral ethanol consumption in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl).232(15):2711-21.
  • POPOVA NK, NAUMENKO VS, CYBKO AS, BAZOVKINA DV. 2010. Receptor-genescross- talk: effect of chronic 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin treatment on the expression of key genes in brain serotoninsystemand on behavior. Neuroscience. 11;169(1):229
  • RAMOS A, PEREIRA E, MARTINS GC, WEHRMEISTER TD, IZÍDIO GS. 2008. Integrating the open field, elevated plus maze andl ight/dark box to assessd ifferent types of emotional behaviors in one single trial. Behav Brain Res. 21;193(2):277-88.
  • SAVIGNAC HM, COUCH Y, STRATFORD M, BANNERMAN DM, TZORTZIS G, ANTHONY DC, BURNET PW. 2016. Prebiotic administration normalizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced anxiety and cortical 5-HT2A receptor and IL1-β levels in malemice. Brain Behav Immun. 52: 120
  • SHARKO AC, KAIGLER KF, FADEL JR, WILSON MA. 2016. Ethanol-induced anxiolysis and neuronal activation in the amygdala and bed nucleus of the striaterminalis. Alcohol. 50: 19-25.
  • SINGH A, SUBHASHINI N, SHARMA S, MALLICK BN. 2013. Involvement of the α1- adrenoceptor in sleep-waking and sleep loss-induced anxiety behavior in zebra fish. Neuroscience. 15;245:136-47.
  • Behavioural effects of Passiflora in carnata L. And itsindole alkaloid and flavonoid derivatives and maltol in the mouse.J Ethnopharmacol.57(1):11-20. SUN P, SMITH AS, LEI K, LIU Y, WANG Z. 2014. Breaking bonds in maleprairie vole: long- termeffects on emotional and social behavior, physiology, and neurochemistry. Behav Brain Res.15;265:22-31.
  • TAKASHIMA N, ODAKA YS, SAKOORI K, AKAGI T, HASHIKAWA T, MORIMURA N, YAMADA K, ARUGA J. 2011. Impaired cognitive function and altered hippocampal synapsemorphology in mice lacking Lrrtm1, a gene associated with schizophrenia. PLoSOne. (7):e22716.
  • TURRI MG, DATTA SR, DEFRIES J, HENDERSON ND, FLINT J. 2001. QTL analysis identifies multiple behavioral dimensions in ethological tests of anxiety in laboratory mice. CurrBiol. 15;11(10):725-34.
  • VAN DER POL CW, MOLENAAR R, BUITINK CJ, VANROOVERT-REIJRINK IA, MAATJENS CM, VAN DEN BRAND H, KEMP B. 2015. Lighting Schedule and dimming period in early life: consequences for broiler chicken leg bone development . PoultSci.94(12):2980-8.
  • VAN'TVEER A, BECHTHOLT AJ, ONVANI S, POTTER D, WANG Y, LIU-CHEN LY, SCHÜTZ G, CHARTOFF EH, RUDOLPH U, COHEN BM, CARLEZON WA JR. 2013. Ablation of likeeffectsandenhancescocaine-inducedplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacology.38(8):1585-97. receptors from brain dopamine neurons has anxiolytic
  • WANG Y, FANG Q, GONG N. 2014. A modified light-dark box test for the common marmoset. NeurosciBull.30(3):394-400.
  • Neuropeptide Y signaling in the central nucleus of amygdala regulates alcohol-drinking and anxiety-like behaviors of alcohol-preferring rats. AlcoholClinExpRes. 1;34(3):451-61. ZHANG X, WANG B, JIN J, AN S, ZENG Q, DUAN Y, YANG L, MA J, CAO X. 2014. Early deprivation reduced anxiety and enhanced memory in adult male rats. Brain ResBull. 108:44-50.
  • ZLOMUZICA A, VIGGIANO D, DEGEN J, BINDER S, RUOCCO LA, SADILE AG, WILLECKE K, HUSTON JP, DERE E. 2012. Behavioral alterations and changes in
  • Ca/calmodulinkinase II levels in the striatum of connexin36 deficientmice .Behav Brain Res.1;226(1):293-300.
There are 43 citations in total.


Other ID JA49VP48JD
Journal Section Research Article

Hasan Çalışkan This is me

Koray Hamza Cihan This is me

Zakir Osmanov This is me

Süleyman Kılınç This is me

Mitat Can Öztürk This is me

Murat Kılıçdağı This is me

Mehmet Oğuzhan Kaya This is me

Şükrü Hakan Gencer This is me

Ahmet Ergün This is me

Nezahat Zaloğlu This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Submission Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Çalışkan, H., Cihan, K. H., Osmanov, Z., Kılınç, S., et al. (2017). Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 16(2), 33-42.
AMA Çalışkan H, Cihan KH, Osmanov Z, Kılınç S, Öztürk MC, Kılıçdağı M, Kaya MO, Gencer ŞH, Ergün A, Zaloğlu N. Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi. ASHD. October 2017;16(2):33-42. doi:10.1501/Ashd_0000000128
Chicago Çalışkan, Hasan, Koray Hamza Cihan, Zakir Osmanov, Süleyman Kılınç, Mitat Can Öztürk, Murat Kılıçdağı, Mehmet Oğuzhan Kaya, Şükrü Hakan Gencer, Ahmet Ergün, and Nezahat Zaloğlu. “Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik Ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 16, no. 2 (October 2017): 33-42.
EndNote Çalışkan H, Cihan KH, Osmanov Z, Kılınç S, Öztürk MC, Kılıçdağı M, Kaya MO, Gencer ŞH, Ergün A, Zaloğlu N (October 1, 2017) Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 16 2 33–42.
IEEE H. Çalışkan, “Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi”, ASHD, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33–42, 2017, doi: 10.1501/Ashd_0000000128.
ISNAD Çalışkan, Hasan et al. “Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik Ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 16/2 (October 2017), 33-42.
JAMA Çalışkan H, Cihan KH, Osmanov Z, Kılınç S, Öztürk MC, Kılıçdağı M, Kaya MO, Gencer ŞH, Ergün A, Zaloğlu N. Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi. ASHD. 2017;16:33–42.
MLA Çalışkan, Hasan et al. “Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik Ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 2, 2017, pp. 33-42, doi:10.1501/Ashd_0000000128.
Vancouver Çalışkan H, Cihan KH, Osmanov Z, Kılınç S, Öztürk MC, Kılıçdağı M, Kaya MO, Gencer ŞH, Ergün A, Zaloğlu N. Aydınlık Karanlık Kutusu Testi’nin Biyolojik ve Biyolojik Olmayan Faktörler Açısından İncelenmesi. ASHD. 2017;16(2):33-42.