Research Article
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İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri

Year 2019, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 5 - 17, 31.10.2019


İdiopatik periferik fasial
paralizi, Beyin sapı uyarılmış potansiyeller.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bulgular: Hastaların paralitik ve nonparalitik tarafları arasında dalga
latansları açısından anlamlı fark gözlenmezken (p>0.05), paralitik taraflarındaki
N4 latans ortalamaları ile kontrol grubunun sağ kulak N4 latans ortalamaları arasında
anlamlı fark olduğu gözlendi (p<0.05).

Yöntem: Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ibni Sina Hastanesi Nöroloji
Anabilim Dalı polikliniğinde 1994 Şubat ile 1995 Ağustos ayları arasında İPFP tanısı
alan 17 kadın, 13 erkek 30 hasta ile gerilim tipi baş ağrısı tanısı alan 22 kadın,
8 erkek 30 kontrol hastası çalışmaya alındı Hasta grubunun paralitik ve nonparalitik
taraflarından elde edilen BAEP dalga latans ve amplitüd değerleri kendi aralarında
ve kontrol grubu ile Student t testi kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. Odyometri bulguları
ve stapes refleks cevapları ayni şekilde Ki-kare çapraz tablo analizi kullanılarak

Fasial sinir yüz
mimik kaslarını innerve eden, dar ve uzun bir kemik kanal içerisinde kraniyumu terk
eden tek sinirdir. İdiopatik periferik fasial paralizi sinirin genelde tek taraflı
akut tutulumu ile giden ve etyolojisi halen daha tartışmalı olan bir hastalıktır.
periferik fasial paralizinin genikulat
ganglionda sessiz viral enfeksiyonlar sonucu oluşan inflamasyon, kompresyon, iskemi
veya demiyelinizasyon sonucu oluşabileceğine dair görüşler vardır. Bazı yazarlara
göre ise hastalık bir akut polinöropati veya mononöritis multipleksdir. İdiopatik
periferik fasial paralizinin santral sinir sistemi tutulumu ile giden bir hastalık
olabileceğine dair görüşler de mevcuttur. Bu konularda yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları
halen çelişkilidir. İdiopatik periferik fasial paralizide santral sinir sistemi
tutulumu olabileceği hipotezini incelemek amacı ile bu çalışma yapılmıştır.

Sonuç: 4. Dalganın kaynağı N. Lemniskus lateralis yerleşim yeri ise
rostral ponsdur. Bu bulgular ponsta yer alan bilateral fasial nukleus veya fasial
sinir lezyonunu
gösteriyor olabilir.


  • Kaynaklar[1] Bruce, L.,Safman, MC.. Bilateral Pathology in Bell's Palsy. Arch.Otolaryngol, 93(1), 55-57. 1971[2]Cawthorne, T. The pathology and surgical treatment of Bell’s palsy. Proc R Soc Med , 4,565-72. 1950.[3]Citron 111 D.,Adour, K.K. Acoustic reflex and Loundness Discomfort in Acute Facial Paralysis. Arch.Otolaryngol , 104, 303. 1978.[4]Croxon, G., May, M.,Mester, S.J.,. Gradining Facial Nerve Function: House- Brackmann Versus Burres-Fish methods. TheAmerican Journal of Otology, 11, 240. 1990 [5] Çelebi, A., Özcan, H. Baş ağrıları, kranial nevraljiler ve yüz ağrılarının sınıflanması ve tanı kriterleri: Uluslararası Baş ağrısı Derneği, Baş Ağrısı Sınıflama Komitesi. 1988.[6]Donald H, Gilden.. Bell’s palsy.N Engl J Med , 351, 1323-31. 2004[7]Ekstrand, T.,Glitterstam. K.. Bell’s palsy-prognostic value of the stapedius reflex with contrlateral stimulation. The journal of laryngology and otology, March, 93,271. 1979[8]Fish, U.,Esslen, E. Total intratemporal Exposure of Facial Nerve. Pathologic Findings in Bell’s palsy. Acta Otolaryng,95, 335. 1972.[9]Gussen, R. Pathogenesis of Bell’s palsy. Retrograde epineural edema and postedematous fibrous compression of the facial nerve. AnnOtol, 86, 549. 1977. [10] Hanner, P.,Rosenhall, U., Karlsson, B., Badr, G., Anderson, O., Frisen, L., Edström, S..Clinical evaluation of central auditory lesions in patients with Bell’s palsy.Audiol.İtal., 2, 30-35. 1985[11]Holland. NJ.,Weiner, GM, Recent developments in Bell’s palsy. B.rMed.J , 329,553–557.2004 [12]Finsterer, J. Management of peripheral facial nerve palsy. EurArchOtorhinolaryngol. Jul, 265(7), 743–752. 2008.[13]Keane, JR.. Bilateral seventh nerve palsy: analysis of 43 cases and review of the literature. Neurology, 44,1198-202.1994[14]Maurizi, M., Ottaviani, F., Almadori, G., Falchi, M., Paludetti, G. Auditory brainstem and middle-latency responses in Bell's palsy. Audiology, ;26(2),111-6. 1987.[15] Murakami, S.,Mizobuchi, M., Nakashiro, Y., Doi, T., Hato, N., Yanagihara, N,.. Bells palsy and herpes simplex virus: identification of viral DNA in endoneurial fluid and muscle. AnnInternMed, 124,27-30. 1996[16]Paludetti, G.,Ottaviani, F., Gallai, V., Tassoni, A., Maurizi, M.Auditory brainstem responses ( ABR) in multiple sclerosis. ScandAudiol. 14, 27-34. 1985 [17]Viktor, PS.,Struppa, A.M., Dietericha M., Rauchb E., Brandta T. Highly variable distribution of HSV-1-specific DNA in human geniculate, vestibular and spiral ganglia.NeuroscienceLetters,Volume 252, Issue 2, 1998[18]Peitersen,E. Bell’s palsy: the spontaneous course of 2,500 peripheral facial nerve palsies of different etiologies. Acta Otolaryngol .Suppl, 549,4–30.2002. [19 ]Prescott, CA. Idiopathic facial nerve palsy (the effect of treatment with steroids). J LaryngolOtol, 102:403.198820] Sandstedt, P., Hydén, D., Odkvist,L..Bell’s palsy- part of a polyneuropathy? ActaNeurolScan, Jul 64 (1), 66-73.1981[21 ]Shanon, E.,Himelfarb, M.Z. Measurement of auditory brainstem potentials in Bell’spalsy. Larngoscope, 95, 206-209.1985.[22]Tien, R.,Dillon, W,P,. Jackler, R, K. Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the Facial Nerve in 11 Patients with Bell's Palsy. AJNR, 11, 735-741.1990. [23] Uri, N., Schuchman, G., Pratt, H. Auditory brain-stem evoked potentials in Bell's palsy. ArchOtolaryngol. May,110(5),301-304. 1984.[24]Welkoborsky, H,J,.Amedde, R,G,.Elkhatieb, A., Mann, W,J.. Auditory-ewoked brainstem responses and auditory disorders in patients with Bell’s palsy. European Archives of Oto-Rhinolaryngology 248,417. 1991 [25]Yaltkaya, K., Balkan, S., Oğuz, Y. Nöroloji Ders Kitabı 1994.[26] Hirano T1, Tsuji T, Yamasaki H, Tsuda H. [Cytomegalovirus mononucleosis complicated with peripheral facial palsy]. Rinsho Ketsueki. 2014 Mar;55(3):356-9. [27] Bell's palsy - Symptoms and causes - Mayo 4 May 2018[28] D Cirpaciu* and CM Goanta** Bell’s palsy: data from a study of 70 cases J Med Life. 7(Spec Iss 2): 24–28. 2014; [29] Madhok VB1, Gagyor I, Daly F, Somasundara D, Sullivan M, Gammie F, Sullivan F. Corticosteroids for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. CD001942. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001942.pub5. Jul 18;7: 2016[30] Herpes Simplex Virus in the saliva of peripheral Bells palsy patients Paulo Roberto LazariniI; Melissa Ferreira ViannaII; Mônica Porto Alves AlcantaraII; Rodolfo Alexander Scalia; Hélio Hehl Caiaffa Filho Rev. Bras. Otorrinolaringol. vol.72 no.1 São Paulo Jan.Feb. 2006[31] Ysunza PA and Silva-Rojas A. Brainstem Dysfunction is evidenced by Auditory evoked Potentials in Patients with Bell's Palsy. BAOJ Medical and Nursing. 1:2.1:006. 2015.

Auditory Brain Stem Evoked Potentials in Idiopathic peripheral facial paralysis

Year 2019, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 5 - 17, 31.10.2019


Aim: Facial nerve is the only one cranial nerve that passes through
a narrowlong bone canal before leaving the cranium and innervates the muscles of
facial expression. İdiopathic facial paralysis (IPFP) most often unilateral acute
paralysis and the etiology of the diasease is controversial. Ischemia or demyelination
of the nerve because of latent viral infections in the geniculate ganglion. Some
authors have suggested that Bell's palsy should be considered a part of an acute
polyneuropathy or mononeuritis multiplex. The studies and the results are yet controversial.

Methods: This study was done for analyse the hypotesis of central nerve
involvement of the disease. From February 1994 to August 1995, 17 female and 13
male patients diagnosed IPFP and the control group: 22 female and 8 male patients
diagnosed tension headache at Ankara University Medical Faculty were investigated
in this work. Values of odyometri and stapes reflex results are compared using the
Chi-squared table analysis.

Results: In audiometric study, there was no statistical evidence between
the paralytic and nonparalytic sides in IPFP group (p>0.05)  but  between
IPFP  and control group results were statistically
different (p<0.05). The auditory brainstem evoked potentials (BAEP) wave lathans
and amplitude values from paralytic and nonparalytic sides are compared using the
Student-t Test. There was no statistical evidence (p>0.05) that the paralytic
and nonparalytic sides are different for wave lathans. On the other hand, paralytic
side N4 latans averages and N4 latans averages of the right ears of the control
group are statistically different (p<0.05).

Conclusion: All these findings might indicate that bilateral
facial nucleus or fasial nerve lesion located at pons.


  • Kaynaklar[1] Bruce, L.,Safman, MC.. Bilateral Pathology in Bell's Palsy. Arch.Otolaryngol, 93(1), 55-57. 1971[2]Cawthorne, T. The pathology and surgical treatment of Bell’s palsy. Proc R Soc Med , 4,565-72. 1950.[3]Citron 111 D.,Adour, K.K. Acoustic reflex and Loundness Discomfort in Acute Facial Paralysis. Arch.Otolaryngol , 104, 303. 1978.[4]Croxon, G., May, M.,Mester, S.J.,. Gradining Facial Nerve Function: House- Brackmann Versus Burres-Fish methods. TheAmerican Journal of Otology, 11, 240. 1990 [5] Çelebi, A., Özcan, H. Baş ağrıları, kranial nevraljiler ve yüz ağrılarının sınıflanması ve tanı kriterleri: Uluslararası Baş ağrısı Derneği, Baş Ağrısı Sınıflama Komitesi. 1988.[6]Donald H, Gilden.. Bell’s palsy.N Engl J Med , 351, 1323-31. 2004[7]Ekstrand, T.,Glitterstam. K.. Bell’s palsy-prognostic value of the stapedius reflex with contrlateral stimulation. The journal of laryngology and otology, March, 93,271. 1979[8]Fish, U.,Esslen, E. Total intratemporal Exposure of Facial Nerve. Pathologic Findings in Bell’s palsy. Acta Otolaryng,95, 335. 1972.[9]Gussen, R. Pathogenesis of Bell’s palsy. Retrograde epineural edema and postedematous fibrous compression of the facial nerve. AnnOtol, 86, 549. 1977. [10] Hanner, P.,Rosenhall, U., Karlsson, B., Badr, G., Anderson, O., Frisen, L., Edström, S..Clinical evaluation of central auditory lesions in patients with Bell’s palsy.Audiol.İtal., 2, 30-35. 1985[11]Holland. NJ.,Weiner, GM, Recent developments in Bell’s palsy. B.rMed.J , 329,553–557.2004 [12]Finsterer, J. Management of peripheral facial nerve palsy. EurArchOtorhinolaryngol. Jul, 265(7), 743–752. 2008.[13]Keane, JR.. Bilateral seventh nerve palsy: analysis of 43 cases and review of the literature. Neurology, 44,1198-202.1994[14]Maurizi, M., Ottaviani, F., Almadori, G., Falchi, M., Paludetti, G. Auditory brainstem and middle-latency responses in Bell's palsy. Audiology, ;26(2),111-6. 1987.[15] Murakami, S.,Mizobuchi, M., Nakashiro, Y., Doi, T., Hato, N., Yanagihara, N,.. Bells palsy and herpes simplex virus: identification of viral DNA in endoneurial fluid and muscle. AnnInternMed, 124,27-30. 1996[16]Paludetti, G.,Ottaviani, F., Gallai, V., Tassoni, A., Maurizi, M.Auditory brainstem responses ( ABR) in multiple sclerosis. ScandAudiol. 14, 27-34. 1985 [17]Viktor, PS.,Struppa, A.M., Dietericha M., Rauchb E., Brandta T. Highly variable distribution of HSV-1-specific DNA in human geniculate, vestibular and spiral ganglia.NeuroscienceLetters,Volume 252, Issue 2, 1998[18]Peitersen,E. Bell’s palsy: the spontaneous course of 2,500 peripheral facial nerve palsies of different etiologies. Acta Otolaryngol .Suppl, 549,4–30.2002. [19 ]Prescott, CA. Idiopathic facial nerve palsy (the effect of treatment with steroids). J LaryngolOtol, 102:403.198820] Sandstedt, P., Hydén, D., Odkvist,L..Bell’s palsy- part of a polyneuropathy? ActaNeurolScan, Jul 64 (1), 66-73.1981[21 ]Shanon, E.,Himelfarb, M.Z. Measurement of auditory brainstem potentials in Bell’spalsy. Larngoscope, 95, 206-209.1985.[22]Tien, R.,Dillon, W,P,. Jackler, R, K. Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the Facial Nerve in 11 Patients with Bell's Palsy. AJNR, 11, 735-741.1990. [23] Uri, N., Schuchman, G., Pratt, H. Auditory brain-stem evoked potentials in Bell's palsy. ArchOtolaryngol. May,110(5),301-304. 1984.[24]Welkoborsky, H,J,.Amedde, R,G,.Elkhatieb, A., Mann, W,J.. Auditory-ewoked brainstem responses and auditory disorders in patients with Bell’s palsy. European Archives of Oto-Rhinolaryngology 248,417. 1991 [25]Yaltkaya, K., Balkan, S., Oğuz, Y. Nöroloji Ders Kitabı 1994.[26] Hirano T1, Tsuji T, Yamasaki H, Tsuda H. [Cytomegalovirus mononucleosis complicated with peripheral facial palsy]. Rinsho Ketsueki. 2014 Mar;55(3):356-9. [27] Bell's palsy - Symptoms and causes - Mayo 4 May 2018[28] D Cirpaciu* and CM Goanta** Bell’s palsy: data from a study of 70 cases J Med Life. 7(Spec Iss 2): 24–28. 2014; [29] Madhok VB1, Gagyor I, Daly F, Somasundara D, Sullivan M, Gammie F, Sullivan F. Corticosteroids for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. CD001942. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001942.pub5. Jul 18;7: 2016[30] Herpes Simplex Virus in the saliva of peripheral Bells palsy patients Paulo Roberto LazariniI; Melissa Ferreira ViannaII; Mônica Porto Alves AlcantaraII; Rodolfo Alexander Scalia; Hélio Hehl Caiaffa Filho Rev. Bras. Otorrinolaringol. vol.72 no.1 São Paulo Jan.Feb. 2006[31] Ysunza PA and Silva-Rojas A. Brainstem Dysfunction is evidenced by Auditory evoked Potentials in Patients with Bell's Palsy. BAOJ Medical and Nursing. 1:2.1:006. 2015.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşe Tunca This is me

Onur Karan

Publication Date October 31, 2019
Submission Date April 17, 2019
Acceptance Date September 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Tunca, A., & Karan, O. (2019). İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 18(1), 5-17.
AMA Tunca A, Karan O. İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri. ASHD. October 2019;18(1):5-17.
Chicago Tunca, Ayşe, and Onur Karan. “İdiopatik Periferik Fasial Paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 18, no. 1 (October 2019): 5-17.
EndNote Tunca A, Karan O (October 1, 2019) İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 18 1 5–17.
IEEE A. Tunca and O. Karan, “İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri”, ASHD, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 5–17, 2019.
ISNAD Tunca, Ayşe - Karan, Onur. “İdiopatik Periferik Fasial Paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 18/1 (October 2019), 5-17.
JAMA Tunca A, Karan O. İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri. ASHD. 2019;18:5–17.
MLA Tunca, Ayşe and Onur Karan. “İdiopatik Periferik Fasial Paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri”. Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 1, 2019, pp. 5-17.
Vancouver Tunca A, Karan O. İdiopatik Periferik Fasial paralizide Beyin Sapı Uyarılmış Potansiyelleri. ASHD. 2019;18(1):5-17.