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Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 60 - 85, 17.12.2015


Pamuk, yaklaşık 80 ülkedeki 45 milyon hane halkı tarafından ticari ölçekte üretilmekte ve tahminen 250 milyon kişiye yıllık gelir sağlamaktadır. Dünyadaki nüfus artışı ve hayat standardının genel seviyesinin yükselmesiyle birlikte giyim, ev tekstili ve endüstriyel tekstil üretiminde kullanılan liflerin toplam tüketimi de artmaktadır. Küresel tekstil lifi pazarında sentetik liflerin payı artarken pamuğun payı 1960’lardan itibaren azalmaya başlamıştır. Buna rağmen, dünyada en çok kullanılan doğal tekstil lifi halen pamuktur. Pamuk, tekstil üretim zincirinde sağladığı katma değer ve istihdam hacmi ile ülkelerin rekabet gücünü önemli ölçüde artırmakta ve potansiyel ekonomik faktörleri ortaya çıkarabilmektedir. Bu yönüyle ekonomik büyümenin motoru olarak fonksiyon icra edebilen pamuk, daima küresel aktörlerin yakın ilgisine mazhar olmaktadır.


  • ADAMS, G., BOYD, S., and HUFFMAN, M., (2014). The Economic Outlook For U.S. Cotton 2014. National Cotton Council of America (NCCA), 63p.
  • AIZENSHTEIN, E. M., (2006). “World Production and Consumption of Polyester Fibres and Thread”. Springer, Fibre Chemistry, 38(3):264-271.
  • APPERSON, G. P., (2014). Agricultural Commodity Futures Market Volatility: A Case for Punctuated Equilibrium. Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2015 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2015, Atlanta.
  • BAFFES, J., (2004). “Cotton Market Setting, Trade Policies, and Issues”. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No: 3218, 88p.
  • BAFFES, J., (2011). Cotton Subsidies, the WTO, and the ‘Cotton Problem’. Policy Research Working Paper No: 5663. The World Bank Development Economics, Development Prospects Group & Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, 28p.
  • BAFFES, J., and GOHOU, G., (2005). The Co-movement Between Cotton and Polyester Prices. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3534, 29p.
  • BROOKES, G., and BARFOOT, P., (2014). GM Crops: Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts 1996-2012. PG Economics Ltd, Dorchester, UK, 189p.
  • CHAUDHRY, M. R., (2008). Update on Costs of Producing Cotton in the World. International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Secretariat Papers on Cotton, Presented at the 29th International Cotton Conference Bremen, Germany 3-5 April, 2008.
  • CHAUDHRY, M. R., (2010). “Cotton Production and Processing”. Industrial Applications of Natural Fibres: Structure, Properties and Technical Applications, Edited by Jörg Müssig, Part II, pp 219-236, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publication, UK, 506p.
  • DIAZ-BONILLA, E., and HARRIS, J., (2014). Export Subsidies and Export Credits. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part II, Export Competiton: 115-122, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • FERNANDEZ-STARK, K., FREDERICK, S., and GEREFFI, G., (2011). The Apparel Global Value Chain: Economic Upgrading and Workforce Development. Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness (Duke CGGC), USA, 66p.
  • FERRIGNO, S., (2010). “Organic Cotton Production and Fiber Trade 2008/09: In the Eye of the Storm”. Helga and Kilcher, Lukas, Eds., The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010. IFOAM, Bonn,: pp 67 -70.
  • GARCIA, S., and DE ALENCAR NAAS, I., (2014). “Textile Industry Can Be Less Pollutant: Introducing Naturally Colored Cotton”. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 2(2): 85-91.
  • GEREFFI, G., and FREDERICK, S., (2010). The Global Apparel Value Chain, Trade and the Crisis Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries. The World Bank, Development Research Group Trade and Integration Team, Policy Research Working Paper, WPS 5281.
  • GHOLAMZAD, E., KARIMI, K., and MASOOMI, M., (2014). “Effective Conversion of Waste Polyester–Cotton Textile to Ethanol and Recovery of Polyester by Alkaline Pretreatment”. Elsevier B.V., Chemical Engineering Journal, 253: 40–45.
  • GRUERE, A., (2012). “Recent Trends in Biotech Cotton Production”. International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Cotton: Review of the World Situation 65(5): 6-7.
  • GRUERE, A., and PLASTINA, A., (2010). Outlook for World Cotton Supply and Use: Tight Stocks & Higher Prices. Presented at the 69 th Plenary Meeting of the ICAC, September 22, 2010. International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington, DC, 22p.
  • GUITCHOUNTS, A., (2014). “Government Support to the Cotton Industry”. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 10-13.
  • GUSTAFSON, D.I., COLLINS, M., FRY, J., SMITH, S., MATLOCK., M., ZILBERMAN, D., SHRYOCK, J., DOANE, M., and RAMSEY, N., (2014). “Climate Adaptation Imperatives: Global Sustainability Trends and Eco-efficiency Metrics in Four Major Crops – Canola, Cotton, Maize, and S.oybeans”. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 12 (2): 146-163.
  • HU, G., KOH, J., YOO, M-J., GRUPP, K., CHEN, S., and WENDEL, J.F., (2013). “Proteomic Profiling of Developing Cotton Fibers From Wild and Domesticated Gossypium Barbadense”. Wiley Online Library, New Phytologist, (200): 570–582.
  • ICAC, (2013). Overview of World Fiber Production. International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton (ICAC), Presentation before the 1st. International Conference on Natural Fibres, Guimarães, Portugal, 9-11 June 2013.
  • ICAC, (2014a). Demand Expected to Improve as Prices of Polyester and Cotton Converge , International Cotton Advisory Committee, Cotton: Review of the World Situation, July-August 2014, 67 (6): 2-3.
  • ICAC, (2014b). Major Changes in Supply and Demand Estimates and Projections, International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton, This Month ICAC, Jannuary 2014: 1-10.
  • ICAC, (2014c). Major Changes in Supply and Demand Estimates and Projections, International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton, This Month ICAC, June 2014: 1-10
  • ICAC, (2014d). Production and Trade Policies Affecting The Cotton Industry. A Report by the Secretariat of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Washington DC, USA, 1-7.
  • ICTSD, (2013). Cotton: Trends in Global Production, Trade and Policy; Information Note; International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, ICTSD : 1-13.
  • IMBODEN, N., (2014). “How to Re-invigorate the Cotton Issue at the WTO: Gin Ideas, Spin Proposals, Weave Solutions and Avoid Stocks”. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part II, Cotton: 195-204, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • JALES, M., (2010). How Would A Trade Deal On Cotton Affect Exporting and Importing Countries?. Programme on Agriculture Trade and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper No. 26, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Geneva, Switzerland, 57p.
  • JAMES, C., (2011). “Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2011”. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), Brief No. 43, Ithaca, NY, 36p.
  • JANZEN, J. P., SMITH, A.D. and CARTER, C.A., (2012). Commodity Price Comovement: The Case of Cotton. Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Proceedings of the NCCC-134:1-31.
  • JANZEN, J. P., SMITH, A.D., and CARTER, C.A., (2013). Commodity Price Comovement and Financial Speculation: The Case of Cotton. Working Paper, University of California, Davis, 2013, 38p.
  • JOHNSON, J., MacDONALD, S., MEYER, L., NORRINGTON, B., and SKELLY, C., (2014). The World and United States Cotton Outlook. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Outlook Forum 2014.
  • JOSLING, T., (2015). Rethinking the Rules for Agricultural Subsidies. E15 Initiative, Strengthening the Global Trade System, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and World Economic Forum.
  • KHADI, B. M., SANTHY, V., and YADAV, M. S., (2010). “Cotton: An Introduction”. Edited by U.B. Zehr, Springer Heidelberg, Cotton, Biotechnological Advances, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry,( 65):1-14.
  • KOZLOWSKI, R. M., RYSZARD, M. A., MACKIEWICZ–TALARCZYK, M., MUZYCZEK, M., and BARRIGA–BEDOYA, J., (2012). “Future of Natural Fibers, Their Coexistence and Competition with Man-Made Fibers in 21st Century”. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 556: 200–222.
  • LIMA-CAMPOS, A., (2014). In Agriculture, it is Time to Act with Plurilaterals. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part III, Systemic and Institutional Issues: 219-221, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • MacDONALD, S., (2006). “The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement”. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Amber Waves, 4(1):20-25.
  • MacDONALD, S., (2014). China’s Cotton Policy: New Directions in 2014. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, USDA Outlook Forum February 21, 2014, Washington DC.
  • MacDONALD, S., PAN, S., SOMWARU, A., and TUAN, F., (2010). “China’s Role in World Cotton and Textile Markets: A Joint Computable General Equilibrium/Partial Equilibrium Approach”, Taylor & Francis Group, Applied Economics, 42:875–885.
  • MALCOLM, S., MARSHALL, E., AILLERY, M., HEISEY, P., LIVINGSTON, M., and DAY-RUBENSTEIN, K., (2012). Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Economic and Environmental Implications Vary by U.S. Region. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Report Number:136, 84p.
  • MEYER, L., MacDONALD., S., and FOREMAN, L., (2007). Cotton Backgrounder. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Outlook Report from the Economic Research Service, CWS-07B-01, 33p.
  • MUTUC, M., PAN, S., HUDSON, D., (2011). “Response of Cotton to Oil Price Shocks”, Agricultural Ecocomics Review, 12(2):40-49.
  • NEEDLES, H., (1986). Textile Fibers, Dyes, Finishes, and Processes: A Concise Guide. Noyes Publications, New Jersey, USA, 249p.
  • NCCA, (2015). The World of Cotton. National Cotton Council of America (NCCA), Erişim Tarihi: 15 Mart 2015.
  • OECD-FAO, (2013). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, OECD Publishing, OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013, 326p.
  • OECD-FAO, (2014). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014-2023. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, OECD Publishing, OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014, 329p.
  • ÖZÜDOĞRU, T., (2014). Durum ve Tahmin Pamuk 2013/2014. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü, TEPGE Yayın No: 228: 1-32.
  • PANDOLPH, R., (2014a). The Impact of Exchange Rates On Domestic Cotton Prices Between March 2013 and March 2014. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 4-6.
  • PANDOLPH, R., (2014b). “Production Outlook for 2014/15”. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 6-10.
  • PLASTINA, A., (2013a). “Fiber Content In Cotton Yarn And Fabric”. Cotton : Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), November-December 2013, 67 (2):6-10.
  • PLASTINA, A., (2013b). The World Cotton Market: Structure and Outlook. International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Presented Texas International Cotton School, Lubbock, TX, 13 August 2013:1-89.
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  • PLASTINA, A., (2008). Speculation and Cotton Prices. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), March-April 2008, 61(4): 8-12.
  • PLATZER, M. D., (2014). U.S. Textile Manufacturing and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations. CRS Report, Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 7-5700, 26p.
  • RIEPLE, A., and SINGH, R., (2010). “A Value Chain Analysis of the Organic Cotton Industry: The Case of UK Retailers and Indian Suppliers”. Elsevier B.V., Ecological Economics, (69): 2292–2302.
  • ROTH, G., (2010). “Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability Indicators of the Australian Cotton Industry”. Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), University of New England, 136p.
  • SANDS, R., WESTCOTT, P., PRICE, J. M., BECKMAN, J., LEIBTAG, E., LUCIER, G., McBRIDE, W., McGRANAHAN, D., MOREHART, M., ROEGER, E., SCHAIBLE, G., and WOJAN, T. R., (2011). Impacts of Higher Energy Prices on Agriculture and Rural Economies. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Report Number 123, 48p.
  • SANKAR, A. S., (2013). “Trends in Cotton Crop in Three Regions of Andhra Pradesh and All-India”. PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, 2(2):64-65.
  • SEALE, J., REGMI, A., and BERNSTEIN, J., (2003). International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Service, Electronic Report from the Economic Research Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1904, 70p.
  • SHUI, S., and PLASTINA, A., (2013). World Apparel Fibre Consumption Survey. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), ICAC, Washington, July 2013:1-27.
  • SUMNER, D.A., (2006). Reducing Cotton Subsidies: The DDA Cotton Initiative. Chapter 10: 271-292, Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, Edited by ANDERSON, K., and MARTIN, W., A Copublication of Palgrave MacMillan and the World Bank, 420p.
  • SUNDARAMOORTHY, C., MATHUR, V.C., and JHA, G.K., (2014). “Price Transmission Along the Cotton Value Chain”. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 27 (2): 177-186.
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  • T.C. KALKINMA BAKANLIĞI, (2014). Tekstil Deri Hazır Giyim Çalışma Grubu Raporu. T. C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Onuncu Kalkınma Planı 2014-2018, Yayın No: KB 2912, Ankara, 207s.
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Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 60 - 85, 17.12.2015



  • ADAMS, G., BOYD, S., and HUFFMAN, M., (2014). The Economic Outlook For U.S. Cotton 2014. National Cotton Council of America (NCCA), 63p.
  • AIZENSHTEIN, E. M., (2006). “World Production and Consumption of Polyester Fibres and Thread”. Springer, Fibre Chemistry, 38(3):264-271.
  • APPERSON, G. P., (2014). Agricultural Commodity Futures Market Volatility: A Case for Punctuated Equilibrium. Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2015 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2015, Atlanta.
  • BAFFES, J., (2004). “Cotton Market Setting, Trade Policies, and Issues”. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No: 3218, 88p.
  • BAFFES, J., (2011). Cotton Subsidies, the WTO, and the ‘Cotton Problem’. Policy Research Working Paper No: 5663. The World Bank Development Economics, Development Prospects Group & Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, 28p.
  • BAFFES, J., and GOHOU, G., (2005). The Co-movement Between Cotton and Polyester Prices. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3534, 29p.
  • BROOKES, G., and BARFOOT, P., (2014). GM Crops: Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts 1996-2012. PG Economics Ltd, Dorchester, UK, 189p.
  • CHAUDHRY, M. R., (2008). Update on Costs of Producing Cotton in the World. International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Secretariat Papers on Cotton, Presented at the 29th International Cotton Conference Bremen, Germany 3-5 April, 2008.
  • CHAUDHRY, M. R., (2010). “Cotton Production and Processing”. Industrial Applications of Natural Fibres: Structure, Properties and Technical Applications, Edited by Jörg Müssig, Part II, pp 219-236, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publication, UK, 506p.
  • DIAZ-BONILLA, E., and HARRIS, J., (2014). Export Subsidies and Export Credits. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part II, Export Competiton: 115-122, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • FERNANDEZ-STARK, K., FREDERICK, S., and GEREFFI, G., (2011). The Apparel Global Value Chain: Economic Upgrading and Workforce Development. Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness (Duke CGGC), USA, 66p.
  • FERRIGNO, S., (2010). “Organic Cotton Production and Fiber Trade 2008/09: In the Eye of the Storm”. Helga and Kilcher, Lukas, Eds., The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010. IFOAM, Bonn,: pp 67 -70.
  • GARCIA, S., and DE ALENCAR NAAS, I., (2014). “Textile Industry Can Be Less Pollutant: Introducing Naturally Colored Cotton”. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 2(2): 85-91.
  • GEREFFI, G., and FREDERICK, S., (2010). The Global Apparel Value Chain, Trade and the Crisis Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries. The World Bank, Development Research Group Trade and Integration Team, Policy Research Working Paper, WPS 5281.
  • GHOLAMZAD, E., KARIMI, K., and MASOOMI, M., (2014). “Effective Conversion of Waste Polyester–Cotton Textile to Ethanol and Recovery of Polyester by Alkaline Pretreatment”. Elsevier B.V., Chemical Engineering Journal, 253: 40–45.
  • GRUERE, A., (2012). “Recent Trends in Biotech Cotton Production”. International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Cotton: Review of the World Situation 65(5): 6-7.
  • GRUERE, A., and PLASTINA, A., (2010). Outlook for World Cotton Supply and Use: Tight Stocks & Higher Prices. Presented at the 69 th Plenary Meeting of the ICAC, September 22, 2010. International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington, DC, 22p.
  • GUITCHOUNTS, A., (2014). “Government Support to the Cotton Industry”. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 10-13.
  • GUSTAFSON, D.I., COLLINS, M., FRY, J., SMITH, S., MATLOCK., M., ZILBERMAN, D., SHRYOCK, J., DOANE, M., and RAMSEY, N., (2014). “Climate Adaptation Imperatives: Global Sustainability Trends and Eco-efficiency Metrics in Four Major Crops – Canola, Cotton, Maize, and S.oybeans”. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 12 (2): 146-163.
  • HU, G., KOH, J., YOO, M-J., GRUPP, K., CHEN, S., and WENDEL, J.F., (2013). “Proteomic Profiling of Developing Cotton Fibers From Wild and Domesticated Gossypium Barbadense”. Wiley Online Library, New Phytologist, (200): 570–582.
  • ICAC, (2013). Overview of World Fiber Production. International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton (ICAC), Presentation before the 1st. International Conference on Natural Fibres, Guimarães, Portugal, 9-11 June 2013.
  • ICAC, (2014a). Demand Expected to Improve as Prices of Polyester and Cotton Converge , International Cotton Advisory Committee, Cotton: Review of the World Situation, July-August 2014, 67 (6): 2-3.
  • ICAC, (2014b). Major Changes in Supply and Demand Estimates and Projections, International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton, This Month ICAC, Jannuary 2014: 1-10.
  • ICAC, (2014c). Major Changes in Supply and Demand Estimates and Projections, International Cotton Advisory Committee Cotton, This Month ICAC, June 2014: 1-10
  • ICAC, (2014d). Production and Trade Policies Affecting The Cotton Industry. A Report by the Secretariat of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), Washington DC, USA, 1-7.
  • ICTSD, (2013). Cotton: Trends in Global Production, Trade and Policy; Information Note; International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, ICTSD : 1-13.
  • IMBODEN, N., (2014). “How to Re-invigorate the Cotton Issue at the WTO: Gin Ideas, Spin Proposals, Weave Solutions and Avoid Stocks”. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part II, Cotton: 195-204, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • JALES, M., (2010). How Would A Trade Deal On Cotton Affect Exporting and Importing Countries?. Programme on Agriculture Trade and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper No. 26, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Geneva, Switzerland, 57p.
  • JAMES, C., (2011). “Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2011”. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), Brief No. 43, Ithaca, NY, 36p.
  • JANZEN, J. P., SMITH, A.D. and CARTER, C.A., (2012). Commodity Price Comovement: The Case of Cotton. Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Proceedings of the NCCC-134:1-31.
  • JANZEN, J. P., SMITH, A.D., and CARTER, C.A., (2013). Commodity Price Comovement and Financial Speculation: The Case of Cotton. Working Paper, University of California, Davis, 2013, 38p.
  • JOHNSON, J., MacDONALD, S., MEYER, L., NORRINGTON, B., and SKELLY, C., (2014). The World and United States Cotton Outlook. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Outlook Forum 2014.
  • JOSLING, T., (2015). Rethinking the Rules for Agricultural Subsidies. E15 Initiative, Strengthening the Global Trade System, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and World Economic Forum.
  • KHADI, B. M., SANTHY, V., and YADAV, M. S., (2010). “Cotton: An Introduction”. Edited by U.B. Zehr, Springer Heidelberg, Cotton, Biotechnological Advances, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry,( 65):1-14.
  • KOZLOWSKI, R. M., RYSZARD, M. A., MACKIEWICZ–TALARCZYK, M., MUZYCZEK, M., and BARRIGA–BEDOYA, J., (2012). “Future of Natural Fibers, Their Coexistence and Competition with Man-Made Fibers in 21st Century”. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 556: 200–222.
  • LIMA-CAMPOS, A., (2014). In Agriculture, it is Time to Act with Plurilaterals. Tackling Agriculture in the Post-Bali Context, A Collection of Short Essays, R. Meléndez-Ortiz, C. Bellmann and J. Hepburn, Part III, Systemic and Institutional Issues: 219-221, Published by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland, 245p.
  • MacDONALD, S., (2006). “The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement”. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Amber Waves, 4(1):20-25.
  • MacDONALD, S., (2014). China’s Cotton Policy: New Directions in 2014. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, USDA Outlook Forum February 21, 2014, Washington DC.
  • MacDONALD, S., PAN, S., SOMWARU, A., and TUAN, F., (2010). “China’s Role in World Cotton and Textile Markets: A Joint Computable General Equilibrium/Partial Equilibrium Approach”, Taylor & Francis Group, Applied Economics, 42:875–885.
  • MALCOLM, S., MARSHALL, E., AILLERY, M., HEISEY, P., LIVINGSTON, M., and DAY-RUBENSTEIN, K., (2012). Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Economic and Environmental Implications Vary by U.S. Region. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Report Number:136, 84p.
  • MEYER, L., MacDONALD., S., and FOREMAN, L., (2007). Cotton Backgrounder. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Outlook Report from the Economic Research Service, CWS-07B-01, 33p.
  • MUTUC, M., PAN, S., HUDSON, D., (2011). “Response of Cotton to Oil Price Shocks”, Agricultural Ecocomics Review, 12(2):40-49.
  • NEEDLES, H., (1986). Textile Fibers, Dyes, Finishes, and Processes: A Concise Guide. Noyes Publications, New Jersey, USA, 249p.
  • NCCA, (2015). The World of Cotton. National Cotton Council of America (NCCA), Erişim Tarihi: 15 Mart 2015.
  • OECD-FAO, (2013). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, OECD Publishing, OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013, 326p.
  • OECD-FAO, (2014). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014-2023. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, OECD Publishing, OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014, 329p.
  • ÖZÜDOĞRU, T., (2014). Durum ve Tahmin Pamuk 2013/2014. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü, TEPGE Yayın No: 228: 1-32.
  • PANDOLPH, R., (2014a). The Impact of Exchange Rates On Domestic Cotton Prices Between March 2013 and March 2014. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 4-6.
  • PANDOLPH, R., (2014b). “Production Outlook for 2014/15”. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), May-June 2014, 67 (5): 6-10.
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There are 73 citations in total.


Journal Section Article

Nihat Küçük

Publication Date December 17, 2015
Submission Date September 23, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Küçük, N. (2015). PAMUĞUN DÜNYASI, KÜRESEL AKTÖRLER VE POLİTİKALAR. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 2(4), 60-85.

ASSAM-UHAD is an internationally indexed peer-reviewed journal published in April and November.