The urbanization is defined as
procreator that means increasing the number of cities results enlargement of
cities in parallel with industrialization and economic development, it
increasingly creates an organization, the division of labor and specialization,
and it is a population accumulation. This process includes the economic, social
and technological change. In 1800 only about 2 percent of the world’s
population lived in urban areas. In only 200 years, the world’s urban
population has grown from 2 percent to nearly 50 percent of all people. There
are close relations between urbanization and economic development. In a
balanced development process, urbanization is parallel to industrialization and
it has a function to accelerate development. On the other hand, negative externalities
in political, economic and environmental areas can be seen in unstable
urbanization. In this process that is identified with developing countries,
urbanization experience, distorted urbanization, adaptation problem, structural
and social incompatible settlements etc. characterized by problems;
environmental problems arise due to industrialization. The solution of these
problems can be possible with the implementation of regulatory policies.
The increased density of populations in
urban areas led to structural change. It will be appropriate to interpret the
changing composition of the city concept along time and the process of
urbanization with the emphasis on structural change, immigration and
induztrialization. Starting off from this perspective, this study explores
structural change in world a coupled with the process of industrialisation and
in relation to the economic development and the fact of the city. The growth in
urban areas comes from both the increase in migration to the cities and the fertility
of urban populations. Much of urban migration is driven by rural populations
desire for the advantages that urban areas offer. Urban advantages include
greater opportunities to receive education, health care, and services such as
entertainment. Industrialization leads to urbanization by creating economic
growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. Cities have a
progressively higher level of social, environmental and economic prosperity
achieved through increased education, government intervention and social
Kentleşme, “sanayileşmeye ve ekonomik
gelişmeye koşut olarak kent sayısının artması ve bugünkü kentlerin büyümesi
sonucunu doğuran, toplum yapısında artan oranda örgütlenme, işbölümü ve
uzmanlaşmaya neden olan bir nüfus birikim süreci” olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu
süreç, ekonomik, sosyal ve teknolojik değişmeleri içermektedir. 1800’lerde
dünya nüfusunun yalnızca % 2’si kentlerde yaşamaktayken 2000’li yıllarda bu
oran % 50’nin üzerine çıkmıştır. Kentsel alanlarda nüfus yoğunluğunda meydana
gelen artış yapısal değişime yol açmıştır. Kentleşme ve iktisadi kalkınma
arasında yakın ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Dengeli kalkınma sürecinde kentleşme,
sanayileşme ile koşut gerçekleşirken kalkınmayı hızlandırıcı bir işlev
üstlenmektedir. Dengesiz kentleşmede ise, siyasi, iktisadi ve çevresel alanda
negatif dışsallıklar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerle özdeşen
bu süreçte kentleşme deneyimi, çarpık kentleşme, adaptasyon sorunu, yapısal ve
sosyal açıdan uyumsuz yerleşimler vb. sorunlar ile karakterize olmakta; sanayileşmenin
etkisiyle çevre sorunları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu sorunlara çözüm bulunabilmesi,
kentleşme sürecini düzenleyici politikaların uygulanması ile olanaklı
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 30, 2018 |
Submission Date | June 5, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 |
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