Research Article
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Year 2019, , 53 - 65, 30.06.2019


It is essential to address the question
as to why Russia promotes a multipolar world order. This is because, Russia, as
a great power, is an influential state that has the capability to affect
international political dynamics. This is manifest in Russia’s forceful pursuit
of great power activism in different parts of the world. Therefore, it is
important to explain Russia’s world vision in relation to its defense of
multipolarity in order to get a clear insight into global political dynamics.
As discussed in this work, although Russia’s defense of a multipolar order is
based on the premise that this order would amount to a fair world order,
multipolarity is significant for Russia due mainly to functional reasons. In
this respect, despite the emphasis Russia places on idealist themes in
presenting its vision of a multipolar world, it is essential to understand that
multipolarity is an important prerequisite for Russia to maximize its
interests. One can find useful hints to support this claim by looking at the
way in which Russia, in the burgeoning multipolar system, pursues an active foreign
policy to advance its interests in various regions. This is apparent in
Russia’s attempts to bolster its political, economic and military/defense ties
with various countries in regions such as the Middle East, Africa, Latin
America, Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific. The establishment of a multipolar
order, also known as Post-West World Order, is an important precondition for
Russia to realize its great power potential on a global scale. Through an
analysis of Russia’s foreign policy in the post-Cold War period, this work will
illustrate how Russia came to embrace a world vision based on multipolarity. 


  • (20.05.1997). “Russian-Chinese Joint Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Establishment of a New International Order, Adopted in Moscow on 23 April 1997”, adresinden 18.08.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(26.12.1997). “Russian Federation National Security Blueprint” Approved by Russian Federation Presidential Edict No. 1300 Dated 17 December 1997”, adresinden 18.11.2018 tarihinde erişildi.(10.01.2000). “National Security Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 06.05.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(21.04.2000). “Russia's Military Doctrine”, adresinden 04.05.2017 tarihinde erişildi. (28.06.2000). “The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 04. 05. 2017 tarihinde erişildi.(24.07.2001). “Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation”, adresinden 13.08.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(12.01.2008). “The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 15.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(31.12.2015). “Russia’s National Security Strategy”, adresinden 26.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(01.12.2016). “Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”. adresinden 21.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Allen, N. ve Mulholland, R. (28.07.2017). “Angela Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely on US or UK - And Must 'Fight for Its Own Destiny'”, The Telegraph. Ambrosio, T. (2001). “Russia's Quest for Multipolarity: A Response to US Foreign Policy in the Post‐Cold War Era”, European Security, 10 (1): 45-67.Baev, P. (01.11.2017). “Militarization and Nuclearization: The Key Features of the Russian Arctic”, adresinden 05.09.2018 tarihinde erişildi.Blank, S. (07.04.2014). “Russia and Vietnam Team Up to Balance China”, The National Interest, adresinden 06.02.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Borshchevskaya, A. (28.03.2019). “Russian Moves in the Gulf and Africa Have a Common Goal”, adresinden 30.03.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Buszynski, L. (1996). Russian Foreign Policy After the Cold War, Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Kindle Edition.Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (2018). “The Return of Global Russia”. adresinden 20.06.2018 tarihinde erişildi.De Haas, M. (2013). “Russian–Chinese Security Relations: Moscow’s Threat from the East?”, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. March 2013, Report No: 3.De Coning, C. (2015). “BRICS and Coexistence”, Coning, C. D, T. Mandrup & L. Odgaard (der.), The BRICS and Coexistence: An Alternative Vision of World Order içinde, London: Routledge, 25-48.Goldgeir, J. M. ve McFaul, M. (2003). Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy toward Russia After the Cold War, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.Henley, J., Young, G. ve Walsh, N. P. ( “France, Russia and Germany Harden Stance”, The Guardian. Hill, F. ve Clifford, G. G. (2013). Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.Huasheng, Z. (2013). “Does China’s Rise Pose a Threat to Russia?”, China International Studies, 39 (March/April).Kenez, P. (2006). A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kirchick, J. (2017). The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age, New Haven: Yale University Press. Kozyrev, A. (1992a). “Russia: A Chance for Survival”, Foreign Affairs, 71(2): 1-16.Kozyrev, A. (1992b). “Russia and Human Rights”, Slavic Review, 51 (2): 287-293.Kozyrev, A. (1994). “The Lagging Partnership”, Foreign Affairs, 73 (3): 59-71. Lavrov, S. (18.02.2017). “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Address and Answers to Questions at the 53rd Munich Security Conference”, adresinden 20.09.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Lavrov, S. (11.08.2017). “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Remarks and Answers to Questions at the Terra Scientia on Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum”, adresinden 29.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Lavrov, S. ve Saunders, P. (29.03.2017). “Sergey Lavrov: The Interview”, The National Interest. adresinden 25.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi. Layne, C. (2006). The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Legvold, R. (2007). “Introduction”, R. Legvold (der.), Russian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century and the Shadow of the Past içinde, New York: Columbia University Press, 3-34.Lo, B. (2015). Russia and the New World Disorder, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.Lo, B. (2016). “The Illusion of Convergence—Russia, China, and the BRICS”, The Institut Français Des Relations Internationales: Russie Nei Visions, June 2016.Mankoff, J. (2009). Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Mankoff, J. (11.07.2013). “The Wary Chinese-Russian Partnership”, The New York Times. Marshall, A. (06.12.1994). “Russia Warns NATO of a 'Cold Peace'”, The Independent.Medvedev, R. (2000). Post-Soviet Russia: A Journey Through the Yeltsin Era (Çeviren. George Shriver), New York: Columbia University Press.Osterud, O. ve Toje, A. (2013). “Strategy, Risk and Threat Perceptions in NATO”. Matlary, J. H. & M. Petersson (der.), NATO’s European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will içinde, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 71-94.Putin, V. (27.02.2012). “Russia and the Changing World”, adresinden 30.03.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Putin, V. (17.04.2014). “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”, adresinden 29.06.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Sakwa, R. (2008). Russian Politics and Society, Oxon: Routledge. Sakwa, R. (2017). Russia Against the Rest: The Post-Cold War Crisis of World Order, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Skalamera, M. (2019). “Explaining the Emerging Sino-Russian Energy Partnership”, Bekkevold, J. I. & B. Lo (der.), Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century içinde, Ebook: Springer Nature, 69-86.Spykman, N. J. (1938). “Geography and Foreign Policy, I”, The American Political Science Review, 32 (1): 28-50.Stoner, K. ve McFaul, M. (2015). “Who Lost Russia (This Time)? Vladimir Putin”, The Washington Quarterly, 38 (2): 167-187.Talbott, S. (10.08.1995). “Why NATO Should Grow”, The New York Review of Books. Till, B. (16.06. 2011). “Mikhail Gorbachev: The West Could Have Saved the Russian Economy”, The Atlantic. Trenin, D. (2011). “Of Power and Greatness”, Dutkiewicz, P. & D. Trenin (der.), Russia: Challenges and Transformation içinde, New York: New York University Press, 407-431.Trenin, D. (2014). “Russia’s Breakout from The Post-Cold War System: The Drivers of Putin’s Course”, Carnegie Moscow Center, December 2014.Trenin, D. (2016). “Russia’s Asia Strategy: Bolstering the Eagle’s Eastern Wing”, The Institut Français Des Relations Internationales: Russie Nei Visions, June 2016.Trenin, D. (2018). “Russia as a Disruptor of Post-Cold War Order: To What Effect?”, Passi, R. & H. V. Pant. (der.), Debating Disruption in the World Order içinde, Mohit Enterprises: Raisina Files, 18-23.Tsygankov, A. P. (2016). Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity, London: Rowman & Littlefield. Yeltsin, B. (2000). Gece Yarısı Günlükleri (Çeviren: Ahmet Fethi), İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.


Year 2019, , 53 - 65, 30.06.2019


Rusya’nın niçin çok
kutuplu bir dünya düzenini savunduğu cevaplanması gereken önemli bir sorudur.
Zira, son yıllarda sergilediği büyük güç aktivizminden de görüleceği gibi
Rusya, uluslararası siyasi dinamiklere etki edebilen önemli bir ülkedir.
Dolayısıyla, bu ülkenin uluslararası tasavvurunu ve çok kutupluluğun bu
tasavvurda nasıl bir yere sahip olduğunu anlamak, küresel siyasi dengelere
ilişkin bir perspektif sahibi olmak için önemli ve gereklidir. Bu çalışmada
ortaya konulacağı gibi, her ne kadar Rusya çok kutuplu sistemin daha adil bir
dünya için gerekli olduğunu vurgulasa da, bu sistemin Rusya için asıl önemi
işlevselliğinde yatmaktadır. Çok kutuplu sistemin belirginleşmekte olduğu
mevcut konjonktürde, Rusya’nın birçok farklı bölgede çıkar arayışlarını
yoğunlaştırması bu tartışma bağlamında önemli ipuçları sunmaktadır. Batı Sonrası Dünya Düzeni olarak da
tanımlanan çok kutuplu sistemin hakim kılınması, Rusya’nın küresel ölçekte
büyük güç potansiyelini realize etmesi için önemli bir ön koşuldur. Bu çalışma,
Soğuk Savaş sonrasında Rus dış politikasının seyrini mercek altına alarak, çok
kutupluluğa dayalı vizyonun benimsenme sürecini irdeleyecektir.


  • (20.05.1997). “Russian-Chinese Joint Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Establishment of a New International Order, Adopted in Moscow on 23 April 1997”, adresinden 18.08.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(26.12.1997). “Russian Federation National Security Blueprint” Approved by Russian Federation Presidential Edict No. 1300 Dated 17 December 1997”, adresinden 18.11.2018 tarihinde erişildi.(10.01.2000). “National Security Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 06.05.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(21.04.2000). “Russia's Military Doctrine”, adresinden 04.05.2017 tarihinde erişildi. (28.06.2000). “The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 04. 05. 2017 tarihinde erişildi.(24.07.2001). “Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation”, adresinden 13.08.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(12.01.2008). “The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”, adresinden 15.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(31.12.2015). “Russia’s National Security Strategy”, adresinden 26.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.(01.12.2016). “Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”. adresinden 21.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Allen, N. ve Mulholland, R. (28.07.2017). “Angela Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely on US or UK - And Must 'Fight for Its Own Destiny'”, The Telegraph. Ambrosio, T. (2001). “Russia's Quest for Multipolarity: A Response to US Foreign Policy in the Post‐Cold War Era”, European Security, 10 (1): 45-67.Baev, P. (01.11.2017). “Militarization and Nuclearization: The Key Features of the Russian Arctic”, adresinden 05.09.2018 tarihinde erişildi.Blank, S. (07.04.2014). “Russia and Vietnam Team Up to Balance China”, The National Interest, adresinden 06.02.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Borshchevskaya, A. (28.03.2019). “Russian Moves in the Gulf and Africa Have a Common Goal”, adresinden 30.03.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Buszynski, L. (1996). Russian Foreign Policy After the Cold War, Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Kindle Edition.Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (2018). “The Return of Global Russia”. adresinden 20.06.2018 tarihinde erişildi.De Haas, M. (2013). “Russian–Chinese Security Relations: Moscow’s Threat from the East?”, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. March 2013, Report No: 3.De Coning, C. (2015). “BRICS and Coexistence”, Coning, C. D, T. Mandrup & L. Odgaard (der.), The BRICS and Coexistence: An Alternative Vision of World Order içinde, London: Routledge, 25-48.Goldgeir, J. M. ve McFaul, M. (2003). Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy toward Russia After the Cold War, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.Henley, J., Young, G. ve Walsh, N. P. ( “France, Russia and Germany Harden Stance”, The Guardian. Hill, F. ve Clifford, G. G. (2013). Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.Huasheng, Z. (2013). “Does China’s Rise Pose a Threat to Russia?”, China International Studies, 39 (March/April).Kenez, P. (2006). A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kirchick, J. (2017). The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age, New Haven: Yale University Press. Kozyrev, A. (1992a). “Russia: A Chance for Survival”, Foreign Affairs, 71(2): 1-16.Kozyrev, A. (1992b). “Russia and Human Rights”, Slavic Review, 51 (2): 287-293.Kozyrev, A. (1994). “The Lagging Partnership”, Foreign Affairs, 73 (3): 59-71. Lavrov, S. (18.02.2017). “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Address and Answers to Questions at the 53rd Munich Security Conference”, adresinden 20.09.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Lavrov, S. (11.08.2017). “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Remarks and Answers to Questions at the Terra Scientia on Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum”, adresinden 29.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Lavrov, S. ve Saunders, P. (29.03.2017). “Sergey Lavrov: The Interview”, The National Interest. adresinden 25.10.2017 tarihinde erişildi. Layne, C. (2006). The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Legvold, R. (2007). “Introduction”, R. Legvold (der.), Russian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century and the Shadow of the Past içinde, New York: Columbia University Press, 3-34.Lo, B. (2015). Russia and the New World Disorder, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.Lo, B. (2016). “The Illusion of Convergence—Russia, China, and the BRICS”, The Institut Français Des Relations Internationales: Russie Nei Visions, June 2016.Mankoff, J. (2009). Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Mankoff, J. (11.07.2013). “The Wary Chinese-Russian Partnership”, The New York Times. Marshall, A. (06.12.1994). “Russia Warns NATO of a 'Cold Peace'”, The Independent.Medvedev, R. (2000). Post-Soviet Russia: A Journey Through the Yeltsin Era (Çeviren. George Shriver), New York: Columbia University Press.Osterud, O. ve Toje, A. (2013). “Strategy, Risk and Threat Perceptions in NATO”. Matlary, J. H. & M. Petersson (der.), NATO’s European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will içinde, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 71-94.Putin, V. (27.02.2012). “Russia and the Changing World”, adresinden 30.03.2019 tarihinde erişildi.Putin, V. (17.04.2014). “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”, adresinden 29.06.2017 tarihinde erişildi.Sakwa, R. (2008). Russian Politics and Society, Oxon: Routledge. Sakwa, R. (2017). Russia Against the Rest: The Post-Cold War Crisis of World Order, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Skalamera, M. (2019). “Explaining the Emerging Sino-Russian Energy Partnership”, Bekkevold, J. I. & B. Lo (der.), Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century içinde, Ebook: Springer Nature, 69-86.Spykman, N. J. (1938). “Geography and Foreign Policy, I”, The American Political Science Review, 32 (1): 28-50.Stoner, K. ve McFaul, M. (2015). “Who Lost Russia (This Time)? Vladimir Putin”, The Washington Quarterly, 38 (2): 167-187.Talbott, S. (10.08.1995). “Why NATO Should Grow”, The New York Review of Books. Till, B. (16.06. 2011). “Mikhail Gorbachev: The West Could Have Saved the Russian Economy”, The Atlantic. Trenin, D. (2011). “Of Power and Greatness”, Dutkiewicz, P. & D. Trenin (der.), Russia: Challenges and Transformation içinde, New York: New York University Press, 407-431.Trenin, D. (2014). “Russia’s Breakout from The Post-Cold War System: The Drivers of Putin’s Course”, Carnegie Moscow Center, December 2014.Trenin, D. (2016). “Russia’s Asia Strategy: Bolstering the Eagle’s Eastern Wing”, The Institut Français Des Relations Internationales: Russie Nei Visions, June 2016.Trenin, D. (2018). “Russia as a Disruptor of Post-Cold War Order: To What Effect?”, Passi, R. & H. V. Pant. (der.), Debating Disruption in the World Order içinde, Mohit Enterprises: Raisina Files, 18-23.Tsygankov, A. P. (2016). Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity, London: Rowman & Littlefield. Yeltsin, B. (2000). Gece Yarısı Günlükleri (Çeviren: Ahmet Fethi), İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Eray Alım 0000-0001-7543-8021

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date May 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



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