Research Article
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Year 2021, , 191 - 200, 29.09.2021


It is a hypothesis developed on the correct combination of design needs and aesthetics. The design aims to reveal and solve the problems that can be experienced in the space before they occur. At this point, it is important to determine both the needs and the design decisions to be taken for the changes that will be required in the space over time. The reasons that will require space use change and new design decisions are very diverse. In addition to changes such as changes in the need for use of space, the number of users, and the duration of use, environmental changes in the space also affect the design of the space. The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged at the end of 2019 and affected the whole world, is a serious cause of change that has an impact on the use of spaces as a global disaster. Because after the pandemic, people's daily needs and lifestyles have changed, and of course, these changes have also been reflected in their residences, which are their living spaces. The fact that people have to spend their days in their houses as much as possible necessitated the redesign of the houses as places where they can perform all activities such as living, working, getting education, having fun and resting.
The aim of this study is to reveal the changing spatial needs in the residential interior and residential landscape after the COVID-19 epidemic, respectively, and to state that these needs can be met with the design approaches to be developed and the user's physical, psychological and social well-being can be reinforced. For this purpose, the components of Ulrich's Supportive Design Theory were examined and the theory was adapted to these areas according to the changing space needs after the COVID-19 pandemic. With this study, it is aimed to examine the concept of well-being, to present concrete suggestions by taking into account the human needs for this purpose, and to lead similar studies in the future. In addition, this study aims to shed light on the necessity of change and adapting to change as an integral part of interior and landscape design.


  • Amerio, A.; Brambill, A.; Morganti, A.; Aguglia, A.; Bianchi, D.; Santi, F.; Costantini, L.; Odone, A.; Costanza, A.; Signorelli, C.; Serafini, G.; Amore, M. ve Capolongo, S. (2020). COVID-19 Lockdown: Housing Built Environment’s Effects on Mental Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 59-73.
  • Bennett, T. ve Jones, A. (2018). The Health Benefits of the Great Outdoors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Greenspace Exposure and Health Outcomes. Environmental Research, 0(166), 628-637.
  • Bo, H-X.; Li, W.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Cheung, T.; Wu, X. ve Xiang, Y-T. (2021). Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Attitude Toward Crisis Mental Health Services Among Clinically Stable Patients With COVID-19 in China. Psychological Medicine, 0(51), 1052–1053.
  • Cherry, K. (2020). Personal Construct Theory Overview. adresinden 20.04.2021 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Constanza, R.; Fisher, B.; Ali, S.; Beer, C.; Bond, L.; Boumans, R.; Danigelis, N.; Dickinson, J.; Elliott, C.; Farley, J.; Elliott Gayer, D.; MacDonald Glenn, L.; Hudspeth,T.; Mahoney, D.; McCahill, L.; McIntosh, B.; Reed, B.; Turab Rizvi, S.; Rizzo, D.; Simpatico, T. ve Snapp, R. (2007). Quality of Life: An Approach Integrating Opportunities, Human Needs, and Subjective Well-Being. Ecological Economics, 61(2-3), 267-276.
  • Desmet, P.M.A. ve Pohlmeyer, A.E. (2013). Positive Design: An Introduction to Design for Subjective Well-Being. International Journal of Design, 7(3), 5-19.
  • Droit-Volet, S.; Gil, S.; Martinelli, N.; Andant, N.; Clinchamps, M.; Parreira, L. ve diğerleri. (2020) Time and Covid-19 Stress in the Lockdown Situation: Time Free, «Dying» of Boredom and Sadness. PLoS ONE, 15(8), 1-15.
  • Ensarioğlu, S. A. (2020). Pandemi Sürecinin "Evrensel Tasarım" İlkelerine Etkileri. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 7(55), 1673-1680.
  • Gursoy, D. ve Chi, CG. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitality Industry: Review of The Current Situations And a Research Agenda. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 29(5), 527-529.
  • Grigoriou, E. (2019). Wellbeing in Interiors Philosophy, Design and Value in Practice. London: RIBA Publishing. 1-192.
  • Hazer, M.; Formica, M.K.; Dieterlen, S. ve Morley, C.P. (2018). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Exposure to Greenspace and Human Stress in Baltimore, MD. Landscape and Urban Planning, 0(169), 47–56.
  • Hupper, F.A. ve So, T.T.C. (2013). Flourishing Across Europe: Application of a New Conceptual Framework for Defining Well-Being. Social Indicator Research, 0(110), 837–861.
  • Jurblum, M., H Ng, C., Castle, D. J., (2020). Psychological Consequences of Social Isolation and Quarantine: Issues Related to COVID-19 Restrictions. Focus, 49(12), 778-783.
  • Klingmann, A. (2007). Brandscapes. Architecture in the Experience Economy. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • Manzini, E. (2014). Making Things Happen: Social Innovation and Design. Design Issues, 30(1), 57–66.
  • Petermans, A. ve Pohlmeyer, A. (2014). Design for Subjective Well-Being in Interior Architecture. Conference: Proceedings of The 6th Symposium of Architectural Research 2014: Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-Being İçinde (s. 206-218). Oulu, Finland: University of Oulu.
  • Poortinga, W.; Bird, N.; Hallingberg, B.; Phillips, R. ve Williams, D. (2021). The Role of Perceived Public and Private Green Space in Subjective Health and Wellbeing During and After the First Peak of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Landscape and Urban Planning, 0(211), 1-11.
  • Steptoe, A. ve Appels, A. (1989). Stress, Personal Control, and Health. Chichester, England: John Wiley.
  • Ulrich, R. (1984). View Through a Window May Influence Recovery From Surgery. Science, 0(224), 420-421.
  • Ulrich, R. (1991). Effects of Interior Design on Wellness: Theory and Recent Scientific Research. Journal of Health Care Interior Design: Proceedings from The Annual National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design. National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design, 0(3), 97-109.
  • White, M.P.; Pahl, S.; Wheeler, B.W.; Depledge, M.H. ve Fleming, L.E. (2017). Natural Environments and Subjective Wellbeing: Different Types of Exposure are Associated with Different Aspects of Wellbeing. Health and Place, 0(45), 77–84.
  • WHO, 2019. adresinden 20.05.2021 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Wohlwill, J. (1968). The Physical Environment: A Problem for a Psychology of Stimulation. Journal of Social Issues. 22(4), 29-38.
  • Zavei, S.J.A.P. ve Jusan, M.M. (2012). Exploring Housing Attributes Selection Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 0(42), 311–319.


Year 2021, , 191 - 200, 29.09.2021


Tasarım ihtiyaçlarla estetiğin doğru şekilde birleştirilmesi üzerine geliştirilmiş bir hipotezdir. Tasarım mekanda yaşanabilecek sorunları henüz ortaya çıkmadan ortaya koyup çözmeyi amaçlar. Bu noktada hem ihtiyaçların hem de mekanda zamanla gerekecek değişiklikler için alınacak tasarım kararlarının doğru tespiti önemlidir. Mekan kullanım değişikliğini ve yeni tasarım kararlarını gerektirecek sebepler çok çeşitlidir. Mekan kullanımı ihtiyacındaki, kullanıcı sayısındaki, kullanım süresindeki değişiklikler gibi değişikliklerin yanında mekanın içinde bulunduğu çevresel değişiklikler de mekan tasarımını etkilemektedir. 2019 yılının sonunda ortaya çıkan ve tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVİD-19 pandemisi küresel bir afet olarak mekanların kullanımı üzerinde etkili olan ciddi bir değişiklik sebebidir. Çünkü yaşanan pandemi sonrası insanların günlük ihtiyaçları ve yaşam şekilleri değişmiş ve elbette ki bu değişiklikler yaşam mekanları olan konutlarına da yansımıştır. İnsanların mümkün olduğunca günlerini konutlarında geçirmek zorunda kalmaları konutların yaşama, çalışma, eğitim alma, eğlenme, dinlenme gibi faaliyetlerin hepsini gerçekleştirebilecekleri mekanlar olarak yeniden tasarlanmasını gerektirmiştir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı sırasıyla COVİD-19 salgını sonrası konut iç mekan ve konuta ait peyzaj alanında değişen mekansal ihtiyaçları ortaya koymak ve geliştirilecek tasarım yaklaşımlarıyla bu ihtiyaçların karşılanabileceğini ve kullanıcının fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal bağlamda iyi olma halinin pekiştirilebileceğini belirtmektir. Bu amaçla çalışmada Ulrich’in Destekleyici Tasarım Teorisi’nin bileşenleri irdelenmiş ve COVİD-19 pandemisi sonrası değişen mekan ihtiyaçlarına göre teorinin bu alanlara uyarlanması sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile iyi olma kavramının irdelenmesi, bu amaca yönelik insan gereksinimlerini dikkate alarak somut öneriler sunulması ve gelecekteki benzer çalışmalara önderlik edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, iç mekan ve peyzaj tasarımının ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak değişimin ve değişime ayak uydurmanın gerekliliğine ışık tutmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Amerio, A.; Brambill, A.; Morganti, A.; Aguglia, A.; Bianchi, D.; Santi, F.; Costantini, L.; Odone, A.; Costanza, A.; Signorelli, C.; Serafini, G.; Amore, M. ve Capolongo, S. (2020). COVID-19 Lockdown: Housing Built Environment’s Effects on Mental Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 59-73.
  • Bennett, T. ve Jones, A. (2018). The Health Benefits of the Great Outdoors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Greenspace Exposure and Health Outcomes. Environmental Research, 0(166), 628-637.
  • Bo, H-X.; Li, W.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Cheung, T.; Wu, X. ve Xiang, Y-T. (2021). Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Attitude Toward Crisis Mental Health Services Among Clinically Stable Patients With COVID-19 in China. Psychological Medicine, 0(51), 1052–1053.
  • Cherry, K. (2020). Personal Construct Theory Overview. adresinden 20.04.2021 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Constanza, R.; Fisher, B.; Ali, S.; Beer, C.; Bond, L.; Boumans, R.; Danigelis, N.; Dickinson, J.; Elliott, C.; Farley, J.; Elliott Gayer, D.; MacDonald Glenn, L.; Hudspeth,T.; Mahoney, D.; McCahill, L.; McIntosh, B.; Reed, B.; Turab Rizvi, S.; Rizzo, D.; Simpatico, T. ve Snapp, R. (2007). Quality of Life: An Approach Integrating Opportunities, Human Needs, and Subjective Well-Being. Ecological Economics, 61(2-3), 267-276.
  • Desmet, P.M.A. ve Pohlmeyer, A.E. (2013). Positive Design: An Introduction to Design for Subjective Well-Being. International Journal of Design, 7(3), 5-19.
  • Droit-Volet, S.; Gil, S.; Martinelli, N.; Andant, N.; Clinchamps, M.; Parreira, L. ve diğerleri. (2020) Time and Covid-19 Stress in the Lockdown Situation: Time Free, «Dying» of Boredom and Sadness. PLoS ONE, 15(8), 1-15.
  • Ensarioğlu, S. A. (2020). Pandemi Sürecinin "Evrensel Tasarım" İlkelerine Etkileri. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 7(55), 1673-1680.
  • Gursoy, D. ve Chi, CG. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitality Industry: Review of The Current Situations And a Research Agenda. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 29(5), 527-529.
  • Grigoriou, E. (2019). Wellbeing in Interiors Philosophy, Design and Value in Practice. London: RIBA Publishing. 1-192.
  • Hazer, M.; Formica, M.K.; Dieterlen, S. ve Morley, C.P. (2018). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Exposure to Greenspace and Human Stress in Baltimore, MD. Landscape and Urban Planning, 0(169), 47–56.
  • Hupper, F.A. ve So, T.T.C. (2013). Flourishing Across Europe: Application of a New Conceptual Framework for Defining Well-Being. Social Indicator Research, 0(110), 837–861.
  • Jurblum, M., H Ng, C., Castle, D. J., (2020). Psychological Consequences of Social Isolation and Quarantine: Issues Related to COVID-19 Restrictions. Focus, 49(12), 778-783.
  • Klingmann, A. (2007). Brandscapes. Architecture in the Experience Economy. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • Manzini, E. (2014). Making Things Happen: Social Innovation and Design. Design Issues, 30(1), 57–66.
  • Petermans, A. ve Pohlmeyer, A. (2014). Design for Subjective Well-Being in Interior Architecture. Conference: Proceedings of The 6th Symposium of Architectural Research 2014: Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-Being İçinde (s. 206-218). Oulu, Finland: University of Oulu.
  • Poortinga, W.; Bird, N.; Hallingberg, B.; Phillips, R. ve Williams, D. (2021). The Role of Perceived Public and Private Green Space in Subjective Health and Wellbeing During and After the First Peak of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Landscape and Urban Planning, 0(211), 1-11.
  • Steptoe, A. ve Appels, A. (1989). Stress, Personal Control, and Health. Chichester, England: John Wiley.
  • Ulrich, R. (1984). View Through a Window May Influence Recovery From Surgery. Science, 0(224), 420-421.
  • Ulrich, R. (1991). Effects of Interior Design on Wellness: Theory and Recent Scientific Research. Journal of Health Care Interior Design: Proceedings from The Annual National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design. National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design, 0(3), 97-109.
  • White, M.P.; Pahl, S.; Wheeler, B.W.; Depledge, M.H. ve Fleming, L.E. (2017). Natural Environments and Subjective Wellbeing: Different Types of Exposure are Associated with Different Aspects of Wellbeing. Health and Place, 0(45), 77–84.
  • WHO, 2019. adresinden 20.05.2021 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Wohlwill, J. (1968). The Physical Environment: A Problem for a Psychology of Stimulation. Journal of Social Issues. 22(4), 29-38.
  • Zavei, S.J.A.P. ve Jusan, M.M. (2012). Exploring Housing Attributes Selection Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 0(42), 311–319.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cigdem Cetin 0000-0002-0585-6989

Filiz Ç. Karafakı 0000-0001-6710-4224

Publication Date September 29, 2021
Submission Date June 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021



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