Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The International Social Sciences Journal of Asian Studies adopts the ethical publishing principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access in publication ethics.


The following points should be considered for the ethics committee report:

Separate ethics committee approvals should be obtained for studies conducted in the social sciences and studies requiring ethics committee approval, and this approval should be indicated and documented in the article. Articles should include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics were adhered to.
In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date, and approval number) should be included in the methods section and also on the first/last page of the article.
In case reports, the article must include information that informed consent forms were signed.
Research requiring ethics committee approval includes:
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, and other techniques. In addition, permission must be obtained and stated for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others, and it must be indicated that copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used have been complied with.
Articles derived from Master's/Doctoral theses in which some of the research data were previously used should be specifically noted as footnotes, and the decision to publish is up to the Editors Board.
Researchers not affiliated with a university may apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions for an Ethics Committee Report if necessary.


Persons who did not contribute to the study in the process of scientific research and writing should not be listed as authors.
The same study should not be submitted to more than one journal.
For studies derived from graduate theses, it is recommended that the supervisor should not be listed as the first author (as per TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Directory).
At the end of the article, it is recommended to include a declaration of the contribution rate of the researchers, any support and acknowledgment declaration, and a conflict of interest declaration (as per TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Directory).
Authors should avoid irresponsible authorship, piracy, fabrication, multiple publications, salami slicing, biased sources, biased publications, violations of human-animal ethics, and other unethical behaviors. The Copyright Transfer Form must be filled out and uploaded as a signed PDF file (available on the homepage).
Authors should comply with the citation system specified in the journal during the writing process of the candidate article.
Unpublished or unsent studies should not be cited as sources.
Any study in whole or in part cannot be published without permission or citation (plagiarism).
Authors should specify the financial sources of the study, if any.


Ensure that the full-text article sent to reviewers does not contain the names of the authors, and do not disclose the authors' names to the reviewers.
Are responsible for appointing at least two reviewers appropriate to the subject of the candidate article.
Should facilitate communication between reviewers and the corresponding author, considering the double-blind review process.
Should maintain relationships transparently and objectively without discrimination between any authors and reviewers.
Should not use their position for their personal and academic interests.
Should provide clear and detailed reasons for rejecting candidate articles.
Should consider the ethics of scientific research, publication, and reviewing.
A separate editor is appointed to make necessary checks and corrections for articles to be published in Turkish and English.


Reviewers must be experts in the fields addressed by the candidate article.
Should provide objective and clear criticism.
Reviewers should not request to learn the names of the authors of the study they are evaluating and should not share the study text with third parties, considering it is private.
Should not use information from the candidate article for their studies during the evaluation process and should not seek any academic/personal benefit.
Should provide clear and detailed reasons for rejecting candidate articles.
Should consider the rules of scientific research and publication ethics.
Reviewers must specify their title and name in the evaluation report, complete the form fully, and sign it (Reviewer Evaluation Form is available on the homepage).


The International Social Sciences Journal of Asian Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal. Articles that have not been published before or are not currently under review in another journal and are approved by each author are accepted for evaluation. Submitted articles are reviewed by the Editor, Editorial Board, or Publication Board for originality, methodology, the significance of the subject matter, and compatibility with the Journal's scope. The submitted articles are subjected to a fair double-blind peer review process. The purpose of the peer review process is to ensure the publication of high-quality and original scientific studies. All articles submitted to the International Social Sciences Journal of Asian Studies for publication undergo the following article evaluation process:


All studies submitted to the journal are subjected to a preliminary review by the Editor or Editorial Board in terms of scientific content, publication principles, journal scope and format, plagiarism screening results, similarity ratio, copyright, and ethical declaration statement. If the article does not meet the necessary conditions, it is either returned before proceeding to the peer review stage or some changes may be requested.

Reviewer Policy

The International Social Sciences Journal of Asian Studies uses a double-blind peer review system throughout the process, where the names of reviewers and authors are kept confidential. The names of reviewers are listed in the relevant section of each issue during the publication stage.

Reviewer Evaluation

Articles that pass the preliminary evaluation stage are sent to two reviewers by the Editor. Reviewers are selected from the reviewer pool considering their expertise. The number of reviewers can be increased by the Editors or Publication Board if deemed necessary. Reviewers evaluate the submitted articles in terms of originality, contribution to the field, expression of the problem, critical review of related literature, methodology, presentation of findings, discussion of results by relating them to relevant literature, and suggestions. Reviewers may accept, reject, or request revisions to the articles. If one review is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third reviewer. Thus, based on the reviewers' opinions, it is decided to publish the article directly, publish it after partial revisions, or reject it. Authors are given one month to complete the corrections specified in the review report. If the corrections are not made within this period, the work may be rejected.

Final Evaluation

All articles that have received positive opinions from reviewers and have reached the publication stage are subjected to a final evaluation by the Editor. Articles that have been proofread, corrected, and deemed "publishable" by the Editor are placed in the publication queue and published along with layout work. Authors submitting articles to the International Social Sciences Journal of Asian Studies are deemed to have accepted these peer review conditions and processes of the Journal.

Last Update Time: 7/23/24, 6:15:59 PM
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