Writing Rules


Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences, published electronically (E-ISSN: 3023-5561) and in print (ISSN: 2667-6419) by Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Asian Studies Application and Research Center, is a specialized journal of "Asian Studies" in Turkey and the world. It has been continuing its process since 2017, aiming to increase and share studies that will contribute to the national and international scientific development of all disciplines in the field of social and human sciences.

Publication Frequency
The journal is published at least twice a year, in Spring and Fall.

Publication Language
The journal accepts studies written in Turkish and English. Submitted studies must be presented in a comprehensible manner, adhering to the grammatical conventions of the respective language and the scientific literature. Publications that fail to meet these criteria are not assessed.

Evaluation of Articles
The manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication are reviewed by the Editorial Board (by the field editor, spelling and language editor) in terms of publication principles and sent to two referees who are experts in the field for evaluation. The author's identity is not disclosed to the referees, and the referee's identity is not disclosed to the writers. Reports are held in strict confidence for a duration of 3 years. In the event that one referee report is positive while the other is negative, the article will be referred to a third referee or alternatively, the Editorial Board may render the ultimate decision by evaluating the referee reports. The authors take into account the criticisms and suggestions of the Referee and the Editorial Board. If there are issues they disagree with, they have the right to object along with their reasons. Manuscripts sent to their authors for correction in accordance with the referee reports should be sent to the journal again via the Internet no later than one month after the necessary corrections have been made. The revised text can be re-examined by the referees who request changes if deemed necessary. Articles that are not accepted for publication are returned to their authors. Only articles that meet the following criteria will be considered for evaluation: they must be original and have not been published elsewhere, they must not be under evaluation in any other journal, all authors must have approved the submission and content, and an ethical declaration must be provided.

Ethical Declaration (Ethics Statement)
At the end of the article, ethics committee approval, researchers' contribution rate, support and acknowledgment statement, and conflict declaration information must be included. The Editorial Board adds the following information as a table for each article before publication:
AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTION LEVELS: First Author %... ; Second Author %...
ETHICS COMMISSION APPROVAL: Ethics committee approval is not required for the study.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: No financial support has been received for the study.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: There is no potential conflict of interest in the study.
COPYRIGHT AND SIMILARITY REPORT: Authors own the copyright of their works published in the journal; The similarity report of the study has been received.
COMPLIANCE WITH SCIENTIFIC AND ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: It has been declared that scientific and ethical principles have been followed during the preparation of this study and all studies used are stated under the heading "Resources".

Plagiarism Policy
Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences asks the author(s) before the evaluation process begins; It asks users to upload the "Plagiarism Report" of the article scanned by plagiarism programs such as "iThenticate" and "Turnitin" to the system. In addition, the evaluation process is started after checking the similarity rate in the Plagiarism Report examined by the Editorial Board and the compliance of the work with the writing rules and principles. The similarity rate of the articles in the Plagiarism Report should not exceed 20%; Articles with more than 20% similarity are sent to the authors for correction, and if no correction is made, they are rejected.

Privacy Statement
All data to be entered in the Management System of the International Journal of Social Sciences of Asian Studies (personal information such as name, e-mail addresses, etc.) is used only for the scientific studies of the Journal and the Asian Studies Application and Research Center of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. This data is not used for any other purpose; it is definitely not shared with third parties.

Authors have the responsibility for ensuring the precision of the ideas, recommendations, and references presented in the articles. The articles published in the journal are not subject to copyright fees. Authors agree to waive the copyright of their articles and transfer the copyright of the articles accepted for publication to Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Asian Studies Application and Research Center. When uploading the article file, the "Copyright Transfer Form" with a blue signature must be filled out and uploaded as a PDF file. The Editorial Board is authorized to publish the article.
However, the authors reserve the following rights:
1. All registered rights other than copyright,
2. The right to reproduce the article for their own purposes, provided that they do not sell it,
3. Books, articles, etc. to be produced by the author. The right to use all or part of the article in their work, provided that the journal is cited as a bibliography.

Open Access
All studies in Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences are published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Submissions for publication in Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences must meet the following conditions:
Studies to be sent to the journal must be written in Turkish and English.
 It must be included in the journal and must not have been published elsewhere or sent to another journal for publication.
 Studies that do not comply with the journal's writing rules are not evaluated.
 Studies to be sent to the journal:
• In A4 processes, Microsoft Word program should be prepared vertically on the papers.
• Excluding the Abstract and References pages, excluding the text part, it should be written in Times New Roman - 11 point font, 1 (single) spacing, with less than 5000 words missing and not exceeding 10000 words.
 Studies should consist of the following reporting (in order) and be structured in accordance with the regulation and publication policies for these sections:

Title: The title of the study should be written in the middle of the page in Bold CAPITAL LETTERS of 12 Pt. The title should not exceed three lines, except for numerals and punctuation marks.

Author(s): After the title is given, only the author's name (first letter in CAPITAL) and surname (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) should be written in 11 Point Bold in the middle of the article text. An asterisk (*) should be placed after the surname, and after the asterisk at the bottom of the title page, information about the author (title, institution and e-mail, orcid number) should be given in the form of a footnote in 9 font size.

Abstract: It should be written in 10-point Italics, 1 (single) line spacing, and should not exceed 500 words.

Keywords: At least five and at most seven Turkish keywords reflecting the subjects of the studies should be added. Only the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized and all words should be italicized.

English Title: The English title should be written in lowercase letters, 10 point bold and italics, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

Abstract: Turkish The text written in the "Abstract" section should be given in English.

English Keywords: At least five and at most seven English keywords reflecting the subjects of the studies should be given in the same order and with the same meaning as the words given in Turkish. Only the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized and all words should be italicized.

Page Numbers: Pages should be placed in the footer of the articles in 9 point font on the lower right and left margins.

Text and Paragraph: Subheadings in the main text should be written in 11 point font and bold, with the initial letters of the words in capital letters. The text should be 11 point font, justified. There should be a space of 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the right, and 2.5 cm from the left. There should be 3 pt between lines. Paragraphs start with a 0.8 cm indent from the left and paragraph breaks should be 6 pt.

Books, Magazines etc. Names: The names of books, journals, congresses, conferences, symposiums and panels are written in italics in the text. For example: "Sources of Central Asian Turkish History, Belleten, International Human and Society Congress, Aleppo and Turkmens Conference from Past to Present, International Folklore Symposium" etc.

Use of Numbers: Numerical expressions are given as words when starting sentences; The following are written with numbers. For example: "Twenty of the thirty theses were about Turkish history, and the remaining 10 were about Mongolian history."

Use of Abbreviations: When abbreviations are used for the first time in the text, they are placed in parentheses; It is not taken for subsequent use. For example: “As a result, in 1957, it was necessary to apply to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to meet foreign debts. "With this borrowing, the IMF has entered the Turkish economy as an important figure." Before Christ, “BC.” and after Christ, “A.D.”

Use of Quotations in the Text: Short quotations within the text should be placed in quotation marks and in italics (“…”). Quotations less than five lines should be written between lines, and quotes longer than five lines should be written one centimeter from the right and left of the line, in blocks and with single line spacing.

Use of Visual Materials: Photos, diagrams, etc. in the text. If visual material is used, the source must be cited. Legal responsibility regarding permission or copyright issues belongs entirely to the authors of the work.

Footnotes and Citation: Submitted articles should be prepared as follows in the reference system, citation format and bibliography:
All references in the main text should be prepared with the in-text citation system (as internal notes) instead of the footnote system. In the sources to be given in the text, parentheses will be opened and the surname of the author(s), year of publication and cited page numbers will be given as follows (The same method should be applied when the same sources are referenced again in the text):
• Footnotes in the text are numbered on the relevant page and are not placed at the end of the text. Footnotes should be written in “9 point” single space. The alignment should be justified and the paragraph indent should be 0.5 cm.
• If there is a general reference within the text and a reference is made to the whole text, it is sufficient to write (author's surname, year). For example (Togan, 1981).
• If a specific page is quoted or the relevant ideas are taken from a specific section, the source is written with the page as follows: (Köker, 1998: 42).
• An author's works of the same date are written as follows: (Zizek, 2009a) and (Zizek, 2009b).
• If the number of authors is between three and five, all names are written in the first reference; Then it is sufficient to indicate only the first author. For example, when the source is first mentioned (Kejanlıoğlu, Adaklı & Çelenk, 2004), the next time it is mentioned as (Kejanlıoğlu et al., 2004).
• If a source with two authors is cited in the text, the names of both authors are also stated; If there is a work with more than two authors, all of them are stated in the first use, and only the first author is stated in the subsequent use. For example: (Kafesoğlu, Yıldız and Merçil, 1998).
• If the number of authors is three or more, then in the first use only the first name and others are abbreviated (Arat et al., 1991).
• If an old reprinted source is used in the text, a slash (/) is used. For example: “Freud (1923/1961) first suggested in his work that slips of the tongue in daily life are a kind of expression of repressed representations in the subconscious.”
• Except for the sources shown in the text, the classical footnote method should be used for explanations deemed necessary and the automatic numbering method should be used for these. Measurements to be used for explanations: Justified, left and right indent: 3 pt spacing before and after, 6 pt, line spacing: single.

Citing References: All sources used in the article must be given at the end of the article. Authors should be listed alphabetically by surname. The following rules should be followed when citing references:
• The author's surname and the first letter of his/her name should be written in capital letters, and after the period, the title of the work should be written in italics if it is a book, and in quotation marks if it is an article. After the name of the work, the place and year of publication should be given for books, and the journal name, year, issue and Volume Number should be given for articles.

For Books with a Single Author:
İnalcık, H. (2003). Ottoman Empire Classical Age (13001600). Trans., Ruşen Sezer. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications.
For Multi-Author Books:
Abisel, N.; Arslan, U.T.; Behçetoğulları, P.; Karadogan, A.; Öztürk, S. R. & Ulusay, N. (2005). So Strange, So Familiar. Istanbul: Metis Publishing.
For Edited Books:
Özbek, M. (Ed.). (2005). Public Space. Istanbul.
Yazıcı, O. (2020). “Nadir Shah Afshar's Expedition to India”, Indian and Turkish History-Culture Researches. Ed., H. Şahin. Istanbul, 130-142.
• If there is more than one work by the same author published in the same year in the bibliography, the works are written in order from oldest to newest. Sources with the same date are sorted by letter.
Togan, Z. V. (1912). Turkish and Tatar History, Kazan; (1981). Introduction to General Turkish History, Istanbul.
Arat, R. R. (1947a). Kutadgu Bilig-I Metin. Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications, No: 458.
Arat, R. R. (1947b). Kutadgu Bilig-II Translation. Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications, No: 459.
For Articles:
Alperen, Ü. (2018). “One Belt One Road Initiative and China's Central Asia Policy”. Wise Strategy. 10 (19), 17-38.
For Theses:
Hashimi, S. M. (2017). Post-Republican Afghanistan (1973-2015) Religion-Politics Relationship, Erciyes University Institute of Social Sciences Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Kayseri.
For Encyclopedias:
Kurtulmuş, R. (2008). “Reza Shah Pahlavi”. TDV Islamic Encyclopedia. Ankara: Turkish Religious Foundation, 35/ 67.
For Papers:
Işık, Y. (2015). Turkish Modernization in the Context of Comparative Modernization Movements, Gazi University Faculty of Letters II. Young Academics Symposium (24-25November 2014) Proceedings Book, Ankara: Gazi University Publication, 151-176.
For Electronic Resources:
• Reference information for sources taken from electronic media (internet) should be displayed in the same way as printed sources. If the page number is not specified in the online source used, the page number is not specified in parentheses.
O’Keefe, E. (n.d.). Egoism & The Cnsts in Western Values, http:// www.onlineoriginals.com/showitem .asp litem I. (20 May, 2020).
• In digital resources, the access date should be given at the end and in parentheses.
http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/dosya/gecmisten-gunumuze-turkiye-iran-iliskileri (13 December, 2021).
http://marmaray.gov.tr/marmaray-hakkinda/ (14 May, 2021).

Last Update Time: 3/13/24, 2:51:10 PM
Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 (CC BY NC) International License