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The Image of the City of İstanbul as an Emerging Destination in Turkey's Tourism

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 189 - 201, 01.12.2006


The study that is substantiated by the support of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, is aimed to determine the image in the foreigners view of the city of Istanbul that is by following Antajya being in the position of the most important tourism destination of Turkey and also in the future years it will be expected to make strong its current position in the country tourism. In the content of the study, after discussing the position and the importance of the city of Istanbul in the Turkey's tourism, conceptual frame about the destination image is described. In the following parts of the study, an integration of the studies towards Turk and the image of Turkey is given, afterwards an empirical part that is prepared to determine the image of Istanbul is taken place. The questionnaire that is prepared by considering the related literature was applied to foreigners through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism representations abroad and reached to 726 question­naires that can be evaluated. The data which were attained from the questionnaires were analyzed by the SPSS 12.0 for Windows and the relations between personality characteristics, attitudes of travel and perceived image of Istanbul of the foreigners that participated in the research.


  • Alhemoud A.M. ve Armstrong E.D. (1996). Image of Tourism Attractions in Kuwait, journal of Travel Research, 34 (4): 76-80. Aslantaş, H. (2002). Türkiye'nin Turizm Stratejisi ve Tanıtım Po­litikaları, II Turizm Şurası Bildirileri, II. Cilt, Ankara: T. C. Turizm Bakanlığı
  • Baloğlu, S. ve Brinberg, D. (1997). Affective Images of Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 35 (4):11-15
  • Baloğlu, S. ve Mangaloğlu M. (2001). Tourism Destination Ima­ges of Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Italy as Perceived by US-Based Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Tourism Management, 22:1-9
  • Baloğlu, S., ve McCleary, K. W. (1999). U.S. International Tra­velers' Images of Four Mediterranean Destinations: A Comparison of Visitors and Nonvisitors, Journal of Travel Research, 38:144-152
  • Bojanic, D. C. (1991). The Use of Advertising in Managing Desti­nation Image, Tourism Management, 12:353-55
  • Boonsirichai M.(2002). Tourist Perceptions of Samui Island, Thai as a Tourist Destination (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Gradu­ate College University Wisconsin Scout
  • Bramwell, B. ve Rawding, L. (1996). Tourism Marketing Images of Industrial Cities, Annals of Tourism, 23:201-221
  • Calantone, R. J., Benedetto, A.D., Hakam, A., ve Bojanic, D.C. (1989). Multiple Multinational Tourism Positioning Using Cor­respondence Analysis, Journal of Travel Research, 28:25-32
  • Chaudhary M.(2000). India's Image as Tourist Destination-A Perspective of Foreign Tourists, Tourism Management 21: 293-297
  • Chen J.S. (2001). A Case Study of Korean Outbound Travelers' Destination Images By Using Correspondence Analysis. Tourism Management, 22:345-350
  • Chen, J.S. ve Hsu, C.H.C. (2000). Measurement of Korean Tou­rists' Perceived Images of Overseas Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 38:411-416
  • Chen, P. J. ve Kerstetter, D. L. (1999). International Students' Image of Rural Pennsylvania as a Travel Destination, Jo­urnal of Travel Research, 37:256-266
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979). An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geograp­hical Location Upon that Image, Journal of Travel Research, 17 (l):18-23
  • Dadgostar, B. ve Isotalo, R. M. (1992). Factors Affecting Time Spent by Near-Home Tourists in City Destinations, Jour­nal of Travel Research, 30:34-39
  • Dann, G.M.S. (1996). Tourists' Images of a Destination-An Al­ternative Analysis, Recent Advances in Tourism Marketing Research, 5 (1/2): 41-55
  • DİE (2006) Echtner, CM. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1991). The Meaning and Mea­surement of Destination Image, Journal of Tourism Studies, 2 (2):2-12
  • Echtner, CM. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1993). The Measurement of Des­tination Image: An Empirical Assessment, Journal of Travel Research, 31:3-13
  • E-Hotelier (2006) erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2006 Fakeye, P. C, ve Crompton, J. L. (1991). Image Differences Betwe-, en Prospective, First-Time, and Repeat. Visitors to the Lo­wer Rio Grande Valley, Journal of Travel Research, 30.10-16
  • Fridgen, J.D. (1987). Use of Cognitive Maps to Determine Percei­ved Tourism Regions, Leisure Sciences, 9:101-117
  • Gartner, W. C (1993). Image Formation Process, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2 (2/3):191-215
  • Gartner, W.C, ve Shen, J. (1992). The Impact of Tiananmen Squ­are on China's Tourism Image, Journal of Travel Research, 30:47-52
  • Ger, G. (1991). Country Image: Perceptions, Attitudes, Associ­ations and Their Relationships to Context, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Marketing and Develop­ment, R. R. Dholakia and K. C. Bothra (eds.), New Dlehi, India,390-398
  • Ger, G. (1997). Bati'nm Gözünde Türkiye'nin İmajı, Görüş, Sayı: 29, Ocak-Şubat, TUSIAD Yayını, Istanbul
  • Gunn, C. (1972). Vacationscape: Designing Tourist Regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas
  • Gallarza M.G. ve Saura I.G. (2002). Destination Image: Towars a Conceptual Framework, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1): 56-78
  • Goodrich, J.N. (1978). A New Approach to Image Analysis thro­ugh Multidimensional Scaling, Journal of Travel Research, 16:3-7
  • Hu, Y. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1993). Measuring Destination Attracti­veness: A Contextual Approach, Journal of Travel Research, 32 (2):25-34
  • Hsu C.H.C., Wolfe K. ve Kang K.S. (2004). Image Assesment For A Destination with Limited Comparative Advantages, To­urism Management, 25:121-126
  • Hunt, J. D. (1975). Image As a Factor in Tourist Development, Journal of Travel Research, 13:1-7
  • Jenkins O.H. (1999). Understanding and Measuring Tourist Des­tination Images, International Journal of Tourism Research, (1): 1-15
  • Joppe M.; Martin D.W. ve Wallen J. (2001). Toronto's Image As a Destination: A comporative Importance- Satisfaction Analysis by Origin of Visitors, Journal of Travel Research, 39:252-260
  • Kırcıoğlu, Nazilli, S. (1983). Dış Tanıtım ve Turizm. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Yay
  • Korzay, M. (1994). Turkish Tourism Development., In Seaton, A. V. et al. (Eds.) Tourism-The State of the Art. John Wiley & Sons Ltd..85-99
  • Kozak, R. (2003). Turistik Çekim Merkezi Olarak Türkiye İmajı: iki Asya-Pasifik Ülkesi (Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda) Se­yahat Aracıları Temsilcileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Antolia-Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (2):141-149
  • Lubbe, B. (1998). Primary Image as a Dimension of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment, Journal of Travel and To­urism Marketing, 7 (4):21-43
  • MacKay, K. ve Fesenmaier, D. (1997). Pictorial Element of Des­tination in Image Formation, Annals of Tourism Research, 24:537-65
  • Millan A. ve Pizam, A. (1995). The Role of Awareness and Fami­liarity with a Destination: The Central Florida Case, Jour­nal of Travel Research ,33:21-27
  • Özsoy, O. (1999). Dünü, Bugünü, Yarınıyla Türkiye'yi Dünya'ya Açmak. İstanbul: Ziya Ofset
  • Reilly, M. (1990). Free Elicitation of Descriptive Adjectives for Tourism Image Assessment, Journal of Travel Research, 28: 21-26
  • Rauof, A.G. (1995). The Image of Turkey In The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (Basılmamış Yükseklisans Tezi), Anka­ra: Bilkent University Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration Selby, M. ve N. J. Morgan (1996). Reconstructing Place Image-A case Study of its Role in Destination Market Research, To­urism Management, 17 (4):287-294
  • Sezer, H. ve Harrison, A. (1994). Tourism in Greece and Turkey: An Economic View for Planners, In Seaton, A. V. et al. (Eds.), Tourism-The State of the Art. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
  • Sharaiha,Y.M. ve Collins, P.Q. (1992). Marketing Jordan, as a To­urist Destination, Tourism Management, Mart: 64-70
  • Sönmez, S. ve Sırakaya, E. (2002). A Distorted Destination Ima­ge? The Case of Turkey, Journal of Travel Research, 41 (2): 185-196
  • Tapachai, N. ve Waryszak, R. (2000). An Examination of the Role of Beneficial Image in Tourist Destination Selection., jour­nal of Travel Research, 39 (1):37-44
  • Tasci, A.D.A. (2003). Determinants of Destination Image (Basıl­mamış Doktora Tezi) Michigan State University
  • Tolungüç, A. (1999). Turizmde Tanıtma ve Reklam. Ankara: Media Cat Yayınları
  • Tosun C. ve Bilim Y. (2004). Şehirlerin Turistik Açıdan Pazarlan-ması: Hatay Örneği, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15 (2): 125-138
  • TÜROFED (2005). Avrupa Birliği Kamuoyu Araştırması, Grundfos, Kasım, 2005, Yeşiltepe, A. (2003). Amerikan Okul Kitaplarında Türk İmgesi." NTVMSNBC, (Yayın tarihi: 05/05/2003). 14 Temmuz, 2003 tarihinde adre­sinden alınmıştır
  • Yurtseven R. ve Can E. (2002). Gökçeada'daki Turizm Çekici­liklerinin İmajı: İlk kez ve Birden Fazla Gelen Turistler Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma, Antolia-Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13 (2):148 -155
  • Yıldırım, H. (2002). Kimliğini arayan Türk Devrimi. Türk Kim­liği, (Yayın tarihi: 07/08/2002)14 Temmuz 2003 tarihinde kim3.htm adresinden alınmıştır
  • Walmsley, D.J. ve Young, M. (1998). Evaluative Images and To­urism: The Use of Personal Constructs to Describe the Structure of Destination Images, Journal of Travel Research, 36 (3): 65-69
  • World Tourism Organization (2006).

Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 189 - 201, 01.12.2006


T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'nın destekleriyle gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu çalışma, Antalya'yı takiben Türkiye'nin en önemli turizm desti­nasyon u konumunda olan ve gelecek yıllarda da ülke turizmi içerisindeki bu konumunu daha da güçlendirmesi beklenen İstanbul şehrinin yabancılar gözünde imajının belirlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Türkiye turizmi içerisinde İstanbul şehrinin yeri ve önemi vurgulandıktan sonra destinasyon imajı ile ilgili kavramsal çerçeve çizilmektedir. Çalışmanın ilerleyen kısımlarında, Türk ve Türkiye imajına yönelik çalışmaların bir entegrasyonunun verilmekte, takiben İstanbul imajının belirlenmesine yönelik olarak gerçekleştirilen ampirik kısım yer almaktadır. İlgili literatür dikkate alınarak hazırlanan anket formu, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'nın yurt dışı temsilci­likleri vasıtasıyla yabancılara uygulanmış ve 726 adet değerlendirebilir anket formuna ulaşılmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler SPSS 12.0 for Windows programı ile analiz edilmiş, araştırmaya katkı veren yabancıların kişisel özellikleri ve seyahat tutumları ile algıladıkları İstanbul imajı arasında ilişkiler test edilmiştir.


  • Alhemoud A.M. ve Armstrong E.D. (1996). Image of Tourism Attractions in Kuwait, journal of Travel Research, 34 (4): 76-80. Aslantaş, H. (2002). Türkiye'nin Turizm Stratejisi ve Tanıtım Po­litikaları, II Turizm Şurası Bildirileri, II. Cilt, Ankara: T. C. Turizm Bakanlığı
  • Baloğlu, S. ve Brinberg, D. (1997). Affective Images of Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 35 (4):11-15
  • Baloğlu, S. ve Mangaloğlu M. (2001). Tourism Destination Ima­ges of Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Italy as Perceived by US-Based Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Tourism Management, 22:1-9
  • Baloğlu, S., ve McCleary, K. W. (1999). U.S. International Tra­velers' Images of Four Mediterranean Destinations: A Comparison of Visitors and Nonvisitors, Journal of Travel Research, 38:144-152
  • Bojanic, D. C. (1991). The Use of Advertising in Managing Desti­nation Image, Tourism Management, 12:353-55
  • Boonsirichai M.(2002). Tourist Perceptions of Samui Island, Thai as a Tourist Destination (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Gradu­ate College University Wisconsin Scout
  • Bramwell, B. ve Rawding, L. (1996). Tourism Marketing Images of Industrial Cities, Annals of Tourism, 23:201-221
  • Calantone, R. J., Benedetto, A.D., Hakam, A., ve Bojanic, D.C. (1989). Multiple Multinational Tourism Positioning Using Cor­respondence Analysis, Journal of Travel Research, 28:25-32
  • Chaudhary M.(2000). India's Image as Tourist Destination-A Perspective of Foreign Tourists, Tourism Management 21: 293-297
  • Chen J.S. (2001). A Case Study of Korean Outbound Travelers' Destination Images By Using Correspondence Analysis. Tourism Management, 22:345-350
  • Chen, J.S. ve Hsu, C.H.C. (2000). Measurement of Korean Tou­rists' Perceived Images of Overseas Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 38:411-416
  • Chen, P. J. ve Kerstetter, D. L. (1999). International Students' Image of Rural Pennsylvania as a Travel Destination, Jo­urnal of Travel Research, 37:256-266
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979). An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geograp­hical Location Upon that Image, Journal of Travel Research, 17 (l):18-23
  • Dadgostar, B. ve Isotalo, R. M. (1992). Factors Affecting Time Spent by Near-Home Tourists in City Destinations, Jour­nal of Travel Research, 30:34-39
  • Dann, G.M.S. (1996). Tourists' Images of a Destination-An Al­ternative Analysis, Recent Advances in Tourism Marketing Research, 5 (1/2): 41-55
  • DİE (2006) Echtner, CM. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1991). The Meaning and Mea­surement of Destination Image, Journal of Tourism Studies, 2 (2):2-12
  • Echtner, CM. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1993). The Measurement of Des­tination Image: An Empirical Assessment, Journal of Travel Research, 31:3-13
  • E-Hotelier (2006) erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2006 Fakeye, P. C, ve Crompton, J. L. (1991). Image Differences Betwe-, en Prospective, First-Time, and Repeat. Visitors to the Lo­wer Rio Grande Valley, Journal of Travel Research, 30.10-16
  • Fridgen, J.D. (1987). Use of Cognitive Maps to Determine Percei­ved Tourism Regions, Leisure Sciences, 9:101-117
  • Gartner, W. C (1993). Image Formation Process, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2 (2/3):191-215
  • Gartner, W.C, ve Shen, J. (1992). The Impact of Tiananmen Squ­are on China's Tourism Image, Journal of Travel Research, 30:47-52
  • Ger, G. (1991). Country Image: Perceptions, Attitudes, Associ­ations and Their Relationships to Context, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Marketing and Develop­ment, R. R. Dholakia and K. C. Bothra (eds.), New Dlehi, India,390-398
  • Ger, G. (1997). Bati'nm Gözünde Türkiye'nin İmajı, Görüş, Sayı: 29, Ocak-Şubat, TUSIAD Yayını, Istanbul
  • Gunn, C. (1972). Vacationscape: Designing Tourist Regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas
  • Gallarza M.G. ve Saura I.G. (2002). Destination Image: Towars a Conceptual Framework, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1): 56-78
  • Goodrich, J.N. (1978). A New Approach to Image Analysis thro­ugh Multidimensional Scaling, Journal of Travel Research, 16:3-7
  • Hu, Y. ve Ritchie, J.R.B. (1993). Measuring Destination Attracti­veness: A Contextual Approach, Journal of Travel Research, 32 (2):25-34
  • Hsu C.H.C., Wolfe K. ve Kang K.S. (2004). Image Assesment For A Destination with Limited Comparative Advantages, To­urism Management, 25:121-126
  • Hunt, J. D. (1975). Image As a Factor in Tourist Development, Journal of Travel Research, 13:1-7
  • Jenkins O.H. (1999). Understanding and Measuring Tourist Des­tination Images, International Journal of Tourism Research, (1): 1-15
  • Joppe M.; Martin D.W. ve Wallen J. (2001). Toronto's Image As a Destination: A comporative Importance- Satisfaction Analysis by Origin of Visitors, Journal of Travel Research, 39:252-260
  • Kırcıoğlu, Nazilli, S. (1983). Dış Tanıtım ve Turizm. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Yay
  • Korzay, M. (1994). Turkish Tourism Development., In Seaton, A. V. et al. (Eds.) Tourism-The State of the Art. John Wiley & Sons Ltd..85-99
  • Kozak, R. (2003). Turistik Çekim Merkezi Olarak Türkiye İmajı: iki Asya-Pasifik Ülkesi (Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda) Se­yahat Aracıları Temsilcileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Antolia-Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (2):141-149
  • Lubbe, B. (1998). Primary Image as a Dimension of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment, Journal of Travel and To­urism Marketing, 7 (4):21-43
  • MacKay, K. ve Fesenmaier, D. (1997). Pictorial Element of Des­tination in Image Formation, Annals of Tourism Research, 24:537-65
  • Millan A. ve Pizam, A. (1995). The Role of Awareness and Fami­liarity with a Destination: The Central Florida Case, Jour­nal of Travel Research ,33:21-27
  • Özsoy, O. (1999). Dünü, Bugünü, Yarınıyla Türkiye'yi Dünya'ya Açmak. İstanbul: Ziya Ofset
  • Reilly, M. (1990). Free Elicitation of Descriptive Adjectives for Tourism Image Assessment, Journal of Travel Research, 28: 21-26
  • Rauof, A.G. (1995). The Image of Turkey In The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (Basılmamış Yükseklisans Tezi), Anka­ra: Bilkent University Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration Selby, M. ve N. J. Morgan (1996). Reconstructing Place Image-A case Study of its Role in Destination Market Research, To­urism Management, 17 (4):287-294
  • Sezer, H. ve Harrison, A. (1994). Tourism in Greece and Turkey: An Economic View for Planners, In Seaton, A. V. et al. (Eds.), Tourism-The State of the Art. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
  • Sharaiha,Y.M. ve Collins, P.Q. (1992). Marketing Jordan, as a To­urist Destination, Tourism Management, Mart: 64-70
  • Sönmez, S. ve Sırakaya, E. (2002). A Distorted Destination Ima­ge? The Case of Turkey, Journal of Travel Research, 41 (2): 185-196
  • Tapachai, N. ve Waryszak, R. (2000). An Examination of the Role of Beneficial Image in Tourist Destination Selection., jour­nal of Travel Research, 39 (1):37-44
  • Tasci, A.D.A. (2003). Determinants of Destination Image (Basıl­mamış Doktora Tezi) Michigan State University
  • Tolungüç, A. (1999). Turizmde Tanıtma ve Reklam. Ankara: Media Cat Yayınları
  • Tosun C. ve Bilim Y. (2004). Şehirlerin Turistik Açıdan Pazarlan-ması: Hatay Örneği, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15 (2): 125-138
  • TÜROFED (2005). Avrupa Birliği Kamuoyu Araştırması, Grundfos, Kasım, 2005, Yeşiltepe, A. (2003). Amerikan Okul Kitaplarında Türk İmgesi." NTVMSNBC, (Yayın tarihi: 05/05/2003). 14 Temmuz, 2003 tarihinde adre­sinden alınmıştır
  • Yurtseven R. ve Can E. (2002). Gökçeada'daki Turizm Çekici­liklerinin İmajı: İlk kez ve Birden Fazla Gelen Turistler Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma, Antolia-Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13 (2):148 -155
  • Yıldırım, H. (2002). Kimliğini arayan Türk Devrimi. Türk Kim­liği, (Yayın tarihi: 07/08/2002)14 Temmuz 2003 tarihinde kim3.htm adresinden alınmıştır
  • Walmsley, D.J. ve Young, M. (1998). Evaluative Images and To­urism: The Use of Personal Constructs to Describe the Structure of Destination Images, Journal of Travel Research, 36 (3): 65-69
  • World Tourism Organization (2006).
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Mithat Üner This is me

Evren Güçer This is me

Aslı Taşçı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Üner, M. M., Güçer, E., & Taşçı, A. (2006). Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(2), 189-201.
AMA Üner MM, Güçer E, Taşçı A. Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. December 2006;17(2):189-201.
Chicago Üner, M. Mithat, Evren Güçer, and Aslı Taşçı. “Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 17, no. 2 (December 2006): 189-201.
EndNote Üner MM, Güçer E, Taşçı A (December 1, 2006) Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 17 2 189–201.
IEEE M. M. Üner, E. Güçer, and A. Taşçı, “Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 189–201, 2006.
ISNAD Üner, M. Mithat et al. “Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 17/2 (December 2006), 189-201.
JAMA Üner MM, Güçer E, Taşçı A. Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2006;17:189–201.
MLA Üner, M. Mithat et al. “Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2006, pp. 189-01.
Vancouver Üner MM, Güçer E, Taşçı A. Türkiye Turizminde Yükselen Destinasyon Olarak İstanbul Şehrinin İmajı. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2006;17(2):189-201.