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Impact of relationship quality with supplier on perceived value during industrial purchasing process: An investigation on five-star hotels

Year 2010, Volume: 21 Issue: 1 - Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener Özel Sayısı, 51 - 63, 01.06.2010


This study investigates the effect of relationship quality on five star hotels' managers' perceived value for the supplier firm during their purchase of industrial goods in Turkey. Confirmatory factor analysis and linear regression analysis were applied on data collected from 112 five star hotels' purchasing managers through survey method. Results indicate that relationship quality dimensions of trust, commitment, information sharing, and communication have positive and significant effects on perceived value of supplier. A relationship quality/perceived value grid was developed and some suggestions for marketing managers were presented at the last section.


  • Anderson, E., Chu W. ve Weitz, B. (1987). Industrial Purchasing: An Empirical Exploration of the Buyclass Framework, Journal of Marketing, 51 (July): 71-86
  • Anderson, J. C., Hakansson, H. ve Johanson, J. (1994). Dyadic Business Relationships Within a Business Network Context, Journal of Marketing, 58(4): 1-15
  • Anderson, J. C. ve Narus, J. A. (1990). A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 54(1): 42-58
  • Anderson, J. C. ve Narus, J. A. (1998). Business Marketing: Understand What Customers Value, Harvard Business Review, 76(6): 53– 65
  • Anderson, E. ve Weitz, B. (1992), The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (February): 18-34
  • Bejou, D., Wray, B. ve Ingram, T.N. (1996). Determinants of Relationship Quality: An Artificial Neural Network Analysis, Journal of Business Research, 36(2): 137- 43
  • Bennett, R. ve Gabriel H. (2001). Reputation, Trust and Supplier Commitment: The Case of Shipping Company/Seaport Relations”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 16 (6)
  • Berghman, L., Matthyssens, P. ve Vandenbempt, K. (2006). Building Competences for New Customer Value Creation: An Exploratory Study, Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 961–973
  • Beverland, M. (2005). Creating Value for Channel Partners: The Cervena Case, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 20 (3)
  • Cannon, J. P. ve William, D. P. (1999). Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(4): 439-460
  • Cannon, J. P. ve Homburg, C. (2001). Buyer–Supplier Relationships and Customer Firm Costs, Journal of Marketing, 65 (January): 29–43
  • Chisnall, P.M. (1995). Strategic Business Marketing. NY: Prentice Hall
  • Crosby, L. A., Evans, K.R. ve Cowles, D. (1990). Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective, Journal of Marketing, 54(3): 68-81
  • Day, G. G. (2000). Managing Market Relationships, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1): 24– 30
  • Dorsch, M.J., Swanson S.R. ve Kelley, S.W. (1998). The Role of Relationship Quality in the Stratification of Vendors as Perceived by Customers, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 26(2): 128- 42
  • Doyle, P. (2000). Değer Temelli Pazarlama: Şirketinizi Büyütmek ve Hissedar Değeri Yaratmak İçin Pazarlama Stratejileri. çev.: Gülfidan Barış (2003)
  • Dwyer, F. R. ve Oh, S. (1987), Output Sector Munificence Effects on the Internal Political Economy of Marketing Channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (4): 347-358
  • Dwyer, R.F., Schurr, P.H. ve Oh, S. (1987). Developing buyerseller relationships, Journal of Marketing, 51(April): 11-25
  • Flint, D., Woodruff, R.B. ve Gardial, S.F. (2002). Exploring the Phenomenon of Customers’ Desired Value Change in a Business-to-Business Context, Journal of Marketing, 66 (October ): 102-117
  • Garson L. (2008). Testing of Assumptions, (http://faculty.chass
  • 26 Kasım 2008 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır
  • Groth, J.C. (1994). The exclusive value principle: a concept for marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 3(3): 8-18
  • Grönroos, C. (1997). Value-driven Relational Marketing: From Products to Resources and Competencies, Journal of Marketing Management, 13(5): 407-19
  • Grönroos, C. (2000). Creating a Relationship Dialogue: Communication, Interaction and Value, Marketing Review, 1(1): 1 – 14
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R.E., Tahtam, R.L. ve Black, W.C. (1998), Multivaried Data Analysis. Prentice Hall
  • Hansen, H., Samuelsen, B.M. ve Silseth, P.R. (2008). Customer Perceived Value in B-to-B Service Relationships: Investigating the Importance of Corporate Reputation, Industrial Marketing Management: 37 (2)
  • Haugland, S. A. (1999). Factors Influencing the Duration of International Buyer–Seller Relationships, Journal of Business Research, 46: 273–280
  • Henneberg, S. C., Pardo, C., Mouzas, S. ve Naudé, P. (2005). Value Dimensions and Strategies in Dyadic “Key Relationship Programmes”, Dealing With Dualities, Proceedings on the 21st IMP Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Hennig-Thurau, T. ve Klee, A. (1997). The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Quality on Customer Retention: A Critical Reassessment and Model Development, Psychology and Marketing, 14(8): 737-764
  • Hogan, J. (2001). Expected Relationship Value: A Construct, a Methodology for Measurement, and a Modeling Technique, Industrial Marketing Management, (30): 339-351
  • Huber, F., Herrmann, A. ve Morgan, R.E. (2001). Gaining competitive advantage through customer value oriented management, The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(1): 41-53
  • İçöz O. (1996). Turizm İşletmelerinde Pazarlama, İlkeler ve Uygulama
  • Ankara: Anatolia Yayıncılık
  • Jap, S. D., Manolis, C. ve Weitz, B.A. (1999). Relationship Quality and Buyer–Seller Interactions in Channels of Distribution, Journal of Business Research, 46: 303
  • Komulainen H., Mainela T., Tähtinen J. ve Ulkuniemi P. (2004) Exploring Customer Perceived Value in a Technology Intensive Service Innovation, 20th IMP Conference, 2.- 4.9.2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Kaufman, J.J. (1998). Value Management: Creating Competitive Advantage, Best Management. Practices Series, Crisp Publications, Menlo Park, CA
  • Kavak, B. (2008). Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Tasarım ve Analiz. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Khalifa, A. S. (2004). Customer value: a review of recent literature and an integrative configuration, Management Decision, 42(5): 645-666
  • Kline, R.B. (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modelling. New York: Guilford Press
  • Koçel, T. (2001), İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları
  • Kozak N. (Editör) (2002). Otel İşletmeciliği. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Lagace, R.R., Dahlstrom, R. ve Gassenheimer, J.B. (1991). The Relevance of Ethical Salesperson Behavior on Relationship Quality: The Pharmaceutical Industry, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 4: 39-47
  • Lages, C., Lages, C. R. ve Lages, L. F. (2005). The RELQUAL scale: A Measure of Relationship Quality in Export Market Ventures, Journal of Business Research, 58(8): 1040-1048
  • Lapierre, J. (2000). Customer-Perceived Value in Industrial Contexts, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 15 (2–3): 122–40
  • Lemmink, J., De Ruyter, K. ve Wetzels, M. (1998). The Role of Value in the Delivery Process of Hospitality, Services Journal of Economic Psychology, 19(2): 159–177
  • Lindgreen, A. ve Wynstrab, T.F. (2005). Value in Business Markets: What do we know? Where are we going? Industrial Marketing Management, 34: 732– 748
  • Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S.G., Adidam, P.T. ve Edison, S.W
  • (1999) Antecedents and Consequences of Marketing Strategy Making: a Model and a Test, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April): 18- 40
  • Menon, A., Homburg C. ve Beutin N. (2005). Understanding Customer Value in Business-to-Business Relationships, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 12 (2)
  • Morgan, R.M. ve Hunt, S.D. (1994). The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58: 20-38
  • Möller, K. (2006). Role of competences in creating customer value: A value-creation logic approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 913–924
  • Naudé, P. ve Buttle, F. (2000). Assessing relationship quality, Industrial Marketing Management, 29(4): 351–361
  • Ndubisi, N.O. (2004), Understanding the Silence of Cultural Dimensions on Relationship Marketing, its Underpinning and Aftermaths, Cross Cultural Management, 11(3): 70-89
  • Ndubisi, N.O. (2007). Relationship quality antecedents: the Malaysian retail banking perspective International, Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 24(8)
  • Olalı, H. ve Korzay M.. (1989). Otel İşletmeciliği. İstanbul: İşletme Fakültesi Yayın No: 214
  • Palmatier, R.W., Dant, R.P., Grewal, D. ve Evans, K.R. (2006)
  • Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Marketing, 70 (October): 136–153
  • Palmer, A. ve Bejou, D. (1994). Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Investigation, Journal of Marketing Management, 10: 495-512
  • Payne, A. ve Holt, S. (1999). A Review of the ‘Value’ Literature and Implications for Relationship Marketing, Australasian Marketing Journal, 7(1): 41
  • Roberts, K., Varkı, S. ve Brodie, R. (2003), Me, asuring the quality of relationships in consumer services: an empirical study, European Journal of Marketing, 37(1/2): 169-96
  • Ruekert, R. W. ve Churchill, G. A. (1984). Reliability and Validity of Alternative Measures of Channel Member Satisfaction
  • Journal of Marketing Research, 21 (May): 226-33
  • Ryssel, R., Ritter, T. ve Gemunden, H.G. (2004). The impact of information technology deployment on trust, commitment and value creation in business relationships, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19(3): 197-207
  • Schreiber, J. B., Amaury N., Stage F., Barlow, E. A. ve King, J
  • (2006). Reporting Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results: A Review, Journal of Educational Research, July/August, 99(6): 323
  • Sharma, A. ve Sheth, J.N. (1997). Relationship marketing: an agenda for inquiry, Industrial Marketing Management, 26: 87-89
  • Sheth, J. N., Newman, B. ve Gross, B.L. (1991). Why we buy what we buy: a theory of consumption values, Journal of Business Research, 22: 159-70
  • Spiteri, J. M. ve Dion, P.A. (2004). Customer value, overall satisfaction, end-user loyalty, and market performance in detail intensive industries, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 675–687
  • Şimşek, Ö. F. (2007). Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş (Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları). Ankara: Ekinoks
  • Ulaga, W. ve Eggert, A. (2006). Value-Based Differentiation in Business Relationships: Gaining and Sustaining Key Supplier Status, Journal of Marketing, 70 (January): 119–136
  • Tektaş Özkan, Ö. (2009) Endüstriyel Pazarlara İlişkin Satın Alma Modellerinin Müşterinin Algıladığı Değer ve İlişki Kalitesi Bağlamında İncelenmesi ve Tamamlayıcı Bir Model Önerisi (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi) Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  • Walter, A., Müller, T. A., Gabriele, H. ve Ritter, T. (2003). Functions of Industrial Supplier Relationships and Their Impact on Relationship Quality, Industrial Marketing Management, 32: 159-169
  • Walter, A., Ritter, T. ve Gemünden, G. (2001). Value Creation in Buyer–Seller Relationships Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results from a Supplier’s Perspective, Industrial Marketing Management, 30: 365–377
  • Webster, F. E. (1991). Industrial Marketing Strategy. Üçüncü Baskı, John Wiley & Sons
  • Williamson, O. E. (1985). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, and Relational Contracting. New York: The Free Press
  • Woodruff, R. B. (1997). Customer Value: The Next Source of Competitive Advantage, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(2): 139– 153
  • Wray, B., Palmer, A. ve Bejau, D. (1994). Using Neural Network Analysis to Evaluate Buyer-Seller Relationships, European Journal of Marketing, 28(10): 32-48
  • Zeithalm, V. A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence, Journal of Marketing, July, 52: 2-22
  • Zengin, B. (2001). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Önbüro Yönetimi ve Önbüro Otomasyon Sistemleri. İstanbul:Değişim Yayınları.

Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma

Year 2010, Volume: 21 Issue: 1 - Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener Özel Sayısı, 51 - 63, 01.06.2010


Çalışmada, Türkiye'deki Turizm sektöründe faaliyet gösteren beş yıldızlı otel yöneticilerinin, üretim mallarını satın alma süreçlerinde, tedarikçileri ile olan ilişki kalitesinin, o tedarikçiyle ilgili olarak algıladıkları değer üzerindeki etkisi incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla 112 beş yıldızlı otelin satın alma yöneticilerinden anket yöntemi ile toplanan verilere doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve doğrusal regresyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, ilişki kalitesi boyutlarından güven, bağlılık, bilgi paylaşımı ve iletişimin, otel yöneticilerinin algıladıkları değer üzerinde anlamlı ve olumlu etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Son kısımda, çalışmanın bulgularından faydalanılarak oluşturulan ilişki kalitesi/ algılanan değer matrisi sunulmakta ve pazarlama yöneticileri için önerilerde bulunulmaktadır.


  • Anderson, E., Chu W. ve Weitz, B. (1987). Industrial Purchasing: An Empirical Exploration of the Buyclass Framework, Journal of Marketing, 51 (July): 71-86
  • Anderson, J. C., Hakansson, H. ve Johanson, J. (1994). Dyadic Business Relationships Within a Business Network Context, Journal of Marketing, 58(4): 1-15
  • Anderson, J. C. ve Narus, J. A. (1990). A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 54(1): 42-58
  • Anderson, J. C. ve Narus, J. A. (1998). Business Marketing: Understand What Customers Value, Harvard Business Review, 76(6): 53– 65
  • Anderson, E. ve Weitz, B. (1992), The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (February): 18-34
  • Bejou, D., Wray, B. ve Ingram, T.N. (1996). Determinants of Relationship Quality: An Artificial Neural Network Analysis, Journal of Business Research, 36(2): 137- 43
  • Bennett, R. ve Gabriel H. (2001). Reputation, Trust and Supplier Commitment: The Case of Shipping Company/Seaport Relations”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 16 (6)
  • Berghman, L., Matthyssens, P. ve Vandenbempt, K. (2006). Building Competences for New Customer Value Creation: An Exploratory Study, Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 961–973
  • Beverland, M. (2005). Creating Value for Channel Partners: The Cervena Case, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 20 (3)
  • Cannon, J. P. ve William, D. P. (1999). Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(4): 439-460
  • Cannon, J. P. ve Homburg, C. (2001). Buyer–Supplier Relationships and Customer Firm Costs, Journal of Marketing, 65 (January): 29–43
  • Chisnall, P.M. (1995). Strategic Business Marketing. NY: Prentice Hall
  • Crosby, L. A., Evans, K.R. ve Cowles, D. (1990). Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective, Journal of Marketing, 54(3): 68-81
  • Day, G. G. (2000). Managing Market Relationships, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1): 24– 30
  • Dorsch, M.J., Swanson S.R. ve Kelley, S.W. (1998). The Role of Relationship Quality in the Stratification of Vendors as Perceived by Customers, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 26(2): 128- 42
  • Doyle, P. (2000). Değer Temelli Pazarlama: Şirketinizi Büyütmek ve Hissedar Değeri Yaratmak İçin Pazarlama Stratejileri. çev.: Gülfidan Barış (2003)
  • Dwyer, F. R. ve Oh, S. (1987), Output Sector Munificence Effects on the Internal Political Economy of Marketing Channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (4): 347-358
  • Dwyer, R.F., Schurr, P.H. ve Oh, S. (1987). Developing buyerseller relationships, Journal of Marketing, 51(April): 11-25
  • Flint, D., Woodruff, R.B. ve Gardial, S.F. (2002). Exploring the Phenomenon of Customers’ Desired Value Change in a Business-to-Business Context, Journal of Marketing, 66 (October ): 102-117
  • Garson L. (2008). Testing of Assumptions, (http://faculty.chass
  • 26 Kasım 2008 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır
  • Groth, J.C. (1994). The exclusive value principle: a concept for marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 3(3): 8-18
  • Grönroos, C. (1997). Value-driven Relational Marketing: From Products to Resources and Competencies, Journal of Marketing Management, 13(5): 407-19
  • Grönroos, C. (2000). Creating a Relationship Dialogue: Communication, Interaction and Value, Marketing Review, 1(1): 1 – 14
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R.E., Tahtam, R.L. ve Black, W.C. (1998), Multivaried Data Analysis. Prentice Hall
  • Hansen, H., Samuelsen, B.M. ve Silseth, P.R. (2008). Customer Perceived Value in B-to-B Service Relationships: Investigating the Importance of Corporate Reputation, Industrial Marketing Management: 37 (2)
  • Haugland, S. A. (1999). Factors Influencing the Duration of International Buyer–Seller Relationships, Journal of Business Research, 46: 273–280
  • Henneberg, S. C., Pardo, C., Mouzas, S. ve Naudé, P. (2005). Value Dimensions and Strategies in Dyadic “Key Relationship Programmes”, Dealing With Dualities, Proceedings on the 21st IMP Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Hennig-Thurau, T. ve Klee, A. (1997). The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Quality on Customer Retention: A Critical Reassessment and Model Development, Psychology and Marketing, 14(8): 737-764
  • Hogan, J. (2001). Expected Relationship Value: A Construct, a Methodology for Measurement, and a Modeling Technique, Industrial Marketing Management, (30): 339-351
  • Huber, F., Herrmann, A. ve Morgan, R.E. (2001). Gaining competitive advantage through customer value oriented management, The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(1): 41-53
  • İçöz O. (1996). Turizm İşletmelerinde Pazarlama, İlkeler ve Uygulama
  • Ankara: Anatolia Yayıncılık
  • Jap, S. D., Manolis, C. ve Weitz, B.A. (1999). Relationship Quality and Buyer–Seller Interactions in Channels of Distribution, Journal of Business Research, 46: 303
  • Komulainen H., Mainela T., Tähtinen J. ve Ulkuniemi P. (2004) Exploring Customer Perceived Value in a Technology Intensive Service Innovation, 20th IMP Conference, 2.- 4.9.2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Kaufman, J.J. (1998). Value Management: Creating Competitive Advantage, Best Management. Practices Series, Crisp Publications, Menlo Park, CA
  • Kavak, B. (2008). Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Tasarım ve Analiz. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Khalifa, A. S. (2004). Customer value: a review of recent literature and an integrative configuration, Management Decision, 42(5): 645-666
  • Kline, R.B. (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modelling. New York: Guilford Press
  • Koçel, T. (2001), İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları
  • Kozak N. (Editör) (2002). Otel İşletmeciliği. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Lagace, R.R., Dahlstrom, R. ve Gassenheimer, J.B. (1991). The Relevance of Ethical Salesperson Behavior on Relationship Quality: The Pharmaceutical Industry, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 4: 39-47
  • Lages, C., Lages, C. R. ve Lages, L. F. (2005). The RELQUAL scale: A Measure of Relationship Quality in Export Market Ventures, Journal of Business Research, 58(8): 1040-1048
  • Lapierre, J. (2000). Customer-Perceived Value in Industrial Contexts, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 15 (2–3): 122–40
  • Lemmink, J., De Ruyter, K. ve Wetzels, M. (1998). The Role of Value in the Delivery Process of Hospitality, Services Journal of Economic Psychology, 19(2): 159–177
  • Lindgreen, A. ve Wynstrab, T.F. (2005). Value in Business Markets: What do we know? Where are we going? Industrial Marketing Management, 34: 732– 748
  • Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S.G., Adidam, P.T. ve Edison, S.W
  • (1999) Antecedents and Consequences of Marketing Strategy Making: a Model and a Test, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April): 18- 40
  • Menon, A., Homburg C. ve Beutin N. (2005). Understanding Customer Value in Business-to-Business Relationships, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 12 (2)
  • Morgan, R.M. ve Hunt, S.D. (1994). The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58: 20-38
  • Möller, K. (2006). Role of competences in creating customer value: A value-creation logic approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 913–924
  • Naudé, P. ve Buttle, F. (2000). Assessing relationship quality, Industrial Marketing Management, 29(4): 351–361
  • Ndubisi, N.O. (2004), Understanding the Silence of Cultural Dimensions on Relationship Marketing, its Underpinning and Aftermaths, Cross Cultural Management, 11(3): 70-89
  • Ndubisi, N.O. (2007). Relationship quality antecedents: the Malaysian retail banking perspective International, Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 24(8)
  • Olalı, H. ve Korzay M.. (1989). Otel İşletmeciliği. İstanbul: İşletme Fakültesi Yayın No: 214
  • Palmatier, R.W., Dant, R.P., Grewal, D. ve Evans, K.R. (2006)
  • Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Marketing, 70 (October): 136–153
  • Palmer, A. ve Bejou, D. (1994). Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Investigation, Journal of Marketing Management, 10: 495-512
  • Payne, A. ve Holt, S. (1999). A Review of the ‘Value’ Literature and Implications for Relationship Marketing, Australasian Marketing Journal, 7(1): 41
  • Roberts, K., Varkı, S. ve Brodie, R. (2003), Me, asuring the quality of relationships in consumer services: an empirical study, European Journal of Marketing, 37(1/2): 169-96
  • Ruekert, R. W. ve Churchill, G. A. (1984). Reliability and Validity of Alternative Measures of Channel Member Satisfaction
  • Journal of Marketing Research, 21 (May): 226-33
  • Ryssel, R., Ritter, T. ve Gemunden, H.G. (2004). The impact of information technology deployment on trust, commitment and value creation in business relationships, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19(3): 197-207
  • Schreiber, J. B., Amaury N., Stage F., Barlow, E. A. ve King, J
  • (2006). Reporting Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results: A Review, Journal of Educational Research, July/August, 99(6): 323
  • Sharma, A. ve Sheth, J.N. (1997). Relationship marketing: an agenda for inquiry, Industrial Marketing Management, 26: 87-89
  • Sheth, J. N., Newman, B. ve Gross, B.L. (1991). Why we buy what we buy: a theory of consumption values, Journal of Business Research, 22: 159-70
  • Spiteri, J. M. ve Dion, P.A. (2004). Customer value, overall satisfaction, end-user loyalty, and market performance in detail intensive industries, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 675–687
  • Şimşek, Ö. F. (2007). Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş (Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları). Ankara: Ekinoks
  • Ulaga, W. ve Eggert, A. (2006). Value-Based Differentiation in Business Relationships: Gaining and Sustaining Key Supplier Status, Journal of Marketing, 70 (January): 119–136
  • Tektaş Özkan, Ö. (2009) Endüstriyel Pazarlara İlişkin Satın Alma Modellerinin Müşterinin Algıladığı Değer ve İlişki Kalitesi Bağlamında İncelenmesi ve Tamamlayıcı Bir Model Önerisi (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi) Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  • Walter, A., Müller, T. A., Gabriele, H. ve Ritter, T. (2003). Functions of Industrial Supplier Relationships and Their Impact on Relationship Quality, Industrial Marketing Management, 32: 159-169
  • Walter, A., Ritter, T. ve Gemünden, G. (2001). Value Creation in Buyer–Seller Relationships Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results from a Supplier’s Perspective, Industrial Marketing Management, 30: 365–377
  • Webster, F. E. (1991). Industrial Marketing Strategy. Üçüncü Baskı, John Wiley & Sons
  • Williamson, O. E. (1985). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, and Relational Contracting. New York: The Free Press
  • Woodruff, R. B. (1997). Customer Value: The Next Source of Competitive Advantage, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(2): 139– 153
  • Wray, B., Palmer, A. ve Bejau, D. (1994). Using Neural Network Analysis to Evaluate Buyer-Seller Relationships, European Journal of Marketing, 28(10): 32-48
  • Zeithalm, V. A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence, Journal of Marketing, July, 52: 2-22
  • Zengin, B. (2001). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Önbüro Yönetimi ve Önbüro Otomasyon Sistemleri. İstanbul:Değişim Yayınları.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Özkan Öznur Tektaş This is me

Bahtışen Kavak This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 21 Issue: 1 - Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener Özel Sayısı


APA Tektaş, Ö. Ö., & Kavak, B. (2010). Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 21(1), 51-63.
AMA Tektaş ÖÖ, Kavak B. Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. June 2010;21(1):51-63.
Chicago Tektaş, Özkan Öznur, and Bahtışen Kavak. “Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi Ile Olan ilişki Kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki Etkisi: Beş yıldızlı Otellerde Bir araştırma”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 21, no. 1 (June 2010): 51-63.
EndNote Tektaş ÖÖ, Kavak B (June 1, 2010) Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 21 1 51–63.
IEEE Ö. Ö. Tektaş and B. Kavak, “Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 51–63, 2010.
ISNAD Tektaş, Özkan Öznur - Kavak, Bahtışen. “Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi Ile Olan ilişki Kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki Etkisi: Beş yıldızlı Otellerde Bir araştırma”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 21/1 (June 2010), 51-63.
JAMA Tektaş ÖÖ, Kavak B. Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2010;21:51–63.
MLA Tektaş, Özkan Öznur and Bahtışen Kavak. “Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi Ile Olan ilişki Kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki Etkisi: Beş yıldızlı Otellerde Bir araştırma”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, 2010, pp. 51-63.
Vancouver Tektaş ÖÖ, Kavak B. Endüstriyel ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde tedarikçi ile olan ilişki kalitesinin algılanan değer üzerindeki etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otellerde bir araştırma. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2010;21(1):51-63.