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Service orientation as a personality trait of employees and its measurement: A literature review

Year 2011, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 139 - 153, 01.06.2011


The purpose of this study is to define service orientation construct as an aspect of personality traits, examine various scales for measuring it and review and summarize empirical studies related to the consequences of service orientation for employees and organizations. In this regard, the study is a literature review of the conceptual and empirical literature regarding the service orientation construct. The literature review indicates that service orientation at the individual level is a combination of biologically based personality traits as well as early learning and socialization experience of individuals which lead to certain cultural values, attitudes and behaviors. Empirical literature shows that many scales, which are not identical, are developed to measure individual service orientation and service orientation is strongly related to employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, job stability, service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty


  • Alge, B. J.; Gresham, M. T.; Heneman, R. L.; Fox, J. ve McMasters, R. (2002). Measuring Customer Service Orientation Using a Measure of Interpersonal Skill: A Preliminary Test in Public Service Organization, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(3): 467- 476
  • Barrick, M. ve Mount, M. (1991). The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta Analysis, Personnel Psychology, 44: 1-26
  • Baydoun, R.; Rose, D. ve Emperado, T. (2001). Measuring Cuustomer Service Orientaion: An Examination of the Validity of the Customer Service Profile, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(4): 605-620
  • Bettencourt, L.; Meuter, M. L. ve Gwinner, K. P. (2001). A Comparison of Attitude, Personality and Knowledge Predictors of Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1): 29-41
  • Bitner, M. J.; Booms, B. H. ve Tetreault, M. S. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents, Journal of Marketing, 54(1): 71-84
  • Bowen, D.E. ve Schneider, B. (1985). Boundary-Spanning Role Employees and the Service Encounter: Some Guidelines for Management and Research. İçinde J.A. Czepiel, M.R
  • Solomon ve C.F. Surprenant (Editörler), The Service Encounter (ss.127- 147). Lexington, MA: Lexington Press
  • Brown, T. J.; Mowen, J. C.;Donavan, D.T. ve Licata, J. W. (2002)
  • The Customer Orientation of Service Workers: Personality Trait Effects on Self and Superior Performance Raitings, Journal of Marketing Research, 39(1): 110- 119
  • Carraher, S. M.; Mendoza, J. L.; Buckley, M. R.; Schoenfeldt, L
  • F. ve Carraher, C. E. (1998). Validation of an Instrument to Measure Service-Orientation, Journal of Quality Management, 3(2): 21l-224
  • Carraher, S. M.; Parnell, J. A. ve Spillan, J. E. (2009). Customer Service-Orientation of Small Retail Business Owners in Austria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, Baltic Journal of Management, 4(3): 251-268
  • Chait, H.N.; Carraher, S. M. ve Buckley, R. M. (2000). Measuring Service Orientation with Biodata, Journal of Managerial Issues, 12(1): 109- 120
  • Chandrasekhar, S. F. (2001). Service Orientation and Persistence at Work: A Study of Corporate Hospital Employees, Journal of Management Research, 1(2): 79- 86
  • Chen, Y. J. (2007). Relationships Among Service Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the International Tourist Hotel Industry, Journal of American Academy of Business, 11(2): 71-82
  • Cloninger, S. (2009). Conceptual Issues in Personality Psychology
  • İçinde P.J. Corr ve G. Matthews(Editörler), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (ss 3-26)
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Coelho, F. J.; Augusto, M. G. ve Coelho, A. F. ve Sá, P. M. (2010)
  • Climate Perceptions and the Customer Orientation of Frontline Service Employees, The Service Industries Journal, 30(8): 1343–1357
  • Costa, P. T. ve McCrae, R. R. (1992). NEO PI/ FFI Manual Supplement
  • Odessa FL: Psychological Assesment Resources
  • Costen, W. M. ve Barrash, D. I. (2006). ACE-ing the Hiring Process: A Customer Service Orientation Model, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 5(1): 35-49
  • Cran, D. J. (1994). Towards Validation of the Service Orientation Construct, The Service Industries Journal, 14(1): 34-44
  • Değermen, A. (2008). Hizmet Personelinin Müşteri Odaklı Davranışlarının Müşterilerin Algılamaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Saptanmasına Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Öneri Dergisi,8(30):185-193
  • DeYoung, C. G ve Gray, J. R. (2009). Personality Neuroscience: Explaining Individual Differences in Affect, Behaviour and Cognition. İçinde P. J. Corr ve G. Matthews (Editörler), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (ss
  • 323-346). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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  • Donavan, D. T. ve Hocutt, M. A. (2001). Customer Evaluation of Service Employee’s Customer Orientation: Extension and Application, Journal of Quality Management, 6: 293-306
  • Donavan, D. T.; Brown, T. J. ve Mowen, J.C. (2004). Internal Benefits of Service-Worker Customer Orientation: Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Journal of Marketing, 68: 128–146
  • Eren, D. (2007). Örgütsel Hizmet Odaklılığın İşletme Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Erciyes Üniversitesi
  • Franke, G. R. ve Park, J. (2006). Salesperson Adaptive Selling Behavior and Customer Orientation: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (4): 693–702
  • Frei, R. L. ve McDaniel, M. A. (1998). Validty of Customer Service Measures in Personnel Selection: A Rewiev of Criteration and Construct Evedence, Human Performance, 11(1):1-27
  • Goff, B. G.; Boles, J. S.; Bellenger, D. N. ve Stojack, C. (1997). The Influence of Salesperson Selling Behaviors on Customer Satisfaction with Products, Journal of Retailing, 73(2), pp
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  • Goldberg, L. R. (1992). The Development of Markers fort he Big- Five Factor Structure, Psychological Assessment, 4: 26-42
  • Groves, J. (1992). Percieved Service Orientation of Restaurant Employees (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kansas State University
  • Hartline, M. D. ve Jones, K. C. (1996). Employee Perfor¬mance Cues in a Hotel Service Environment: Influence on Perceived Service Quality, Value and Word of Mouth Intentions, Journal of Business Research, 35 (3): 207-215
  • Hennig-Thurau, T. (2004). Customer orientation of Service Employees: Its impact on Customer Satisfaction, Commitment, and Retention, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(5): 460-478
  • Hoffman, K. D. ve Ingram, T. N. (1991). Creating Customer-Oriented Employees: The Case in Home Health Care, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 11(2): 24-32
  • Hogan, J.; Hogan, R. ve Busch, C. M. (1984). How to Measure Service Orientation, Journal of Applied Psyhology, 69(1): 167-173
  • Holland, J. L. (1976). Vocational Preferences. İçinde M. D. Dunnette (Editör), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago: Rand Mc. Nally Holland, J. L. ve Baird, L. L. (1968). An Interpersonal Competency Scale, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 28(2): 503-510
  • Homburg, C.; Hoyer, W. D. ve Fassnacht, M. (October 2002)
  • Service Orientation of a Retailer Business Strategy: Dimension, Antecendents and Performance Outcomes, Journal of Marketing, 66 (44): 86-101
  • Hurley, R. F. (1998). Customer Service Behaviors in Retail Settings: A Study of the Effect of Service Provider Personality, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (2): 115-127
  • Ineson, E. M. ve Brown, S. H. P. (1992). The Use of Biodata for Hotel Employee Selection, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 4(2): 8-12
  • Jaramillo, F. ve Grisaffe, D. B. (2009). Does Customer Orientation Impact Objective Sales Performance? Insights From a Longıtudinal Model in Direct Selling, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 29(2): 167–178
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  • John, O.P.; Donahue, E. M. ve Kentle, R. L. (1991). The Big Five Inventory Versions 4a and 54. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Personality and Social Research
  • Johns, N.; Chan, A. ve Yeung, H. (2003). The Impact of Chinese Culture on Service Predisposition, The Service Industries Journal, 23(5): 107- 122
  • Johns, N.; Henwood, J. ve Seaman, C. (2007). Culture and Service Predisposition Among Hospitality Students in Switzerland and Scotland, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(2): 146-158
  • Kelley, S. W. (1992). Developing Customer Orientation Among Service Employees, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20, 27-36
  • Kim, H. J. (2000). Impact of Employee Service Orientation on Service Quality in the Restaurant Business (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kansas State University
  • Kim, W. G.; Leong, J. K. ve Lee, Y. K. (2005). Effect of Service Orientation on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Intention of Leaving in a Casual Dining Chain Restaurant, International Hospitality Management, 24 (2): 171-193
  • Kusluvan, S.; Kusluvan, Z.; Ilhan, İ. ve Buyruk, L. (2010). The Human Dimension: A Review of Human Resources Management Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51 (2): 171- 214 Kuşluvan, S. (2003). Employee Attitudes and Behaviors and Their Roles for Tourism and Hospitality Business. İçinde S. Kusluvan (Editör), Managing Employee Attitudes and Behaviors in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (ss. 25-30)
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İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması

Year 2011, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 139 - 153, 01.06.2011


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireysel düzeyde kişilik özelliklerinin bir yönü olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığının tanımını, ölçümünü, işgörenler ve işletmeler açısından sonuçlarını ilgili literatür ışığında irdelemektir. Başka bir ifade ile bu çalışma, bireysel düzeyde hizmet verme yatkınlığı ile ilgili kavramsal ve görgül literatürün bir taraması niteliğindedir. İlgili literatürün incelenmesi sonucunda bireysel düzeyde hizmet verme yatkınlığının, doğuştan gelen kişilik özellikleri ile öğrenme deneyiminin etkileşimi ve birleşimi sonucu oluştuğu; tüketicilerin gereksinimlerini karşılamaya ve iyi hizmet vermeye istekli ve yetenekli olma, tüketicilerle etkili iletişim kurabilme ve bundan zevk alabilme gibi kişilik özelliklerini, tutum ve davranışları kapsadığı görülmektedir. Buna ilaveten, hizmet verme yatkınlığını ölçmek üzere birbiriyle tam olarak örtüşmeyen çok sayıda ölçek geliştirildiği; hizmet verme yatkınlığının işgören performansını, iş tatminini, örgütsel bağlılığı, iş istikrarını, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışını, hizmet kalitesini, müşteri memnuniyetini ve sadakatini etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alge, B. J.; Gresham, M. T.; Heneman, R. L.; Fox, J. ve McMasters, R. (2002). Measuring Customer Service Orientation Using a Measure of Interpersonal Skill: A Preliminary Test in Public Service Organization, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(3): 467- 476
  • Barrick, M. ve Mount, M. (1991). The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta Analysis, Personnel Psychology, 44: 1-26
  • Baydoun, R.; Rose, D. ve Emperado, T. (2001). Measuring Cuustomer Service Orientaion: An Examination of the Validity of the Customer Service Profile, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(4): 605-620
  • Bettencourt, L.; Meuter, M. L. ve Gwinner, K. P. (2001). A Comparison of Attitude, Personality and Knowledge Predictors of Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1): 29-41
  • Bitner, M. J.; Booms, B. H. ve Tetreault, M. S. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents, Journal of Marketing, 54(1): 71-84
  • Bowen, D.E. ve Schneider, B. (1985). Boundary-Spanning Role Employees and the Service Encounter: Some Guidelines for Management and Research. İçinde J.A. Czepiel, M.R
  • Solomon ve C.F. Surprenant (Editörler), The Service Encounter (ss.127- 147). Lexington, MA: Lexington Press
  • Brown, T. J.; Mowen, J. C.;Donavan, D.T. ve Licata, J. W. (2002)
  • The Customer Orientation of Service Workers: Personality Trait Effects on Self and Superior Performance Raitings, Journal of Marketing Research, 39(1): 110- 119
  • Carraher, S. M.; Mendoza, J. L.; Buckley, M. R.; Schoenfeldt, L
  • F. ve Carraher, C. E. (1998). Validation of an Instrument to Measure Service-Orientation, Journal of Quality Management, 3(2): 21l-224
  • Carraher, S. M.; Parnell, J. A. ve Spillan, J. E. (2009). Customer Service-Orientation of Small Retail Business Owners in Austria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, Baltic Journal of Management, 4(3): 251-268
  • Chait, H.N.; Carraher, S. M. ve Buckley, R. M. (2000). Measuring Service Orientation with Biodata, Journal of Managerial Issues, 12(1): 109- 120
  • Chandrasekhar, S. F. (2001). Service Orientation and Persistence at Work: A Study of Corporate Hospital Employees, Journal of Management Research, 1(2): 79- 86
  • Chen, Y. J. (2007). Relationships Among Service Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the International Tourist Hotel Industry, Journal of American Academy of Business, 11(2): 71-82
  • Cloninger, S. (2009). Conceptual Issues in Personality Psychology
  • İçinde P.J. Corr ve G. Matthews(Editörler), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (ss 3-26)
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Coelho, F. J.; Augusto, M. G. ve Coelho, A. F. ve Sá, P. M. (2010)
  • Climate Perceptions and the Customer Orientation of Frontline Service Employees, The Service Industries Journal, 30(8): 1343–1357
  • Costa, P. T. ve McCrae, R. R. (1992). NEO PI/ FFI Manual Supplement
  • Odessa FL: Psychological Assesment Resources
  • Costen, W. M. ve Barrash, D. I. (2006). ACE-ing the Hiring Process: A Customer Service Orientation Model, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 5(1): 35-49
  • Cran, D. J. (1994). Towards Validation of the Service Orientation Construct, The Service Industries Journal, 14(1): 34-44
  • Değermen, A. (2008). Hizmet Personelinin Müşteri Odaklı Davranışlarının Müşterilerin Algılamaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Saptanmasına Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Öneri Dergisi,8(30):185-193
  • DeYoung, C. G ve Gray, J. R. (2009). Personality Neuroscience: Explaining Individual Differences in Affect, Behaviour and Cognition. İçinde P. J. Corr ve G. Matthews (Editörler), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (ss
  • 323-346). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Dienhart, J. R.; Gregoire, M. B.; Downey, R. Knight, P. K. (1992)
  • Service Orientation of Restaurant Employees, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11(4): 331-346
  • Donavan, D. T. (1999). Antecedents and Consequences of the Contact Empoloyee’s Service Orientation: From Personality Traits to Service Behaviors. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Oklahoma State University
  • Donavan, D. T. ve Hocutt, M. A. (2001). Customer Evaluation of Service Employee’s Customer Orientation: Extension and Application, Journal of Quality Management, 6: 293-306
  • Donavan, D. T.; Brown, T. J. ve Mowen, J.C. (2004). Internal Benefits of Service-Worker Customer Orientation: Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Journal of Marketing, 68: 128–146
  • Eren, D. (2007). Örgütsel Hizmet Odaklılığın İşletme Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Erciyes Üniversitesi
  • Franke, G. R. ve Park, J. (2006). Salesperson Adaptive Selling Behavior and Customer Orientation: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (4): 693–702
  • Frei, R. L. ve McDaniel, M. A. (1998). Validty of Customer Service Measures in Personnel Selection: A Rewiev of Criteration and Construct Evedence, Human Performance, 11(1):1-27
  • Goff, B. G.; Boles, J. S.; Bellenger, D. N. ve Stojack, C. (1997). The Influence of Salesperson Selling Behaviors on Customer Satisfaction with Products, Journal of Retailing, 73(2), pp
  • 171-183
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1992). The Development of Markers fort he Big- Five Factor Structure, Psychological Assessment, 4: 26-42
  • Groves, J. (1992). Percieved Service Orientation of Restaurant Employees (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kansas State University
  • Hartline, M. D. ve Jones, K. C. (1996). Employee Perfor¬mance Cues in a Hotel Service Environment: Influence on Perceived Service Quality, Value and Word of Mouth Intentions, Journal of Business Research, 35 (3): 207-215
  • Hennig-Thurau, T. (2004). Customer orientation of Service Employees: Its impact on Customer Satisfaction, Commitment, and Retention, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(5): 460-478
  • Hoffman, K. D. ve Ingram, T. N. (1991). Creating Customer-Oriented Employees: The Case in Home Health Care, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 11(2): 24-32
  • Hogan, J.; Hogan, R. ve Busch, C. M. (1984). How to Measure Service Orientation, Journal of Applied Psyhology, 69(1): 167-173
  • Holland, J. L. (1976). Vocational Preferences. İçinde M. D. Dunnette (Editör), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago: Rand Mc. Nally Holland, J. L. ve Baird, L. L. (1968). An Interpersonal Competency Scale, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 28(2): 503-510
  • Homburg, C.; Hoyer, W. D. ve Fassnacht, M. (October 2002)
  • Service Orientation of a Retailer Business Strategy: Dimension, Antecendents and Performance Outcomes, Journal of Marketing, 66 (44): 86-101
  • Hurley, R. F. (1998). Customer Service Behaviors in Retail Settings: A Study of the Effect of Service Provider Personality, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (2): 115-127
  • Ineson, E. M. ve Brown, S. H. P. (1992). The Use of Biodata for Hotel Employee Selection, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 4(2): 8-12
  • Jaramillo, F. ve Grisaffe, D. B. (2009). Does Customer Orientation Impact Objective Sales Performance? Insights From a Longıtudinal Model in Direct Selling, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 29(2): 167–178
  • John, O.P. ve Srivastava, S. (1999). The Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History, Measurement and Theoretical Perspectives. İçinde O. P. John; R. W. Robins ve L. A. Pervin (Editörler), Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research (İkinci Baskı) (ss. 102- 138), New York: Guilford Press
  • John, O.P.; Donahue, E. M. ve Kentle, R. L. (1991). The Big Five Inventory Versions 4a and 54. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Personality and Social Research
  • Johns, N.; Chan, A. ve Yeung, H. (2003). The Impact of Chinese Culture on Service Predisposition, The Service Industries Journal, 23(5): 107- 122
  • Johns, N.; Henwood, J. ve Seaman, C. (2007). Culture and Service Predisposition Among Hospitality Students in Switzerland and Scotland, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(2): 146-158
  • Kelley, S. W. (1992). Developing Customer Orientation Among Service Employees, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20, 27-36
  • Kim, H. J. (2000). Impact of Employee Service Orientation on Service Quality in the Restaurant Business (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kansas State University
  • Kim, W. G.; Leong, J. K. ve Lee, Y. K. (2005). Effect of Service Orientation on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Intention of Leaving in a Casual Dining Chain Restaurant, International Hospitality Management, 24 (2): 171-193
  • Kusluvan, S.; Kusluvan, Z.; Ilhan, İ. ve Buyruk, L. (2010). The Human Dimension: A Review of Human Resources Management Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51 (2): 171- 214 Kuşluvan, S. (2003). Employee Attitudes and Behaviors and Their Roles for Tourism and Hospitality Business. İçinde S. Kusluvan (Editör), Managing Employee Attitudes and Behaviors in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (ss. 25-30)
  • New York: Nova Publisher, Inc
  • Lee-Ross, D ve Pryce, J. (2005). A preliminary Study of Service Predispositions Amongst Hospitality Workers in Australia, Journal of Management Development, 24 (5): 410-420
  • Lee-Ross, D. (1999). A Comparison of Service Predispositions Between NHS Nurses and Hospitality Workers, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 12(3): 92- 97
  • Lee-Ross, D. (2000). Development of the Service Predisposition Instrument, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(2): 148-157
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Salih Kuşluvan This is me

Duygu Eren This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Kuşluvan, S., & Eren, D. (2011). İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 22(2), 139-153.
AMA Kuşluvan S, Eren D. İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. June 2011;22(2):139-153.
Chicago Kuşluvan, Salih, and Duygu Eren. “İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği Olarak Hizmet Verme yatkınlığı Ve ölçümü: Bir literatür Taraması”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 22, no. 2 (June 2011): 139-53.
EndNote Kuşluvan S, Eren D (June 1, 2011) İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 22 2 139–153.
IEEE S. Kuşluvan and D. Eren, “İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 139–153, 2011.
ISNAD Kuşluvan, Salih - Eren, Duygu. “İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği Olarak Hizmet Verme yatkınlığı Ve ölçümü: Bir literatür Taraması”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 22/2 (June 2011), 139-153.
JAMA Kuşluvan S, Eren D. İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2011;22:139–153.
MLA Kuşluvan, Salih and Duygu Eren. “İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği Olarak Hizmet Verme yatkınlığı Ve ölçümü: Bir literatür Taraması”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 2, 2011, pp. 139-53.
Vancouver Kuşluvan S, Eren D. İşgörenlerinlerin kişilik özelliği olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı ve ölçümü: Bir literatür taraması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2011;22(2):139-53.