Research Article
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Techonology Addiction’s Impact on Tourism Experiences and Preferableness of Digital Detox Tourism

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 54 - 66, 31.12.2021


Digital detox tourism is a new phenomenon that has emerged to decrease the negative impacts of the use of information technology and online interactions and to help to concentrate on the real world rather than the virtual world. The aim of this study is to research the impact of technology addiction on tourism experience and the preferableness of digital detox tourism. By using convenience sampling, the individuals who has had holiday over the last one year were attained. Via structured interview form, the data that was collected from 70 participants were evaluated through content analysis and descriptive analysis. The results that were obtained from the research have shown that the use of technology during holiday has a negative impact on the quality of touristic experience of individuals’ (%70 of them). It has been concluded that individuals are inclined to isolation, relaxation, the motivation for being on stream and having a digital detox holiday and that digital detox holidays where there is no technology, or it is restricted are preferable.


  • Aksu, Z. U. & Işıklı, Ş. (2019). Teknolojik zehirlenme, semptomları ve teknolojik düzen. ISophos: Uluslararası Bilişim, Teknoloji ve Felsefe Dergisi, 57-87.
  • Anshari, M., Alas, Y. & Sulaiman, E. (2019). Smartphone addictions and nomophobia among youth. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 14(3), 242-247.
  • Arıkan, I., Unsever, I. & Halioui, S. (2016). Importance of tourism paradox, tourism equinox and tourism detox for urban environments. Acta Economica Et Turistica, 2(2), 221-229.
  • Basu, R. (2019). Impact of digital detox on individual performance of the employees. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 6(2), 378-381.
  • Bekaroğlu, E. & Yılmaz, T. (2020). Nomophobia: Differential diagnosis and treatment. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 12(1), 131-142.
  • Bhattacharya, S., Bashar, M. A., Srivastava, A. & Singh, A. (2019). Nomophobia: No mobile phone phobia. Journal Of Family Medicine And Primary Care, 8(4), 1297.
  • Buhalis, D. & O'Connor, P. (2005). Information communication technology revolutionizing tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(3), 7-16.
  • Demir, Ü. (2019). Investigation of nomophobia levels of university students according to intelligent phone use: A case of the COMU faculty of education. Uluslararası Eğitim Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5(2), 106-118.
  • Dickinson, J. E., Hibbert, J. F., & Filimonau, V. (2016). Mobile technology and the tourist experience: (Dis) connection at the campsite. Tourism Management, 57, 193-201.
  • Egger, I., Lei, S. I., & Wassler, P. (2020). Digital free tourism–An exploratory study of tourist motivations. Tourism Management, 79, 104098.
  • Emek, M. (2014). Digital detox for the holidays: Are we addicted?. International Conference on Tourism Transport & Technology ICTTT, 1-8.
  • Floros, C., Cai, W., McKenna, B. & Ajeeb, D. (2019). Imagine being off-the-grid: millennials’ perceptions of digital-free travel. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1–16.
  • Gaafar, H. A. A. S. M. (2021), Digital Detox Tourism at The Egyptian Destination: Attitudes and Motivators. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 20(2), 88-107.
  • Gezgin, D. M., Sumuer, E., Arslan, O. & Yıldırım, S. (2017). Nomophobia prevalence among preservice teachers: A case of Trakya University. Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty, 7(1), 86-95.
  • Göktaş, L. S. & Ülkü, A. (2021). Dijitalleşme sürecinde ortaya çıkan bir kavram: Dijital detoks tatili. Daha iyi bir dünya için turizm. University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing, 16(9781955833028), 1.
  • Güzel, Ş. (2018). Fear of the age: Nomophobia (No-Mobile-Phone). Journal of Academic Perspective on Social Studies, (1), 20-24.
  • Jiang Y. & Balaji M. S. (2020). Time to log off: Motivations to take a digital detox holiday. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 49th, (55349).
  • Jiang, Y. & Balaji, M. S. (2021). Getting unwired: What drives travelers to take a digital detox holiday?. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-17.
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (Otuz üçüncü basım). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Karlsen, F. (2020). Dıgıtal detox camp: Values and motıvatıons for engagıng in dıgıtal dısconnect.. The 21th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers.
  • King, A. L. S., Valenca, A. M., Silva, A. C. O., Baczynski, T., Carvalho, M. R. & Nardi, A. E. (2013). Nomophobia: Dependency on virtual environments or social phobia?. Computers In Human Behavior, 29(1), 140-144.
  • Lee, Y.-K., Chang, C.-T., Lin, Y. & Cheng, Z.-H. (2014). The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 373–383.
  • Li, J., Pearce, P. L. & Low, D. (2018). Media representation of digital-free tourism: A critical discourse analysis. Tourism Management, 69, 317–329.
  • Otto, J. E. & Rıtchıe, J. R.(1996). “The service experience in tourism”, Tourism Management, 17(3), 165-174. Özaşçılar, M. (2009). Cep telefonu kullanımının sosyolojik boyutu: Bireysel güvenlik ve günlük hayattaki yeri. (Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Özdemir, M. A. & Göktaş, L. S. (2021). Research trends on digital detox holidays: a bibliometric analysis, 2012-2020. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(3), 21–35.
  • Pathak, D. N. K. (2016). Digital detox in India. International Journal of Research in Humanities & Soc. Sciences, 4(8), 60-67.
  • Pawłowska-Legwand, A. & Matoga, Ł. (2020), Disconnect from the digital world to reconnect with the real life: An analysis of the potential for development of unplugged tourism on the example of Poland. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-24.
  • Pearce, P. L. & Gretzel, U. (2012). Tourism in technology dead zones: Documenting experiential dimensions. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(2), 1-20.
  • Pınarbaşı, T. E. & Astam, F. K. (2020). “Vazgeçmek mümkün mü?”: Kuşakların dijital detoks deneyimleri üzerine bir analiz. Atatürk İletişim Dergisi, (20), 5-28.
  • Smith, M. & Puczkó, L. (2015). More than a special interest: Defining and determining the demand for health tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 40(2), 205-219.
  • Stankov, U. & Gretzel, U. (2021). Digital well-being in the tourism domain: mapping new roles and responsibilities. Information Technology & Tourism, 23(1), 5-17.
  • Sunar, H., Gökçe, F., & Cihangir, İ. S. (2018). A new approach to tourism: Digital restoration. Innovation and Global Issues 3: Congress Book. InGlobe Academy.
  • Syvertsen, T. & Enli, G. (2020). Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity. Convergence, 26(5-6), 1269-1283.
  • Tanti, A. & Buhalis, D. (2016). Connectivity and the consequences of being (dis) connected. In Information And Communication Technologies In Tourism 2016, 31-44.
  • Tiller, C.B. & Walorczyk, E. (2017). “Unplugged tourism. A growing trend”, 7, 111-115.
  • Tussyadiah, I. P. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2009). Mediating tourist experiences: Access to places via shared videos. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(1), 24-40.
  • Uluçay, D. M. & Kobak, K. (2020). Dijital detoks: Teknoloji bağımlılığına karşı yeni bir eğilim ve genç yetişkinler özelinde bir değerlendirme. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 7(2), 325-350.
  • We Are Social (2021). 6 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde, adresinden alınmıştır.

Teknoloji Bağımlılığının Turizm Deneyimlerine Etkisi ve Dijital Detoks Turizminin Tercih Edilebilirliği

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 54 - 66, 31.12.2021


Dijital detoks turizmi, tatil sırasında bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin kullanımı ve çevrimiçi etkileşimlerin turistik deneyimlere olan olumsuz etkilerini azaltmak ve sanal dünya yerine gerçek dünyaya odaklanmayı sağlamak için ortaya çıkan yeni bir olgudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı da teknoloji bağımlılığının turizm deneyimlerine olan etkisini ve dijital detoks turizminin tercih edilebilirliğini araştırmaktır. Kolayda örnekleme tekniği kullanılarak son 1 yıl içerisinde tatil yapmış olan bireylere ulaşılmıştır. Yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla 70 katılımcıdan toplanan verilere içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz tekniği uygulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular, tatillerde teknoloji kullanımının bireylerin (%70’inin) turistik deneyim kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Bireylerin uzaklaşma, rahatlama ve akışta olma motivasyonu ile dijital detoks tatiline çıkma yönünde eğilimlerinin olduğu dolayısı ile teknolojinin olmadığı ya da kısıtlandığı dijital detoks tatillerinin tercih edilebilir olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aksu, Z. U. & Işıklı, Ş. (2019). Teknolojik zehirlenme, semptomları ve teknolojik düzen. ISophos: Uluslararası Bilişim, Teknoloji ve Felsefe Dergisi, 57-87.
  • Anshari, M., Alas, Y. & Sulaiman, E. (2019). Smartphone addictions and nomophobia among youth. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 14(3), 242-247.
  • Arıkan, I., Unsever, I. & Halioui, S. (2016). Importance of tourism paradox, tourism equinox and tourism detox for urban environments. Acta Economica Et Turistica, 2(2), 221-229.
  • Basu, R. (2019). Impact of digital detox on individual performance of the employees. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 6(2), 378-381.
  • Bekaroğlu, E. & Yılmaz, T. (2020). Nomophobia: Differential diagnosis and treatment. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 12(1), 131-142.
  • Bhattacharya, S., Bashar, M. A., Srivastava, A. & Singh, A. (2019). Nomophobia: No mobile phone phobia. Journal Of Family Medicine And Primary Care, 8(4), 1297.
  • Buhalis, D. & O'Connor, P. (2005). Information communication technology revolutionizing tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(3), 7-16.
  • Demir, Ü. (2019). Investigation of nomophobia levels of university students according to intelligent phone use: A case of the COMU faculty of education. Uluslararası Eğitim Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5(2), 106-118.
  • Dickinson, J. E., Hibbert, J. F., & Filimonau, V. (2016). Mobile technology and the tourist experience: (Dis) connection at the campsite. Tourism Management, 57, 193-201.
  • Egger, I., Lei, S. I., & Wassler, P. (2020). Digital free tourism–An exploratory study of tourist motivations. Tourism Management, 79, 104098.
  • Emek, M. (2014). Digital detox for the holidays: Are we addicted?. International Conference on Tourism Transport & Technology ICTTT, 1-8.
  • Floros, C., Cai, W., McKenna, B. & Ajeeb, D. (2019). Imagine being off-the-grid: millennials’ perceptions of digital-free travel. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1–16.
  • Gaafar, H. A. A. S. M. (2021), Digital Detox Tourism at The Egyptian Destination: Attitudes and Motivators. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 20(2), 88-107.
  • Gezgin, D. M., Sumuer, E., Arslan, O. & Yıldırım, S. (2017). Nomophobia prevalence among preservice teachers: A case of Trakya University. Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty, 7(1), 86-95.
  • Göktaş, L. S. & Ülkü, A. (2021). Dijitalleşme sürecinde ortaya çıkan bir kavram: Dijital detoks tatili. Daha iyi bir dünya için turizm. University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing, 16(9781955833028), 1.
  • Güzel, Ş. (2018). Fear of the age: Nomophobia (No-Mobile-Phone). Journal of Academic Perspective on Social Studies, (1), 20-24.
  • Jiang Y. & Balaji M. S. (2020). Time to log off: Motivations to take a digital detox holiday. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 49th, (55349).
  • Jiang, Y. & Balaji, M. S. (2021). Getting unwired: What drives travelers to take a digital detox holiday?. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-17.
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (Otuz üçüncü basım). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Karlsen, F. (2020). Dıgıtal detox camp: Values and motıvatıons for engagıng in dıgıtal dısconnect.. The 21th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers.
  • King, A. L. S., Valenca, A. M., Silva, A. C. O., Baczynski, T., Carvalho, M. R. & Nardi, A. E. (2013). Nomophobia: Dependency on virtual environments or social phobia?. Computers In Human Behavior, 29(1), 140-144.
  • Lee, Y.-K., Chang, C.-T., Lin, Y. & Cheng, Z.-H. (2014). The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 373–383.
  • Li, J., Pearce, P. L. & Low, D. (2018). Media representation of digital-free tourism: A critical discourse analysis. Tourism Management, 69, 317–329.
  • Otto, J. E. & Rıtchıe, J. R.(1996). “The service experience in tourism”, Tourism Management, 17(3), 165-174. Özaşçılar, M. (2009). Cep telefonu kullanımının sosyolojik boyutu: Bireysel güvenlik ve günlük hayattaki yeri. (Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Özdemir, M. A. & Göktaş, L. S. (2021). Research trends on digital detox holidays: a bibliometric analysis, 2012-2020. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(3), 21–35.
  • Pathak, D. N. K. (2016). Digital detox in India. International Journal of Research in Humanities & Soc. Sciences, 4(8), 60-67.
  • Pawłowska-Legwand, A. & Matoga, Ł. (2020), Disconnect from the digital world to reconnect with the real life: An analysis of the potential for development of unplugged tourism on the example of Poland. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-24.
  • Pearce, P. L. & Gretzel, U. (2012). Tourism in technology dead zones: Documenting experiential dimensions. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(2), 1-20.
  • Pınarbaşı, T. E. & Astam, F. K. (2020). “Vazgeçmek mümkün mü?”: Kuşakların dijital detoks deneyimleri üzerine bir analiz. Atatürk İletişim Dergisi, (20), 5-28.
  • Smith, M. & Puczkó, L. (2015). More than a special interest: Defining and determining the demand for health tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 40(2), 205-219.
  • Stankov, U. & Gretzel, U. (2021). Digital well-being in the tourism domain: mapping new roles and responsibilities. Information Technology & Tourism, 23(1), 5-17.
  • Sunar, H., Gökçe, F., & Cihangir, İ. S. (2018). A new approach to tourism: Digital restoration. Innovation and Global Issues 3: Congress Book. InGlobe Academy.
  • Syvertsen, T. & Enli, G. (2020). Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity. Convergence, 26(5-6), 1269-1283.
  • Tanti, A. & Buhalis, D. (2016). Connectivity and the consequences of being (dis) connected. In Information And Communication Technologies In Tourism 2016, 31-44.
  • Tiller, C.B. & Walorczyk, E. (2017). “Unplugged tourism. A growing trend”, 7, 111-115.
  • Tussyadiah, I. P. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2009). Mediating tourist experiences: Access to places via shared videos. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(1), 24-40.
  • Uluçay, D. M. & Kobak, K. (2020). Dijital detoks: Teknoloji bağımlılığına karşı yeni bir eğilim ve genç yetişkinler özelinde bir değerlendirme. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 7(2), 325-350.
  • We Are Social (2021). 6 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde, adresinden alınmıştır.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Elif Aslantürk 0000-0001-6426-330X

Early Pub Date December 30, 2021
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Aslantürk, E. (2021). Teknoloji Bağımlılığının Turizm Deneyimlerine Etkisi ve Dijital Detoks Turizminin Tercih Edilebilirliği. Avrasya Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 54-66.