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Cezayir'de Finansal İçermenin Banka Kredileri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Cezayir Vilayeti'ndeki Bankacılık Kurumları Üzerine Bir Alan Çalışması

Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 133 - 151, 25.03.2025


Bu çalışma, finansal kapsayıcılığın bankacılık kredi sektörü üzerindeki etkisini, Cezayir’in Algiers vilayetindeki banka kurumları örneği üzerinde gerçekleştirilen bir saha araştırması aracılığıyla incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, bu kurumlarda hesap sahibi olan 200 müşteriye anket hazırlanarak dağıtılmıştır. Anket, toplamda 53 ifadeden oluşmaktadır. İçerik analizi, Sosyal Bilimler için İstatistik Paketi (SPSS) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve çalışma örnekleminden elde edilen nitel yanıtlar nicel verilere dönüştürülerek finansal kapsayıcılığın bankacılık kredileri üzerindeki etkisini ele almak için değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, kullanılan finansal kurumlara göre ayrıştırıldığında, finansal
kapsayıcılık ve bankacılık kredileri değişkenlerinin katılımcıların perspektifinden yüksek bir uyum içinde olduğu görülmüştür; bu değişkenler sırasıyla 3.9954 ve 3.9268 ortalama puanlara ve 0.44 ile 0.43 gibi düşük standart sapmalara sahiptir. Bu bulgular, müşterilerin görüşlerinin büyük ölçüde mutabık olduğunu ve belirgin bir yakınsama gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktadır.

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thank you for this good review congratulation for all


  • Al-Qazwini, S. (2000). Muhadarat fi iqtisad al-bunuk (Lectures on banking economics) (2nd ed.). Algeria: Diwan Al-Matbou'at Al-Jam'iyya (University Printing Office).
  • Al-Tarsh, A.-T. (2003). Taqniat al-bunuk (Banking techniques) (2nd ed.). Algeria: Diwan Al-Matbou'at Al-Jaza'iriyya (Algerian Printing Office).
  • Amin, O. R. (2008). Al-Tahlil Al-Ihsai Lil-Mutaghayyirat Al-Mutadaddida Bi-Isti'mal Barnamej SPSS (Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Variables Using SPSS Software) (Vol. 2). Cairo, Egypt: Dar Al-Alamiyya (International Publishing House). Retrieved from https://www.noor-book.com/
  • Articles 174–175 of Law No. 90-10. (1990, 04 14). Concerning Currency and Credit. Official Journal of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.
  • Hakimi, N., & Boulahbal, S. (2021). Financial inclusion in Algeria: Access and use of financial services – a comparative study between Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. Shuaa Journal of Economic Studies, 50(2), 336.
  • Institutions Secretariat of the Council of Governors of Arab Central Banks and Monetary. (2015). Mutatallibat Tabanni Istratijiyya Wataniyya Li-Ta'zeeze Al-Shumoul Al-Mali Fi Al-Duwal Al-Arabiyya (Requirements for Adopting a National Strategy to Enhance Financial Inclusion in Arab Countries). United Arab Emirates: Arab Monetary Fund.
  • Lifta, R. O., & Hussein, S. A. (2019). Proposed mechanisms and policies to expand financial inclusion and access to financial services in Iraq. Journal of Al-Madina University College, 11(01), 83.
  • Mohammed, Z. (2015). The Role of the Egyptian Banking Institute in promoting financial literacy as a core component of financial inclusion. Union of Arab Banks Journal(419), 07.
  • Naama, N. H., & Matar, A. N. (2018). Indicators for measuring financial inclusion in Iraq. Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Specialized Conference of the Administrative Technical College – Baghdad (p. 36). Baghdad, Iraq: Middle Technical University.
  • Neamah, N. H., & Hassan, A. N. (2018). Indicators for measuring financial inclusion in Iraq. Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Specialization Conference of the Administrative Technical College – Baghdad.02, p. 36. Baghdad, Iraq: Middle Technical University.
  • Saadan, A., & Mahajbiya, N. (2018). The reality of financial inclusion in the Maghreb: A comparative study of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. The Arab Journal for Studies and Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(03), 748.
  • Yalouli, T., & Qarari, S. (2023). The reality and challenges of digital financial inclusion in Algeria. Research Journal of Economics and Management, 4(1), 701.
  • Zerroukhi, F., & Wahiba, K. (2019). Financial inclusion: A review of some Arab and international experiences. National Scientific Forum on the Financial Technology Industry and Its Role in Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Arab Countries (p. 04). Médéa, Algeria: Faculty of Economics and Management, Yahia Fares University.

The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Bank Loans in Algeria: A Field Study on a Sample of Banking

Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 133 - 151, 25.03.2025


This study aims to investigate the impact of financial inclusion on the banking loan industry through a field study conducted on a sample of banking institutions in the province of Algiers. The study involved preparing and distributing a questionnaire to 200 customers who hold accounts in these institutions. The questionnaire included 53 statements. The content was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), transforming qualitative responses from the study sample into quantitative data to address the issue of how financial inclusion affects banking loans. The results, segmented by the financial bodies used, showed that both the financial inclusion and banking loans variables are closely aligned from the respondents' perspectives, with mean scores of 3.9954 and 3.9268, respectively, and low standard deviations of 0.44 and 0.43; this indicates a convergence in customers' views towards agreement.

Ethical Statement


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thank you for all


  • Al-Qazwini, S. (2000). Muhadarat fi iqtisad al-bunuk (Lectures on banking economics) (2nd ed.). Algeria: Diwan Al-Matbou'at Al-Jam'iyya (University Printing Office).
  • Al-Tarsh, A.-T. (2003). Taqniat al-bunuk (Banking techniques) (2nd ed.). Algeria: Diwan Al-Matbou'at Al-Jaza'iriyya (Algerian Printing Office).
  • Amin, O. R. (2008). Al-Tahlil Al-Ihsai Lil-Mutaghayyirat Al-Mutadaddida Bi-Isti'mal Barnamej SPSS (Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Variables Using SPSS Software) (Vol. 2). Cairo, Egypt: Dar Al-Alamiyya (International Publishing House). Retrieved from https://www.noor-book.com/
  • Articles 174–175 of Law No. 90-10. (1990, 04 14). Concerning Currency and Credit. Official Journal of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.
  • Hakimi, N., & Boulahbal, S. (2021). Financial inclusion in Algeria: Access and use of financial services – a comparative study between Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. Shuaa Journal of Economic Studies, 50(2), 336.
  • Institutions Secretariat of the Council of Governors of Arab Central Banks and Monetary. (2015). Mutatallibat Tabanni Istratijiyya Wataniyya Li-Ta'zeeze Al-Shumoul Al-Mali Fi Al-Duwal Al-Arabiyya (Requirements for Adopting a National Strategy to Enhance Financial Inclusion in Arab Countries). United Arab Emirates: Arab Monetary Fund.
  • Lifta, R. O., & Hussein, S. A. (2019). Proposed mechanisms and policies to expand financial inclusion and access to financial services in Iraq. Journal of Al-Madina University College, 11(01), 83.
  • Mohammed, Z. (2015). The Role of the Egyptian Banking Institute in promoting financial literacy as a core component of financial inclusion. Union of Arab Banks Journal(419), 07.
  • Naama, N. H., & Matar, A. N. (2018). Indicators for measuring financial inclusion in Iraq. Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Specialized Conference of the Administrative Technical College – Baghdad (p. 36). Baghdad, Iraq: Middle Technical University.
  • Neamah, N. H., & Hassan, A. N. (2018). Indicators for measuring financial inclusion in Iraq. Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Specialization Conference of the Administrative Technical College – Baghdad.02, p. 36. Baghdad, Iraq: Middle Technical University.
  • Saadan, A., & Mahajbiya, N. (2018). The reality of financial inclusion in the Maghreb: A comparative study of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. The Arab Journal for Studies and Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(03), 748.
  • Yalouli, T., & Qarari, S. (2023). The reality and challenges of digital financial inclusion in Algeria. Research Journal of Economics and Management, 4(1), 701.
  • Zerroukhi, F., & Wahiba, K. (2019). Financial inclusion: A review of some Arab and international experiences. National Scientific Forum on the Financial Technology Industry and Its Role in Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Arab Countries (p. 04). Médéa, Algeria: Faculty of Economics and Management, Yahia Fares University.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Heterodox Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasmina Kaci 0009-0004-6267-8623

Project Number /
Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date January 6, 2025
Acceptance Date March 14, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA Kaci, Y. (2025). The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Bank Loans in Algeria: A Field Study on a Sample of Banking. Current Perspectives in Social Sciences, 29(1), 133-151. https://doi.org/10.53487/atasobed.1614067

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