Bu ara§tlrma ile, Universitelerin farkli bolumlerinde okuyan erkek ve bayan ogrencilerinin gunluk SIVI tUketim
bilgi duzeyleri i1e aralannda SIVI tuketimi yonunden bir farklrllk bulunup bulunmadlgmm incelenmesi ve
kar§lla§tmlmasl amaylandi. Turkiye'de bazl Universitelerin (Firat, 9ukurova, 18 Mart, 19 Mayis ve Kafkas
Univ.) farkli bolUmlerinde okuyan ogrencilerin, Uy hafta iyi gun, ikl de hafta sonu gun olmak uzere toplam be§
gunlUk SiVI Wketimleri ara§tmldl. 9alJ§maya 445 erkek, 233 bayan olmak uzere toplam 678 ogrenci katl/dL
Ara§tJrmaya katllan tUm ogrencilere gunlUk SIVI tukerimlerini belirlemek uzere hazlrlanan anket uygulandl.
Degerlendirmelerde student's t testi SSPS istatistik Programl yardlmlyla yaplldl. Genel bir degerlendirme
yapildlgl zaman, fiziksel aktivitenin yogun oldugu Beden Egitimi Bo/Umleri (2114±184 cc) ile bu yogunlugun
ya§anmadlgl diger bolumler (1848±144 cc) araslndaki farklil/gm istatistiksel apdan onemli (p<0.05) oldugu
tespit edildi (p<0.05). Bununla birlikte, erkekler (1992±210 cc) ile bayanlar (1970±223 cc) arasmda SIVI
tuketimi baklmmdan onemli (p>0.05) bir farklillk olmadlgl gozlendi. Gunluk su tiJketiminin erkek ve bayanlarda
ortalama 4,5-4,8 bardak (913-9,27 cc) arasmda, BESYO'larda 4,5-5,3 bardak (910-1071 cc) ve diger
gruplarda 3,8-4,4 bardak (760-881 cc) arasmda oldugu ve bu degerlerin normal miktarlara gore (gunluk 8-10
bardak) oldukya du§uk oldugu belirlendi. Cinsiyetin yay tUketimi uzerinde azda olsa bir etkisinin oldugu ve yay
tuketiminin erkeklerde daha fazla (% 27,43) oldugu bulundu. Deneklerin % 58,7'si s/V/ tuketiminin "sadece
gunluk SIV/ kaylplanm kar§/Iamasl ay/smdan onem arz ettigini" belirtirken, % 21,2'si "bilinyli SIV/
tuketmediklerini", % 14,9'u 'ya§am fonksiyonlan iyin gereklidir" derken, % 3,4'u de "susuzluklanm gidermek
amaclyla su iI;tiklerinr belirtmi§lerdir. Sonuy olarak; Universife ogrencilerinin s/vilann vucut iyin anlam ve
onemini bilmelerine ragmen, gunluk SIV/ al/mml onemsemedikleri anla§/Imaktadlr. Bayan ve erkek universite
ogrencileri gunluk toplam SIVI tUketim miktarlanmn, Wm ara§tlrma gruplannda gunlUk asgari degerlerden daha
du§uk oldugu gozlendi. Aynca cinsiyetin SIVI Wketimi uzerine onemfi bir etkisinin bulunmadtfJi kamsma va nIdi.
Anahtar Kelime/er: Fiziksel aktivite, cinsiyet, s/vr..
The aim of this research is to investigate and compare the liquid consumption of the students who are
. attending to the different departments of universities. Research was conducted at the different universities
(Flfat, 9ukurova, 18 Mart, 19 Mayls and Kafkas Unv.) of Turkey. The fluid consumption of students in some
universities during, the three days in a week and two days weekends, totally five days in a week. Research
group was conducted with 678 students. The group of students were as the following; 233 female and 445
male. A questionnaire was given all the students to determine the daily liquid consumption. Student's t test
was performed by using SSPS program. There were significant (p<O.05) differences between the students of
Physical education and sport department and the other departments. However, the differences between male
(1992±210 cc) and female (1970±223 cc) were not significant (p>0.05). The mean values of daily water
consumption of males and femaies were 4.5-4.8 glass (913-9.27 cc), the students in Physical education and
sport department were 4.5-5.3 glass (910-1071 cc) and the mean values of daily water consumption of
students in other departments were 3.8-4.4 glass (760-881 cc). The above values are low more than normally
water consumption of human. Furthermore, the existence of the effect of sexuality on consumption of tea is
determined and the daily tea consumption of males (27.43 %) greater than fameless. 398 students (58.7%) of
678 said that the daily liquid consumption is required for disappeared water. 144 (21,2 %) of 678 labeled that
the fluid consumption of their is not intelligence. Additionafly, 101 students (14.9 %) of 678 pOinted out that the
daily water consumption is required for live functions and 23 students (3.4 %) of 678 is also said that to
provide the daily water consumption. In conclusion, laugh the significant of fluids for body is informed by
students, this subject is not important for their. The daily fluid consumptions of male and female students are
observed to be low more than normally values. Further more; there is no significant effect of sexuality on fluid
Key Words: Physical activity, sex, fluid.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2003 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 |