Bu ara$tlrmada, spor egitimi a/an ve a/mayan universite erkek ogrenci/erinin ki§ilerarasJ ili§ki taw ile
saldlrganlJk durumlanmn incelenmesi amaylanml$tlr. Ara§tlrmamn orneklem grubu, 2002-2003 egitim-ogretim
Yllmda AtaWrk Universitesinde degi§ik fakulte ve yuksekokullannda ogrenim goren toplam 154 erkek
ogrenciden olu§mu§tur. Ara$tlrmada ven' toplama araci olarak, "Ki$ilerarasl Ili§ki Taw Olyegi" ve "Saldlrganllk
Olyegi" kullamlml§tlr. Bu/gular, spor egitimi alan ve almayan universite erkek ogrenci/erinin ki$ilerarasl ifi§ki
taw ile sa/dlrganflk aylsmdan aralannda fark olmadJglnl gostermi$tir. Bu yal/§manm sonucu spor egitimi
yapt/ran kurum/ann ve ogrenci alJm programlannm (ozel yetenek smavlan) gozden geyirilmesi ile beraber,
Spor egitimi yapt/ran kurumlara gelen ogrencilerin daha onceden de belli oranda saldlrganllk duygularma
sahip olduklan soylenebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Spor, ki$ilerarasl ili$ki taw, saldlrganlik
This study aims to investigate the interpersonal relationship and the agression of the male university students
who obtained training in sport versus who did not obtain training in sport. The subject of the study contained
154 male student who attended different faculties and colleges of Ataturk University in 2002-2003 academic
year. Data came from 'The Test of Interpersonal Relationship" and "Agression Test". The statistical analyses
suet as correlation analysis, t Test, variance analysis, LSD Least Significant Difference were used. The
results of the study revealed that there was no difference betveen subjects with regard to sport training.
Key words: Sports, type of interpersonal relations, agression
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2003 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 |