Yap/Ian 9all§manm amaci gure§9ilerde yuksek yogunluktaki egzersizin kan gaz/an ve glukoz ku/lamml ile ilgili
bazl kan parametreleri uzerine etkisini ara$tlrmakll. yal/§maya ya$ ortalamalan 23.10 ± 2.08 yll,boy
ortalamasl 173.50 ± 961 cm ve vucut aglft/gl orta/amas/ 7830 ± 14.80 kg o/an 10 sag//klJ erkek gure$9i
denek o/arak katlfd/. yall$mada denekler maksimal oks/jen tUketim kapasite/eri baz almarak belirlenen
maksimum i$ yukunde 60 devir / dk hlz/a yoru/ana kadar bisik/et ergometrede teste tabi tulu/dular. yalJ$ma
s/rasmda deneklerden egzersizden once ve egzers;zden hemen sonra venoz kan omekleri almdl.
Deneklerden a/man kan orneklerinden kan HLa, pH, HC03, POz, PCOz, kan $ekeri ve insulin hormon
seviyeleri belir/endi. Egzersiz oncesi ve sonrasl verilerin istatistiksel analizi ReANOVA testi ite P<0.05
anlamlll/k seviyesinde yaplldl. ya/I!jma sonucunda elde edilen veri/er yuksek yogunlukla yapllan egzersiz
sonucunda kalp at/m say,smda, HLa seviyesinde ve kan !jekeri seviyesinde anlamll artl§ ( p<0.05 ), HC03 ,
pH ve insIJlin seviyesinde islatistiksel olarak onemli dU$me ( p<0.05 ) oldugunu gosterirken, POz ve PCOz
seviyelerinde ise onemli bir degi$me olmad/rpnJ g6stermi!jtir ( P>O.05).
Anahtar kelimeler ; Laktik Asit, pH. Kan $ekeri, Insulin Hormonu, Kan Gazlan
The purpose of this study was to search the effects of high intensity exercise on blood gases and some blood
parameters related with glucose consumption. Totally 10 healthy male wrestlers participated in this study as
subjects whose mean age height and body weight were 23.10 ± 2.08 years, 173.50 ± 9.61 cm and 78.30 ±
14.80 kg. The subjects participated in cycle ergometer test at 60 rpm with their maximum work load that was
determined by taking VOz max figure as a base until they were exhausted. The venous blood samples were
taken before and immediately after the exercise. Blood samples were analyzed to determine blood HLA, pH,
HC03, POz, PCOz, Blood glucuse and insuline hormone leve/s. Statistical analysis of datas was done by
ReANOVA test at P<0.05 significance level. At the end of the study, the results indicated that although the
high intensity exercises leaded to increase the heart rate, HLA and blood glucose level significantly ( p<0.05)
and significant decrease pH, HC03 and insuline level ( p<0.05 ), there were no significant changes in POz
and PCOz scores of subjects.
Key words; Lactic Acid. pH, Blood Glucose, Insuline Hormone, Blood Gases
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 |