In the present study, the effects 01 body weight, height, age, sport age, sex and smoking on bone mineral density (BMo) in young adult athletes and sedentary sub;ects were investigated. This study was carried out on volunteered male and female athletes and sedentary subjects (aged 18 and 25 years). Lumbar vertebra (V), right (RF) and left femur (LF), and right (RA) and left forearm (LA) BMo' s were assessed with dual-energy x-ray absorbtiometry method. Total mixed athlete all and male athlete V, RA and LA, s (-) mixed athlete all and male athlete V, RA and LA, and sig (+) mixed athlete V, RA and LA and male athlete FA and LA BMo values showed positive correlations with sport age. A positive correlation was found between age and total mixed subject RA and LA, male subject RA, mixed athlete RA and LA and sedentary-mixed V, and s (-) mixed subject and mixed athlete RA BMo values. In result, sport age have significant effects on BMD.
Bu ya/{§mada geny eri§kin sporcu ve sedanter!erde ya§ ve spor ya§mm kemik mineral yogunlugu (KMY)'na etkisi ara§tlrlldl. Bu yalJ$ma, ya$lan gonDllu erkek (n= 50) ve bayan sporcu (n=31) ve sedanterlerde (n= 5 + 7) toplam 93 denek ile yaplldl. oeneklerin takvimsel ya$1 ve spor ya$1 bir anketle belirlendi. Dual energy x-ray absorbtiometry y6ntemi ile bel omurgasl (0), sag (RF) ve sol lemur (LF), sag (RK) ve solon kol (LK) KMY olyumleri yapildl. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel ana/izi i9in Systat program! kuJlamlarak regresyon analizi ve Student's t
testi uygulandl. Karma denek ve karma sporcu gruplannda sag on kol KMY' leri i1e ya$ arasmda anlamli pozitil ili$ki vardl. oiger taraftan karma denek grubunun solon ko!, karma sporcu grubunun solon kol, karma sedanter grubunun omurga ve sag on kol kemik mineral yogunluklan ile ya$ arasmdaki pozitif i!i§kilerde anlamll olma egilimindeydiler. oiger degerler arasmda ya$ ile kemik mineral yogunlugu ili$kisi anlamlJ degildi.Karma sporcu tUm b61gelerde ve erkek sporcu omurga ve her iki on kolda KMY degerleri ile spor ya§1 arasmda anlam/{ pozitif ili§ki vardl. Sonuy olarak, spor ya§mm KMY uzerinde 6nemli etkiye sahip oldugu s6ylenebilir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Sports Medicine |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 |