Bireysel yada tak/m o/arak yo/culuk s/rasmda. musabaka oncesinde ve sonrasmda gunun beslenme
duzeni degi:;ir, Yemek zamam ve a/man besin igeriklerine bardl! olarak or1aya pkan bu degi§imter zaman
zaman sporcularm performans/anm o/umsuz yonde etkilemektedir,
Spor kar$lla§malan iyin geryekle:;tinlen yoluculuklar, deplasmanlan, konaklamalan ve beslenme ge:;itleri
sporcular uzerinde fiziksel ve psikolojik o/arak olumsuzluklara neden olur. Sporcu/ann musabakalarda
ba:;an!l olabilmeleri i9in yo/culuk oncesinden ba:;layarak yolculuk slrasmda ve sonrastnda beslenmenin
sagl/kll olmasl konusunda gerekll onlemler almmalid/r,
Bu nedenle yolculuk slrasmda ve musabakalarda sporcu beslenmesi 0lduk9a onemli gorulmektedir. Bu
ara$t/rmamn amacl; sporcu performansl ile yakmdan ilgili olan beslenmenin yolculuk s!rasmda ve
musabakalarda nasll olmasl gerektigini, konu ile ilgili literatUrier /:;Igmda tarl1:;arak, yolculuk slrastnda ve
musabakalarda yanll:; beslenmeye bagh ba:;anslZ!/klarm or1adan kaldlnlmaslna katk/da bulunmakt/r.
Anahtar ke/imeler: Beslenme, sporcu.
During the traveling, both individual and team, the diet order of that day changes before and after the
competition. The changes that occur according to the eating time and the contents of nutriment,
sometimes, affect the performances of athletes negatively.
The travels,accomodations,competitions and diet types cause some negative effects on athletes both
physical and psychologicaJ.!n order to reach to high performance in competitions the diet requirements for
a healty diet should be provided not only before competiton but also during and after travelling.
For this reason during travel and competitions athlete's diet is considered highly impor1ant. The aim of this
study is to investigate the diet that has a close relation with atlete's performance by reviewing the literature
on this subject in order to avoid the low performance about diet.
Key words: Diet, athlet.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 |