VUeut iyerisindeki metaboliklerle bir ili~ki iyindc
bulunan yOl'gunlnk, performansm sInJrlayJCl faktorUdiir.
Yorgunluk oldukya kompleks bir kavram olarak
kaqJmlZa yJkmaktadlr. Bu kavramln hem fizyolojik hem de
psikolojik bir boyutunun da oldugu bilinmektedir. Sporlif
aktiyjteler slrasmda vUcudun sistemlerine dii~en awrl1kta
yapllan aktivitenin Wrtine gorc artmaktadlr.
Yorgunlukta, j~i yapan kaslar kadar bunlan hal'ekele
ge<;iren sinir sisteminin de roW yok bUyiikttir.
Yorgunlugun olu~um scbeplerini iki ana ba~hkta
1-Metabolik Sebepler: Kastaki fosfokreatin
konsantrasyonunun tUkenmesi, kaslarda proton birikimi,
glikojenin kan ve kastaki miktannda azalmaJtLikenmesi,
plazmadaki serbest LripLofan oranlnlO aminoasit
kemiklerinin oranwa yUkselmesi. sinir kas noktalan ve
sinapslarda gereksiz asetilkolin (Ach) sentai, beyin sinir
hticrelerinin yorgunlugu, kandaki kaLekolaminlerin
miktanndaki azalma, elektron ve su kayhl.
2- Psiko-Sasyal Sebcpler: Ki~isd faktorler,
psikolojik faktorler ve <;evresel faktorler.
Anahtar KelimeJer : Yorgunluk, ATP, Cpo
FatJgue has acted negative on performance and it is
relation in the body metabolics. FatIgue is complex eoneept
for this reason this concept has psychological and
pysiological dimensions.
The responsibility of body systems chanees
aceording !b selected sports. Nerve system has an
important role in falJgue as body muscles since if
stimulates them.
There are two different reasons for fatlgue:
1· Metabolic Reasons : concentration of
phosphocreatine in exhausted in tbc 'muscle, accumulation
of proLon in the muscle, the decrease of glieojen level in the
blood. and muscle. tbe increase of the free triptophan level
unLil] amino acid bone level, unnecessry synthesis
acetilcholin (Ach) in the synaps and the point of nerve
muscle, the reduction of catekolamine level in the blood,
dehidration and losses of the electrons.
2- Psycho-Social Reasons ; Personnel factors,
psycbological factors, psychological factors and
enviromental factors.
Key Words; Fatigue, ATP, Cpo
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 19, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2000 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 |