Spor esnasmda meydana gelen ~ene-yi.iz kJrlklan
travmatik kmkJann yakla~lk% 3'iinti olu§turur. Eu olduk~a
yOksek bir orandlr. Eu nedenle spor hekimligi a<ylsmdan
Ozerinde onemle durulmasl gereken bir konudur.
Uygulanacak ilk tedavi yontemini se<ymek a<ylsmdan
kmk tipinin belirlenmesi bOyi.ik anem arzedcr. Travma sonucu
yi.iz bolgesinde meydana gelen kwklar, alt <yene ve
orta-yi.iz bolgesi kmklan olarak 2'ye aynhr. Bu kmklar tipik
ve atipik olabilirler. KmkJar meydana geli§ stkbgma
gore anatomik bolgelere aynlarak incelenir. Bu bblgeler
aym zamanda kemigin travmaya kaqJ direnpiz veya ba§ka
bir ifade ile zayJf oldugu bblgelerdir. Alt <yeuede en fazla
kmk goriilen anatomik bolgeler SlraSI ile: alt <yene govdesi
(korpus mandibula), alt <yene on bolgesi (simfiz mandibula),
alt ~ene a<ylsL (anglus maudibula) ve kondil (proccssus kondilaris)
bolgesi kmklandlr. Ust <yene b61gesi klfJkJannm tek
ba§Hla gorOlmesi nadirdir. Daha ziyade orta-ytiz bolgesi
kmklan ile beraber gortili.ir. Burada en <yok goriilen Le Fort
I, Le Fort II. Le Fort III klfJklandlr.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Kmk, alt <yene, tist yene
Maksillofacial fractures during the sport activities
account for 3.3 % of traumatic fractures. This is quit.e a
high percentage. Therefore, it is a snl:(ject requiring a lot of
care and significance for sport medicine.
The determination of the type of frncture is of grea.t
imporlance for the detennination of the rrealmeut to be
applied. Fractures that are seen on the face as a result of
trauma are divided inlo two gronps as mandibular and
maxillar fractures. These fractures may be typical and
atypical. Fractures according to the frequency of occurance.
These regions are the ones where the bone is weak against
trauma. The anatomical regions on the mandibula where
the most fractures secn are the corpus mandibula,
symphysis mandibula, anglus mandibula and processuss
condylaris. It is rare that maxillar fractures be seen alone.
Rather, they are seen together Ivith midface fractures. The
fractures that are most]y seen here are Le Fort I, Le Fort II
and Le Fort III fractures.
Key Words: Fraeture. mandibula, maxilla.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 19, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2000 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 |