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Effect of the Different Polishing Systems and Techniques on Surface Roughness of Three Different Composite Resin

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 192 - 198, 01.02.2013


Aim: The aim of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the effect of three different polishing system on roughness of the three different composite resins. Also in this study, the polishing systems were used with wet and dry ways and the effect of using polishing systems wet and dry techniques on surface roughness were researched. Material and methods: By using teflon molds (10 mm. diameter and 2 mm. heigh) thirty specimens were prepared for each of all three composite groups (Photo Posterior, KURARAY, JAPAN, Filtek Ultimate,3M ESPE, GERMANY, Aelite LS Posterior, BISCO, USA). The specimens randomly divided six subgroups. (n=5) Three subgroups of specimens were polishing with different polishing system with dry technique. (Optidisk, KERR, SWITZERLAND, Optishine, KERR, SWITZERLAND, Sof-Lex,3M ESPE, USA)The other three subgroup specimens were polishing with different polishing system (Optidisk, KERR, SWITZERLAND, Optishine, KERR, SWITZERLAND, Sof-Lex,3M ESPE, USA) and using wet tecnique. The average surface roughness values (Ra) measured after polishing. Results were analyzed with using SPSS 16.00 programme and multi-way ANOVA test. Results: After polishing procedure the highest roughness value was seen in Aelite LS Posterior group and the lower roughness value was seen in Filtek Ultimate. The specimens polished with Sof-Lex showed the lowest roughness value and polished with Optishine showed the highest roughness value. These results found statsistically significant to ANOVA test results. (p<0,05). The average surface roughness results of wet polishing specimens were found higher than dry polishing specimens. But there were no statistically significant difference with these results. (p>0,05) Conclusion: The composite resin materials which have nano inorganic fillers were shown better polising results and the multi-step and aluminium-coated polishing systems were shown less surface roughness against one-step and silicon carbide coated. Also it’s shown that wet or dry polishing practices were no effect on surface roughness results.


  • Yap AU, Lye KW, Sau CW. Surface characteristics of tooth-colored restoratives polished utilizing different polishing systems. Oper Dent 1997;22:160-5.
  • Hörsted-Bindslev P, Mjör IA. Modern concepts in operative dentistry. 1st ed. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark; 1988. p. 190-246.
  • Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: A review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997;13:258-69.
  • Venturini D, Cenci MS, Demarco FF, Camacho GB, Powers JM. Effect of polishing techniques and time on surface roughness, hardness and microleakage of resin composite restorations. Oper Dent 2006;31:11-7.
  • Jefferies SR. The art and science of abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry The Dent Clin N Am 1998;42:613-27.
  • Goldstein GR, Waknine S. Surface roughness evaluation of composite resin polishing techniques. Quint Int 1989;20:199-204.
  • Hondrum SO, Fernández R Jr. Contouring, finishing, and polishing class V restorative materials. Oper Dent 1997;22:30-6.
  • Roeder LB, Tate WH, Powers JM. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of packable composites. Oper Dent 2000;25:534
  • Quirynen M, Bollen CML. The influence of surface roughness and surface-free energy on supra- and subgingival plaque formation in man. J Clin Periodontol 1995;22:1-14.
  • Rimondini L, Farè S, Brambilla E, Felloni A, Consonni C, Brossa F. The effect of surface roughness on early in vivo plaque colonization on titanium. J Periodontol 1997;68:556-62.
  • Ruyter IE. Unpolymerized surface layers on sealants. Acta Odontol Scand 1981;39:27-32.
  • Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one-step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composites materials. Oper Dent 2004;29:203-11.
  • Hoelscher DC, Neme AML, Pink FE, Hughes PJ. The effect of three finishing systems on four esthetic restorative materials. Oper Dent 1998;23:36-42.
  • Özgünaltay G, Yazici AR, Görücü J. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of new tooth-colored restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:218-24.
  • Reis AF, Giannini M, Lovadino JR, Dias CTS. The effect of six polishing systems on the surface roughness of two packable composite resins. Am J Dent 2002;15:193-7.
  • Dietschi D, Campanile G, Holz J. Comparison of the color stability of 10 new-generation composites: An in vitro study. Dent Mater 1994;10:353-62.
  • Korkmaz Y, Ozel E, Attar N, Aksoy G. The influence of one-step polishing systems on the surface roughness and microhardness of nanocomposites. Oper Dent 2008;33:44-50.
  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LS. Surface roughness of novel resin composites polished with one-step systems. Oper Dent 2007;32:185-92.
  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LS, Aladağ A. Color stability of nanocomposites polished with one-step systems. Oper Dent 2008;33:413-20.
  • El Mallakh BF, Sarkar NK. Fluoride release from glass ionomer cements in the de-ionize water and artificial saliva. Dent Mater 1960;6:118-22.
  • Koh R, Neiva G, Dennison J, Yaman P. Finishing systems on the final surface roughness of composites. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008;9:138-45.
  • Üçtaşlı MB, Arısu HD, Ömürlü H, Eligüzeloğlu E, Özcan S, Ergun G. The effect of different finishing and polishing systems on the surface roughness of different composite restorative materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007;8:89-96.
  • Yap AU, Yap SH, Teo CK, Ng JJ. Finishing/polishing of composite and compomer restoratives: effectiveness of one-step systems. Oper Dent 2004; 29:275-9.
  • Rooder LB, Powers JM. Surface roughness of resin composite prepared by single-use and multi-use diamonds. Am J Dent 2004;17:109-12.
  • St-Georges AJ, Bolla M, Fortin D, Muller-Bolla M, Thompson JY, Stamatiades PJ. Surface finish produced on three resin composites by new polishing systems. Oper Dent 2005;30:593-7.
  • Yap AU, Wong ML, Lim ACY. The effect of polishing systems on mikroleakage of toothcoloured restoratives. Part 2: Composite and polyacid-modified composite resins. J Oral Rehabil 2000;27:205-10.
  • Senawongse P, Pongprueksa P.Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid resin composites after polishing and brushing. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007;19:265-75.
  • Kao EC. Influence of food-simulating solvents on resin composites and glass-ionomer restorative cement. Dent Mater 1989;5:201-8.
  • Morgan M. Finishing and polishing of direct posterior resin restorations. Pract Proced Aesthet 2004;16:211-7.
  • Da Costa J, Ferracane J, Paravina RD. The effect of different polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of various resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007; 19:214-26.
  • Barbosa SH, Zanata RL, Navarro MF, Nunes OB. Effect of different finishing and polishing tecniques on the surface roughness of microfilled, hybrid and packable composite resins. Braz Dent J 2005;161:39-44.
  • Ereifej N, Oweis Y, Eliades G. The effect of polishing technique on 3-D surface roughness and gloss of dental restorative resin composites.: Epub ahead of print. Oper Dent 2012; 38.
  • Gönülol N, Yılmaz F. The effects of finishing and polishing tecniques on surface roughness and colour stability of nanocomposites. J Dent 2012; 20: Epub ahead of print
  • Antonson SA, Yazici AR, Kilinc E, Antonson DE, Hardigan PC. Comparison of different finishing/ polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of resin composites. J Dent 2011; 39:9-17.
  • İlday NÖ, Erdem V, Bayındır YZ. Farklı bitirme ve parlatma işlemlerinin üç farklı rezin materyalin yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2008;18:19-24.
  • Buchgraber B, Kgiku L, Allmer N, Jakopic G, Stadtler P. Surface roughness of one nanofill and one silorane composite after polishing. Coll Antropol 2011; 35:879-83.
  • Dodge WW, Dale RA, Cooley RL, Duke ES. Comparison of wet and dry finishing of resin composites with aluminum oxide disks. Dent Mater 1991; 7:18-20. Yazışma Adresi: Dt. Yusuf BAYRAKTAR
  • Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi AD. KIRIKKALE e-mail:

Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 192 - 198, 01.02.2013


Amaç: Bu in-vitro çalışmanın amacı üç farklı polisaj sisteminin yine üç farklı kompozit rezinin yüzey pürüzlülüğüne etkisini araştırmaktır. Ayrıca çalışmada polisaj sistemleri hem ıslak hem de kuru olarak kullanılmış ve polisaj sistemlerinin ıslak ve kuru olarak uygulanmasının yüzey pürüzlülüğüne etkisi araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada kullanılan üç farklı kompozit rezin grubunun (Photo Posterior, KURARAY, JAPONYA, Filtek Ultimate,3M ESPE, ALMANYA, Aelite LS Posterior, BISCO, ABD) her birisi için 10 mm çapında ve 2 mm yüksekliğinde teflon kalıplar kullanılarak otuzar adet örnek hazırlandı. Hazırlanan örnekler rastgele 6 alt gruba ayrıldı. (n=5). Alt gruptaki örneklerden ilk üç grup kuru olarak farklı polisaj sistemleri ile polisajlandı. (Optidisk, KERR, İSVİÇRE, Optishine, KERR, İSVİÇRE, Sof-Lex,3M ESPE, ABD) Geriye kalan diğer üç gruptaki örnekler ise yine üç farklı polisaj sistemi (Optidisk, KERR, İSVİÇRE, Optishine, KERR, İSVİÇRE, Sof-Lex,3M ESPE, ABD) ile ıslak olarak polisajlandı. Polisaj sonrası ortalama yüzey pürüzlülükleri (Ra) yüzey pürüzlülük ölçüm cihazıyla ölçüldü. Elde edilen sonuçlar SPSS 16.00 paket programı ve çok faktörlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Polisaj sonrasındaki ortalama pürüzlülük değerlerine bakıldığında kompozit rezinler arasında en fazla pürüzlülük gösteren kompozit Aelite LS Posterior olurken en az pürüzlülük gösteren materyalin Filtek Ultimate olduğu bulundu. Polisaj sistemleri karşılaştırıldığında Sof-lex ile polisaj yapılan örnekler en düşük pürüzlülük değerini gösterirken, Optishine ile polisajlanan örnekler en yüksek ortalama pürüzlülük değerini gösterdi ve bu sonuçlar ANOVA testi sonuçlarına göre anlamlı bulundu. (p<0,05). Islak polisaj yapılan örneklerin ortalama pürüzlülük değerleri, kuru olarak polisajlanan örneklerin ortalama pürüzlülük değerlerinden daha fazla bulundu. Fakat ANOVA test sonuçlarına göre bu durum istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı. (p>0.05). Sonuç: İnorganik doldurucuları nano boyutta olan kompozit materyallerin daha iyi polisajlandığı ve aliminyum oksit kaplı çok basamaklı polisaj sistemleriyle silikon karpit kaplı tek aşamalı polisaj sistemlerine göre daha pürüzsüz yüzeyler elde edildiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca polisaj işleminin ıslak ya da kuru olarak uygulanmasının çalışmada kullanılan kompozit rezinlerin polisaj sonrası yüzey pürüzlülüklerine etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Yap AU, Lye KW, Sau CW. Surface characteristics of tooth-colored restoratives polished utilizing different polishing systems. Oper Dent 1997;22:160-5.
  • Hörsted-Bindslev P, Mjör IA. Modern concepts in operative dentistry. 1st ed. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark; 1988. p. 190-246.
  • Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: A review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997;13:258-69.
  • Venturini D, Cenci MS, Demarco FF, Camacho GB, Powers JM. Effect of polishing techniques and time on surface roughness, hardness and microleakage of resin composite restorations. Oper Dent 2006;31:11-7.
  • Jefferies SR. The art and science of abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry The Dent Clin N Am 1998;42:613-27.
  • Goldstein GR, Waknine S. Surface roughness evaluation of composite resin polishing techniques. Quint Int 1989;20:199-204.
  • Hondrum SO, Fernández R Jr. Contouring, finishing, and polishing class V restorative materials. Oper Dent 1997;22:30-6.
  • Roeder LB, Tate WH, Powers JM. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of packable composites. Oper Dent 2000;25:534
  • Quirynen M, Bollen CML. The influence of surface roughness and surface-free energy on supra- and subgingival plaque formation in man. J Clin Periodontol 1995;22:1-14.
  • Rimondini L, Farè S, Brambilla E, Felloni A, Consonni C, Brossa F. The effect of surface roughness on early in vivo plaque colonization on titanium. J Periodontol 1997;68:556-62.
  • Ruyter IE. Unpolymerized surface layers on sealants. Acta Odontol Scand 1981;39:27-32.
  • Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one-step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composites materials. Oper Dent 2004;29:203-11.
  • Hoelscher DC, Neme AML, Pink FE, Hughes PJ. The effect of three finishing systems on four esthetic restorative materials. Oper Dent 1998;23:36-42.
  • Özgünaltay G, Yazici AR, Görücü J. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of new tooth-colored restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:218-24.
  • Reis AF, Giannini M, Lovadino JR, Dias CTS. The effect of six polishing systems on the surface roughness of two packable composite resins. Am J Dent 2002;15:193-7.
  • Dietschi D, Campanile G, Holz J. Comparison of the color stability of 10 new-generation composites: An in vitro study. Dent Mater 1994;10:353-62.
  • Korkmaz Y, Ozel E, Attar N, Aksoy G. The influence of one-step polishing systems on the surface roughness and microhardness of nanocomposites. Oper Dent 2008;33:44-50.
  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LS. Surface roughness of novel resin composites polished with one-step systems. Oper Dent 2007;32:185-92.
  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LS, Aladağ A. Color stability of nanocomposites polished with one-step systems. Oper Dent 2008;33:413-20.
  • El Mallakh BF, Sarkar NK. Fluoride release from glass ionomer cements in the de-ionize water and artificial saliva. Dent Mater 1960;6:118-22.
  • Koh R, Neiva G, Dennison J, Yaman P. Finishing systems on the final surface roughness of composites. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008;9:138-45.
  • Üçtaşlı MB, Arısu HD, Ömürlü H, Eligüzeloğlu E, Özcan S, Ergun G. The effect of different finishing and polishing systems on the surface roughness of different composite restorative materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007;8:89-96.
  • Yap AU, Yap SH, Teo CK, Ng JJ. Finishing/polishing of composite and compomer restoratives: effectiveness of one-step systems. Oper Dent 2004; 29:275-9.
  • Rooder LB, Powers JM. Surface roughness of resin composite prepared by single-use and multi-use diamonds. Am J Dent 2004;17:109-12.
  • St-Georges AJ, Bolla M, Fortin D, Muller-Bolla M, Thompson JY, Stamatiades PJ. Surface finish produced on three resin composites by new polishing systems. Oper Dent 2005;30:593-7.
  • Yap AU, Wong ML, Lim ACY. The effect of polishing systems on mikroleakage of toothcoloured restoratives. Part 2: Composite and polyacid-modified composite resins. J Oral Rehabil 2000;27:205-10.
  • Senawongse P, Pongprueksa P.Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid resin composites after polishing and brushing. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007;19:265-75.
  • Kao EC. Influence of food-simulating solvents on resin composites and glass-ionomer restorative cement. Dent Mater 1989;5:201-8.
  • Morgan M. Finishing and polishing of direct posterior resin restorations. Pract Proced Aesthet 2004;16:211-7.
  • Da Costa J, Ferracane J, Paravina RD. The effect of different polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of various resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007; 19:214-26.
  • Barbosa SH, Zanata RL, Navarro MF, Nunes OB. Effect of different finishing and polishing tecniques on the surface roughness of microfilled, hybrid and packable composite resins. Braz Dent J 2005;161:39-44.
  • Ereifej N, Oweis Y, Eliades G. The effect of polishing technique on 3-D surface roughness and gloss of dental restorative resin composites.: Epub ahead of print. Oper Dent 2012; 38.
  • Gönülol N, Yılmaz F. The effects of finishing and polishing tecniques on surface roughness and colour stability of nanocomposites. J Dent 2012; 20: Epub ahead of print
  • Antonson SA, Yazici AR, Kilinc E, Antonson DE, Hardigan PC. Comparison of different finishing/ polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of resin composites. J Dent 2011; 39:9-17.
  • İlday NÖ, Erdem V, Bayındır YZ. Farklı bitirme ve parlatma işlemlerinin üç farklı rezin materyalin yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2008;18:19-24.
  • Buchgraber B, Kgiku L, Allmer N, Jakopic G, Stadtler P. Surface roughness of one nanofill and one silorane composite after polishing. Coll Antropol 2011; 35:879-83.
  • Dodge WW, Dale RA, Cooley RL, Duke ES. Comparison of wet and dry finishing of resin composites with aluminum oxide disks. Dent Mater 1991; 7:18-20. Yazışma Adresi: Dt. Yusuf BAYRAKTAR
  • Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi AD. KIRIKKALE e-mail:
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dt. Yusuf Bayraktar This is me

Dt. Damla Doğan This is me

Doç. Dr. Ertuğrul Ercan This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Bayraktar, D. Y., Doğan, D. D., & Ercan, D. D. E. (2013). Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 192-198.
AMA Bayraktar DY, Doğan DD, Ercan DDE. Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. February 2013;23(2):192-198.
Chicago Bayraktar, Dt. Yusuf, Dt. Damla Doğan, and Doç. Dr. Ertuğrul Ercan. “Farklı Polisaj Sistem Ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23, no. 2 (February 2013): 192-98.
EndNote Bayraktar DY, Doğan DD, Ercan DDE (February 1, 2013) Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23 2 192–198.
IEEE D. Y. Bayraktar, D. D. Doğan, and D. D. E. Ercan, “Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 192–198, 2013.
ISNAD Bayraktar, Dt. Yusuf et al. “Farklı Polisaj Sistem Ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23/2 (February 2013), 192-198.
JAMA Bayraktar DY, Doğan DD, Ercan DDE. Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2013;23:192–198.
MLA Bayraktar, Dt. Yusuf et al. “Farklı Polisaj Sistem Ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, 2013, pp. 192-8.
Vancouver Bayraktar DY, Doğan DD, Ercan DDE. Farklı Polisaj Sistem ve Tekniklerinin Üç Farklı Kompozit Rezinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2013;23(2):192-8.

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