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Prosthetic Treatment of partial edentulism with dental implants and telescopic crown retained overdentures: A Case Report

Year 2012, Volume: 2012 Issue: 3, 298 - 305, 01.03.2012




  • The glossary of prosthodontic terms. J Prosthet Dent. 2005;94:10-92.
  • Bakke M, Holm B, Gotfredsen K. Masticatory function and patient satisfaction with implant- supported mandibular overdentures: a prospective 5-year study. Int J Prosthodont 2002;15:575-581.
  • Rasmusson L, Roos J, Bystedt H. A 10-year follow- up study of titanium dioxide-blasted implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7:36-42.
  • Steveling H, Roos J, Rasmusson L. Maxillary implants loaded at 3 months after insertion: results with Astra Tech implants after up to 5 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2001;3:120-124.
  • Doundoulakis JH, Eckert SE, Lindquist CC, Jeffcoat MK. The implant-supported overdenture as an alternative to the complete mandibular denture. J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134:1455-1458.
  • Shafie HR. Principles of attachment selection. İçinde Shafie HR, editör. Clinical and Laboratory manual of implant overdentures. Oxford: Blackwell; 2007. pp. 31-36
  • Misch CE. Mandibular implant overdentures design and fabrication. İçinde: Misch CE, editör. Dental Implant Prosthetics St. Louis: Mosby; 2005. pp. 228-251
  • Preiskel HW, Tsolka P. Telescopic prostheses for implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998; 13: 352-357.
  • Heckmann SM, Schrott A, Graef F, Wichmann MG, Weber HP. Mandibular two-implant telescopic overdentures. Clin Oral Implants Res 2004; 15: 560-569.
  • Cakur B, Sümbüllü MA, Harorlı A. Operasyon öncesi implant yerlerinin belirlenmesinde radyolojik kriterler ve radyolojik teknik seçimi. Atatürk Üniv Dis Hek Fak Derg 2007; 17: 23-30.
  • Zijderveld SA, van den Bergh JP, Schulten EA, ten Bruggenkate CM. Anatomical and surgical findings and complications in 100 consecutive maxillary sinus floor elevation procedures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:1426-38.
  • van den Bergh JP, ten Bruggenkate CM, Disch FJ, Tuinzing DB. Anatomical aspects of sinus floor elevations. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2000;11:256- 65.
  • Del Fabbro M, Rosano G, Taschieri S. Implant survival rates after maxillary sinus augmentation. Eur J Oral Sci. 2008;116:497-506.
  • Heckmann SM, Winter W, Meyer M, Weber HP, Wichmann MG. Overdenture attachment selection and the loading of implant and denture-bearing area. Part 2: A methodical study using five types of attachment. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2001;12:640- 7. 15. Weischer T, Mohr C. Implant-supported
  • mandibular telescopic prostheses in oral cancer
  • patients: an up to 9-year retrospective study. Int J
  • Prosthodont. 2001;14:329-34.
  • Langer A. Telescope retainers and their clinical application. J Prosthet Dent 1980; 44:516–522.
  • Tawse-Smith A, Payne AG, Kumara R, Thomson WM. Early loading of unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures using a one- stage operative procedure with two different implant systems: a 2-year report. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2002;4:33–42.
  • Breeding LC, Dixon DL, Sadler JP, McKay ML. Mechanical considerations for the implant tooth- supported fixed partial denture. J Prosthet Dent. 1995;74:487-92.
  • Gross M, Laufer BZ. Splinting osseointegrated implants and natural teeth in rehabilitation of partially edentulous patients. Part I: laboratory and clinical studies. J Oral Rehabil. 1997;24:863-70.
  • Pesun IJ. Intrusion of teeth in the combination implant-to-natural-tooth fixed partial denture: a review of the theories. J Prosthodont. 1997 ;6:268- 77.
  • Garcia LT, Oesterle LJ. Natural tooth intrusion phenomenon with implants: a survey. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1998 ;13:227-31.
  • Hosny M, Duyck J, van Steenberghe D, Naert I. Within-subject comparison between connected and nonconnected tooth-to-implant fixed partial prostheses: up to 14-year follow-up study. Int J Prosthodont. 2000;13:340-6.
  • Hoffmann O, Beaumont C, Tatakis DN, Zafiropoulos attachments for implant supported restorations: a case series. J Oral Implantol. 2006;32:291-9. as
  • Greven B, Luepke M, von Dorsche SH. Telescoping implant prostheses with intraoral luted galvano mesostructures to improve passive fit. J Prosthet Dent. 2007;98:239-44.
  • Bayer S, Zuziak W, Kraus D, Keilig L, Stark H, Enkling N. Conical crowns with electroplated gold copings: retention force changes caused by wear and combined off-axial load. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011;22:323-9.
  • Weigl P, Lauer HC. Advanced biomaterials used for a new telescopic retainer for removable dentures. J Biomed Mater Res. 2000;53:337-47.
  • Miyasaka M, Miura H, Nagatomi H, Yoshimine M. The effects of various finishing materials on the gloss and the color change of indirect prosthetic resin composites. J Med Dent Sci 2008; 55: 1–6.
  • Freitas CRB, Miranda MIS, Andrade MF, Flore VHO, Vaz LG, Guimaraes NC. Resistance to maxillary premolar fractures after restoration of class 2 preparations with resin composite or ceromer. Quinttessence Int 2002; 33: 589-94.
  • Manhart J, Kunzelman KH, Chen HY, Hickel R. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of light- cured packable composite resins. Dental Mater 2000; 16: 33-40.
  • Mandikos M, Mc Givney GP, Davis E, Bush PJ, Carter JM. A comparison of wear resistance and hardness of indirect composite resins J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:386-95.
  • Yoshida K, Morimoto N, Tsuo Y, Atsuta M. Flexural fatigue behavior of machinable and light activated hybrid composites for esthetic restorations. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2004;70B: 218-222.
  • Abbo B, Razzoog ME. A procedure for repairing a fixed implant-supported complete denture. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93:588-89.
  • Chronopoulos V, Kourtis S, Katsikeris N, Nagy W. Tooth- restorations for the treatment of patients with extended edentulous spans. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2009;21:7-17. provisional

Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu

Year 2012, Volume: 2012 Issue: 3, 298 - 305, 01.03.2012


Tam ve parsiyel dişsizliğin implant destekli sabit veya hareketli protezler ile tedavisi protezin stabilitesi ve fonksiyonunu arttırmak, hastanın rahatsızlığı ve ağrısını azaltmak ve dolayısıyla hasta memnuniyetini ve yaşam kalitesini arttırmak amacıyla günümüzde çok fazla tercih edilmektedir. İmplant destekli hareketli protezlerde top başlı, bar, locator, mıknatıs veya teleskop tutuculu sistemler kullanılmaktadır. İmplant destekli hareketli protezlerde teleskop kullanımı ile paralel olmayan implantlarda konturlar modifiye edilerek bu şekilde proteze uygun bir giriş yolu sağlanabilmektedir. Ayrıca teleskop tutuculu protezlerde dayanakların vida boşlukları sadece primerler üzerinde bulunduğu için dış yapı üzerinde vida boşluklarının oluşması da önlenmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda sağ üst kanin dişi haricindeki tüm dişlerini kaybetmiş bir hastanın dental implantlar ve üst çenede teleskop tutuculu hareketli parsiyel protez, alt çenede ise sabit bir protez ile rehabilitasyonu anlatılmıştır


  • The glossary of prosthodontic terms. J Prosthet Dent. 2005;94:10-92.
  • Bakke M, Holm B, Gotfredsen K. Masticatory function and patient satisfaction with implant- supported mandibular overdentures: a prospective 5-year study. Int J Prosthodont 2002;15:575-581.
  • Rasmusson L, Roos J, Bystedt H. A 10-year follow- up study of titanium dioxide-blasted implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7:36-42.
  • Steveling H, Roos J, Rasmusson L. Maxillary implants loaded at 3 months after insertion: results with Astra Tech implants after up to 5 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2001;3:120-124.
  • Doundoulakis JH, Eckert SE, Lindquist CC, Jeffcoat MK. The implant-supported overdenture as an alternative to the complete mandibular denture. J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134:1455-1458.
  • Shafie HR. Principles of attachment selection. İçinde Shafie HR, editör. Clinical and Laboratory manual of implant overdentures. Oxford: Blackwell; 2007. pp. 31-36
  • Misch CE. Mandibular implant overdentures design and fabrication. İçinde: Misch CE, editör. Dental Implant Prosthetics St. Louis: Mosby; 2005. pp. 228-251
  • Preiskel HW, Tsolka P. Telescopic prostheses for implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998; 13: 352-357.
  • Heckmann SM, Schrott A, Graef F, Wichmann MG, Weber HP. Mandibular two-implant telescopic overdentures. Clin Oral Implants Res 2004; 15: 560-569.
  • Cakur B, Sümbüllü MA, Harorlı A. Operasyon öncesi implant yerlerinin belirlenmesinde radyolojik kriterler ve radyolojik teknik seçimi. Atatürk Üniv Dis Hek Fak Derg 2007; 17: 23-30.
  • Zijderveld SA, van den Bergh JP, Schulten EA, ten Bruggenkate CM. Anatomical and surgical findings and complications in 100 consecutive maxillary sinus floor elevation procedures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:1426-38.
  • van den Bergh JP, ten Bruggenkate CM, Disch FJ, Tuinzing DB. Anatomical aspects of sinus floor elevations. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2000;11:256- 65.
  • Del Fabbro M, Rosano G, Taschieri S. Implant survival rates after maxillary sinus augmentation. Eur J Oral Sci. 2008;116:497-506.
  • Heckmann SM, Winter W, Meyer M, Weber HP, Wichmann MG. Overdenture attachment selection and the loading of implant and denture-bearing area. Part 2: A methodical study using five types of attachment. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2001;12:640- 7. 15. Weischer T, Mohr C. Implant-supported
  • mandibular telescopic prostheses in oral cancer
  • patients: an up to 9-year retrospective study. Int J
  • Prosthodont. 2001;14:329-34.
  • Langer A. Telescope retainers and their clinical application. J Prosthet Dent 1980; 44:516–522.
  • Tawse-Smith A, Payne AG, Kumara R, Thomson WM. Early loading of unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures using a one- stage operative procedure with two different implant systems: a 2-year report. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2002;4:33–42.
  • Breeding LC, Dixon DL, Sadler JP, McKay ML. Mechanical considerations for the implant tooth- supported fixed partial denture. J Prosthet Dent. 1995;74:487-92.
  • Gross M, Laufer BZ. Splinting osseointegrated implants and natural teeth in rehabilitation of partially edentulous patients. Part I: laboratory and clinical studies. J Oral Rehabil. 1997;24:863-70.
  • Pesun IJ. Intrusion of teeth in the combination implant-to-natural-tooth fixed partial denture: a review of the theories. J Prosthodont. 1997 ;6:268- 77.
  • Garcia LT, Oesterle LJ. Natural tooth intrusion phenomenon with implants: a survey. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1998 ;13:227-31.
  • Hosny M, Duyck J, van Steenberghe D, Naert I. Within-subject comparison between connected and nonconnected tooth-to-implant fixed partial prostheses: up to 14-year follow-up study. Int J Prosthodont. 2000;13:340-6.
  • Hoffmann O, Beaumont C, Tatakis DN, Zafiropoulos attachments for implant supported restorations: a case series. J Oral Implantol. 2006;32:291-9. as
  • Greven B, Luepke M, von Dorsche SH. Telescoping implant prostheses with intraoral luted galvano mesostructures to improve passive fit. J Prosthet Dent. 2007;98:239-44.
  • Bayer S, Zuziak W, Kraus D, Keilig L, Stark H, Enkling N. Conical crowns with electroplated gold copings: retention force changes caused by wear and combined off-axial load. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011;22:323-9.
  • Weigl P, Lauer HC. Advanced biomaterials used for a new telescopic retainer for removable dentures. J Biomed Mater Res. 2000;53:337-47.
  • Miyasaka M, Miura H, Nagatomi H, Yoshimine M. The effects of various finishing materials on the gloss and the color change of indirect prosthetic resin composites. J Med Dent Sci 2008; 55: 1–6.
  • Freitas CRB, Miranda MIS, Andrade MF, Flore VHO, Vaz LG, Guimaraes NC. Resistance to maxillary premolar fractures after restoration of class 2 preparations with resin composite or ceromer. Quinttessence Int 2002; 33: 589-94.
  • Manhart J, Kunzelman KH, Chen HY, Hickel R. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of light- cured packable composite resins. Dental Mater 2000; 16: 33-40.
  • Mandikos M, Mc Givney GP, Davis E, Bush PJ, Carter JM. A comparison of wear resistance and hardness of indirect composite resins J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:386-95.
  • Yoshida K, Morimoto N, Tsuo Y, Atsuta M. Flexural fatigue behavior of machinable and light activated hybrid composites for esthetic restorations. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2004;70B: 218-222.
  • Abbo B, Razzoog ME. A procedure for repairing a fixed implant-supported complete denture. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93:588-89.
  • Chronopoulos V, Kourtis S, Katsikeris N, Nagy W. Tooth- restorations for the treatment of patients with extended edentulous spans. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2009;21:7-17. provisional
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dr. Onur Geçkili This is me

Dr. Esma Sönmez This is me

Dr. Canan Bural This is me

Dr.ipek Yıldız This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 2012 Issue: 3


APA Geçkili, D. O., Sönmez, D. E., Bural, D. C., Yıldız, D. (2012). Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2012(3), 298-305.
AMA Geçkili DO, Sönmez DE, Bural DC, Yıldız D. Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. March 2012;2012(3):298-305.
Chicago Geçkili, Dr. Onur, Dr. Esma Sönmez, Dr. Canan Bural, and Dr.ipek Yıldız. “Parsiyel dişsizliğin Dental Implantlar Ve Teleskop Tutuculu Protezler Ile Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2012, no. 3 (March 2012): 298-305.
EndNote Geçkili DO, Sönmez DE, Bural DC, Yıldız D (March 1, 2012) Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2012 3 298–305.
IEEE D. O. Geçkili, D. E. Sönmez, D. C. Bural, and D. Yıldız, “Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 2012, no. 3, pp. 298–305, 2012.
ISNAD Geçkili, Dr. Onur et al. “Parsiyel dişsizliğin Dental Implantlar Ve Teleskop Tutuculu Protezler Ile Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2012/3 (March 2012), 298-305.
JAMA Geçkili DO, Sönmez DE, Bural DC, Yıldız D. Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2012;2012:298–305.
MLA Geçkili, Dr. Onur et al. “Parsiyel dişsizliğin Dental Implantlar Ve Teleskop Tutuculu Protezler Ile Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2012, no. 3, 2012, pp. 298-05.
Vancouver Geçkili DO, Sönmez DE, Bural DC, Yıldız D. Parsiyel dişsizliğin dental implantlar ve teleskop tutuculu protezler ile tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2012;2012(3):298-305.

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