The comparison of microleakage in the root canals enlarged with two different file system
Year 2012,
Volume: 2012 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 01.01.2012
Yrd. Doç. Dr.sadullah Kaya
Arş. Gör. Selengül Ganidağli Ayaz
Araş. Görv. İbrahim Uysal
- Versümer J, Hülsman M, Schafers F. A comparative study of root canal preparation using Profile .04 and Lightspeed rotary ni-ti instruments. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 37-46.
- Garip Y, Gençoğlu N. Comparison of curved canals preparations using profile, GT and Hero 642 rotary files. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 131-6.
- Metzger Z, Teperovich E, Zary R, Raphaela C. The Self Adjusting File (SAF). Part 1:Respecting the root canal anatomy; a new concept of endodontic files and its implementation. J Endod 2010; 36(4): 679–90.
- Metzger Z, Teperovich E, Cohen R, et al. The Self Adjusting File (SAF). Part 3: Removal of debris and smear layer. A scanning electron microscope study. J Endod 2010; 36(4); 697-702.
- Yiğit Özer S, Adıgüzel Ö, Kaya S. Removal of debris and smear layer in curved root canals using self-adjusting file with different operation times – a scanning electron microscope stud. Int Dent Res 2011;1:1-6.
- Matloff IR, Jensen JR, Singer L, Tabibi AA. Comparison of methots used in root canal sealability studise. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1982; 2: 203-8.
- Mente J, Ferk S, Dreyhaupt J, Deckert A, Legner M, Staehle HJ. Assessment of different dyes used in leakage studies. Clin Oral Invest 2010; 14:331–8.
- Limkangwalmongkol S, Burtscher P, Abbott PV, Sandler AB, Bishop BM. A comparative study of the apical leakage of four root canal sealers and laterally condensed gutta-percha. J Endod 1991; 17(10): 495–9.
- Peters OA, Barbakow F. Effects of irrigation on debris and smear layer on canal walls prepared by two rotary techniques: a scanning electron microscopic study. J Endod 2000; 26(1): 6–10.
- Ram Z. Effectiveness of root canal irrigation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1977; 44: 306–12.
- Peters OA, Boessler C, Paque F. Root canal preparation with a novel nickel-titanium instrument evaluated with micro-computed tomography: canal surface preparation over time. J Endod 2010; 36(6): 1068–72.
- Fogel HM, Peikoff MD. Microleakage of root-end filling materials. J Endod 2001; 27(7): 456–8.
- Scheerer SQ, Steiman RH, Cohen J. A comparative evaluation of three root-end filling materials: an in vitro leakage study using Prevotella nigrescens. J Endod 2001; 27(1): 40
- Xavier CB, Weismann R, Oliveira MG, Demarco FF, Pozza DH.Root-End Filling Materials: Apical Microleakage and Marginal Adaptation. J Endod 2005; 31(7): 539-42.
- Taşdemir T, Er K, Yıldırım T, Buruk K, Çelik D,
- Cora S, Tahan E, Tuncel B, Serper A. Comparison of the sealing ability of three filling techniques in canals shaped with two different rotary systems: A bacterial leakage study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e129- e134.
- Schäfer E, Zandbiglari T. Solubility of root canal
- sealers in water and artificial saliva. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 660-9.
- Schäfer E, Olttof G. Effect of three different sealers on the sealing ability of both thermafil obturators and cold laterally compacted gutta- percha. J Endod 2002; 28(9): 638–42.
- Veis MV, Parashos P, Messer HH. Effect of obturation technique on sealer cement thickness and dentinal tubule penetration. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 653–63.
- De-Deus G, Gurgel-Filho ED, Malaghaes KM, Coutinho- Filho T. A laboratory analysis of gutta- percha-filled area obtained using Thermafil, system B and lateral condensation. Int Endod J 2006; 39: 378–83.
- Farea M, Masudi S, Wan Bakar WZ. Apical microleakage evaluation of system B compared with cold lateral technique: In vitro study. Aust Endod J 2010; 36: 48–53.
İki farklı eğe sistemi ile prepare edilen kök kanallarının apikal mikrosızıntilarının karşılaştırılması
Year 2012,
Volume: 2012 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 01.01.2012
Yrd. Doç. Dr.sadullah Kaya
Arş. Gör. Selengül Ganidağli Ayaz
Araş. Görv. İbrahim Uysal
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Self Adjusting File (SAF) ve Profile eğe sistemleri ile şekillendirilen kanalların lateral kondansasyon tekniği ile doldurulması sonucu oluşan apikal mikrosızıntının değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada periodontal ve ortodontik nedenlerle çekilmiş 48 adet tek köklü premolar diş kullanıldı. Dişlerin kronları mine sement sınırı seviyesinden uzaklaştırıldıktan sonra rastgele iki gruba ayrıldı (n= 20). 1.gruptaki dişler SAF ile şekillendirilken 2.gruptaki dişler Profile eğe sistemi ile şekillendirildi. 8 diş pozitif ve negatifkontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Kök kanal irrigasyonu için % 2,5 NaOCl ve % 17 EDTA kullanıldı. Daha sonra kök kanalları gutta-percha ve AH plus kök kanalı dolgu patı ile dolduruldu. Kök yüzeyleri apexte sadece 1mm.’lik kısım dışında naturel tırnak cilası (0 numara) ile 2 kat kaplandıktan sonra 48 saat % 2’lik metilen mavisinde bekletildi. Örneklerdeki boya ve tırnak cilası uzaklaştırıldıktan sonra kökler bucco-lingual yönde ince bir alev uçlu elmas frezle longitudinal olarak ikiye ayrıldı ve steromikroskop altında değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Grupların istatistiksel değerlendirmeleri Mann - Whitney U testi ile yapıldı. Gruplar arasında istatistiksel yönden anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı (P > 0.05). Sonuç: Lateral kondansasyon tekniği ile kök kanallarının doldurulmasında SAF ve Profile eğe sistemi ile yapılan mekanik preparasyon apikal mikrosızıntı açısından başarılı sonuçlar vermiştir
- Versümer J, Hülsman M, Schafers F. A comparative study of root canal preparation using Profile .04 and Lightspeed rotary ni-ti instruments. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 37-46.
- Garip Y, Gençoğlu N. Comparison of curved canals preparations using profile, GT and Hero 642 rotary files. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 131-6.
- Metzger Z, Teperovich E, Zary R, Raphaela C. The Self Adjusting File (SAF). Part 1:Respecting the root canal anatomy; a new concept of endodontic files and its implementation. J Endod 2010; 36(4): 679–90.
- Metzger Z, Teperovich E, Cohen R, et al. The Self Adjusting File (SAF). Part 3: Removal of debris and smear layer. A scanning electron microscope study. J Endod 2010; 36(4); 697-702.
- Yiğit Özer S, Adıgüzel Ö, Kaya S. Removal of debris and smear layer in curved root canals using self-adjusting file with different operation times – a scanning electron microscope stud. Int Dent Res 2011;1:1-6.
- Matloff IR, Jensen JR, Singer L, Tabibi AA. Comparison of methots used in root canal sealability studise. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1982; 2: 203-8.
- Mente J, Ferk S, Dreyhaupt J, Deckert A, Legner M, Staehle HJ. Assessment of different dyes used in leakage studies. Clin Oral Invest 2010; 14:331–8.
- Limkangwalmongkol S, Burtscher P, Abbott PV, Sandler AB, Bishop BM. A comparative study of the apical leakage of four root canal sealers and laterally condensed gutta-percha. J Endod 1991; 17(10): 495–9.
- Peters OA, Barbakow F. Effects of irrigation on debris and smear layer on canal walls prepared by two rotary techniques: a scanning electron microscopic study. J Endod 2000; 26(1): 6–10.
- Ram Z. Effectiveness of root canal irrigation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1977; 44: 306–12.
- Peters OA, Boessler C, Paque F. Root canal preparation with a novel nickel-titanium instrument evaluated with micro-computed tomography: canal surface preparation over time. J Endod 2010; 36(6): 1068–72.
- Fogel HM, Peikoff MD. Microleakage of root-end filling materials. J Endod 2001; 27(7): 456–8.
- Scheerer SQ, Steiman RH, Cohen J. A comparative evaluation of three root-end filling materials: an in vitro leakage study using Prevotella nigrescens. J Endod 2001; 27(1): 40
- Xavier CB, Weismann R, Oliveira MG, Demarco FF, Pozza DH.Root-End Filling Materials: Apical Microleakage and Marginal Adaptation. J Endod 2005; 31(7): 539-42.
- Taşdemir T, Er K, Yıldırım T, Buruk K, Çelik D,
- Cora S, Tahan E, Tuncel B, Serper A. Comparison of the sealing ability of three filling techniques in canals shaped with two different rotary systems: A bacterial leakage study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e129- e134.
- Schäfer E, Zandbiglari T. Solubility of root canal
- sealers in water and artificial saliva. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 660-9.
- Schäfer E, Olttof G. Effect of three different sealers on the sealing ability of both thermafil obturators and cold laterally compacted gutta- percha. J Endod 2002; 28(9): 638–42.
- Veis MV, Parashos P, Messer HH. Effect of obturation technique on sealer cement thickness and dentinal tubule penetration. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 653–63.
- De-Deus G, Gurgel-Filho ED, Malaghaes KM, Coutinho- Filho T. A laboratory analysis of gutta- percha-filled area obtained using Thermafil, system B and lateral condensation. Int Endod J 2006; 39: 378–83.
- Farea M, Masudi S, Wan Bakar WZ. Apical microleakage evaluation of system B compared with cold lateral technique: In vitro study. Aust Endod J 2010; 36: 48–53.