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Year 2009, Volume: 2009 Issue: 2, 124 - 130, 01.02.2009




  • Hudis SI, Goldstein GR. Restoration of endodontically treated teeth: a review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 1986; 55: 33–38.
  • Smidt A, Venezia E. Techniques for immediate core
  • endodontically buildup
  • QuintessenceInt 2003; 34: 258–268. treated teeth.
  • Bolhuis P, de Gee A, Feilzer A. Influence of fatigue loading on four post-and-core systems in maxillary premolars. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 657–667.
  • Zaimoğlu A, Can G. Sabit protezler. Ankara Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın no: 24, Ankara, 2004, 183–189.
  • Yavuzyılmaz H, Ulusoy MM, Kedici PS, Kansu G. Protetik diş tedavisi terimleri sözlüğü. Türk Prostodonti ve İmplantoloji Derneği, Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, sayı: 1, Ankara, 2003, 72–73.
  • Vano M, Goracci C, Monticelli F, Toqnini F, Gabriele M, Tay FR, Ferrari M. The adhesion between fibre posts and composite resin cores: the evaluation of microtensile bond strength following various surface chemical treatments to posts. Int Endod J 2006; 39: 31–39.
  • Monticelli F, Toledano M, Tay FR, Cury AH, Goracci C, Ferrari M. Post-surface conditioning improves interfacial adhesion in post/
  • Toksavul S, Zor M, Toman M, Gungor MA, Nergiz I, Artunc C. Analysis of dentinal stress distribution of maxillary central incisors subjected to various postand- core applications. Oper Dent 2006; 31: 89–96.
  • Alaçam T, Nalbant L, Alaçam A. İleri Restorasyon Teknikleri. 1. Baskı, Polat Basımevi, Ankara, 1998.
  • Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary fixed prosthodontics. 2 nd Ed., The C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1995.
  • Robbins JW. Guidelines for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;120:558-62.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of endodontically treated tooth. Dent Clin North Am 2002;46: 367-84.
  • Stephen C, Richard CB. Pathways of the Pulp, 8th Edition, 2002.
  • Llyod PM, Palik JF. The philosophies of dowel diameter preparation: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1993;69:32-6.
  • Goodacre CJ, Spolnik KJ. The prosthodontic management of endodontically treated teeth: A literature review. Part III, Tooth preparation considerations. J Prosthodont 1995;4:122-8.
  • Stockton LW. Factors affecting retention of post systems: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:380-5.
  • Freedman GA. Esthetic post-and-core treatment. Dent Clin North Am 2001;45:103-16.
  • De Sort KD. The prosthodontic use of endodontically biomechanics of post preparation. J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:203-6. teeth; theory and
  • Fernandes AS, Dessai GS. Factors affecting the fracture resistance of post-core reconstructed teeth: A review. Int J Prosthodont 2001;14:355- 63.
  • Mendoza DB, Eakle WS. Retention of posts cemented with various dental bonding cements. J Prosthet Dent 1994;72:591-4.
  • Kıvanş B. H. Endodontik tedavili dişlerde post uygulamaları. Atatürk Üniv. Di_ Hek. Fak. Derg. 2006, p. 18-23
  • Koutayas SO, Kern M. All-Ceramic Post and Cores. In; The State of the Art. Quintessence Int, 30, 1999, p. 383-392.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. Dent Clin North Am 2002, 46: 367- 84.
  • Fredriksson M, Astbac KJ, Pamenius M, Arvidson KA. Retrospective study of 236 patients with teeth restored by carbon fiber-reinforced epoxi-resin post. J Prosthet Dent 1998, 80: 151-157.
  • Morgano SM,Brackett SE. Foundation restorations in fixed prosthodontics: Current Knowladge and future needs. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 82: 643-657.
  • Purton DG, Love RM. Rigidity and retantion of carbon fiber versus stainlees Steel root canal posts. Int Endodon J 1996, 29: 262-5.
  • Purton DG, Payne JA. Comparison of carbon fiber and stainless steel root canal posts. Quintessence Int 1997, 27: 93-97.
  • Bilgin MS, Öztürk AN. Estetik post sistemleri. SÜ Dişhek Fak Der, 2008, 17: 243-245.
  • Freedman G. The carbon fibre post: metal-free, post-endodontic rehabilitation. Oral Health. 1996 Feb;86(2):23-6, 29-30.
  • Isador F, Omdan P, Brondum K. Intermittent Loading of Teeth Restored Using Prefabricated Carbon 1996;9:131–6. Int J Prosthodont
  • Sidoli GE, King PA, Setchell DJ. An in vitro evaluation of a carbon fiber based post and core system, J Prosthet Dent 1996;78:296
  • Purton DG, Payne JA. Comparison of Carbon Fiber and Quintessence Int, 27; P:93–7,1997. Root Canal Posts.
  • Koutayas SO, Kern M. All-ceramic posts and cores: The state of the art. Quintessence Int 1999;30:383-92.
  • Ivoclar AG. Scientific documentation, Cosmopost/ IPS Liechteinstein,1998. Ingot, Schaan,
  • Ferrari M, Scotzi R. Fiber Posts. Characteristics and Clinical Applications. Mason S.p.A., Milano, Italya, 2002.
  • Meyenberg KH, Luthy H, Scharer P. Zirconia posts: A new all-ceramic concept for nonvital abutment teeth. J Esthet Dent 1995;7:73-80. 29.
  • Stockton LW. Factors affecting retention of post systems: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:380-5.
  • Hochman N, Zalkind M. New all ceramic indirect post and core system. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:625-9.
  • Edelhoff D, Sorensen JA. Retention of selected core materials to zirconia posts. Oper Dent 2002;27:455- 61.
  • Cohen BI, Pagnillo MK, Newman NI, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS. Retention of a Core Material Supported by Three Post Head Designs. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:624–8.
  • Uzun G, Hersek N, Tinçer T. Effect of five woven fiber reinforcements on the impact and transverse strength of a denture base resin. J Prosthet Dent, 1999;81:616-620.
  • Keyf F, Uzun G, Mutlu M. The effects of HEMAmonomer and air atmosphere treatment of glass fibre on the transverse strength of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Oral Rehabil. 2003;30:1142-1148.
  • Uzun G, Keyf F. The effect of fiber reinforcement type and water storage on strength properties of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Biomater App, 2003;17:277-286.
  • Keyf F, Uzun G. The effect of glass fiber reinforcement at different concentrations on the transverse strength, deflection and modulus of elasticity of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Biomater App, 2001;16:149-156.
  • Miller TE. A new material for periodontal splinting and orthodontic retantion. Compend Cond Educ Dent. 1993;14:800-812.
  • Erman G. Fiber ile desteklenmiş kompozit rezin postcore restorasyonların, diagonal kuvvetler karşısındaki dayanıklılığının in-vitro incelenmesi, Hacettepe Ü Diş Hek Fak Doktora Tezi, 2001.
  • Christensen GJ. When to use fillers, build-ups or posts 1996;127:1397–8. J Am Dent Assoc
  • Bateman G, Ricketts DNJ, Saunders WP. Fibre- based post systems: a review. Br Dent J 2003;195:43-8.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth, Dent Clin North Am 2002; 46:367- 84.
  • Triolo PT, Trajenberg C, Powers JM. Flexural properties and bond strength of an esthetic post, J Dent Res 1999;78:548.
  • Fokkinga WA, Kreulen CM, Le Bell- Rönnlöf A-M, Lassila LVJ, Valittu PK, Creugers NHJ. In vitro fracture behaviour of maxillary premolars with metal crowns and several post-and-core systems. Eur J Oral Sci, 2006;114:250–6.
  • Tezel H, Güngör MA, Korkut ZO, Farklı Kor Materyallerinin Karşılaştırılması, EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2006; 27: 159-166 Dayanımlarının


Year 2009, Volume: 2009 Issue: 2, 124 - 130, 01.02.2009


Endodontik tedavili dişlerin post ve kor sistemleri ile restorasyonu diş hekimliği pratiğindeki en riskli işlemlerden biridir. Günümüze dek, aşırı madde kaybına uğramış endodontik tedavili dişler farklı restoratif yöntemlerle restore edilmeye çalışılmış ve değişik post sistemleri denenmiştir. Bu sistemleri kullanmanın amacı; final sabit restorasyonun estetiği yanında materyaline yeterli retansiyon sağlanmasıdır. Bu derlemenin restorasyonunda kullanılan estetik post sistemlerini genel olarak değerlendirmektir


  • Hudis SI, Goldstein GR. Restoration of endodontically treated teeth: a review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 1986; 55: 33–38.
  • Smidt A, Venezia E. Techniques for immediate core
  • endodontically buildup
  • QuintessenceInt 2003; 34: 258–268. treated teeth.
  • Bolhuis P, de Gee A, Feilzer A. Influence of fatigue loading on four post-and-core systems in maxillary premolars. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 657–667.
  • Zaimoğlu A, Can G. Sabit protezler. Ankara Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın no: 24, Ankara, 2004, 183–189.
  • Yavuzyılmaz H, Ulusoy MM, Kedici PS, Kansu G. Protetik diş tedavisi terimleri sözlüğü. Türk Prostodonti ve İmplantoloji Derneği, Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, sayı: 1, Ankara, 2003, 72–73.
  • Vano M, Goracci C, Monticelli F, Toqnini F, Gabriele M, Tay FR, Ferrari M. The adhesion between fibre posts and composite resin cores: the evaluation of microtensile bond strength following various surface chemical treatments to posts. Int Endod J 2006; 39: 31–39.
  • Monticelli F, Toledano M, Tay FR, Cury AH, Goracci C, Ferrari M. Post-surface conditioning improves interfacial adhesion in post/
  • Toksavul S, Zor M, Toman M, Gungor MA, Nergiz I, Artunc C. Analysis of dentinal stress distribution of maxillary central incisors subjected to various postand- core applications. Oper Dent 2006; 31: 89–96.
  • Alaçam T, Nalbant L, Alaçam A. İleri Restorasyon Teknikleri. 1. Baskı, Polat Basımevi, Ankara, 1998.
  • Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary fixed prosthodontics. 2 nd Ed., The C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1995.
  • Robbins JW. Guidelines for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;120:558-62.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of endodontically treated tooth. Dent Clin North Am 2002;46: 367-84.
  • Stephen C, Richard CB. Pathways of the Pulp, 8th Edition, 2002.
  • Llyod PM, Palik JF. The philosophies of dowel diameter preparation: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1993;69:32-6.
  • Goodacre CJ, Spolnik KJ. The prosthodontic management of endodontically treated teeth: A literature review. Part III, Tooth preparation considerations. J Prosthodont 1995;4:122-8.
  • Stockton LW. Factors affecting retention of post systems: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:380-5.
  • Freedman GA. Esthetic post-and-core treatment. Dent Clin North Am 2001;45:103-16.
  • De Sort KD. The prosthodontic use of endodontically biomechanics of post preparation. J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:203-6. teeth; theory and
  • Fernandes AS, Dessai GS. Factors affecting the fracture resistance of post-core reconstructed teeth: A review. Int J Prosthodont 2001;14:355- 63.
  • Mendoza DB, Eakle WS. Retention of posts cemented with various dental bonding cements. J Prosthet Dent 1994;72:591-4.
  • Kıvanş B. H. Endodontik tedavili dişlerde post uygulamaları. Atatürk Üniv. Di_ Hek. Fak. Derg. 2006, p. 18-23
  • Koutayas SO, Kern M. All-Ceramic Post and Cores. In; The State of the Art. Quintessence Int, 30, 1999, p. 383-392.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. Dent Clin North Am 2002, 46: 367- 84.
  • Fredriksson M, Astbac KJ, Pamenius M, Arvidson KA. Retrospective study of 236 patients with teeth restored by carbon fiber-reinforced epoxi-resin post. J Prosthet Dent 1998, 80: 151-157.
  • Morgano SM,Brackett SE. Foundation restorations in fixed prosthodontics: Current Knowladge and future needs. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 82: 643-657.
  • Purton DG, Love RM. Rigidity and retantion of carbon fiber versus stainlees Steel root canal posts. Int Endodon J 1996, 29: 262-5.
  • Purton DG, Payne JA. Comparison of carbon fiber and stainless steel root canal posts. Quintessence Int 1997, 27: 93-97.
  • Bilgin MS, Öztürk AN. Estetik post sistemleri. SÜ Dişhek Fak Der, 2008, 17: 243-245.
  • Freedman G. The carbon fibre post: metal-free, post-endodontic rehabilitation. Oral Health. 1996 Feb;86(2):23-6, 29-30.
  • Isador F, Omdan P, Brondum K. Intermittent Loading of Teeth Restored Using Prefabricated Carbon 1996;9:131–6. Int J Prosthodont
  • Sidoli GE, King PA, Setchell DJ. An in vitro evaluation of a carbon fiber based post and core system, J Prosthet Dent 1996;78:296
  • Purton DG, Payne JA. Comparison of Carbon Fiber and Quintessence Int, 27; P:93–7,1997. Root Canal Posts.
  • Koutayas SO, Kern M. All-ceramic posts and cores: The state of the art. Quintessence Int 1999;30:383-92.
  • Ivoclar AG. Scientific documentation, Cosmopost/ IPS Liechteinstein,1998. Ingot, Schaan,
  • Ferrari M, Scotzi R. Fiber Posts. Characteristics and Clinical Applications. Mason S.p.A., Milano, Italya, 2002.
  • Meyenberg KH, Luthy H, Scharer P. Zirconia posts: A new all-ceramic concept for nonvital abutment teeth. J Esthet Dent 1995;7:73-80. 29.
  • Stockton LW. Factors affecting retention of post systems: A literature review. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:380-5.
  • Hochman N, Zalkind M. New all ceramic indirect post and core system. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:625-9.
  • Edelhoff D, Sorensen JA. Retention of selected core materials to zirconia posts. Oper Dent 2002;27:455- 61.
  • Cohen BI, Pagnillo MK, Newman NI, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS. Retention of a Core Material Supported by Three Post Head Designs. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:624–8.
  • Uzun G, Hersek N, Tinçer T. Effect of five woven fiber reinforcements on the impact and transverse strength of a denture base resin. J Prosthet Dent, 1999;81:616-620.
  • Keyf F, Uzun G, Mutlu M. The effects of HEMAmonomer and air atmosphere treatment of glass fibre on the transverse strength of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Oral Rehabil. 2003;30:1142-1148.
  • Uzun G, Keyf F. The effect of fiber reinforcement type and water storage on strength properties of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Biomater App, 2003;17:277-286.
  • Keyf F, Uzun G. The effect of glass fiber reinforcement at different concentrations on the transverse strength, deflection and modulus of elasticity of a provisional fixed partial denture resin. J Biomater App, 2001;16:149-156.
  • Miller TE. A new material for periodontal splinting and orthodontic retantion. Compend Cond Educ Dent. 1993;14:800-812.
  • Erman G. Fiber ile desteklenmiş kompozit rezin postcore restorasyonların, diagonal kuvvetler karşısındaki dayanıklılığının in-vitro incelenmesi, Hacettepe Ü Diş Hek Fak Doktora Tezi, 2001.
  • Christensen GJ. When to use fillers, build-ups or posts 1996;127:1397–8. J Am Dent Assoc
  • Bateman G, Ricketts DNJ, Saunders WP. Fibre- based post systems: a review. Br Dent J 2003;195:43-8.
  • Robbins JW. Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth, Dent Clin North Am 2002; 46:367- 84.
  • Triolo PT, Trajenberg C, Powers JM. Flexural properties and bond strength of an esthetic post, J Dent Res 1999;78:548.
  • Fokkinga WA, Kreulen CM, Le Bell- Rönnlöf A-M, Lassila LVJ, Valittu PK, Creugers NHJ. In vitro fracture behaviour of maxillary premolars with metal crowns and several post-and-core systems. Eur J Oral Sci, 2006;114:250–6.
  • Tezel H, Güngör MA, Korkut ZO, Farklı Kor Materyallerinin Karşılaştırılması, EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2006; 27: 159-166 Dayanımlarının
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dr. Dt. Neslihan Çökük This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 2009 Issue: 2


APA Çökük, D. D. N. (2009). ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2009(2), 124-130.
Chicago Çökük, Dr. Dt. Neslihan. “ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2009, no. 2 (February 2009): 124-30.
EndNote Çökük DDN (February 1, 2009) ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2009 2 124–130.
IEEE D. D. N. Çökük, “ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 2009, no. 2, pp. 124–130, 2009.
ISNAD Çökük, Dr. Dt. Neslihan. “ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2009/2 (February 2009), 124-130.
MLA Çökük, Dr. Dt. Neslihan. “ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2009, no. 2, 2009, pp. 124-30.
Vancouver Çökük DDN. ENDODONTİK TEDAVİLİ DİŞLERDE ESTETİK POST UYGULAMALARI. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2009;2009(2):124-30.

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