Year 2009,
Volume: 2009 Issue: 1, 55 - 60, 01.01.2009
Arş. Gör. Dt. Duygu Kürklü
Prof. Dr. Nuran Yanıkoğlu
Dr. Serdar Gözler
- İnan Ö, Acar A. İmplant Destekli Protezlerde Oklüzyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Diş.Hek.Fak.Dergisi 2001;4:12-17.
- Özpınar B, Toksavul S, Ulusoy M, Özer H. Doğal Dişli Genç Bireylerde Karşılıklı Çene İlişkileri İle Oklüzyon Türleri Arasındaki İlginin Araştırılması. Ege Üniversitesi Diş.Hek.Fak.Dergisi 1995;16:18- 22.
- Posselt U. Fisiologia de la oclusion y rehabilitacion. Jims,Barcelona 1973 P.189.
- Lauritzen AG. Atlas de Analisis oclusal. Martinez de Murgia,Madrid 1977,p.67.
- P.E Dawson 2nd edn pTCMC, St Louis Evaluation,Diagnosis,and Treatment of Occlusal Problems. 1989.
- Garcia Cartagena A, Gonzalez Sequeros O, Garrido Garcia VC. Analysis of two methods for occlusal contact registration with the T-Scan system. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24(6):426-32.
- Millstein PL. An evaluation of occlusal contact marking indicators: a descriptive, qualitative method. Quintessence Int Dent Dig 1983;14(8):813-36.
- Schelb E, Kaiser DA, Brukl CE. Thickness and marking characteristics of occlusal registration strips. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54(1):122-6.
- Saracoglu A, Ozpinar B. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of occlusal indicator sensitivity. J Prosthet Dent 2002;88(5):522-6.
- Gonzalez Sequeros O, Garrido Garcia VC, Garcia Cartagena A. Study of occlusal contact variability within individuals in a position of maximum intercuspation using the T-SCAN system. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24(4):287-90.
- Babu RR, Nayar SV. Occlusion Indicators:A review Department Of Prosthodontics. Meenakshiammal Dental College;Chennal,Tamil Nadu,India.
- Reiber T, Fuhr K, Hartmann H, Leicher D. [Recording pattern of occlusal indicators. I. Influence of indicator thickness, pressure, and surface morphology]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 1989;44(2):90-3.
- Maness WL, Benjamin M, Podoloff R, Bobick A, Golden RF. Computerized occlusal analysis: a new technology. Quintessence Int 1987;18(4):287-92.
- Bottger H, Borgstedt T. [Computer-supported analysis of occlusion using T-Scan system. First report]. ZWR 1989;98(7):584-5.
- Gazit E, Fitzig S, Lieberman MA. Reproducibility of occlusal marking techniques. J Prosthet Dent 1986;55(4):505-9.
- Durbin DS, Sadowsky C. Changes in tooth contacts following orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1986;90(5):375-82.
- Korioth TW. Number and location of occlusal contacts in intercuspal position. J Prosthet Dent 1990;64(2):206-10.
- Anderson GC, Schulte JK, Aeppli DM. Reliability of the evaluation of occlusal contacts in the intercuspal position. J Prosthet Dent 1993;70(4):320-3.
- Halperin GC, Halperin AR, Norling BK. Thickness, strength, and plastic deformation of occlusal registration strips. J Prosthet Dent 1982;48(5):575-8.
- Reza Moini M, Neff PA. Reproducibility of occlusal contacts utilizing a computerized instrument. Quintessence Int 1991;22(5):357-60.
- Yamamura M, Takahashi A, Aoki H, Takeuchi N, Endo Y, Tamaki K, et al. [A study on display and accuracy of occlusal contacts by means of T-Scan System]. Kanagawa Shigaku 1990;25(2):236-41. 22. Harvey WL,
- R.A.Hatch&J.W.Osborne.
- Computerized occlusal analysis:An evaluation of
- the sensors.J Prosthet Dent 1991;65:89.
- Patyk A, Lotzmann U, Scherer C, Kobes LW. [Comparative analytic occlusal study of clinical use of T-scan systems]. ZWR 1989;98(9):752-5.
- Combadazou JC, Combelles R, Cadenat H. [The value of mandibular kinesiography and of T- scanning in the diagnosis and treatment of algo- dysfunctional syndrome of the temporomandibular joint]. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1990;91(2):86-91.
- S.Gözler. Klinik çalışma sonuçlarının fotoğrafları. İstanbul 2000.
- Baba K, Tsukiyama Y, Clark GT. Reliability, validity, and utility of various occlusal measurement methods and techniques. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83(1):83-9.
Year 2009,
Volume: 2009 Issue: 1, 55 - 60, 01.01.2009
Arş. Gör. Dt. Duygu Kürklü
Prof. Dr. Nuran Yanıkoğlu
Dr. Serdar Gözler
Oklüzyon dişlerin interküspidasyonda olması durumudur.Fonksiyonel hareketlerin rahatlıkla yapılması ve kasların dengeli çalışması ancak iyi bir oklüzal ilişki ile mümkün olabilmektedir. Oklüzyonun belirlenmesinde geçmişten günümüze farklı birçok metot kullanılmıştır. Bunların arasında bilgisayarlı oklüzal analiz sistemleri de yer almaktadır. T-Scan oklüzal analiz sistemleri, temas bilgilerini basınca hassas bir sensorla görüntüleyecek şekilde dizayn edilmiştir. T-scan oklüzal analiz sistemi sayesinde diş temaslarının dağılımı belirlenmekte ve kapanış zamanları tanımlanabilmektedir. Bu yazımızda klasik oklüzal analiz metotları ve T-Scan bilgisayarlı oklüzal analiz sistemi değerlendirilmiştir
- İnan Ö, Acar A. İmplant Destekli Protezlerde Oklüzyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Diş.Hek.Fak.Dergisi 2001;4:12-17.
- Özpınar B, Toksavul S, Ulusoy M, Özer H. Doğal Dişli Genç Bireylerde Karşılıklı Çene İlişkileri İle Oklüzyon Türleri Arasındaki İlginin Araştırılması. Ege Üniversitesi Diş.Hek.Fak.Dergisi 1995;16:18- 22.
- Posselt U. Fisiologia de la oclusion y rehabilitacion. Jims,Barcelona 1973 P.189.
- Lauritzen AG. Atlas de Analisis oclusal. Martinez de Murgia,Madrid 1977,p.67.
- P.E Dawson 2nd edn pTCMC, St Louis Evaluation,Diagnosis,and Treatment of Occlusal Problems. 1989.
- Garcia Cartagena A, Gonzalez Sequeros O, Garrido Garcia VC. Analysis of two methods for occlusal contact registration with the T-Scan system. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24(6):426-32.
- Millstein PL. An evaluation of occlusal contact marking indicators: a descriptive, qualitative method. Quintessence Int Dent Dig 1983;14(8):813-36.
- Schelb E, Kaiser DA, Brukl CE. Thickness and marking characteristics of occlusal registration strips. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54(1):122-6.
- Saracoglu A, Ozpinar B. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of occlusal indicator sensitivity. J Prosthet Dent 2002;88(5):522-6.
- Gonzalez Sequeros O, Garrido Garcia VC, Garcia Cartagena A. Study of occlusal contact variability within individuals in a position of maximum intercuspation using the T-SCAN system. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24(4):287-90.
- Babu RR, Nayar SV. Occlusion Indicators:A review Department Of Prosthodontics. Meenakshiammal Dental College;Chennal,Tamil Nadu,India.
- Reiber T, Fuhr K, Hartmann H, Leicher D. [Recording pattern of occlusal indicators. I. Influence of indicator thickness, pressure, and surface morphology]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 1989;44(2):90-3.
- Maness WL, Benjamin M, Podoloff R, Bobick A, Golden RF. Computerized occlusal analysis: a new technology. Quintessence Int 1987;18(4):287-92.
- Bottger H, Borgstedt T. [Computer-supported analysis of occlusion using T-Scan system. First report]. ZWR 1989;98(7):584-5.
- Gazit E, Fitzig S, Lieberman MA. Reproducibility of occlusal marking techniques. J Prosthet Dent 1986;55(4):505-9.
- Durbin DS, Sadowsky C. Changes in tooth contacts following orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1986;90(5):375-82.
- Korioth TW. Number and location of occlusal contacts in intercuspal position. J Prosthet Dent 1990;64(2):206-10.
- Anderson GC, Schulte JK, Aeppli DM. Reliability of the evaluation of occlusal contacts in the intercuspal position. J Prosthet Dent 1993;70(4):320-3.
- Halperin GC, Halperin AR, Norling BK. Thickness, strength, and plastic deformation of occlusal registration strips. J Prosthet Dent 1982;48(5):575-8.
- Reza Moini M, Neff PA. Reproducibility of occlusal contacts utilizing a computerized instrument. Quintessence Int 1991;22(5):357-60.
- Yamamura M, Takahashi A, Aoki H, Takeuchi N, Endo Y, Tamaki K, et al. [A study on display and accuracy of occlusal contacts by means of T-Scan System]. Kanagawa Shigaku 1990;25(2):236-41. 22. Harvey WL,
- R.A.Hatch&J.W.Osborne.
- Computerized occlusal analysis:An evaluation of
- the sensors.J Prosthet Dent 1991;65:89.
- Patyk A, Lotzmann U, Scherer C, Kobes LW. [Comparative analytic occlusal study of clinical use of T-scan systems]. ZWR 1989;98(9):752-5.
- Combadazou JC, Combelles R, Cadenat H. [The value of mandibular kinesiography and of T- scanning in the diagnosis and treatment of algo- dysfunctional syndrome of the temporomandibular joint]. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1990;91(2):86-91.
- S.Gözler. Klinik çalışma sonuçlarının fotoğrafları. İstanbul 2000.
- Baba K, Tsukiyama Y, Clark GT. Reliability, validity, and utility of various occlusal measurement methods and techniques. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83(1):83-9.