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Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 2, 13 - 19, 01.02.2007




  • Leake JL. An index of chewing ability. J Public Dentistry 1990; 50: 262–268.
  • Oosterhaven SP, Westert GP, Shaub RMH, Bilt AV. Social and Phychologic implications of missing teeth for chewing ability. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16: 79–83.
  • Kayser AF. Shortened dental arches and oral function. J Oral Rehabil 1981; 8: 457–462.
  • Witter DJ, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF, Van Rossum GM. Oral comfort in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1990; 17: 137–143.
  • Witter DJ, Creugers NH, Kreulen CM, de Haan AF. Occlusal Stability in shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 432–436.
  • Christensen LV, Ziebert GJ. Effect of experimental loss of teeth on the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Rehabil 1986; 13: 587–598.
  • Van Der Weele, Dibbets M H. Helkimo’s index: a scale or just a set of symptoms? J Oral Rehabil 1987; 14: 229–237.
  • De Boever JA, Adriaens PA. Occlusal relationship in patients with pain-dysfunction symptoms in the temporomandibular joints. J Oral Rehabil 1983; 10: 1–8.
  • Berg E. Periodontal problems associated with use of distal extension removable partial dentures- a matter of construction. J Oral Rehabil 1985; 12: 369–74.
  • Witter D J, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF. Signs and symptoms of mandibular dysfunctions in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1988; 15: 413–418.
  • Witter D J, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF, Van Rossum MJM. The effect of removable partial dentures on the oral function in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1989; 16: 27–33.
  • Sarita PT, Witter DJ, Kreulen CM, Van’t Hof MA, Creugers NH. Chewing ability of subjects with shortened dental arches. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003; 31: 328–34.
  • Witter DJ, Creugers NHJ, Kreulen CM, De Haa AFJ. Occlusal stability in shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 432–436.
  • Kirveskari P, Alanen P. Assocciation betweenn tooth loss and TMJ dysfunction. J Oral Rehabil 1985; 12: 189–194.
  • Aukes JN, Kayser AF, Felling AJ. The subjective experience of mastication in subjects with shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1988; 15: 321–324.
  • Carlsson GE. Masticatory efficiency: The effect of age, the loss of teeth and prosthetic rehabilitation. Int Dent J 1984; 34: 93–97.
  • Hattori Y, Satoh C, Seki S. Occlusal and TMJ loads in subjects with experimentally shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2003; 82: 532–536.
  • Ciancaglini R, Gherlone EF, Radaelli G.Association between loss of occlusal support and symptoms of functional disturbances of the masticatory system. J Oral Rehabil 1999; 26: 248–253.
  • Pullinger AG, Seligman DA, Gornbein JA. A multiple logistic regression analysis of the risk and relative odds of temporomandibular disorders as a function of common occlusal features J Dent Res 1993; 72: 968–79.
  • Agerberg G, Bergenholtz A. Craniomandibular disorders in adult population of West Bothnia, Sweden. Acta Odontol Scan 1989; 47: 129–140.
  • Huber MA, Hall EH. A comparison of the signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and occlusal discrepancies in a symptom-free population of men and women. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990; 70: 180–183.
  • Leake JL, Hawkins R, Kocker D. Social and functional impact of reduced posterior dental units in older adults. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21: 1–10.
  • Witter DJ, De Haan AFJ, Kayser AF, Van Rossum GM. A 6-year follow-up study of oral function in shortened dental arches. Part I: Oclusall stability. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21: 113–125.
  • Sarita PTN, Kreulen CM, Witter DJ, Creugers NHJ. Signs and symptoms associated with TMD in adults with shortened dental arches.Int J Prosthodont 2003; 16: 265- 270.
  • De Boever JA. Carlsson GE, Klineberg IJ. Need for occlusal therapy and prosthodontic treatment in the management of temporomandibular disorders. Part II. Tooth loss and prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Rehabil 2000; 27: 647–659.
  • Johannson A, Unell L, Carlsson GE, Soderfeld B, Halling A. Gender difference in symptoms related to temporomandibular disorder in a population of 50-and 60-year- old subjects. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 473–481.
  • Miyake R, Ohkubo R, Takehara J, et al. Oral parafunctions and association with symptoms of temporomandibular disorder in Japanese university students. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31: 518–523.
  • Gesch D, Bernhardt O, Alte D, Kocher T, John U, Hessel E, Alte D. Prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in an urban and rural German population: Results of a population-based Study of Health in Pomerania. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 143–150.
  • Ünalan F, Bayraktar G, Kursoglu P. Tam protez kullanan hastalarda Temporomandibular rahatszl7n klinik olarak de7erlendirilmesi. . I Ü Dis Hek Fak Derg 1998; 32: 64–70
  • Nekora-Azak A, Evliyao7lu G, Ordulu M, ?sever H. Prevalence of synptoms associated with temporomandibular disorders in a Turkish population. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 81–84.
  • Dao TTT, Le Resche L. Gender differences in pain. J Orofac Pain 2000; 14: 169–184.
  • Günay Y, Bellaz IB, Gürgan C. Temporomandibular eklem disfonksiyonunda semptomlarn daglm. I Ü Di Hek Fak Derg 1998; 32: 177–182.
  • Abubaker AO, Raslan WF, Sotereanos GC. Estrogen and progesterone receptors in temporomandibular joint discs of symptomatic and asymptomatic persons:A preliminary study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993; 51: 1096–1100.
  • Karibe H, Goddart G, Gear RW. Sex differences in masticatory muscle pain after chewing. J Dent Res 2003; 82: 112–116.
  • De Boever JA, Van Den Berghe L, De Boever AL. Comparison of clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of an elderly and a younger temporomandibular patient group. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 81: 312–317.
  • Stratmann U, Mokrys K, Meyer U, et al. Clinical anatomy and palpability of inferior lateral pterygoid muscle. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 548–554.


Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 2, 13 - 19, 01.02.2007


(HPP) kullanan ve kullanmayan bireylerde, K salm Dental Ark n (KDA) oral fonksiyon ve estetik kayg lar aç s ndan de7erlendirilmesidir. Ara t rmam zda posterior dieksikli7iikayeti bulunan 135 kad n (ya ortalamas 61.44±8.06) ve 123 erkek (ya ortalamas 60.52± 7.98) olmak üzere toplam 258 birey (ya ortalamas 60.52±8.02) incelenmi tir. Çal maya kat lan bireyler HPP kullanan (n=106) ve HPP kullanmayan (n= 152) olmak üzere iki grup alt nda oral fonksiyon ve estetik kayg lar aç s ndan de7erlendirilmi tir. ?statistiksel analiz için Kruskall-Wallis ve ki kare testi kullan lm t r. KDA’a sahip, HPP kullanan ve kullan- mayan bireyler, oral fonksiyon ve estetik kayg lar aç - s ndan de7erlendirildi7inde HPP kullanan bireylerde tüm bulgular için istatistiksel olarak anlaml sonuçlar elde edilmi tir; TME de a7r (p=0.008), eklem sesi (p


  • Leake JL. An index of chewing ability. J Public Dentistry 1990; 50: 262–268.
  • Oosterhaven SP, Westert GP, Shaub RMH, Bilt AV. Social and Phychologic implications of missing teeth for chewing ability. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16: 79–83.
  • Kayser AF. Shortened dental arches and oral function. J Oral Rehabil 1981; 8: 457–462.
  • Witter DJ, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF, Van Rossum GM. Oral comfort in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1990; 17: 137–143.
  • Witter DJ, Creugers NH, Kreulen CM, de Haan AF. Occlusal Stability in shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 432–436.
  • Christensen LV, Ziebert GJ. Effect of experimental loss of teeth on the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Rehabil 1986; 13: 587–598.
  • Van Der Weele, Dibbets M H. Helkimo’s index: a scale or just a set of symptoms? J Oral Rehabil 1987; 14: 229–237.
  • De Boever JA, Adriaens PA. Occlusal relationship in patients with pain-dysfunction symptoms in the temporomandibular joints. J Oral Rehabil 1983; 10: 1–8.
  • Berg E. Periodontal problems associated with use of distal extension removable partial dentures- a matter of construction. J Oral Rehabil 1985; 12: 369–74.
  • Witter D J, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF. Signs and symptoms of mandibular dysfunctions in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1988; 15: 413–418.
  • Witter D J, Van Elteren P, Kayser AF, Van Rossum MJM. The effect of removable partial dentures on the oral function in shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1989; 16: 27–33.
  • Sarita PT, Witter DJ, Kreulen CM, Van’t Hof MA, Creugers NH. Chewing ability of subjects with shortened dental arches. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003; 31: 328–34.
  • Witter DJ, Creugers NHJ, Kreulen CM, De Haa AFJ. Occlusal stability in shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 432–436.
  • Kirveskari P, Alanen P. Assocciation betweenn tooth loss and TMJ dysfunction. J Oral Rehabil 1985; 12: 189–194.
  • Aukes JN, Kayser AF, Felling AJ. The subjective experience of mastication in subjects with shortened dental arches. J Oral Rehabil 1988; 15: 321–324.
  • Carlsson GE. Masticatory efficiency: The effect of age, the loss of teeth and prosthetic rehabilitation. Int Dent J 1984; 34: 93–97.
  • Hattori Y, Satoh C, Seki S. Occlusal and TMJ loads in subjects with experimentally shortened dental arches. J Dent Res 2003; 82: 532–536.
  • Ciancaglini R, Gherlone EF, Radaelli G.Association between loss of occlusal support and symptoms of functional disturbances of the masticatory system. J Oral Rehabil 1999; 26: 248–253.
  • Pullinger AG, Seligman DA, Gornbein JA. A multiple logistic regression analysis of the risk and relative odds of temporomandibular disorders as a function of common occlusal features J Dent Res 1993; 72: 968–79.
  • Agerberg G, Bergenholtz A. Craniomandibular disorders in adult population of West Bothnia, Sweden. Acta Odontol Scan 1989; 47: 129–140.
  • Huber MA, Hall EH. A comparison of the signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and occlusal discrepancies in a symptom-free population of men and women. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990; 70: 180–183.
  • Leake JL, Hawkins R, Kocker D. Social and functional impact of reduced posterior dental units in older adults. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21: 1–10.
  • Witter DJ, De Haan AFJ, Kayser AF, Van Rossum GM. A 6-year follow-up study of oral function in shortened dental arches. Part I: Oclusall stability. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21: 113–125.
  • Sarita PTN, Kreulen CM, Witter DJ, Creugers NHJ. Signs and symptoms associated with TMD in adults with shortened dental arches.Int J Prosthodont 2003; 16: 265- 270.
  • De Boever JA. Carlsson GE, Klineberg IJ. Need for occlusal therapy and prosthodontic treatment in the management of temporomandibular disorders. Part II. Tooth loss and prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Rehabil 2000; 27: 647–659.
  • Johannson A, Unell L, Carlsson GE, Soderfeld B, Halling A. Gender difference in symptoms related to temporomandibular disorder in a population of 50-and 60-year- old subjects. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 473–481.
  • Miyake R, Ohkubo R, Takehara J, et al. Oral parafunctions and association with symptoms of temporomandibular disorder in Japanese university students. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31: 518–523.
  • Gesch D, Bernhardt O, Alte D, Kocher T, John U, Hessel E, Alte D. Prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in an urban and rural German population: Results of a population-based Study of Health in Pomerania. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 143–150.
  • Ünalan F, Bayraktar G, Kursoglu P. Tam protez kullanan hastalarda Temporomandibular rahatszl7n klinik olarak de7erlendirilmesi. . I Ü Dis Hek Fak Derg 1998; 32: 64–70
  • Nekora-Azak A, Evliyao7lu G, Ordulu M, ?sever H. Prevalence of synptoms associated with temporomandibular disorders in a Turkish population. J Oral Rehabil 2006; 33: 81–84.
  • Dao TTT, Le Resche L. Gender differences in pain. J Orofac Pain 2000; 14: 169–184.
  • Günay Y, Bellaz IB, Gürgan C. Temporomandibular eklem disfonksiyonunda semptomlarn daglm. I Ü Di Hek Fak Derg 1998; 32: 177–182.
  • Abubaker AO, Raslan WF, Sotereanos GC. Estrogen and progesterone receptors in temporomandibular joint discs of symptomatic and asymptomatic persons:A preliminary study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993; 51: 1096–1100.
  • Karibe H, Goddart G, Gear RW. Sex differences in masticatory muscle pain after chewing. J Dent Res 2003; 82: 112–116.
  • De Boever JA, Van Den Berghe L, De Boever AL. Comparison of clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of an elderly and a younger temporomandibular patient group. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 81: 312–317.
  • Stratmann U, Mokrys K, Meyer U, et al. Clinical anatomy and palpability of inferior lateral pterygoid muscle. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 548–554.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr.İlgi Baran This is me

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Rana Nalçacı This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 2007 Issue: 2


APA Baran, Y. D. D., & Nalçacı, Y. D. D. R. (2007). KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007(2), 13-19.
Chicago Baran, Yrd. Doç. Dr.İlgi, and Yrd. Doç. Dr. Rana Nalçacı. “KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007, no. 2 (February 2007): 13-19.
EndNote Baran YDD, Nalçacı YDDR (February 1, 2007) KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007 2 13–19.
IEEE Y. D. D. Baran and Y. D. D. R. Nalçacı, “KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 2007, no. 2, pp. 13–19, 2007.
ISNAD Baran, Yrd. Doç. Dr.İlgi - Nalçacı, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Rana. “KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007/2 (February 2007), 13-19.
MLA Baran, Yrd. Doç. Dr.İlgi and Yrd. Doç. Dr. Rana Nalçacı. “KISALMIŞ DENTAL ARK: ORAL FONKSİYON VE ESTETİK KAYGILAR AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2007, no. 2, 2007, pp. 13-19.

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