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Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 1, 32 - 38, 01.01.2007




  • Al-Khateeb S, Angma-Mansson B, DeJosselin E. In vivo quantification of changes in caries lesions in orthodontic patients. J Dent Res 1996; 75:127-131.
  • Ando M, Analoui M, Schemehorn BR. Comparison of lesion analysis by microradiograpy and confocal microscopy. J Dent Res 1995; 74:48-52.
  • Atkinson JC, Wu AJ. Salivary gland dysfunction: causes, symptoms, treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1994; 125:409-416.
  • Banting DW, Ellen RP, Fillery ED. A longitudinal study of root caries: baseline and insidence data. J Dent Res 1985; 64:1141-1144.
  • Baysan A, Prinz JF, Lynch E. Clinical criteria used to detect primary root caries with electrical and mechanical measurements in vitro. Am J Dent 2004; 17:94-98.
  • Baysan A, Lynch E, Ellwood R, Davies R, Petersson L, Borsboom P. Reversal of primary root caries using dentrifices containing 5000 and 1100 ppm flouride. Caries Res 2001; 35:41-6.
  • Baysan A, Lynch E. Effect of ozone on the oral microbiata and clinical severity of primary root caries. Am J Dent 2004; 17:56-60.
  • Beck JD. The epidemiology of root caries: North American studies. Adv Dent Res 1993; 7:42-51.
  • Beighton D, Hellyer PH, Lynch EJ, Heath MR. Salivary levels of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli, yeast and root caries prevelance in noninstitutionalized eldery dental patients. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1991; 219:302-307.
  • Beighton D, Lynch E, Heath MR. A microbiological study of primary root caries lesions with different treatment needs. J Dent Res 1993; 72:623-629.
  • Burgess JO, Gallo JL. Treating root surface caries. J Dent Clin N Am 2002; 46:385- 404.
  • Chan DCN. Modified matrix adaptation for subgingival class II amalgam restorations. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 469-472.
  • De Joselin De Jong E, Sundstrom F, AngmarMansson B, Ten Bosch JJ. QLF-vision: reproducibilityof in vivo quantification of enamel mineral loss. J Dent Res 1994; 73:200-205.
  • De Joselin De Jong E, Sundstrom F, Westerling H. A new method for in vivo quantification of changes in initial enamel caries with laser fluorescence. Caries Res 1995; 29:2-7.
  • Dodds M, Suddick R. Caries risk assessment for determination of focus and intensity of prevention in a dental school clinic. J Dent Educ 1995; 59:945-956.
  • Emilson CG, Lindquist B, Wennerholm K. Recolonization of human tooth surfaces by streptococcus mutans after suppression by chlorhexidine treatment. J Dent Res 1987; 66:1503-8.
  • Emilson CG, Ravald N, Birkhed D. Effects of a 12month prophylactic programme on selected oral bacterial populations on root surfaces with active and inactive carious lesions. Caries Res 1993; 27:195-200.
  • Emilson CG. Potential efficacy of chlorhexidine against mutans streptococci and human dental caries. J Dent Res 1994; 73:682-91.
  • Featherstone JDB. Flouride, remineralization and root caries. Am J Dent 1994; 7:271-4
  • Fejerskov O, Luan WM, Nyvad B Active and inactive root surface caries lesions in a selected group of 60-90 year old Danes. Caries Res 1991; 25:385-391.
  • Ferreira AG, Analoui M, Ando M. Using dye enchanced QLF for analyzing incipient lesions. J Dent Res 1995; 74:192.
  • Fure S, Romaniec M, Emilson CG, Krasse B. Proportions of Streptococcucs mutans, Lactobasilli and Actinomyces spp in root surface plaque. Scan J Dent Res 1987; 95:119-123.
  • Gilboa I, Cardash H. A conservative technique for restoring a tooth affected by interproximal root caries. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89:221-2.
  • Gwinett J. Moist versus dry dentin: its effect on shear bond strength. Am J Dent 1992; 5:127.
  • Imazato S, Ikebe K, Nokubi T, Ebisu S, Walls AWG. Prevalence of root caries in a selected population of older adults in Japan. J Oral Rehab 2006; 33: 137-143
  • James B. Summitt, J. William Robbins, Richards S. Schwartz. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry Second Edition, A Contemporary Aproach. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc 2001:365-377
  • Jones JA. Root caries: prevention and chemotherapy. Am J Dent 1995; 8:352-357.
  • Jordan HV, Hammond BF. Filamentous bacteria isolated from human root caries. Arch Oral Biol 1972; 17:1333-1342.
  • Katz RV, Hazen SP, Chilton NW, Muma RD Jr. Prevalence and intraoral distrubution of root caries in an adult population. Caries Res 1982; 16:265-271.
  • Katz S. The use of flouride and chlorhexidine for the prevention of radiation caries. J Am Dent Assoc 1982; 104:164-70.
  • Katz RV. The clinical diagnosis of root caries; issues for the clinicans and researcher. Am J Dent 1995; 8:335-341.
  • Keltjens HM, Schaeken MJ, Van Der Hoevens JS, Hendrilos JC. Microflora of plaque from sound and carious root surfaces. Caries Res 1987; 21:193-199.
  • Locker D, Slade GD, Leake JL. Prevelance of and factors associated with root decay in older adults in Canada. J Dent Res 1989; 68:768-772.
  • Loe H, Rindom- Schiott C, Glavind L, Karring T. Two years oral use of chlorhexidine in man. J Periodont Res 1976; 11:135-44.
  • Luan WM, Boelum V, Chen X. Dental caries in adult and elderly Chinese. J Dent Res 1989;68:1771-1776.
  • Lynch E. Relationship between clinical criteria and microflora of primary root caries. Early Detection of Dental Caries. Cincinnati, OH; Sidney Printing Works. 1996:195-242.
  • Lynch E, Baysan A. Reversal of primary root caries using a dentifrice with a high flouride content. Caries Res 2001;35:60-64.
  • Mackenzie IC, Nuki K, Loe H, Rindom Schiott C. Two years oral use of chlorhexidine in man .V: Stratum corneum of oral mukosa. J Periodont Res 1976; 11:165-71.
  • Mjor JA. Secondary caries: a literature review with case reports. Qu%nt Int 2000; 31:165-79.
  • Nakabayashi N, Nakamura M, Yasuda N. Hibrit layer as a dentin bonding mechanism. J Esthet Dent 1991; 3:133-8
  • Newitter DA, Katz RV, Clive JM. Detection of root caries: sensitivity and specivity of a modified explorer. Gerodontics 1985; 1:65-67.
  • Roberson TM, Lundeen TF. Cariology: The lesion, etiology, prevention and control. Sturdevants’s Art & Science of Operative Dentistry Fourth Edition Mosby, St. Louis, 2002: 110
  • Schupbach P, Osterwalder V, Guggenheim B. Human root caries: microbiota of a limited number of root caries lesions. Caries Res 1996; 30:52-64.
  • Smales RJ, Wetherell JD. Review of bonded amalgam restorations and assesment in a general practise over 5 years. Oper Dent 2000; 25:374-81.
  • Socransky SS, Hubersak C, Propas D. Introduction of periodontal destruction in gnotobiotic rats by a human oral strain of Actinomyces naeslundii. Arch Oral Biol 1970;15:993-995.
  • Summit JB, Burgess JO, Berry TG, Osborne JW, Robbins JW, Haveman CW. The performance of bonded vs. pin-retained complex amalgam restorations:a five year clinical evaluation. JADA 2001; 132:923-31.
  • Summit JB, Robbins JW, Schwartz RS Operative Dentistry
  • Tay FR, Pashley DH. Resin bonding to cervical sclerotic dentin: A review. J Dent 2004; 32: 173-196.
  • Van Strijp AJ, Van Steenbergen TJ, Ten Cate JM. Bacterial colonization of mineralized and completely demineralized dentine in situ. Caries Res 1997; 31:348-355.
  • Watanabe MGC. Root caries prevalence in a group of Brazilian adult dental patients. Braz Dent 2003; 14: 153-6


Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 1, 32 - 38, 01.01.2007


Kök çürü6ü klinik olarak kök yüzeyinden ba layan kök yüzeyinde s%n%rl% veya mine sement bile imindeki minenin alt%nda kaplayan yumu ak düzensiz ekilli lezyondur. Kök çürü6ü sadece kök yüzeyinin a6%z ortam%na aç%ld%6% durumlarda ba lar. Yetersiz a6%z hijyeni ve tükürük ak% h%z%nda azalma oldu6unda kök çürü6ü riski olu umu artmaktad%r. Kök çürük lezyonlar%n%ngerektirmemektedir. Ula %labilir s%6 lezyonlar el aletleri, bitirme frezleri ve\veya parlatma diskleri yard%m% ile çürükten çürüksüz ve kolay temizlenebilen alanlara dönü türülebilir. Sert kay% %ms% yüzeyler eklinde olan dura6an lezyonlar klorheksidin ile birlikte topikal florid uygulamalar% ile birlikte tedavi edilebilir. Kök çürü6üdoku kayb%yla birlikte ilerledi6inde farkl% restoratif materyaller ile restorasyonu gerekmektedir. Kök çürüklerini restore etmek, lezyonun di eti s%n%r%ço6unlukla subgingival alanda sonland%6%ndan güçtür. Bu alana ula abilmek için de6i ik teknikler geli tirilmi tir. Bu derlemede kök çürüklerinin etyolojisi ve görülme s%kl%6%ndan bahsedilmi ve kök çürüklerinin restorasyonunda kullan%lan restoratif materyallerin etkinli6i özetlenmi tir


  • Al-Khateeb S, Angma-Mansson B, DeJosselin E. In vivo quantification of changes in caries lesions in orthodontic patients. J Dent Res 1996; 75:127-131.
  • Ando M, Analoui M, Schemehorn BR. Comparison of lesion analysis by microradiograpy and confocal microscopy. J Dent Res 1995; 74:48-52.
  • Atkinson JC, Wu AJ. Salivary gland dysfunction: causes, symptoms, treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1994; 125:409-416.
  • Banting DW, Ellen RP, Fillery ED. A longitudinal study of root caries: baseline and insidence data. J Dent Res 1985; 64:1141-1144.
  • Baysan A, Prinz JF, Lynch E. Clinical criteria used to detect primary root caries with electrical and mechanical measurements in vitro. Am J Dent 2004; 17:94-98.
  • Baysan A, Lynch E, Ellwood R, Davies R, Petersson L, Borsboom P. Reversal of primary root caries using dentrifices containing 5000 and 1100 ppm flouride. Caries Res 2001; 35:41-6.
  • Baysan A, Lynch E. Effect of ozone on the oral microbiata and clinical severity of primary root caries. Am J Dent 2004; 17:56-60.
  • Beck JD. The epidemiology of root caries: North American studies. Adv Dent Res 1993; 7:42-51.
  • Beighton D, Hellyer PH, Lynch EJ, Heath MR. Salivary levels of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli, yeast and root caries prevelance in noninstitutionalized eldery dental patients. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1991; 219:302-307.
  • Beighton D, Lynch E, Heath MR. A microbiological study of primary root caries lesions with different treatment needs. J Dent Res 1993; 72:623-629.
  • Burgess JO, Gallo JL. Treating root surface caries. J Dent Clin N Am 2002; 46:385- 404.
  • Chan DCN. Modified matrix adaptation for subgingival class II amalgam restorations. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 469-472.
  • De Joselin De Jong E, Sundstrom F, AngmarMansson B, Ten Bosch JJ. QLF-vision: reproducibilityof in vivo quantification of enamel mineral loss. J Dent Res 1994; 73:200-205.
  • De Joselin De Jong E, Sundstrom F, Westerling H. A new method for in vivo quantification of changes in initial enamel caries with laser fluorescence. Caries Res 1995; 29:2-7.
  • Dodds M, Suddick R. Caries risk assessment for determination of focus and intensity of prevention in a dental school clinic. J Dent Educ 1995; 59:945-956.
  • Emilson CG, Lindquist B, Wennerholm K. Recolonization of human tooth surfaces by streptococcus mutans after suppression by chlorhexidine treatment. J Dent Res 1987; 66:1503-8.
  • Emilson CG, Ravald N, Birkhed D. Effects of a 12month prophylactic programme on selected oral bacterial populations on root surfaces with active and inactive carious lesions. Caries Res 1993; 27:195-200.
  • Emilson CG. Potential efficacy of chlorhexidine against mutans streptococci and human dental caries. J Dent Res 1994; 73:682-91.
  • Featherstone JDB. Flouride, remineralization and root caries. Am J Dent 1994; 7:271-4
  • Fejerskov O, Luan WM, Nyvad B Active and inactive root surface caries lesions in a selected group of 60-90 year old Danes. Caries Res 1991; 25:385-391.
  • Ferreira AG, Analoui M, Ando M. Using dye enchanced QLF for analyzing incipient lesions. J Dent Res 1995; 74:192.
  • Fure S, Romaniec M, Emilson CG, Krasse B. Proportions of Streptococcucs mutans, Lactobasilli and Actinomyces spp in root surface plaque. Scan J Dent Res 1987; 95:119-123.
  • Gilboa I, Cardash H. A conservative technique for restoring a tooth affected by interproximal root caries. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89:221-2.
  • Gwinett J. Moist versus dry dentin: its effect on shear bond strength. Am J Dent 1992; 5:127.
  • Imazato S, Ikebe K, Nokubi T, Ebisu S, Walls AWG. Prevalence of root caries in a selected population of older adults in Japan. J Oral Rehab 2006; 33: 137-143
  • James B. Summitt, J. William Robbins, Richards S. Schwartz. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry Second Edition, A Contemporary Aproach. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc 2001:365-377
  • Jones JA. Root caries: prevention and chemotherapy. Am J Dent 1995; 8:352-357.
  • Jordan HV, Hammond BF. Filamentous bacteria isolated from human root caries. Arch Oral Biol 1972; 17:1333-1342.
  • Katz RV, Hazen SP, Chilton NW, Muma RD Jr. Prevalence and intraoral distrubution of root caries in an adult population. Caries Res 1982; 16:265-271.
  • Katz S. The use of flouride and chlorhexidine for the prevention of radiation caries. J Am Dent Assoc 1982; 104:164-70.
  • Katz RV. The clinical diagnosis of root caries; issues for the clinicans and researcher. Am J Dent 1995; 8:335-341.
  • Keltjens HM, Schaeken MJ, Van Der Hoevens JS, Hendrilos JC. Microflora of plaque from sound and carious root surfaces. Caries Res 1987; 21:193-199.
  • Locker D, Slade GD, Leake JL. Prevelance of and factors associated with root decay in older adults in Canada. J Dent Res 1989; 68:768-772.
  • Loe H, Rindom- Schiott C, Glavind L, Karring T. Two years oral use of chlorhexidine in man. J Periodont Res 1976; 11:135-44.
  • Luan WM, Boelum V, Chen X. Dental caries in adult and elderly Chinese. J Dent Res 1989;68:1771-1776.
  • Lynch E. Relationship between clinical criteria and microflora of primary root caries. Early Detection of Dental Caries. Cincinnati, OH; Sidney Printing Works. 1996:195-242.
  • Lynch E, Baysan A. Reversal of primary root caries using a dentifrice with a high flouride content. Caries Res 2001;35:60-64.
  • Mackenzie IC, Nuki K, Loe H, Rindom Schiott C. Two years oral use of chlorhexidine in man .V: Stratum corneum of oral mukosa. J Periodont Res 1976; 11:165-71.
  • Mjor JA. Secondary caries: a literature review with case reports. Qu%nt Int 2000; 31:165-79.
  • Nakabayashi N, Nakamura M, Yasuda N. Hibrit layer as a dentin bonding mechanism. J Esthet Dent 1991; 3:133-8
  • Newitter DA, Katz RV, Clive JM. Detection of root caries: sensitivity and specivity of a modified explorer. Gerodontics 1985; 1:65-67.
  • Roberson TM, Lundeen TF. Cariology: The lesion, etiology, prevention and control. Sturdevants’s Art & Science of Operative Dentistry Fourth Edition Mosby, St. Louis, 2002: 110
  • Schupbach P, Osterwalder V, Guggenheim B. Human root caries: microbiota of a limited number of root caries lesions. Caries Res 1996; 30:52-64.
  • Smales RJ, Wetherell JD. Review of bonded amalgam restorations and assesment in a general practise over 5 years. Oper Dent 2000; 25:374-81.
  • Socransky SS, Hubersak C, Propas D. Introduction of periodontal destruction in gnotobiotic rats by a human oral strain of Actinomyces naeslundii. Arch Oral Biol 1970;15:993-995.
  • Summit JB, Burgess JO, Berry TG, Osborne JW, Robbins JW, Haveman CW. The performance of bonded vs. pin-retained complex amalgam restorations:a five year clinical evaluation. JADA 2001; 132:923-31.
  • Summit JB, Robbins JW, Schwartz RS Operative Dentistry
  • Tay FR, Pashley DH. Resin bonding to cervical sclerotic dentin: A review. J Dent 2004; 32: 173-196.
  • Van Strijp AJ, Van Steenbergen TJ, Ten Cate JM. Bacterial colonization of mineralized and completely demineralized dentine in situ. Caries Res 1997; 31:348-355.
  • Watanabe MGC. Root caries prevalence in a group of Brazilian adult dental patients. Braz Dent 2003; 14: 153-6
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dt. Evrim Eligüzeloğlu This is me

Dt. Suat Özcan This is me

Doç. Dr. Mine Betül Üçtaşlı This is me

Prof. Dr. Hüma Ömürlü This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 2007 Issue: 1


APA Eligüzeloğlu, D. E., Özcan, D. S., Üçtaşlı, D. D. M. B., Ömürlü, P. D. H. (2007). KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007(1), 32-38.
AMA Eligüzeloğlu DE, Özcan DS, Üçtaşlı DDMB, Ömürlü PDH. KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. January 2007;2007(1):32-38.
Chicago Eligüzeloğlu, Dt. Evrim, Dt. Suat Özcan, Doç. Dr. Mine Betül Üçtaşlı, and Prof. Dr. Hüma Ömürlü. “KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007, no. 1 (January 2007): 32-38.
EndNote Eligüzeloğlu DE, Özcan DS, Üçtaşlı DDMB, Ömürlü PDH (January 1, 2007) KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007 1 32–38.
IEEE D. E. Eligüzeloğlu, D. S. Özcan, D. D. M. B. Üçtaşlı, and P. D. H. Ömürlü, “KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 2007, no. 1, pp. 32–38, 2007.
ISNAD Eligüzeloğlu, Dt. Evrim et al. “KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007/1 (January 2007), 32-38.
JAMA Eligüzeloğlu DE, Özcan DS, Üçtaşlı DDMB, Ömürlü PDH. KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2007;2007:32–38.
MLA Eligüzeloğlu, Dt. Evrim et al. “KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2007, no. 1, 2007, pp. 32-38.
Vancouver Eligüzeloğlu DE, Özcan DS, Üçtaşlı DDMB, Ömürlü PDH. KÖK ÇÜRÜKLERİ VE TEDAVİLERİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2007;2007(1):32-8.

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