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Year 2005, Volume: 2005 Issue: 2, 80 - 88, 01.02.2005




  • Jensen ME, Chan DJN: Polymerisation shrinkage and microleakage: International symposium on pos- terior composite resin dental restorative materials G. Vanharla, DC Smith, Peter Szulc, Publishing co. Netherlands, 1985: 243-62.
  • Tiritoglu M. Kenar sýzýntýsý belirleme yöntemleri. Ege Universitesi Diþ hekimliði Fakültesi Dergisi 1994; 15: 132-138.
  • Chalton DG, Moore BK. In vitro evaluation of two microleakage detection tests. J Dent 1992; 20: 55-58.
  • Rhome BH, Solomon EA, Rabinowitz JL. Isotopic evaluation of the sealing properties of lateral con- densation, vertical condensation J Endodon 1981; 7(10): 458-61.
  • Matloff IR, Jensen JR, Singer L, Tabibi A. A com- parison of methods used in root canal sealability studies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982; 53(2): 203-8.
  • Hekimoglu C, Anil N, Yalcin E. A microleakage study of ceramic laminate veneers by autoradiogra- phy: effect of incisal edge preparation. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 3 1(3): 265-9.
  • Tangsgoolwatana J, Cochran MA, Moore BK, Li Y. Microleakage evaluation of bonded amalgam restorations: confocal microscopy versus radioiso- tope. Quintessence Int 1997; 28(7): 467-77.
  • Ibrahim RM, Kataia M A-el-R. Electrochemical microleakage assessment of three different root canal obturation techniques. Egypt Dent J 1994; 40(3): 839-46.
  • Pradelle-Plasse N, Wenger F, Picard B, Colon P. Evaluation of microleakage of composite resin restorations by an electrochemical technique: the impedance methodology. Dent Mater 2004; 20(5): 425-34.
  • Iwami Y, Yamamoto H, Ebisu S. A new electrical method for detecting marginal leakage of in vitro resin restorations. J Dent 2000; 28(4): 24 1-7.
  • Taylor MJ, Lynch E. Microleakage. J Dent 1992; 20: 3-10.
  • Cox CF. Evaluation and treatment of bacterial microleakage. Am J Dent 1994; 7(5):293-5.
  • Zivkovic S, Bojovic S, Pavlica D. Bacterial pene- tration of restored cavities. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001; 9 1(3): 353-8.
  • Matharu 5, Spratt DA, Pratten J, Ng YL, Mordan N, Wilson M, Gulabivala K. A new in vitro model for the study of microbial microleakage around dental restorations: apreliminary qualitative evaluation. Int Endod J. 2001 Oct;34(7):547-53.
  • Haikel Y, Freymann M, Fanti V, Claisse A, Poumier F, Watson M. Apical microleakage of radi- olabeled lysozyme over time in three techniques of root canal obturation. J Endod 2000; 26(3): 148-52.
  • HM, Geynford JJ. Leakage at the margins of amal- gam restorations. Br Dent J 1966; 119:69-77.
  • Kersten HW, Moorer WR: Particles and molecules in endodontic leakage. Int Endod J 1989; 22(3): 118- 24.
  • Mueninghoff LA, Dunn SK, Leinfelder KF. Comparison of dye and ion microleakage tests. Am J Dent 1990; 3(5): 192-4.
  • Piva E, Meinhardt L, Demarco FF, Powers JM. Dyes for caries detection: influence on composite and compomer microleakage. Clin Oral Investig 2002; 6(4): 244-8.
  • Loguercio AD, de Oliveira Bauer JR, Reis A, Grande RH. In vitro microleakage of packable com- posites in Class II restorations. Quintessence Int 2004; 35(1): 29-34.
  • Williams PT, Schramke D, Stockton L. Comparison of two methods of measuring dye pene- tration in restoration microleakage studies. Oper Dent 2002; 27(6): 628-3 5.
  • Heim-ich R, Kunzel W. Diagnosis and treatment of carious dentine. J Int Assoc Dent Child 1986; 17: 5- 8.
  • Karagoz-Kucukay I, Bayirli G. An apical leakage study in the presence and absence of the smear layer. Int Endod J 1994; 27(2): 87-93.
  • de Magalhaes CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues Junior AL. Volumetric microleakage assessment of glass- ionomer-resin composite hybrid materials. Quintessence Int. 1999 ;30(2):1 17-21.
  • Al-Ghamdi A., Wennberg A. Testing of sealing ability of endodontic filling materials. Endod dent Traumatol 1994; 10:249-255.
  • Spangberg LS, Acierno TG, Yongbum Cha B.: Influence of entrapped air on the accuracy of leakage studies using dye penetration methods. J Endod 1989;15(1 1):548-51.
  • Pioch T, Staehle HJ, Duschner H, Garcia-Godoy F. Nanoleakage at the composite- dentin interface: a review. Am J Dent 2001;14(4):252-8. Review.
  • Raskin A, D'Hoore W, Gonthier 5, Degrange M, Dejou J. Reliability of in vitro microleakage tests: a literature review. J Adhes Dent 2001;3(4):295-308.
  • Komfield B. Study of clinical behaviour of resins in operative dentistry. J Dent Res1953;32:714-715.
  • Douglas WH, Chen CJ, Craig RG. Neutron activa- tion analysis of microleakage around a hydrophobic composite restorative. J Dent Res 1980; 59(9): 1507- 10.
  • Alani AH, Toh CG. Detection of microleakage around dental restorations: a review. Oper Dent. 1997; 22(4):173-85.
  • Pazinatto FB, Campos BB, Costa LC, Atta MT. Effect of the number of thermocycles on microleak- age of resin composite restorations. Pesqui Odontol Bras. 2003;17(4):337-41.
  • Wendt SL, Mclimes PM, Dickinson GL. The effect og thermocycling in microleakage analysis. Dent Mater 1992; 8:181-184.
  • Crim GA, Sarartz ML, Philipps RW. Comparison of four thermocycling techniques. J Prosthet Dent 1985; 53:50-53.
  • Youngson CC, Jones JC, Manogue M, Smith IS. In vitro dentinal penetration by tracers used in microleakage studies. Int Endod J 1998; 3 1(2): 90- 9.
  • Youngson CC, Jones JC, Fox K, Smith IS, Wood DJ, Gale M. A fluid filtration and clearing technique to assess microleakage associated with three dentine bonding systems.J Dent 1999; 27(3): 223-33.
  • Liberman R, Ben-Amar A, Frayberg E, Abramovitz I, Metzger Z. Effect of repeated vertical loads on microleakage of IRIVI and calcium sulfate-based temporary fillings. J Endod 2001; 27(12): 724-9.
  • Mitsui FH, Bedran-de-Castro AK, Ritter AV, Cardoso PE, Pimenta LA. Influence of load cycling on marginal microleakage with two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems in dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2003; 5(3): 209-16. YazýþmaAdresi: Dt.Sibel Karadað Gazi Universitesi
  • Diþ hekimliði Fakültesi
  • Diþ Hastalýklarý Ve Tedavisi Anabilim Dalý
  • Emek 82.sokak 06510-Ankara
  • E-Mail:
  • Telefon: 0312-212 62 20/ 347


Year 2005, Volume: 2005 Issue: 2, 80 - 88, 01.02.2005


Diþhekimliðinde mikrosýzýntý, birçok faktörebaðlý biyolojik bir fenomendir. Literatürde in vitromikrosýzýntý araþtýrma teknikleri ve bunlarýn güvenilirlikleri ve geçerlilikleri ile ilgili birçok veri bulunmaktadýr. Tamir dentini oluþumundaki biyolojik depozisyonu araþtýran veriler, dental materyallerin klinik seçimini etkileyen faktördür. Yapýlan son çalýþmalar,mikrosýzýntýyý önlemek için yeterli bir biyolojik týkamasaðlandýðýnda dentin ve pulpa iyileþmesinin gerçekleþtiðini göstermektedir. Bu çalýþmada, dentalrestorasyonlardaki mikrosýzýntýyý araþtýrmak için kullanýlan teknikler ve etkileyen faktörler sunulmuþtur.Bu teknikler içinde otoradyografik yöntem, elektrokimyasal yöntem, bakteriyel mikrosýzýntý yöntemi,insan serumu sýzýntýsý yöntemi, sývý filtrasyon tekniði,gazkromatografi yöntemi, boya sýzýntý yöntemi,kimyasal iþaretleyiciler, tarama elektron mikroskobuanalizleri, nötron aktivasyon analizi bulunmaktadýr.Etkileyen faktörler içinde ise termal siklus ve yüklemesiklusunun etkisi sunulmuþtur


  • Jensen ME, Chan DJN: Polymerisation shrinkage and microleakage: International symposium on pos- terior composite resin dental restorative materials G. Vanharla, DC Smith, Peter Szulc, Publishing co. Netherlands, 1985: 243-62.
  • Tiritoglu M. Kenar sýzýntýsý belirleme yöntemleri. Ege Universitesi Diþ hekimliði Fakültesi Dergisi 1994; 15: 132-138.
  • Chalton DG, Moore BK. In vitro evaluation of two microleakage detection tests. J Dent 1992; 20: 55-58.
  • Rhome BH, Solomon EA, Rabinowitz JL. Isotopic evaluation of the sealing properties of lateral con- densation, vertical condensation J Endodon 1981; 7(10): 458-61.
  • Matloff IR, Jensen JR, Singer L, Tabibi A. A com- parison of methods used in root canal sealability studies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982; 53(2): 203-8.
  • Hekimoglu C, Anil N, Yalcin E. A microleakage study of ceramic laminate veneers by autoradiogra- phy: effect of incisal edge preparation. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 3 1(3): 265-9.
  • Tangsgoolwatana J, Cochran MA, Moore BK, Li Y. Microleakage evaluation of bonded amalgam restorations: confocal microscopy versus radioiso- tope. Quintessence Int 1997; 28(7): 467-77.
  • Ibrahim RM, Kataia M A-el-R. Electrochemical microleakage assessment of three different root canal obturation techniques. Egypt Dent J 1994; 40(3): 839-46.
  • Pradelle-Plasse N, Wenger F, Picard B, Colon P. Evaluation of microleakage of composite resin restorations by an electrochemical technique: the impedance methodology. Dent Mater 2004; 20(5): 425-34.
  • Iwami Y, Yamamoto H, Ebisu S. A new electrical method for detecting marginal leakage of in vitro resin restorations. J Dent 2000; 28(4): 24 1-7.
  • Taylor MJ, Lynch E. Microleakage. J Dent 1992; 20: 3-10.
  • Cox CF. Evaluation and treatment of bacterial microleakage. Am J Dent 1994; 7(5):293-5.
  • Zivkovic S, Bojovic S, Pavlica D. Bacterial pene- tration of restored cavities. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001; 9 1(3): 353-8.
  • Matharu 5, Spratt DA, Pratten J, Ng YL, Mordan N, Wilson M, Gulabivala K. A new in vitro model for the study of microbial microleakage around dental restorations: apreliminary qualitative evaluation. Int Endod J. 2001 Oct;34(7):547-53.
  • Haikel Y, Freymann M, Fanti V, Claisse A, Poumier F, Watson M. Apical microleakage of radi- olabeled lysozyme over time in three techniques of root canal obturation. J Endod 2000; 26(3): 148-52.
  • HM, Geynford JJ. Leakage at the margins of amal- gam restorations. Br Dent J 1966; 119:69-77.
  • Kersten HW, Moorer WR: Particles and molecules in endodontic leakage. Int Endod J 1989; 22(3): 118- 24.
  • Mueninghoff LA, Dunn SK, Leinfelder KF. Comparison of dye and ion microleakage tests. Am J Dent 1990; 3(5): 192-4.
  • Piva E, Meinhardt L, Demarco FF, Powers JM. Dyes for caries detection: influence on composite and compomer microleakage. Clin Oral Investig 2002; 6(4): 244-8.
  • Loguercio AD, de Oliveira Bauer JR, Reis A, Grande RH. In vitro microleakage of packable com- posites in Class II restorations. Quintessence Int 2004; 35(1): 29-34.
  • Williams PT, Schramke D, Stockton L. Comparison of two methods of measuring dye pene- tration in restoration microleakage studies. Oper Dent 2002; 27(6): 628-3 5.
  • Heim-ich R, Kunzel W. Diagnosis and treatment of carious dentine. J Int Assoc Dent Child 1986; 17: 5- 8.
  • Karagoz-Kucukay I, Bayirli G. An apical leakage study in the presence and absence of the smear layer. Int Endod J 1994; 27(2): 87-93.
  • de Magalhaes CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues Junior AL. Volumetric microleakage assessment of glass- ionomer-resin composite hybrid materials. Quintessence Int. 1999 ;30(2):1 17-21.
  • Al-Ghamdi A., Wennberg A. Testing of sealing ability of endodontic filling materials. Endod dent Traumatol 1994; 10:249-255.
  • Spangberg LS, Acierno TG, Yongbum Cha B.: Influence of entrapped air on the accuracy of leakage studies using dye penetration methods. J Endod 1989;15(1 1):548-51.
  • Pioch T, Staehle HJ, Duschner H, Garcia-Godoy F. Nanoleakage at the composite- dentin interface: a review. Am J Dent 2001;14(4):252-8. Review.
  • Raskin A, D'Hoore W, Gonthier 5, Degrange M, Dejou J. Reliability of in vitro microleakage tests: a literature review. J Adhes Dent 2001;3(4):295-308.
  • Komfield B. Study of clinical behaviour of resins in operative dentistry. J Dent Res1953;32:714-715.
  • Douglas WH, Chen CJ, Craig RG. Neutron activa- tion analysis of microleakage around a hydrophobic composite restorative. J Dent Res 1980; 59(9): 1507- 10.
  • Alani AH, Toh CG. Detection of microleakage around dental restorations: a review. Oper Dent. 1997; 22(4):173-85.
  • Pazinatto FB, Campos BB, Costa LC, Atta MT. Effect of the number of thermocycles on microleak- age of resin composite restorations. Pesqui Odontol Bras. 2003;17(4):337-41.
  • Wendt SL, Mclimes PM, Dickinson GL. The effect og thermocycling in microleakage analysis. Dent Mater 1992; 8:181-184.
  • Crim GA, Sarartz ML, Philipps RW. Comparison of four thermocycling techniques. J Prosthet Dent 1985; 53:50-53.
  • Youngson CC, Jones JC, Manogue M, Smith IS. In vitro dentinal penetration by tracers used in microleakage studies. Int Endod J 1998; 3 1(2): 90- 9.
  • Youngson CC, Jones JC, Fox K, Smith IS, Wood DJ, Gale M. A fluid filtration and clearing technique to assess microleakage associated with three dentine bonding systems.J Dent 1999; 27(3): 223-33.
  • Liberman R, Ben-Amar A, Frayberg E, Abramovitz I, Metzger Z. Effect of repeated vertical loads on microleakage of IRIVI and calcium sulfate-based temporary fillings. J Endod 2001; 27(12): 724-9.
  • Mitsui FH, Bedran-de-Castro AK, Ritter AV, Cardoso PE, Pimenta LA. Influence of load cycling on marginal microleakage with two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems in dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2003; 5(3): 209-16. YazýþmaAdresi: Dt.Sibel Karadað Gazi Universitesi
  • Diþ hekimliði Fakültesi
  • Diþ Hastalýklarý Ve Tedavisi Anabilim Dalý
  • Emek 82.sokak 06510-Ankara
  • E-Mail:
  • Telefon: 0312-212 62 20/ 347
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arş. Gör. Sibel Karadağ This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 2005 Issue: 2


APA Karadağ, A. G. S. (2005). MİKROSIZINTI ARAŞTIRMA TEKNİKLERİ VE MİKROSIZINTIYI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2005(2), 80-88.
Chicago Karadağ, Arş. Gör. Sibel. “MİKROSIZINTI ARAŞTIRMA TEKNİKLERİ VE MİKROSIZINTIYI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005, no. 2 (February 2005): 80-88.
EndNote Karadağ AGS (February 1, 2005) MİKROSIZINTI ARAŞTIRMA TEKNİKLERİ VE MİKROSIZINTIYI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005 2 80–88.
ISNAD Karadağ, Arş. Gör. Sibel. “MİKROSIZINTI ARAŞTIRMA TEKNİKLERİ VE MİKROSIZINTIYI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005/2 (February 2005), 80-88.
MLA Karadağ, Arş. Gör. Sibel. “MİKROSIZINTI ARAŞTIRMA TEKNİKLERİ VE MİKROSIZINTIYI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2005, no. 2, 2005, pp. 80-88.

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