Year 2014,
Volume: 24 Issue: Supplement 8, 14 - 17, 11.02.2015
Gökhan Özkan
Aydan Kanlı
Hasan Hatipoğlu
Self-induced factitial injuries constitute a group of lesions rather difficult to be correctly diagnosed unless this unusual condition is considered in a differential diagnosis. The lesions can be occured at any part of the body with various shapes. The patients deny to produce these lesions by themselves and it complicates the diagnosis and treatment stages. Interdisciplinary harmony has a great importance in treatment process. In this article, a case report is presented on a 30-year-old Caucasian woman patient who had both skin and gingival lesions at the same time
- 1 Wang CK, Lee JY. Monosymptomatic hypochondiacal psychosis complicated by self-inflicted skin ulceration, skull defect and brain abscess. Br J Dermatol 1997;137:299-302.
- 2 Gupta MA, Gupta AK. Dermatitis artefacta and sexual abuse. Int J Dermatol 1993;32:825-6.
- 3 Ugurlu S, Bartley GB, Otley CC et al. Factitious disease of periocular and facial skin. Am J Ophthalmol 1999;127:196-200.
- 4 Fabisch W. Psychiatric aspects of dermatitis artefacta. Br J Dermatol 1980;102:29-34.
- 5 Sheppard NP, O’Loughlin S, Malone JP. Psychogenic skin disease: a review of 35 cases. Br J Psychiatry 1986;149:636-43.
- 6 Ming EM. Diagnosis and discussion: dermatitis artefacta. Arch Dermatol2000;136;113. Off-Center Fold
- 7 Zalewka A, Kondras K, Narbutt J et al. Dermatitis artefecta in a patient with paranoid syndrome. Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat 2007;16:37-9.
- 8 Ozmen M, Erdogan A, Aydemir EH et al. Dissociative identity disorder presenting as dermatitis artefecta. Int J Dermatol 2006;45:770-1.
- 9 Ehsani AH, Toosi S, Mirshams Shahshahani M et al. Psycho-cutaneous disorders: an epidemiologic study. 2009;23:945-7. Dermatol Venereol
- 10 Pattison GL. Self-inflicted gingival injuries: literature review and case report. J Periodontol 1983;54:299-304.
- 11 Harth W, Taube KM, Gieler U. Facticious disorders in dermatology. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges2010;8:361- 72.
- 12 Ahmad K, Ramsay B. Misdiagnosis of dermatitis artefacta: how did we get it wrong? Clin Exp Dermatol 2009;34:113-4.
- 13 Baranska-Rybak W, Cubala WJ, Kozicka D et al. Dermatitis artefecta--a long way from the first clinical symptoms to diagnosis. Psychiatr Danub 2011;23:73-5.
- 14 Song TK, Soong V, Samsudin A et al. Periocular dermatitis artefacta in a child. J AAPOS 2006;10:585-6.
- 15 Hasler JF, Schultz WF. Case report: factitial gingival traumatism. J Periodontol1968;39:362-3.
- 16 Heasman PA, MacLeod I, Smith DG. Factitious gingival ulceration: as presenting sign of Munchausen's 1994;65:442-7. J Periodontol
- 17 Krejci CB. Self-inflicted gingival injury due to habitual 2000;71:1029-31. biting. J Periodontol
- 18 Svirsky AJ, Sawyer DR. Dermatitis artefacta of the paraoral region. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987;64:259-63.
- 19 Van Moffaert M, Vermander F, Kint, A. Dermatitis artefacta. Int J Dermatol 1985;24:236-8.
- 20 Shah KN, Fried RG. Factitial dermatoses in children. Curr Opin Pediatr 2006;18:403-9.
- 21 Finore ED, Andreoli E, Alfani S et al. Dermatitis artefecta in a child. Pediatr Dermatol 2007;24:51- 6.
- 22 Komerik N, Kirzioglu Z, Efeoglu CG. Zihinsel Engele Sahip Bireylerde Ağız Sağlığı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:96-104.
Year 2014,
Volume: 24 Issue: Supplement 8, 14 - 17, 11.02.2015
Gökhan Özkan
Aydan Kanlı
Hasan Hatipoğlu
Kendi kendine zarar verilerek oluşturulan lezyonların teşhisi, diğer ayırıcı tanılarla birlikte düşünülmediği takdirde oldukça zordur. Lezyonlar vücudun herhangi bir bölgesinde birçok farklı şekilde görülebilir. Hastalar bu lezyonların kendileri tarafından meydana getirildiğini inkâr ederler ve bu da hastalığın teşhis ve tedavi aşamalarını olumsuz etkiler. Tedavi sürecinde disiplinler arası uyum çok önemlidir. Sunulan makale, aynı anda hem diş eti ve hem de deri lezyonları bulunan 30 yaşındaki Kafkasyalı bir bayan hastayı içermektedir.
- 1 Wang CK, Lee JY. Monosymptomatic hypochondiacal psychosis complicated by self-inflicted skin ulceration, skull defect and brain abscess. Br J Dermatol 1997;137:299-302.
- 2 Gupta MA, Gupta AK. Dermatitis artefacta and sexual abuse. Int J Dermatol 1993;32:825-6.
- 3 Ugurlu S, Bartley GB, Otley CC et al. Factitious disease of periocular and facial skin. Am J Ophthalmol 1999;127:196-200.
- 4 Fabisch W. Psychiatric aspects of dermatitis artefacta. Br J Dermatol 1980;102:29-34.
- 5 Sheppard NP, O’Loughlin S, Malone JP. Psychogenic skin disease: a review of 35 cases. Br J Psychiatry 1986;149:636-43.
- 6 Ming EM. Diagnosis and discussion: dermatitis artefacta. Arch Dermatol2000;136;113. Off-Center Fold
- 7 Zalewka A, Kondras K, Narbutt J et al. Dermatitis artefecta in a patient with paranoid syndrome. Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat 2007;16:37-9.
- 8 Ozmen M, Erdogan A, Aydemir EH et al. Dissociative identity disorder presenting as dermatitis artefecta. Int J Dermatol 2006;45:770-1.
- 9 Ehsani AH, Toosi S, Mirshams Shahshahani M et al. Psycho-cutaneous disorders: an epidemiologic study. 2009;23:945-7. Dermatol Venereol
- 10 Pattison GL. Self-inflicted gingival injuries: literature review and case report. J Periodontol 1983;54:299-304.
- 11 Harth W, Taube KM, Gieler U. Facticious disorders in dermatology. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges2010;8:361- 72.
- 12 Ahmad K, Ramsay B. Misdiagnosis of dermatitis artefacta: how did we get it wrong? Clin Exp Dermatol 2009;34:113-4.
- 13 Baranska-Rybak W, Cubala WJ, Kozicka D et al. Dermatitis artefecta--a long way from the first clinical symptoms to diagnosis. Psychiatr Danub 2011;23:73-5.
- 14 Song TK, Soong V, Samsudin A et al. Periocular dermatitis artefacta in a child. J AAPOS 2006;10:585-6.
- 15 Hasler JF, Schultz WF. Case report: factitial gingival traumatism. J Periodontol1968;39:362-3.
- 16 Heasman PA, MacLeod I, Smith DG. Factitious gingival ulceration: as presenting sign of Munchausen's 1994;65:442-7. J Periodontol
- 17 Krejci CB. Self-inflicted gingival injury due to habitual 2000;71:1029-31. biting. J Periodontol
- 18 Svirsky AJ, Sawyer DR. Dermatitis artefacta of the paraoral region. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987;64:259-63.
- 19 Van Moffaert M, Vermander F, Kint, A. Dermatitis artefacta. Int J Dermatol 1985;24:236-8.
- 20 Shah KN, Fried RG. Factitial dermatoses in children. Curr Opin Pediatr 2006;18:403-9.
- 21 Finore ED, Andreoli E, Alfani S et al. Dermatitis artefecta in a child. Pediatr Dermatol 2007;24:51- 6.
- 22 Komerik N, Kirzioglu Z, Efeoglu CG. Zihinsel Engele Sahip Bireylerde Ağız Sağlığı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:96-104.