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Year 2015, Supplement 10, 141 - 147, 21.05.2015


Maxillofacial prostheses rehabilitation of both congenital defects and acquired defects related to cancer or trauma. Materials used in maxillofacial prosthetics should have some ideal properties such as mechanical and physical strength. Silicone elastomers have been widely used for constructing maxillofacial and other prosthetic devices. This article presents a literature review for maxillofacial prosthetic materials especially for silicone elastomers and latest advances in this topic


  • Moser V, Crevenna R, Korpan M, Quittan M. Cancer rehabilitation: particularly with aspects on physical impairments. J Rehabil Med 2003;35:153-62.
  • Hubalkowa H, Holakovsky J, Bradza F, Diblik P, Mazenek J. Team approach in the treatment of extensive maxillofacial defects. Five case report series. Prague Medical Report 2010;111:148-57.
  • Yazdanie N, Mandersen RD. Prosthetic management and rehabilitation of an extensive intraoral and facial defect. Int J Prosthodont 1989; 2:550-4.
  • Adisman IK. Prosthesis serviceability for acquired jaw defects. Dent Clin North Am 1990;34:265-83.
  • Özdemir H, Aladağ Lİ. Sonradan kazanılmış bir maksiller defektin protetik obturasyonu: Bir olgu sunumu. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2011;4:122-7.
  • Roberts AC. Facial reconstruction by prosthetic means. Br J Oral Surg 1967;4:157-82
  • Öztürk E. Üç farklı çene yüz protezi silikon elastomerinin fiziksel özelliklerinin karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmesi [tez]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi; 2009.
  • Kiat-Amnuay S, Gettleman L, Khan Z, Goldsmith LJ. Effect of adhesive retention of maxillofacial prostheses. Part 2: time and reapplication effects. J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:438-41.
  • Wilkes GF, Wolfaarrdt JF: Osseointegrated alloplastic versusautogenous ear reconstruction: criteria for treatment selection. Plast Recontr Surg 1994:93:967-79
  • Moore DJ, Glaser ZR, Tabacco MJ, Linebaugh MGJ. Evaluation of polymeric materials for maxillofacial prosthetics. J Prosthet Dent 1977;38:319-26.
  • Yaluğ S. Çene yüz bölgesinde cerrahi işlem sonrası görülen anatomi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998;8:105-9.
  • Lontz JF. State of the art materials used for maxillofacial prosthetic reconstruction. Dent Clin North Am 1990;34:307-25. Ö. 13. Bayrak Silikon yağı ilave protez kaide polimetilmetakrilat materyalinin özelliklerinin araştırılması [tez]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 2007. ve mikrobiyolojik
  • Eleni NP, Krokida MK, Polyzois GL, Charitidis AC, Koumoulos EP, Tsikourkitoudi VP, Ziomas I. Mechanical behaviour of a poydimethylsiloxane elastomer after outdoor weathering in two different Degradation and Stability 2011;96:470-6. locations. Polymer
  • Polyzois G, Stafford GD, Winter R. A study of some properties mechanical polydimethylsiloxane for extraoral maxillofacial prostheses. Clin Mater 1992;9:21-9. anRTV
  • Abbasi F, Mirzadeh H, Katbab A. ModiŞcation of polysiloxane polymers forbiomedical applications: a review. Polym Int 2001;50: 1279-87.
  • Dollase T, Spiess HW, Gottlieb M, Yerushalmi- Rozen R. Crystallization ofPDMS: the effect of physical and chemical crosslinks. Europhysics Letters 2002;60:390-6.
  • Virlogeux F, Bianchini D, Delor JF, Baba M, Lacoste J. Evaluation of cross-linking after accelerated photo-ageing of silicone rubber. Polymer International 2004;53:163-8.
  • Lacoste-Ferré M, Demont P, Dandurand J, Dantras E, Blandin M, Lacabanne C.Thermo-mechanical analysis of dental silicone polymers. Journal of Materials Science 2006;41:7611-6.
  • Bulbulian AH. Facial prosthesis. WB Sounders Company; Philadelphia:1945. p. 5.
  • Barnhart GW. A new material and technique in the art of somato-prosthesis. J Dent Res 1960;39:836- 44.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative Dental Materials. 11 ed. St. Louis; CV Mosby: 2002. P. 68-108, 675- 80, 186-95.
  • Beumer J,Curtis T,Marunick M. Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Considerations. St. Louis; Mosby: 1996. p. 377- 455. and Surgical
  • Ertem G. Polietilen Fiberle Güçlendirilen Akrilik Rezinlerde Farklı Polimerizasyon Yöntemlerinin Artık Monomer Miktarına Etkisinin İn-Vitro Koşullarda Değerlendirilmesi [tez]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi; 2008.
  • Jagger DC, Harrison R, Jandt KD. The reinforcement of dentures. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26:185-94.
  • MEGEP. T.C. Mili Eğitim Bakanlığı (Meslekî eğitim ve öğretim sisteminin güçlendirilmesi projesi) Kimya teknolojisi polimer kavramları ve özellikleri, 2, Ankara, 2008.
  • Jani RM, Schaaf NG. An evaluation of facial prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1978;39(5):546-50. plastikler 28. Medikal (editorial) plastikler. Erişim Tarihi: 19.01.2013
  • İspir E, Serin S. Polisiloksanlar ve Kullanım Alanları. KSÜ. Fen ve Mühendislik Derg 2006; 9,46-8.
  • Ekren O. Tiksotropik Ajanların Çene Yüz Protezlerinde Kullanılan Silikon Materyalinin Mekanik Özeliklerine Etkisi [tez]. Adana: Çukurova Üniversitesi; 2009.
  • Patel M. Skiner A.R. Maxwell R. S. Sensitivity of condensation cured polysiloxane rubbers to sealed and open to air thermal ageing regimes. Polymer Testing 2005;24:663-8.
  • Bal BT, Öztürk E, Karakoca S. Maksillofasiyal protezlerin yapımında kullanılan materyallerdeki gelişmeler. ADO Klin Bilim Derg 2007;1;63-8.
  • Keskin H, Özdemir T. Çene yüz protezleri. İ.Ü. Basımevi,İstanbul 1995;147-54.
  • Uyan D. Yüz protezleri yapımında kullanılan iki farklı tip silikon elastomerin in vivo implantasyon tekniği kıyaslanması [tez]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 2006. uyumluluk açısından
  • Sweeney WT, Fischer TE, Castleberry DJ, Cowperthwaite GF. Evaluation of improved maxillofacial prosthetic materials. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:297-305.
  • Andreopoulos AG, Evangelatou M, Tarantili PA. Properties of maxillofacial silicone elastomers reinforced with silica powder. J Biomater Appl 1998 Jul;13:66-73.
  • Gunay Y, Kurtoglu C, Atay A, Karayazgan B, Gurbuz CC. Effect of tulle on the mechanical properties of a maxillofacial silicone elastomer. Dent Mater J 2008;27:775-9.
  • Karayazgan B, Gunay Y, Evlioglu G. Improved edge strength in a facial prosthesis by incorporation of tulle: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:526-9.
  • Aziz T, Waters M, Jagger R. Development of a new poly(dimethylsiloxane) maxillofacial prosthetic material. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2003;65:252-61.
  • Hayashi S, Fujiki K, Tsubokawa N. Grafting of hyperbranched polymers onto ultrafine silica: postgraft polymerization of vinyl monomers initiated by pendant initiating groups of polymer chains grafted onto the surface. React Funct Polym 2000;46:193-201.
  • Khan AA, Alam MM. Synthesis, character-ization and analytical applications of a new and novel organic-inorganic composite material as a cation exchanger and Cd(II) ion-selective membrane electrode: polyaniline Sn(IV) tungstoarsenate. React Funct Polym 2003;55:277-90.
  • Watson S, Beydoun D, Scott J. Preparation of nanosized crystalline TiO2 particles at low temperature for photocatalysis. J Nano Res 2004;6:193-207.
  • Taikum O, Friehmelt R, Scholz M. The last 100 years of fumed silica in rubber reinforcement, Rubber World 2010;242:35–44.
  • Prasertsri S, Rattanasom N. Fumed and precipitated silica reinforced natural rubber composites Mechanical and dynamic properties. Polymer Testing 2012;31:593-605. from latex system:
  • Yilgor E, Eynur T, Kosak C. Fumed silica Şlled poly(dimethylsiloxane-urea) copolymers: Preparation and properties. Polymer 2011;52:4189-98. segmented
  • Lane TH, Burns S.A. Silica, silicone, silicones… unrevealing the mystery. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 1996;210:3-12.
  • Bellamy K, Limbert G, Waters MG, Middleton J. An elastomeric material for facial prostheses: synthesis, experimental and numerical testing aspects. Biomaterials 2003; 24: 5061-6.
  • McCarthyT. A Perfectly Hydrophobic Surface, J. Am. Chem. Soc 2006;128:9052.
  • Arreche R, Blanco M, Vázquez P. Use of new silica fillers as additives for polymers used in packaging of fruit. Quim Nova 2012;35:1907-11.
  • Çevik P. Silika ve Titanyum Dioksit İlavesinin İki Farklı Maksillofasiyal Silikon Elastomerin Mekanik Özelliklerine Üniversitesi; 2013. Konya: Selçuk


Year 2015, Supplement 10, 141 - 147, 21.05.2015


Çene yüz protezleri, doğumsal defektler ile, kanser veya travma sonucu oluşan kazanılmış defektlerin  kapatılmasında kullanılan protezlerdir. Çene yüz protezi materyallerinin fiziksel ve mekanik dayanım gibi bazı ideal özelliklere sahip olmaları gerekir. Silicon elastomerler çene yüz protez materyallerinde sıklıkla kullanılan malzemelerdir. Bu makalede, çene yüz protezi materyalleri ile bu konu hakkındaki son gelişmeler ele alınmıştır.


  • Moser V, Crevenna R, Korpan M, Quittan M. Cancer rehabilitation: particularly with aspects on physical impairments. J Rehabil Med 2003;35:153-62.
  • Hubalkowa H, Holakovsky J, Bradza F, Diblik P, Mazenek J. Team approach in the treatment of extensive maxillofacial defects. Five case report series. Prague Medical Report 2010;111:148-57.
  • Yazdanie N, Mandersen RD. Prosthetic management and rehabilitation of an extensive intraoral and facial defect. Int J Prosthodont 1989; 2:550-4.
  • Adisman IK. Prosthesis serviceability for acquired jaw defects. Dent Clin North Am 1990;34:265-83.
  • Özdemir H, Aladağ Lİ. Sonradan kazanılmış bir maksiller defektin protetik obturasyonu: Bir olgu sunumu. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2011;4:122-7.
  • Roberts AC. Facial reconstruction by prosthetic means. Br J Oral Surg 1967;4:157-82
  • Öztürk E. Üç farklı çene yüz protezi silikon elastomerinin fiziksel özelliklerinin karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmesi [tez]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi; 2009.
  • Kiat-Amnuay S, Gettleman L, Khan Z, Goldsmith LJ. Effect of adhesive retention of maxillofacial prostheses. Part 2: time and reapplication effects. J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:438-41.
  • Wilkes GF, Wolfaarrdt JF: Osseointegrated alloplastic versusautogenous ear reconstruction: criteria for treatment selection. Plast Recontr Surg 1994:93:967-79
  • Moore DJ, Glaser ZR, Tabacco MJ, Linebaugh MGJ. Evaluation of polymeric materials for maxillofacial prosthetics. J Prosthet Dent 1977;38:319-26.
  • Yaluğ S. Çene yüz bölgesinde cerrahi işlem sonrası görülen anatomi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998;8:105-9.
  • Lontz JF. State of the art materials used for maxillofacial prosthetic reconstruction. Dent Clin North Am 1990;34:307-25. Ö. 13. Bayrak Silikon yağı ilave protez kaide polimetilmetakrilat materyalinin özelliklerinin araştırılması [tez]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 2007. ve mikrobiyolojik
  • Eleni NP, Krokida MK, Polyzois GL, Charitidis AC, Koumoulos EP, Tsikourkitoudi VP, Ziomas I. Mechanical behaviour of a poydimethylsiloxane elastomer after outdoor weathering in two different Degradation and Stability 2011;96:470-6. locations. Polymer
  • Polyzois G, Stafford GD, Winter R. A study of some properties mechanical polydimethylsiloxane for extraoral maxillofacial prostheses. Clin Mater 1992;9:21-9. anRTV
  • Abbasi F, Mirzadeh H, Katbab A. ModiŞcation of polysiloxane polymers forbiomedical applications: a review. Polym Int 2001;50: 1279-87.
  • Dollase T, Spiess HW, Gottlieb M, Yerushalmi- Rozen R. Crystallization ofPDMS: the effect of physical and chemical crosslinks. Europhysics Letters 2002;60:390-6.
  • Virlogeux F, Bianchini D, Delor JF, Baba M, Lacoste J. Evaluation of cross-linking after accelerated photo-ageing of silicone rubber. Polymer International 2004;53:163-8.
  • Lacoste-Ferré M, Demont P, Dandurand J, Dantras E, Blandin M, Lacabanne C.Thermo-mechanical analysis of dental silicone polymers. Journal of Materials Science 2006;41:7611-6.
  • Bulbulian AH. Facial prosthesis. WB Sounders Company; Philadelphia:1945. p. 5.
  • Barnhart GW. A new material and technique in the art of somato-prosthesis. J Dent Res 1960;39:836- 44.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative Dental Materials. 11 ed. St. Louis; CV Mosby: 2002. P. 68-108, 675- 80, 186-95.
  • Beumer J,Curtis T,Marunick M. Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Considerations. St. Louis; Mosby: 1996. p. 377- 455. and Surgical
  • Ertem G. Polietilen Fiberle Güçlendirilen Akrilik Rezinlerde Farklı Polimerizasyon Yöntemlerinin Artık Monomer Miktarına Etkisinin İn-Vitro Koşullarda Değerlendirilmesi [tez]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi; 2008.
  • Jagger DC, Harrison R, Jandt KD. The reinforcement of dentures. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26:185-94.
  • MEGEP. T.C. Mili Eğitim Bakanlığı (Meslekî eğitim ve öğretim sisteminin güçlendirilmesi projesi) Kimya teknolojisi polimer kavramları ve özellikleri, 2, Ankara, 2008.
  • Jani RM, Schaaf NG. An evaluation of facial prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1978;39(5):546-50. plastikler 28. Medikal (editorial) plastikler. Erişim Tarihi: 19.01.2013
  • İspir E, Serin S. Polisiloksanlar ve Kullanım Alanları. KSÜ. Fen ve Mühendislik Derg 2006; 9,46-8.
  • Ekren O. Tiksotropik Ajanların Çene Yüz Protezlerinde Kullanılan Silikon Materyalinin Mekanik Özeliklerine Etkisi [tez]. Adana: Çukurova Üniversitesi; 2009.
  • Patel M. Skiner A.R. Maxwell R. S. Sensitivity of condensation cured polysiloxane rubbers to sealed and open to air thermal ageing regimes. Polymer Testing 2005;24:663-8.
  • Bal BT, Öztürk E, Karakoca S. Maksillofasiyal protezlerin yapımında kullanılan materyallerdeki gelişmeler. ADO Klin Bilim Derg 2007;1;63-8.
  • Keskin H, Özdemir T. Çene yüz protezleri. İ.Ü. Basımevi,İstanbul 1995;147-54.
  • Uyan D. Yüz protezleri yapımında kullanılan iki farklı tip silikon elastomerin in vivo implantasyon tekniği kıyaslanması [tez]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 2006. uyumluluk açısından
  • Sweeney WT, Fischer TE, Castleberry DJ, Cowperthwaite GF. Evaluation of improved maxillofacial prosthetic materials. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:297-305.
  • Andreopoulos AG, Evangelatou M, Tarantili PA. Properties of maxillofacial silicone elastomers reinforced with silica powder. J Biomater Appl 1998 Jul;13:66-73.
  • Gunay Y, Kurtoglu C, Atay A, Karayazgan B, Gurbuz CC. Effect of tulle on the mechanical properties of a maxillofacial silicone elastomer. Dent Mater J 2008;27:775-9.
  • Karayazgan B, Gunay Y, Evlioglu G. Improved edge strength in a facial prosthesis by incorporation of tulle: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:526-9.
  • Aziz T, Waters M, Jagger R. Development of a new poly(dimethylsiloxane) maxillofacial prosthetic material. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2003;65:252-61.
  • Hayashi S, Fujiki K, Tsubokawa N. Grafting of hyperbranched polymers onto ultrafine silica: postgraft polymerization of vinyl monomers initiated by pendant initiating groups of polymer chains grafted onto the surface. React Funct Polym 2000;46:193-201.
  • Khan AA, Alam MM. Synthesis, character-ization and analytical applications of a new and novel organic-inorganic composite material as a cation exchanger and Cd(II) ion-selective membrane electrode: polyaniline Sn(IV) tungstoarsenate. React Funct Polym 2003;55:277-90.
  • Watson S, Beydoun D, Scott J. Preparation of nanosized crystalline TiO2 particles at low temperature for photocatalysis. J Nano Res 2004;6:193-207.
  • Taikum O, Friehmelt R, Scholz M. The last 100 years of fumed silica in rubber reinforcement, Rubber World 2010;242:35–44.
  • Prasertsri S, Rattanasom N. Fumed and precipitated silica reinforced natural rubber composites Mechanical and dynamic properties. Polymer Testing 2012;31:593-605. from latex system:
  • Yilgor E, Eynur T, Kosak C. Fumed silica Şlled poly(dimethylsiloxane-urea) copolymers: Preparation and properties. Polymer 2011;52:4189-98. segmented
  • Lane TH, Burns S.A. Silica, silicone, silicones… unrevealing the mystery. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 1996;210:3-12.
  • Bellamy K, Limbert G, Waters MG, Middleton J. An elastomeric material for facial prostheses: synthesis, experimental and numerical testing aspects. Biomaterials 2003; 24: 5061-6.
  • McCarthyT. A Perfectly Hydrophobic Surface, J. Am. Chem. Soc 2006;128:9052.
  • Arreche R, Blanco M, Vázquez P. Use of new silica fillers as additives for polymers used in packaging of fruit. Quim Nova 2012;35:1907-11.
  • Çevik P. Silika ve Titanyum Dioksit İlavesinin İki Farklı Maksillofasiyal Silikon Elastomerin Mekanik Özelliklerine Üniversitesi; 2013. Konya: Selçuk
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Articles

Pınar Çevik This is me

Oğuz Eraslan This is me

Publication Date May 21, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Supplement 10


APA Çevik, P., & Eraslan, O. (2015). ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 25, 141-147.
AMA Çevik P, Eraslan O. ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. May 2015;25:141-147. doi:10.17567/dfd.22525
Chicago Çevik, Pınar, and Oğuz Eraslan. “ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25, May (May 2015): 141-47.
EndNote Çevik P, Eraslan O (May 1, 2015) ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 141–147.
IEEE P. Çevik and O. Eraslan, “ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 25, pp. 141–147, 2015, doi: 10.17567/dfd.22525.
ISNAD Çevik, Pınar - Eraslan, Oğuz. “ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (May 2015), 141-147.
MLA Çevik, Pınar and Oğuz Eraslan. “ÇENE YÜZ PROTEZLERİNDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU KONUDAKİ GELİŞMELER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 25, 2015, pp. 141-7, doi:10.17567/dfd.22525.

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