Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 71 - 76, 21.05.2015


Purpose: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the most current and newest imaging method in dentistry. Since low radiation dose and true 3D image acquisition, use of CBCT is becoming increasingly common. The aim of this study is to determine demographic information and indications of the patients taken CBCT Material and Method: In the current study, a total of 843 patients’ CBCT (i-CAT; Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA, USA). The patients were divided into subgroups according to their age, gender, and radiographic indications. The descriptive statistics was used to review the data. Result: A total of 843 patients’ CBCT were examined retrospectively. Out of the 843 patients, 453 were female and 390 were male. Average age of these patients was 29,7. 1/3 of the DVT was taken form 11 ages to 20 ages patients. Out of the 843 patients, 252 had partial or total edentulous jaws, 218 had orthodontic anomalies. TMJ disorders and impacted teeth were followed up them. Conclusion: The use of the CBCT has been increased day by day. Especially in implant and impacted teeth surgery and orthodontics, it widely used. In addition, CBCT’s were mostly taken from young patients


  • White SC. Cone-beam imaging in dentistry. Health physics. 2008;95:628-37.
  • Robb RA. The Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor: An X-Ray Video-Fluoroscopic CT Scanner for Dynamic Volume Imaging of Moving Organs. IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging 1982;1:22-33.
  • Mozzo P, Procacci C, Tacconi A, Martini PT, Andreis IA. A new volumetric CT machine for dental imaging based on the cone-beam technique: preliminary results. Eur Radiol 1998;8:1558-64.
  • White SC, Pharoah MJ. The evolution and application of dental maxillofacial imaging modalities. Dent Clin North Am 2008;52:689-705.
  • Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Noguchi K, Iino M, Isono H, Ishii H, et al. Application of limited cone beam computed tomography to clinical assessment of alveolar bone grafting: a preliminary report. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal: official publication of Association. 2005;42:128-37. Palate-Craniofacial
  • Ogawa T, Enciso R, Memon A, Mah JK, Clark GT. Evaluation of 3D airway imaging of obstructive sleep tomography. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2005;111:365-8. computed
  • Tsiklakis K, Syriopoulos K, Stamatakis HC. Radiographic temporomandibular joint using cone beam computed tomography. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2004; 33:196-201. of the
  • Hassan B, Metska ME, Ozok AR, van der Stelt P, Wesselink PR. Detection of vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth by a cone beam computed tomography scan. J Endod 2009;35: 719-22.
  • Grimard BA, Hoidal MJ, Mills MP, Mellonig JT, Nummikoski PV, Mealey BL. Comparison of clinical, periapical radiograph, and cone-beam volume tomography assessing regenerative periodontal therapy. Journal of periodontology 2009;80:48-55. techniques for bone changes following
  • Maki K, Inou N, Takanishi A, Miller AJ. Computer- assisted simulations in orthodontic diagnosis and the application of a new cone beam X-ray computed tomography. Orthod& craniofac Res
  • Hatcher DC, Dial C, Mayorga C. Cone beam CT for pre-surgical assessment of implant sites. J California Dent Assoc 2003;31:825-33.
  • Miloglu O, Yasa Y, Bayrakdar IS, Gungor H. Panoramic radiographic examination in a group of edentulous patients. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:230-4.
  • Larheim T.A. WP-L. Maxillofacial Imaging. 1 ed. Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; Springer: 2006. p. 21- 415
  • Akca K, Iplikcioglu H. Evaluation of the effect of the residual bone angulation on implant-supported fixed edentulism. Part II: 3-D finite element stress analysis. Implant Dent 2001;10:238-45. posterior
  • Chan HL, Benavides E, Yeh CY, Fu JH, Rudek IE, Wang HL. Risk assessment of lingual plate perforation in posterior mandibular region: a virtual implant placement study using cone-beam computed tomography. J Periodont 2011;82:129- 35.
  • Quirynen M, Mraiwa N, van Steenberghe D, Jacobs R. Morphology and dimensions of the mandibular jaw bone in the interforaminal region in patients requiring implants in the distal areas. Clinical oral implants research. 2003;14:280-5.
  • Aruna U, Annamalai PR, Nayar S, Bhuminathan S. Primary failure of eruption- a case report with cone beam computerized tomographic imaging. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2014;8:14-6.
  • Campos MJ, de Albuquerque EG, Pinto BC, Hungaro HM, Gravina MA, Fraga MR, et al. The role of orthodontic tooth movement in bone and root mineral density: a study of patients submitted and not submitted to orthodontic treatment. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 2012;18:752-7.
  • Sonnesen L, Jensen KE, Petersson AR, Petri N, Berg S, Svanholt P. Cervical vertebral column morphology in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea assessed using lateral cephalograms and cone beam CT. A comparative study. Dento maxillo facial radiology 2013;42:20130060.
  • Sakuma A, Saitoh H, Suzuki Y, Makino Y, Inokuchi G, Hayakawa M, et al. Age estimation based on pulp cavity to tooth volume ratio using postmortem computed tomography images. Journal of forensic sciences 2013;58:1531-5.
  • Yoon SJ, Wang RF, Na HJ, Palomo JM. Normal range of facial asymmetry in spherical coordinates: a CBCT study. Imaging science in dentistry. 2013;43:31-6.
  • Lee M, Kanavakis G, Miner RM. Newly defined landmarks for a three-dimensionally based cephalometric analysis: A retrospective cone-beam computed tomography scan review. The Angle orthod 2015;85:3-10.
  • Honda K, Larheim TA, Maruhashi K, Matsumoto K, Iwai K. Osseous abnormalities of the mandibular condyle: diagnostic reliability of cone beam computed tomography compared with helical computed tomography based on an autopsy material. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2006;35:152-7.
  • Chu FC, Li TK, Lui VK, Newsome PR, Chow RL, Cheung LK. Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies--a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population. Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi / Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 2003;9:158-63.
  • Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Fahmy MS. Impaction status of third molars in Jordanian students. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadioL Endod 1995;79:24-9.
  • Torres-Lagares D, Flores-Ruiz R, Infante-Cossio P, Garcia-Calderon Transmigration of impacted lower canine. Case report and review of literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 2006;11:171-4. JL.
  • Peltola JS. A panoramatomographic study of the teeth and jaws of Finnish university students. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993;21:36-9.
  • Yamaoka M, Furusawa K, Yamamoto M. Influence of adjacent teeth on impacted third molars in the upper and lower jaws. Aust Dent j 1995;40:233-5.
  • Shah RM, Boyd MA, Vakil TF. Studies of permanent tooth anomalies in 7,886 Canadian individuals. I: impacted teeth. Dental J 1978;44:262-4.
  • Murray P, Brown NL. The conservative approach to managing unerupted lower premolars -- two case reports. Int J Paediat Dent British Paedod Soc Int Assoc Dent Child 2003;13:198-203.
  • Lee PP. Impacted premolars. Dental update.
  • Karapanou V. Endodontic management of an impacted premolar J Clin Pediat Dent 2005;29:293- 8.
  • McNamara C, McNamara TG. Mandibular premolar impaction: 2 case reports. J Can Dent Assoc 2005;71:859-63.
  • Pathak S, Mishra N, Rastogi MK, Sharma S. Significance of radiological variables studied on orthopantamogram to pridict post-operative inferior alveoler nerve paresthesia after third molar extraction. J Clin Diagnostic Res JCDR 2014; 8:62- 4.
  • Kaneda T, Minami M, Kurabayashi T. Benign odontogenic tumors of the mandible and maxilla. Neuroimaging Clin North Am 2003;13:495-507.
  • Bomeli SR, Branstetter BFt, Ferguson BJ. Frequency of a dental source for acute maxillary sinusitis. The Laryngoscope. 2009;119:580-4.
  • Brook I. Sinusitis of odontogenic origin. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery: official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. 2006;135:349-55.
  • Maillet M, Bowles WR, McClanahan SL, John MT, Ahmad M. Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of maxillary sinusitis. Journal of endodontics. 2011;37:753-7.
  • Naitoh M, Suenaga Y, Kondo S, Gotoh K, Ariji E. Assessment of maxillary sinus septa using cone- beam consideration. Clinical implant dentistry and related research. 2009;11:52-8. etiological
  • Narayana P, Hartwell GR, Wallace R, Nair UP. Endodontic clinical management of a dens invaginatus case by using a unique treatment approach: a case report. Journal of endodontics. 2012;38:1145-8.
  • Gurgel CV, Lourenco Neto N, Kobayashi TY, Garib DG, da Silva SM, Machado MA, et al. Management of a permanent tooth after trauma to deciduous predecessor: an evaluation by cone-beam computed tomography. Dental traumatology: official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology. 2011;27:408-12.
  • Kuijpers MA, Pazera A, Admiraal RJ, Berge SJ, Vissink A, Pazera P. Incidental findings on cone beam computed tomography scans in cleft lip and palate patients. Clinical oral investigations. 2014;18:1237-44.
  • Durack C, Patel S. The use of cone beam computed tomography in the management of dens invaginatus affecting a strategic tooth in a patient affected by hypodontia: a case report. International endodontic journal. 2011;44:474-83.
  • Merrett SJ, Drage N, Siphahi SD. The use of cone beam computed tomography in planning supernumerary cases. Journal of orthodontics. 2013;40:38-46.
  • Kajan ZD, Taromsari M. Value of cone beam CT in detection of dental root fractures. Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2012;41:3-10.
  • Aljehani YA. Diagnostic Applications of Cone-Beam CT for Periodontal Diseases. Int Jf Dent. 2014;2:865079.
  • Kamburoglu K, Murat S, Kilic C, Yuksel S, Avsever H, Farman A, et al. Accuracy of CBCT images in the assessment of buccal marginal alveolar peri- implant defects: effect of field of view. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2014;43:20130332.
  • Alamri HM, Sadrameli M, Alshalhoob MA, Alshehri MA. Applications of CBCT in dental practice: a review 2012;60:390-400. General Dent


Year 2015, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 71 - 76, 21.05.2015


Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) diş hekiminin gündeminde olan en yeni ve ileri görüntüleme yöntemidir. Özellikle düşük ışınlama parametreleri ve üç boyutlu görüntülerin elde edilebilmesinden dolayı KIBT kullanımı giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Anabilim Dalına KIBT çekimi için başvuran hastaların demografik dağılımını ve çekim nedenlerini belirlemektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada radyoloji bölümüne başvuran toplam 843 hastanın KIBT’leri (i-CAT; Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA, USA) geriye dönük olarak taranmıştır. Hastalar yaşa, cinsiyete ve çekim nedenlerine göre gruplandırılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre tanımlayıcı istatistikler (aritmetik ortalama, yüzdeler) kullanılarak sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular: Toplam 843 hastanın KIBT’leri değerlendirildi. Hastalardan 453’ü kadın iken 390’ı erkek idi. Ortalama yaş 29,7 idi. Alınan KIBT’lerin 1/3’ü 11-20 yaşları arasında idi. Hastaların 252’i kısmi veya tam dişsiz iken, 218’inde ortodontik anomali mevcuttu. Bunları TME problemleri ve gömülü dişler izlemekte idi.

Sonuç: KIBT’lerin kullanımı günümüzde giderek artmaktadır. Özellikle implant ve gömülü diş cerrahisinde ve ortodontide yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. KIBT imajları çoğunlukla genç hastalardan elde edilmektedir.



  • White SC. Cone-beam imaging in dentistry. Health physics. 2008;95:628-37.
  • Robb RA. The Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor: An X-Ray Video-Fluoroscopic CT Scanner for Dynamic Volume Imaging of Moving Organs. IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging 1982;1:22-33.
  • Mozzo P, Procacci C, Tacconi A, Martini PT, Andreis IA. A new volumetric CT machine for dental imaging based on the cone-beam technique: preliminary results. Eur Radiol 1998;8:1558-64.
  • White SC, Pharoah MJ. The evolution and application of dental maxillofacial imaging modalities. Dent Clin North Am 2008;52:689-705.
  • Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Noguchi K, Iino M, Isono H, Ishii H, et al. Application of limited cone beam computed tomography to clinical assessment of alveolar bone grafting: a preliminary report. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal: official publication of Association. 2005;42:128-37. Palate-Craniofacial
  • Ogawa T, Enciso R, Memon A, Mah JK, Clark GT. Evaluation of 3D airway imaging of obstructive sleep tomography. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2005;111:365-8. computed
  • Tsiklakis K, Syriopoulos K, Stamatakis HC. Radiographic temporomandibular joint using cone beam computed tomography. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2004; 33:196-201. of the
  • Hassan B, Metska ME, Ozok AR, van der Stelt P, Wesselink PR. Detection of vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth by a cone beam computed tomography scan. J Endod 2009;35: 719-22.
  • Grimard BA, Hoidal MJ, Mills MP, Mellonig JT, Nummikoski PV, Mealey BL. Comparison of clinical, periapical radiograph, and cone-beam volume tomography assessing regenerative periodontal therapy. Journal of periodontology 2009;80:48-55. techniques for bone changes following
  • Maki K, Inou N, Takanishi A, Miller AJ. Computer- assisted simulations in orthodontic diagnosis and the application of a new cone beam X-ray computed tomography. Orthod& craniofac Res
  • Hatcher DC, Dial C, Mayorga C. Cone beam CT for pre-surgical assessment of implant sites. J California Dent Assoc 2003;31:825-33.
  • Miloglu O, Yasa Y, Bayrakdar IS, Gungor H. Panoramic radiographic examination in a group of edentulous patients. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:230-4.
  • Larheim T.A. WP-L. Maxillofacial Imaging. 1 ed. Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; Springer: 2006. p. 21- 415
  • Akca K, Iplikcioglu H. Evaluation of the effect of the residual bone angulation on implant-supported fixed edentulism. Part II: 3-D finite element stress analysis. Implant Dent 2001;10:238-45. posterior
  • Chan HL, Benavides E, Yeh CY, Fu JH, Rudek IE, Wang HL. Risk assessment of lingual plate perforation in posterior mandibular region: a virtual implant placement study using cone-beam computed tomography. J Periodont 2011;82:129- 35.
  • Quirynen M, Mraiwa N, van Steenberghe D, Jacobs R. Morphology and dimensions of the mandibular jaw bone in the interforaminal region in patients requiring implants in the distal areas. Clinical oral implants research. 2003;14:280-5.
  • Aruna U, Annamalai PR, Nayar S, Bhuminathan S. Primary failure of eruption- a case report with cone beam computerized tomographic imaging. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2014;8:14-6.
  • Campos MJ, de Albuquerque EG, Pinto BC, Hungaro HM, Gravina MA, Fraga MR, et al. The role of orthodontic tooth movement in bone and root mineral density: a study of patients submitted and not submitted to orthodontic treatment. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 2012;18:752-7.
  • Sonnesen L, Jensen KE, Petersson AR, Petri N, Berg S, Svanholt P. Cervical vertebral column morphology in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea assessed using lateral cephalograms and cone beam CT. A comparative study. Dento maxillo facial radiology 2013;42:20130060.
  • Sakuma A, Saitoh H, Suzuki Y, Makino Y, Inokuchi G, Hayakawa M, et al. Age estimation based on pulp cavity to tooth volume ratio using postmortem computed tomography images. Journal of forensic sciences 2013;58:1531-5.
  • Yoon SJ, Wang RF, Na HJ, Palomo JM. Normal range of facial asymmetry in spherical coordinates: a CBCT study. Imaging science in dentistry. 2013;43:31-6.
  • Lee M, Kanavakis G, Miner RM. Newly defined landmarks for a three-dimensionally based cephalometric analysis: A retrospective cone-beam computed tomography scan review. The Angle orthod 2015;85:3-10.
  • Honda K, Larheim TA, Maruhashi K, Matsumoto K, Iwai K. Osseous abnormalities of the mandibular condyle: diagnostic reliability of cone beam computed tomography compared with helical computed tomography based on an autopsy material. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2006;35:152-7.
  • Chu FC, Li TK, Lui VK, Newsome PR, Chow RL, Cheung LK. Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies--a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population. Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi / Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 2003;9:158-63.
  • Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Fahmy MS. Impaction status of third molars in Jordanian students. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadioL Endod 1995;79:24-9.
  • Torres-Lagares D, Flores-Ruiz R, Infante-Cossio P, Garcia-Calderon Transmigration of impacted lower canine. Case report and review of literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 2006;11:171-4. JL.
  • Peltola JS. A panoramatomographic study of the teeth and jaws of Finnish university students. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993;21:36-9.
  • Yamaoka M, Furusawa K, Yamamoto M. Influence of adjacent teeth on impacted third molars in the upper and lower jaws. Aust Dent j 1995;40:233-5.
  • Shah RM, Boyd MA, Vakil TF. Studies of permanent tooth anomalies in 7,886 Canadian individuals. I: impacted teeth. Dental J 1978;44:262-4.
  • Murray P, Brown NL. The conservative approach to managing unerupted lower premolars -- two case reports. Int J Paediat Dent British Paedod Soc Int Assoc Dent Child 2003;13:198-203.
  • Lee PP. Impacted premolars. Dental update.
  • Karapanou V. Endodontic management of an impacted premolar J Clin Pediat Dent 2005;29:293- 8.
  • McNamara C, McNamara TG. Mandibular premolar impaction: 2 case reports. J Can Dent Assoc 2005;71:859-63.
  • Pathak S, Mishra N, Rastogi MK, Sharma S. Significance of radiological variables studied on orthopantamogram to pridict post-operative inferior alveoler nerve paresthesia after third molar extraction. J Clin Diagnostic Res JCDR 2014; 8:62- 4.
  • Kaneda T, Minami M, Kurabayashi T. Benign odontogenic tumors of the mandible and maxilla. Neuroimaging Clin North Am 2003;13:495-507.
  • Bomeli SR, Branstetter BFt, Ferguson BJ. Frequency of a dental source for acute maxillary sinusitis. The Laryngoscope. 2009;119:580-4.
  • Brook I. Sinusitis of odontogenic origin. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery: official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. 2006;135:349-55.
  • Maillet M, Bowles WR, McClanahan SL, John MT, Ahmad M. Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of maxillary sinusitis. Journal of endodontics. 2011;37:753-7.
  • Naitoh M, Suenaga Y, Kondo S, Gotoh K, Ariji E. Assessment of maxillary sinus septa using cone- beam consideration. Clinical implant dentistry and related research. 2009;11:52-8. etiological
  • Narayana P, Hartwell GR, Wallace R, Nair UP. Endodontic clinical management of a dens invaginatus case by using a unique treatment approach: a case report. Journal of endodontics. 2012;38:1145-8.
  • Gurgel CV, Lourenco Neto N, Kobayashi TY, Garib DG, da Silva SM, Machado MA, et al. Management of a permanent tooth after trauma to deciduous predecessor: an evaluation by cone-beam computed tomography. Dental traumatology: official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology. 2011;27:408-12.
  • Kuijpers MA, Pazera A, Admiraal RJ, Berge SJ, Vissink A, Pazera P. Incidental findings on cone beam computed tomography scans in cleft lip and palate patients. Clinical oral investigations. 2014;18:1237-44.
  • Durack C, Patel S. The use of cone beam computed tomography in the management of dens invaginatus affecting a strategic tooth in a patient affected by hypodontia: a case report. International endodontic journal. 2011;44:474-83.
  • Merrett SJ, Drage N, Siphahi SD. The use of cone beam computed tomography in planning supernumerary cases. Journal of orthodontics. 2013;40:38-46.
  • Kajan ZD, Taromsari M. Value of cone beam CT in detection of dental root fractures. Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2012;41:3-10.
  • Aljehani YA. Diagnostic Applications of Cone-Beam CT for Periodontal Diseases. Int Jf Dent. 2014;2:865079.
  • Kamburoglu K, Murat S, Kilic C, Yuksel S, Avsever H, Farman A, et al. Accuracy of CBCT images in the assessment of buccal marginal alveolar peri- implant defects: effect of field of view. Dento Maxillo Fac Radiol 2014;43:20130332.
  • Alamri HM, Sadrameli M, Alshalhoob MA, Alshehri MA. Applications of CBCT in dental practice: a review 2012;60:390-400. General Dent
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Articles

Ali Aktan This is me

Enes Güngör This is me

Mehmet Çiftçi

Özlem İşman This is me

Publication Date May 21, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Aktan, A., Güngör, E., Çiftçi, M., İşman, Ö. (2015). DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 71-76.
AMA Aktan A, Güngör E, Çiftçi M, İşman Ö. DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. May 2015;25(1):71-76. doi:10.17567/dfd.66132
Chicago Aktan, Ali, Enes Güngör, Mehmet Çiftçi, and Özlem İşman. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25, no. 1 (May 2015): 71-76.
EndNote Aktan A, Güngör E, Çiftçi M, İşman Ö (May 1, 2015) DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 1 71–76.
IEEE A. Aktan, E. Güngör, M. Çiftçi, and Ö. İşman, “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 71–76, 2015, doi: 10.17567/dfd.66132.
ISNAD Aktan, Ali et al. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25/1 (May 2015), 71-76.
MLA Aktan, Ali et al. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 1, 2015, pp. 71-76, doi:10.17567/dfd.66132.
Vancouver Aktan A, Güngör E, Çiftçi M, İşman Ö. DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE KONİK IŞINLI BİLGİSAYARLI TOMOGRAFİ KULLANIMI. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2015;25(1):71-6.

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