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Year 2015, Supplement 11, 83 - 87, 07.10.2015


The one of major problems between patient and the clinician is pain associated with endodontic procedure. Various treatment regimens for the relief of pain during endodontic procedure, including relief of occlusion premedication, establishment of drainage, and intracanal and systemic medications are presented. The aim of this review is to describe the procedures of preventing and management of endodontic flare-ups

The one of major problems between patient and the clinician is pain associated with endodontic procedure. Various treatment regimens for the relief of pain during endodontic procedure, including relief of occlusion premedication, establishment of drainage, and intracanal and systemic medications are presented. The aim of this review is to describe the procedures of preventing and management of endodontic flare-ups


  • Walton RE. Interappointment flare-ups: incidence, related factors, prevention, and management. Endod Top 2002;3:67-76.
  • Siqueira JF. Microbial causes of endodontic flare- ups. Int Endod J 2003;36:453-63.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Favieri A, Lima KC. Chemomechanical Reduction of the Bacterial Population in the Root Canal after Instrumentation and Irrigation with 1%, 2.5%, and 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite. J Endod 2000;26:331-4.
  • Siqueira J, Barnett F. Interappointment pain: mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment. Endod Top 2004;7:93-109.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Oliveira JCM, Santos KRN. Detection of Putative Oral Pathogens in Acute Periradicular Abscesses by 16S rDNA-Directed Polymerase Chain Reaction. J Endod 2001;27:164- 7.
  • Byström A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Dent Traumatol 1985;1:170-5.
  • Byström A, Happonen RP, Sjögren U, Sundqvist G. Healing of periapical lesions of pulpless teeth after endodontic treatment with controlled asepsis. Dent Traumatol 1987;3:58-63.
  • Harrison JW, Baumgartner IC, Zielke DR. Analysis of interappointment pain associated with the combined use of endodontic irrigants and medicaments. J Endod 1981;7:272-6.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Favieri A, et al. Incidence of Postoperative Pain After Intracanal Procedures Based on an Antimicrobial Strategy. J Endod 2002;28:457-60.
  • Torabinejad M, Kettering JD, McGraw JC, Cummings RR, Dwyer TG, Tobias TS. Factors associated with endodontic interappointment emergencies of teeth with necrotic pulps. J Endod 1988;14:261-6.
  • Walton RE, Holton IF, Michelich R. Calcium Hydroxide as an Intracanal Medication: Effect on Posttreatment Pain. J Endod 2003;29:627-9.
  • Maddox DL, Walton RE, Davis CO. Incidence of posttreatment endodontic pain related to medicaments and other factors. J Endod 1977;3:447-52.
  • Negm MM. Intracanal use of a corticosteroid- antibiotic compound for the management of posttreatment endodontic pain. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2001;92:435-9.
  • Rogers MJ, Johnson BR, Remeikis NA, BeGole EA. Comparison of effect of intracanal use of ketorolac tromethamine and dexamethasone with oral ibuprofen on post treatment endodontic pain. J Endod 1999;25:381-4.
  • Rosenberg PA. Clinical strategies for managing endodontic pain. Endod Top 2002;3:78-92.
  • Keiser K, Hargreaves KM. Building effective strategies for the management of endodontic pain. Endod Top 2002;3:93-105.
  • Creech J, Walton R, Kaltenbach R. Effect of occlusal relief on endodontic pain. J Am Dent Assoc 1984;109:64-7.
  • Jostes JL, Holland GR. The effect of occlusal reduction after canal preparation on patient comfort. J Endod 1984;10:34-7.
  • Ogilvie AL, Ingle JI. An atlas of pulpal and periapical biology: Lea & Febiger, 1965
  • Weine FS. Endodontic therapy. 2nd edn: Mosby (Saint Louis), 1976:132.
  • Dorn SO, Moodnik RM, Feldman MJ, Borden BG. Treatment of the endodontic emergency: a report based on a questionnaire—part I. J Endod 1977;3:94-100.
  • August DS. Managing the abscessed open tooth: instrument and close—part 2. J Endod 1982;8:364- 6.
  • Keçeci AD, Çelik D. Endodontide akut alevlenmeler GÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2003;20:61-9.
  • Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod 2006;32:389-98.
  • Naenni N, Thoma K, Zehnder M. Soft tissue dissolution capacity of currently used and potential endodontic irrigants. J Endod 2004;30:785-7.
  • Haikel Y, Gorce F, Allemann C, VOEGEL JC. In vitro efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on protein desorption. Int Endod J 1994;27:16-20.
  • Buttler TK, Crawford JJ. The detoxifying effect of varying concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on endotoxins. J Endod 1982;8:59-65.
  • Foley DB, Weine FS, Hagen JC, deObarrio JJ. Effectiveness of selected irrigants in the elimination of Bacteroides melaninogenicus from the root canal system: An in vitro study. J Endod 1986;9:236-41.
  • Gordon SM, Dionne RA, Brahim J, Jabir F, Dubner R. Blockade of peripheral neuronal barrage reduces postoperative pain. Pain 1997; 70:209-15.
  • Dunsky JL, Moore PA. Long-acting local anesthetics: A comparison of bupivacaine and etidocaine in endodontics. J Endod 1984; 10:457- 60.
  • Cohen S, Burns R. Pathways of the pulp 8th ed. St Louis: Mosby 2002:501-20.
  • Alaçam T. Endodonti. Ankara: Barış Yayınları, 2000: 537
  • Moos HL, Bramwell JD, Roahen JO. A comparison of pulpectomy alone versus pulpectomy with trephination for the relief of pain. J Endod 1996;22:422-5.
  • Elliott JA, Holcomb JB. Evaluation of a minimally traumatic alveolar trephination procedure to avoid pain. J Endod 1988;14:405-7.
  • Houck V, Reader A, Beck M, Nist R, Weaver J. Effect of trephination on postoperative pain and swelling in symptomatic necrotic teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2000;90:507-13.
  • Nist E, Reader A, Beck M. Effect of Apical Trephination on Postoperative Pain and Swelling in Symptomatic 2001;27:415-20. Teeth. J Endod
  • Trope M. Relationship of intracanal medicaments flare-ups. to 1990;6:226-9. Dent Traumatol
  • Seltzer S. Endodontology, design and production In: Sigurdsson A, Trope M. Nth Carolina: schooll of dentistry, Chapel Hill. Pian. 3rd edn. Chapter 15. 2000.
  • Doroschak AM, Bowles WR, Hargreaves KM. Evaluation of the combination of flurbiprofen and tramadol for management of endodontic pain. J Endod 1999;25:660-3.
  • Liesinger A, Marshall FJ, Marshall JG. Effect of variable doses of dexamethasone on posttreatment endodontic pain. J Endod 1993;19:35-9.
  • Tekel N. Postoperatif ağrının kontrolünde analjeziklerin rolü. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2007;17:39-45
  • Touyz L, Marchand S. The influence of postoperative telephone calls on pain perception: a study of 118 periodontal surgical procedures. J Orofac Pain 1998;12:219.


Year 2015, Supplement 11, 83 - 87, 07.10.2015


Ağrı ve ağrı korkusu hasta ve hekim ilişkisinin ciddi problemlerinden birisidir. Endodontik tedavi sırasında veya sonrasında meydana gelen ağrı şikâyetlerinin azaltılması için çeşitli tedavi şekilleri ve önlemler mevcuttur. Bu tedavi şekilleri, dişin oklüzyondan düşürülmesi, premedikasyon, drenajın sağlanması, kanal içi ve sistemik medikament işlemlerini içermektedir. Bu derlemede, flare-up meydana geldiğinde hastanın nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiğinin ve flare-up’ın önlenmesi ve tedavisi için neler yapılabileceğinin anlatılması amaçlanmaktadır.


  • Walton RE. Interappointment flare-ups: incidence, related factors, prevention, and management. Endod Top 2002;3:67-76.
  • Siqueira JF. Microbial causes of endodontic flare- ups. Int Endod J 2003;36:453-63.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Favieri A, Lima KC. Chemomechanical Reduction of the Bacterial Population in the Root Canal after Instrumentation and Irrigation with 1%, 2.5%, and 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite. J Endod 2000;26:331-4.
  • Siqueira J, Barnett F. Interappointment pain: mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment. Endod Top 2004;7:93-109.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Oliveira JCM, Santos KRN. Detection of Putative Oral Pathogens in Acute Periradicular Abscesses by 16S rDNA-Directed Polymerase Chain Reaction. J Endod 2001;27:164- 7.
  • Byström A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Dent Traumatol 1985;1:170-5.
  • Byström A, Happonen RP, Sjögren U, Sundqvist G. Healing of periapical lesions of pulpless teeth after endodontic treatment with controlled asepsis. Dent Traumatol 1987;3:58-63.
  • Harrison JW, Baumgartner IC, Zielke DR. Analysis of interappointment pain associated with the combined use of endodontic irrigants and medicaments. J Endod 1981;7:272-6.
  • Siqueira JF, Rôças IN, Favieri A, et al. Incidence of Postoperative Pain After Intracanal Procedures Based on an Antimicrobial Strategy. J Endod 2002;28:457-60.
  • Torabinejad M, Kettering JD, McGraw JC, Cummings RR, Dwyer TG, Tobias TS. Factors associated with endodontic interappointment emergencies of teeth with necrotic pulps. J Endod 1988;14:261-6.
  • Walton RE, Holton IF, Michelich R. Calcium Hydroxide as an Intracanal Medication: Effect on Posttreatment Pain. J Endod 2003;29:627-9.
  • Maddox DL, Walton RE, Davis CO. Incidence of posttreatment endodontic pain related to medicaments and other factors. J Endod 1977;3:447-52.
  • Negm MM. Intracanal use of a corticosteroid- antibiotic compound for the management of posttreatment endodontic pain. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2001;92:435-9.
  • Rogers MJ, Johnson BR, Remeikis NA, BeGole EA. Comparison of effect of intracanal use of ketorolac tromethamine and dexamethasone with oral ibuprofen on post treatment endodontic pain. J Endod 1999;25:381-4.
  • Rosenberg PA. Clinical strategies for managing endodontic pain. Endod Top 2002;3:78-92.
  • Keiser K, Hargreaves KM. Building effective strategies for the management of endodontic pain. Endod Top 2002;3:93-105.
  • Creech J, Walton R, Kaltenbach R. Effect of occlusal relief on endodontic pain. J Am Dent Assoc 1984;109:64-7.
  • Jostes JL, Holland GR. The effect of occlusal reduction after canal preparation on patient comfort. J Endod 1984;10:34-7.
  • Ogilvie AL, Ingle JI. An atlas of pulpal and periapical biology: Lea & Febiger, 1965
  • Weine FS. Endodontic therapy. 2nd edn: Mosby (Saint Louis), 1976:132.
  • Dorn SO, Moodnik RM, Feldman MJ, Borden BG. Treatment of the endodontic emergency: a report based on a questionnaire—part I. J Endod 1977;3:94-100.
  • August DS. Managing the abscessed open tooth: instrument and close—part 2. J Endod 1982;8:364- 6.
  • Keçeci AD, Çelik D. Endodontide akut alevlenmeler GÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2003;20:61-9.
  • Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod 2006;32:389-98.
  • Naenni N, Thoma K, Zehnder M. Soft tissue dissolution capacity of currently used and potential endodontic irrigants. J Endod 2004;30:785-7.
  • Haikel Y, Gorce F, Allemann C, VOEGEL JC. In vitro efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on protein desorption. Int Endod J 1994;27:16-20.
  • Buttler TK, Crawford JJ. The detoxifying effect of varying concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on endotoxins. J Endod 1982;8:59-65.
  • Foley DB, Weine FS, Hagen JC, deObarrio JJ. Effectiveness of selected irrigants in the elimination of Bacteroides melaninogenicus from the root canal system: An in vitro study. J Endod 1986;9:236-41.
  • Gordon SM, Dionne RA, Brahim J, Jabir F, Dubner R. Blockade of peripheral neuronal barrage reduces postoperative pain. Pain 1997; 70:209-15.
  • Dunsky JL, Moore PA. Long-acting local anesthetics: A comparison of bupivacaine and etidocaine in endodontics. J Endod 1984; 10:457- 60.
  • Cohen S, Burns R. Pathways of the pulp 8th ed. St Louis: Mosby 2002:501-20.
  • Alaçam T. Endodonti. Ankara: Barış Yayınları, 2000: 537
  • Moos HL, Bramwell JD, Roahen JO. A comparison of pulpectomy alone versus pulpectomy with trephination for the relief of pain. J Endod 1996;22:422-5.
  • Elliott JA, Holcomb JB. Evaluation of a minimally traumatic alveolar trephination procedure to avoid pain. J Endod 1988;14:405-7.
  • Houck V, Reader A, Beck M, Nist R, Weaver J. Effect of trephination on postoperative pain and swelling in symptomatic necrotic teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2000;90:507-13.
  • Nist E, Reader A, Beck M. Effect of Apical Trephination on Postoperative Pain and Swelling in Symptomatic 2001;27:415-20. Teeth. J Endod
  • Trope M. Relationship of intracanal medicaments flare-ups. to 1990;6:226-9. Dent Traumatol
  • Seltzer S. Endodontology, design and production In: Sigurdsson A, Trope M. Nth Carolina: schooll of dentistry, Chapel Hill. Pian. 3rd edn. Chapter 15. 2000.
  • Doroschak AM, Bowles WR, Hargreaves KM. Evaluation of the combination of flurbiprofen and tramadol for management of endodontic pain. J Endod 1999;25:660-3.
  • Liesinger A, Marshall FJ, Marshall JG. Effect of variable doses of dexamethasone on posttreatment endodontic pain. J Endod 1993;19:35-9.
  • Tekel N. Postoperatif ağrının kontrolünde analjeziklerin rolü. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2007;17:39-45
  • Touyz L, Marchand S. The influence of postoperative telephone calls on pain perception: a study of 118 periodontal surgical procedures. J Orofac Pain 1998;12:219.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Articles

Buğra Güler This is me

Hikmet Aydemir This is me

Publication Date October 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Supplement 11


APA Güler, B., & Aydemir, H. (2015). ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 25, 83-87.
AMA Güler B, Aydemir H. ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. October 2015;25:83-87. doi:10.17567/dfd.92827
Chicago Güler, Buğra, and Hikmet Aydemir. “ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25, October (October 2015): 83-87.
EndNote Güler B, Aydemir H (October 1, 2015) ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 83–87.
IEEE B. Güler and H. Aydemir, “ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 25, pp. 83–87, 2015, doi: 10.17567/dfd.92827.
ISNAD Güler, Buğra - Aydemir, Hikmet. “ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (October 2015), 83-87.
JAMA Güler B, Aydemir H. ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2015;25:83–87.
MLA Güler, Buğra and Hikmet Aydemir. “ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 25, 2015, pp. 83-87, doi:10.17567/dfd.92827.
Vancouver Güler B, Aydemir H. ENDODONTİDE FLARE-UP’IN ÖNLENMESİ VE TEDAVİSİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2015;25:83-7.

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