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Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 534 - 541, 01.12.2016


Restoratif diş hekimliğinde materyal
ve teknolojideki gelişmeler, biyomekanik özelliklerin yanı sıra estetik
beklentileri de arttırmaktadır. Zirkonyum oksit seramik- ler; yüksek esneme
direnci, gerilme ve baskı dayanımı, biyo-uyumluluğu ve estetiği ile restoratif diş hekimli- ğinde geniş
kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Zirkonyum oksit seramikler, sabit bölümlü protezlerde
alt yapı materyali olarak, kanal içi post ve kor uygulamalarında, inley ve
onley restorasyonlarda, implant gövdesi ve dayanak üretiminde kullanılmaktadır.
Bu derlemede, zirkonyu- mun diş hekimliğinde kullanım alanlarıyla ilgili güncel
yaklaşımlar anlatılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: zirkonyum, zirkonyum yapısı, zirkonyum uygulama alanlar 



developments of technology and material in the restorative dentistry, besides its
biomechanical pro- perties, increase the esthetical expectations. Zirconium
oxide ceramics have found wide area of usage in restorative dentistry and high
flexural strength, tensi- le, compression strength, biocompatibility and bioest-
hetics. While they have been also used as framework and endodontic post
material, inlay and onlay restoration and implant abutments as well, they have
been started to use in producing implant recently. In this review, current
approaches related to the area of usage of zirconium in dentistry are being

Keywords: zirconium, structure of zirconium,
application of zirconium


  • 1. Piconi C, Burger W, Richter HG, et al. Y-TZP ceramics for artificial joint replacements. Biomaterials 1998;19:1489-94
  • 2. Elyutin V.P. "Ferroalaşımların İstihsali Elektrometalurji Kitabı, İTÜ Matbaası İstanbul Üniversitesi 17. 1968.p:104-75
  • 3. Conrad HJ, Seong WJ, Pesun IJ. Current ceramic materials and systems with clinical recommendations:A Systematic Review 2007; 98: 389-404.
  • 4. Deville S, Chevalier J, Gremillard L. Influence of surface finish and residual stresses on the ageing sensitivity of biomedical grade zirconia. Biomaterials 2006;27:2186-92.
  • 5. Butler E.P. Transformation-toughened zirconia ceramics. J. Mater Sci Technol 1985;1:417–32.
  • 6. Vagkopoulou T, Koutayas SO, Koidis P, Strub JR. Zirconia in dentistry: part 1. Discovering the nature of an upcoming bioceramic. Eur J Esthet Dent 2009;4:130-51.
  • 7. Karakoca S, Yılmaz H. Zirkonyum ve sabit protezlerde kullanımı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2006;36-44.
  • 8. Uludamar A, Şeyda A, Özkan Y. Zirkonya esaslı tam seramik restorasyonlar. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;132-41.
  • 9. Denry I, Kelly JR. Emerging ceramic-based materials for dentistry. J Dent Res 2014; 93: 1235-42.
  • 10. Almazdi AA, Khajah HM,.Monaco EA Jr, Kim H. Applying microwave technology to sintering dental zirconia. The journal of prosthetic dentistry 2012; 108:304-9.
  • 11. Tsukada G, Sueyoshi H, Kamibayashi H, Tokuda M , Torii M. Bending strength of zirconia/porcelain functionally graded materials prepared using spark plasma sintering. Journal of Dentistry 2014;42:1569-76.
  • 12. Stawarczyk B, Ozcan M, Hallmann L, Ender A, Mehl A, Hämmerlet CH.The effect of zirconia sintering temperature on flexural strength, grain size, and contrast ratio. Clin Oral Investig 2013;17:269–74.
  • 13. Karakoca S, Yilmaz H. Influence of surface treatments on surface roughness, phase transformation, and biaxial flexural strength of Y-TZP ceramics. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2009; 91: 930-7.
  • 14. Ebeid K, Wille S, Hamdy A, Salah T, El-Etreby A, Kern M. Effect of changes in sintering parameters on monolithic translucent zirconia. Dent mater 2014;30:419-24.
  • 15. Suttor D, Bunke K, Hoescheler S, Hauptmann H, Hertlein G. LAVA- the system for all-ceramic ZrO2 crown and bridge frameworks. Int J Comput Dent 2001;4:195-206.
  • 16. Denry I, Kelly JR. State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dent Mater 2008;3:299-307.
  • 17. Zhang Y. Making yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia translucent. Dent Mater 2014;30:1195-203.
  • 18. Piconi C, Maccauro G. Zirconia as a ceramic biomaterial: A review. Biomaterials 1999;20:1-25.
  • 19. Chevalier J, Loh J, Gremillard L, Meille S, Adolfson E. Low-temperature degradation in zirconia with a porous surface. Acta Biomaterialia 2011;7:2986-93.
  • 20. Kim JW, Covel NS, Guess PC, Rekow ED, Zhang Y. Concerns of Hydrothermal Degradation in CAD/CAM Zirconia. J Dent Res 2010;89:91-5
  • 31. Griffin JD Jr. Combining monolithic zirconia crowns, digital impressioning, and regenerative cement for a predictable restorative alternative to PFM. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2013; 34: 212-22.
  • 32. Sato TP, Anami LC, Melo RM, Valandro LF, Bottino MA. Effects of surface treatments on the bond strength between resin cement and a new zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic. Oper Dent 2016;41:284-92.
  • 33. Guess PC, Strub JR, Steinhart N, Wolkewitz M, Stappert CF. All-ceramic partial coverage restorations-midterm results of a 5-year prospective clinical splitmouth study. J Dent 2009;37:627-37.
  • 34. Heymann HO, Bayne SC, Sturdevant JR, Wilder AD Jr, Roberson TM. The clinical performance of CAD-CAM-generated ceramic inlays: a four-year study. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:1171-81.
  • 35. Molin M, Karlsson S. The fit of gold inlays and three ceramic inlay systems. A clinical and in vitro study. Acta odontol Scand 1993;51:201-6.
  • 36. Edelhoff D, Spiekermann H, Yildirim M. “Metal-free inlay-retained fixed partial dentures,” Quintessence Int 2001;32:269–81.
  • 37. O’Brien WJ: Dental Materials and Their Selection. 3 ed. Quintessence 2002.p.210-25.
  • 38. Stappert CF, Att W, Gerds T, Strub JR. Fracture resistance of different partial-coverage ceramic molar restorations An in vitro investigation. J Am Dent Assoc 2006;137:514-22.
  • 39. Barghi N, Fisher DE, Vatani L. Effects of porcelain leucite content, types of etchants, and etching time on porcelain-composite bond. J Esthet Restor Dent 2006;18:47-52.
  • 40. Kramer N, Taschner M, Lohbauer U, Petschelt A, Frankenberger R. Totally bonded ceramic inlays and onlays after eight years. Adhes Dent 2008;10:307-14.
  • 41. Goodacre CJ, Bernal G, Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY. Clinical complications in fixed prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:31-41.
  • 42. Raigrodski AJ, Chiche GJ, Potiket N, Hochstedler JL, Mohamed SE, Billiot S, Mercante DE. The efficacy of posterior three-unit zirconium-oxide-based ceramic fixed partial dental prostheses: a prospective clinical pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 2006;96:237-44.
  • 43. Mynampati P, Babu MR, Saraswathi DD, Kumar JR, Gudugunta L, Gaddam D. Comparison of structure fracture resistance and failure pattern of endodontically treated premolars with diffrent esthetic onlay systems: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent 2015;18:140-3.
  • 44. Denry I, Kelly JR. State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dent Mater 2008;24:299–307.
  • 45. Wolfart S, Ludwig K, Uphaus A, Kern M. Fracture strength of all-ceramic posterior inlay-retained fixed partial dentures. Dent Mater 2007;23:1513–20.
  • 46. Puschmann D, Wolfart S, Ludwig K, Kern M. Load-bearing capacity of all-ceramic posterior inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:312–8.
  • 47. Thompson JY, Stoner BR, Piascik JR, Smith R. Adhesion/ cementation to zirconia and other non-silicate ceramics: where are we now? Dent Mater 2011; 27: 71-82.
  • 48. Jevnikar P, Krnel K, Kocjan A, Funduk N, Kosmac T. The effect of nano-structured alumina coating on resin-bond strength to zirconia ceramics. Dent Mater 2010; 26:688-96.
  • 49. Roediger M, Gersdorff N, Huels A, Rinke S. Prospective evaluation of zirconia posterior fixed partial dentures: four-year clinical results. Int J Prosthodont 2010 ;23:141-8.
  • 50. Re D, Augusti D, Augusti G, Giovannetti A, “Early bond strength to low-pressure sandblasted zirconia: evaluation of a self-adhesive cement,” Eur J Esthet Dent 2012;7:164-75
  • 61. Jung RE, Sailer I, Hämmerle CH, Attin T, Schmidlin P. In vitro color change of soft tissues caused by restorative materials. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2007;27:251-7.
  • 62. Sailer I, Zembic A, Jung RE, Hämmerle CH, Mattiola A. Single-tooth implant reconstructions: esthetic factors influencing the decision between titanium and zirconia abutments in anterior regions. Eur J Esthet Dent 2007; 2: 296–310.
  • 63. Glauser R, Sailer I, Wohlwend A, Studer S, Schibli M, Schärer P. Experimental zirconia abutments for implant-supported single-tooth restorations in esthetically demanding regions: 4-year results of a prospective clinical study. Int J Prosthodont 2004;17:285-90.
  • 67. Gehrke P, Johannson D, Fischer C, Stawarczky B, Beuer F. In vitro fatigue and fracture resistance of one- and two-piece CAD/CAM zirconia implant abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2015;30:546-54.
  • 68. Gehrke P, Alius J, Fischer C, Erdelt KJ, Beuer F.Retentive strength of two –piece CAD/CAM zirconia implant abutments.Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2014;16:920-5.
  • 69. Ebert A, Hedderich J, Kern M. Retention of zirconia ceramic copings bonded to titanium abutments. Int J OralMaxillofac Implants 2007; 22:921–927.
  • 70. Nejatidanesh F, Savabi O, Shahtoosi M. Retention of implant-supported zirconium oxide ceramic restorations using different luting agents. Clin Oral Implants Res 2013;24:20-4.
  • 71. Aydin C, Yilmaz H, Ata SO. Single-tooth zirconia implant located in anterior maxilla. A clinical report. N Y State Dent J 2010;76:30-3.
  • 72. Sennerby L, Dasmah A, Larsson B, Iverhed M. Bone tissue responses to surface-modified zirconia implants: A histomorphometric and removal torque study in the rabbit. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7:13-20.
  • 73. Gahlert M, Gudeus T, Eichhorn S, Steinhauser E, Kniha H, Erhardt W. Biomechanical and histomorphometric comparison between zirconia implants with varying surface textures and a titanium implant in the maxilla of miniature pigs. Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18:662-8.
  • 74. Kohal RJ, Wolkewitz M, Hinze M, Han JS, Bachle M, Butz F. Biomechanical and histological behavior of zirconia implants: an experiment in the rat. Clin Oral Implants Res 2009;20:333-9.
  • 75. Piconi C, Maccauro G. Zirconia as a ceramic biomaterial. Biomaterials 1999;20:1-25.
  • 76. Gahlert M, Burtscher D, Grunert I, Kniha H, Steinhauser E. Failure analysis of fractured dental zirconia implants. Clin Oral Implants 2012;23:287-93.
Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 534 - 541, 01.12.2016



  • 1. Piconi C, Burger W, Richter HG, et al. Y-TZP ceramics for artificial joint replacements. Biomaterials 1998;19:1489-94
  • 2. Elyutin V.P. "Ferroalaşımların İstihsali Elektrometalurji Kitabı, İTÜ Matbaası İstanbul Üniversitesi 17. 1968.p:104-75
  • 3. Conrad HJ, Seong WJ, Pesun IJ. Current ceramic materials and systems with clinical recommendations:A Systematic Review 2007; 98: 389-404.
  • 4. Deville S, Chevalier J, Gremillard L. Influence of surface finish and residual stresses on the ageing sensitivity of biomedical grade zirconia. Biomaterials 2006;27:2186-92.
  • 5. Butler E.P. Transformation-toughened zirconia ceramics. J. Mater Sci Technol 1985;1:417–32.
  • 6. Vagkopoulou T, Koutayas SO, Koidis P, Strub JR. Zirconia in dentistry: part 1. Discovering the nature of an upcoming bioceramic. Eur J Esthet Dent 2009;4:130-51.
  • 7. Karakoca S, Yılmaz H. Zirkonyum ve sabit protezlerde kullanımı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2006;36-44.
  • 8. Uludamar A, Şeyda A, Özkan Y. Zirkonya esaslı tam seramik restorasyonlar. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;132-41.
  • 9. Denry I, Kelly JR. Emerging ceramic-based materials for dentistry. J Dent Res 2014; 93: 1235-42.
  • 10. Almazdi AA, Khajah HM,.Monaco EA Jr, Kim H. Applying microwave technology to sintering dental zirconia. The journal of prosthetic dentistry 2012; 108:304-9.
  • 11. Tsukada G, Sueyoshi H, Kamibayashi H, Tokuda M , Torii M. Bending strength of zirconia/porcelain functionally graded materials prepared using spark plasma sintering. Journal of Dentistry 2014;42:1569-76.
  • 12. Stawarczyk B, Ozcan M, Hallmann L, Ender A, Mehl A, Hämmerlet CH.The effect of zirconia sintering temperature on flexural strength, grain size, and contrast ratio. Clin Oral Investig 2013;17:269–74.
  • 13. Karakoca S, Yilmaz H. Influence of surface treatments on surface roughness, phase transformation, and biaxial flexural strength of Y-TZP ceramics. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2009; 91: 930-7.
  • 14. Ebeid K, Wille S, Hamdy A, Salah T, El-Etreby A, Kern M. Effect of changes in sintering parameters on monolithic translucent zirconia. Dent mater 2014;30:419-24.
  • 15. Suttor D, Bunke K, Hoescheler S, Hauptmann H, Hertlein G. LAVA- the system for all-ceramic ZrO2 crown and bridge frameworks. Int J Comput Dent 2001;4:195-206.
  • 16. Denry I, Kelly JR. State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dent Mater 2008;3:299-307.
  • 17. Zhang Y. Making yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia translucent. Dent Mater 2014;30:1195-203.
  • 18. Piconi C, Maccauro G. Zirconia as a ceramic biomaterial: A review. Biomaterials 1999;20:1-25.
  • 19. Chevalier J, Loh J, Gremillard L, Meille S, Adolfson E. Low-temperature degradation in zirconia with a porous surface. Acta Biomaterialia 2011;7:2986-93.
  • 20. Kim JW, Covel NS, Guess PC, Rekow ED, Zhang Y. Concerns of Hydrothermal Degradation in CAD/CAM Zirconia. J Dent Res 2010;89:91-5
  • 31. Griffin JD Jr. Combining monolithic zirconia crowns, digital impressioning, and regenerative cement for a predictable restorative alternative to PFM. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2013; 34: 212-22.
  • 32. Sato TP, Anami LC, Melo RM, Valandro LF, Bottino MA. Effects of surface treatments on the bond strength between resin cement and a new zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic. Oper Dent 2016;41:284-92.
  • 33. Guess PC, Strub JR, Steinhart N, Wolkewitz M, Stappert CF. All-ceramic partial coverage restorations-midterm results of a 5-year prospective clinical splitmouth study. J Dent 2009;37:627-37.
  • 34. Heymann HO, Bayne SC, Sturdevant JR, Wilder AD Jr, Roberson TM. The clinical performance of CAD-CAM-generated ceramic inlays: a four-year study. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:1171-81.
  • 35. Molin M, Karlsson S. The fit of gold inlays and three ceramic inlay systems. A clinical and in vitro study. Acta odontol Scand 1993;51:201-6.
  • 36. Edelhoff D, Spiekermann H, Yildirim M. “Metal-free inlay-retained fixed partial dentures,” Quintessence Int 2001;32:269–81.
  • 37. O’Brien WJ: Dental Materials and Their Selection. 3 ed. Quintessence 2002.p.210-25.
  • 38. Stappert CF, Att W, Gerds T, Strub JR. Fracture resistance of different partial-coverage ceramic molar restorations An in vitro investigation. J Am Dent Assoc 2006;137:514-22.
  • 39. Barghi N, Fisher DE, Vatani L. Effects of porcelain leucite content, types of etchants, and etching time on porcelain-composite bond. J Esthet Restor Dent 2006;18:47-52.
  • 40. Kramer N, Taschner M, Lohbauer U, Petschelt A, Frankenberger R. Totally bonded ceramic inlays and onlays after eight years. Adhes Dent 2008;10:307-14.
  • 41. Goodacre CJ, Bernal G, Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY. Clinical complications in fixed prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:31-41.
  • 42. Raigrodski AJ, Chiche GJ, Potiket N, Hochstedler JL, Mohamed SE, Billiot S, Mercante DE. The efficacy of posterior three-unit zirconium-oxide-based ceramic fixed partial dental prostheses: a prospective clinical pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 2006;96:237-44.
  • 43. Mynampati P, Babu MR, Saraswathi DD, Kumar JR, Gudugunta L, Gaddam D. Comparison of structure fracture resistance and failure pattern of endodontically treated premolars with diffrent esthetic onlay systems: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent 2015;18:140-3.
  • 44. Denry I, Kelly JR. State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dent Mater 2008;24:299–307.
  • 45. Wolfart S, Ludwig K, Uphaus A, Kern M. Fracture strength of all-ceramic posterior inlay-retained fixed partial dentures. Dent Mater 2007;23:1513–20.
  • 46. Puschmann D, Wolfart S, Ludwig K, Kern M. Load-bearing capacity of all-ceramic posterior inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:312–8.
  • 47. Thompson JY, Stoner BR, Piascik JR, Smith R. Adhesion/ cementation to zirconia and other non-silicate ceramics: where are we now? Dent Mater 2011; 27: 71-82.
  • 48. Jevnikar P, Krnel K, Kocjan A, Funduk N, Kosmac T. The effect of nano-structured alumina coating on resin-bond strength to zirconia ceramics. Dent Mater 2010; 26:688-96.
  • 49. Roediger M, Gersdorff N, Huels A, Rinke S. Prospective evaluation of zirconia posterior fixed partial dentures: four-year clinical results. Int J Prosthodont 2010 ;23:141-8.
  • 50. Re D, Augusti D, Augusti G, Giovannetti A, “Early bond strength to low-pressure sandblasted zirconia: evaluation of a self-adhesive cement,” Eur J Esthet Dent 2012;7:164-75
  • 61. Jung RE, Sailer I, Hämmerle CH, Attin T, Schmidlin P. In vitro color change of soft tissues caused by restorative materials. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2007;27:251-7.
  • 62. Sailer I, Zembic A, Jung RE, Hämmerle CH, Mattiola A. Single-tooth implant reconstructions: esthetic factors influencing the decision between titanium and zirconia abutments in anterior regions. Eur J Esthet Dent 2007; 2: 296–310.
  • 63. Glauser R, Sailer I, Wohlwend A, Studer S, Schibli M, Schärer P. Experimental zirconia abutments for implant-supported single-tooth restorations in esthetically demanding regions: 4-year results of a prospective clinical study. Int J Prosthodont 2004;17:285-90.
  • 67. Gehrke P, Johannson D, Fischer C, Stawarczky B, Beuer F. In vitro fatigue and fracture resistance of one- and two-piece CAD/CAM zirconia implant abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2015;30:546-54.
  • 68. Gehrke P, Alius J, Fischer C, Erdelt KJ, Beuer F.Retentive strength of two –piece CAD/CAM zirconia implant abutments.Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2014;16:920-5.
  • 69. Ebert A, Hedderich J, Kern M. Retention of zirconia ceramic copings bonded to titanium abutments. Int J OralMaxillofac Implants 2007; 22:921–927.
  • 70. Nejatidanesh F, Savabi O, Shahtoosi M. Retention of implant-supported zirconium oxide ceramic restorations using different luting agents. Clin Oral Implants Res 2013;24:20-4.
  • 71. Aydin C, Yilmaz H, Ata SO. Single-tooth zirconia implant located in anterior maxilla. A clinical report. N Y State Dent J 2010;76:30-3.
  • 72. Sennerby L, Dasmah A, Larsson B, Iverhed M. Bone tissue responses to surface-modified zirconia implants: A histomorphometric and removal torque study in the rabbit. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7:13-20.
  • 73. Gahlert M, Gudeus T, Eichhorn S, Steinhauser E, Kniha H, Erhardt W. Biomechanical and histomorphometric comparison between zirconia implants with varying surface textures and a titanium implant in the maxilla of miniature pigs. Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18:662-8.
  • 74. Kohal RJ, Wolkewitz M, Hinze M, Han JS, Bachle M, Butz F. Biomechanical and histological behavior of zirconia implants: an experiment in the rat. Clin Oral Implants Res 2009;20:333-9.
  • 75. Piconi C, Maccauro G. Zirconia as a ceramic biomaterial. Biomaterials 1999;20:1-25.
  • 76. Gahlert M, Burtscher D, Grunert I, Kniha H, Steinhauser E. Failure analysis of fractured dental zirconia implants. Clin Oral Implants 2012;23:287-93.
There are 53 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Merve Varol This is me

M. Barış Güncü This is me

Güliz Aktaş

M. Şenay Canay This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Varol, M., Güncü, M. B., Aktaş, G., Canay, M. Ş. (2016). DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(3), 534-541.
AMA Varol M, Güncü MB, Aktaş G, Canay MŞ. DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. December 2016;26(3):534-541. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.290451
Chicago Varol, Merve, M. Barış Güncü, Güliz Aktaş, and M. Şenay Canay. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM Ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 26, no. 3 (December 2016): 534-41.
EndNote Varol M, Güncü MB, Aktaş G, Canay MŞ (December 1, 2016) DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 26 3 534–541.
IEEE M. Varol, M. B. Güncü, G. Aktaş, and M. Ş. Canay, “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 534–541, 2016, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.290451.
ISNAD Varol, Merve et al. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM Ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 26/3 (December 2016), 534-541.
MLA Varol, Merve et al. “DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM Ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 3, 2016, pp. 534-41, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.290451.
Vancouver Varol M, Güncü MB, Aktaş G, Canay MŞ. DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ PRATİĞİNDE ZİRKONYUM ve UYGULAMALARINA PANORAMİK BAKIŞ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2016;26(3):534-41.

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